Science 5 Achievement Test 2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros


NAME: __________________________________________
Grade and Section: _____________________Date: ______________ Score: _____________
Directions:Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer .

1. What do you think caused the rock to break open?

A.The continuous blowing of the wind.
B.The continuous change in temperature.
C.Repeated freezing and thawing of water.
D.The roots of plants drive the rocks apart.
2. The picture below is the magnificent lime formation in the Underground River, Palawan. Notice the edges formed
around the limestone. How is the water affecting the shape of these
A.Water and rock particles react with oxygen to form edges.
B.. Water increases the mineral causing the edges to appear.Water
comes in contact with minerals, dissolving them and forming edges.
C..Water reacts with carbon dioxide, it creates carbonic acid, which can
dissolve softer rocks.
3. During chemical weathering, what will happen to the type of rock if it has undergone chemical weathering?
A. No new rock is formed.
B. A new rock is formed, the same as the original rock.
C. A new rock is formed, larger than the original rock.
D. A new rock is formed, different from the original rock.
4. The diagram shows a natural process that weathers rock.
A. Gravity caused the rock to break apart.
B. The plant’s roots grow larger, and they wedge open the crack.
C. By creating a hole to live in, the animal may break apart rock.
D.Strong winds caused blasting sand against rock surfaces making it break.
5. Marivic observed that their house was covered with climbing vines. She hired their neighbor to immediately
remove the plants. Why is that so?
A.Plants erode concrete.
B.Plants encourage insects whose excrete can greatly damage concrete.
C.Leaves that decompose release acids that break down paint and concrete.
D.Plants encourage the growth of molds and other fungi that would damage the house.
6. During heavy rain, classes were suspended in schools. While walking home, Nena noticed the very dark brown
color of the water coming from the river. What can you infer from the situation?
A. Big waves carried the soil.
B. Landslides carried the soil.
C. Water carried the soil from higher ground.
D. Strong wind carried the soil from the lower ground.
7. The following activities below cause weathering of rocks. Which of these are caused by human activities?

A. B. C. D.
8. The picture shows thawing and freezing. How does it contribute to
weathering of rocks? It causes the rocks _____________.
A. To last longer. C. To fall in landslides.
B. To keep in place. D. To expand, crack, and break.
9. Noel noticed thick dust forming on their windowsill. What will happen to the sediments continuously carried by the
wind, flowing water, sea, or ice for a long period of time?
A. It will move topsoil. C. It will form new land features
B. It will wash away beaches. D.It will break down large rocks into smaller ones
10. During an activity in their Science class, the pupils use a fan to blow piles of sand. It created changes in the pile of
sand. What natural process of weathering does it model?
A. Forming of deltas. C. It will form new land features.
B. Forming of sand dunes. D.It will break down large rocks into smaller ones.
11. Study the pictures below, which of the following activities shown can cause soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, and
even global warming?

A. B. . C. D.
12. The figure
shows crops planted on terraces. What factor do you think was considered in planting it?
A. Slope of land.
B. Presence of land crops.
C. Dryness and size of soil particles.
D. Strenght and volume of running water.
13. Compare the illustrations below. Which figure is more likely to soil to be carried away by wind or running water?
A. Figure A
due to the
B. Figure B due to the absence of vegetation.
C. Figure A due to the presence of good soil for planting.
D. Figure B due to the absence of good soil for planting.
14. Study the figure shown. How does the shape of land affect the soil erosion?
A. Erosion will be decreased.
B. Erosion will be accelerated.
C. Erosion will not likely happen.
D. Erosion will be more likely to happen.
15. Topsoil that washes away is rich in nitrogen-based fertilizers, it combines with other nutrients in the water to
support algae blooms. How would this affect the aquatic animals?
A. Increased nutrients in the water.
B. Reduce oxygen which leads to fish kill.
C. Increase oxygen which leads to the growth of fish.
D. Decrease in oxygen which leads to more algae growth.
16. Mang Tunying’s farm is located on a hillside. How do you think would this affect the yield of his crops?
A. Yield increases due to soil fertility.
B. Yield decreases due to loss of soil fertility.
C. Yield increases due to its topographic feature.
D. Yield decreases due to the flow of running water in the area.
17. The figure shows bare land that is prone to soil erosion. What could be done best to preserve the nutrients of its
A. Terrace planting C. Putting up water irrigation
B. Planting a cover crop D.Using farm chemicals to increase nutrients in the soil
18. The Grade Five Teacher discusses a new lesson with her class this morning, she asked ‘’Which of the following
refers to the atmosphere’s condition at a certain period of time?
A.Season B. Climate C. Weather D.Phenomenon
19. Mrs. Sanchez feel uncomfortable about the condition of the atmosphere this afternoon. What does a funnel-like
shaped cloud in the sky indicates?
A. A tornado is approaching.
B. A strong typhoon is coming.
C. Loud roars of thunder will be heard.
D. Sharp flashes of lightning will dart across the sky.
20. Susan is a clever girl. She always participated during class recitations. She wondered many things about the low-
pressure area and one of her questions is about what low-pressure area forms in the tropics over the seas and
A.Thunderstorm B. Tropical Cyclone C. Tropical Depression D. Tropical Disturbance
21. A barometer is hanging on the wall in your Science Room. You noticed the barometer, the reading indicates a
falling air pressure. What kind of weather is likely to occur?
A. The weather will be fair. C. A bright and sunny day
B. A tornado is in the area. D.A bad weather is approaching
22. The Philippines is always experiencing different weather disturbances. Which tropical cyclone has maximum
sustaining winds of 62 to 88 kph?
A. Typhoon B.Super Typhoon C.Tropical Storm D.Tropical Depression
23. PAGASA monitors the weather in the Philippines. What does PAGASA stands for?
A. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Association
B. Philippine Astronomical, Geophysical, and Atmospheric Services Association
C. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration
D. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astrophysical Services Administration
24. Rainy weathers is not always caused by a tropical cyclone or typhoon. This could be made by the monsoon that
develops. Which of the following describes a monsoon?
A. Type of weather made up of strong wind and rain.
B. Type of weather made up of strong wind and snow.
C. Type of weather made up of strong sleet and wind.
D. Type of weather made up of strong wind and flood
25. Low pressure joins and stengthens a monsoon. What monsoon absorbed much water vapor from the ocean that
brings heavy rains to the Philippines?
A. Easterly waves C.Southwest Monsoon or ‘’Habagat’’
B. Northeast Monsoon or ‘’Amihan’’ D.Intertropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ
26. Rice fields are everywhere in our country and these are most affected when there is a typhoon. Which best
describes a rice field after a typhoon?
A. Farmers harvesting the rice seedlings.
B. Calm, rice seedlings slightly blowing by the wind.
C. The rice seedlings have been drowned by the flood.
D. The rice fields are not wet and rice seedlings are intact.
27. Typhoons can be observed and experienced. Which of these is NOT observed during a typhoon?
A. Big waves near the coast. C. Flash floods due to heavy rainfall
B. Uprooted trees and crops. D.Some areas are still flooded and recovering from the typhoon.
28. PAGASA raised Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 3 in Metro Manila. Which describes TWCS no. 3?
A. A wind of 39 – 61 kph is expected within 36 hours.
B. A wind of 62 – 88 kph is expected within 24 hours.
C. A wind of 89 – 117 kph is expected within 18 hours.
D. A wind of 118 – 184 kph is expected within 12 hours.
29. Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 4 was raised by PAGASA. Which of the following is the effect of very strong
winds of signal no. 4 on the transportation system?
A. Travel by air and sea is not allowed.
B. Travel by air is not allowed but not by the sea
C. Travel by sea is allowed but not by the air.
D. It is safe to travel both in the air and at sea.
30. Storm surge is an abnormal rise in seawater level during a storm. Which of the following is greatly affected when
there is a storm surge?
A. Water operations C. Infrastructures or buildings
B. Tress and other plants D.People living in the coastal area
31. Weather bulletins are posted and issued by PAGASA to warn people on what purpose?
A. Time to party C. Time for swimming
B. Time to prepare D.Time to see a movie
32. Not only humans and animals can be affected by typhoons. What is the effect of the destructive forces of
typhoons on plants?
A. Roads are not passable. C. Fishing boats are destroyed
B. Blows the roof of houses. D.Uproot trees and other vegetation.
33. Look at the picture on the right. Which of the following is an effect of the typhoon on infrastructures?
A. Typhoon can make roads not passable.
B. Typhoon can cause starvation and low food supply.
C. Typhoon can cause harm to trees and other vegetation.
D. Typhoon can destroy fishing boats, cruise ships, and other vessels.
34. The following are some precautionary measures when there is a typhoon. Which practice is the best to do after a
A. Prepare an emergency kit.
B. Keep enough supply of water, food, and medicines.
C. Be alert of your local officials’ advisory if you need to evacuate.
D. Ask an electrician to check electrical wirings that were soaked in flood water.
35. The Moon is a fami;iar object in the night sky. However it has no light of its own, it gets light from the Sun. It
shines by what kind of light?
A. Artificial light C. Reflected light
B. Electric light D. Bouncing light
36. During this phase, the lighted half of the moon is facing the sun and the dark side faces the Earth. What moon
phase is observed when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun?
A. Full moon B. New moon C. First quarter moon D. Last quarter moon
37. One night, Lorraine was looking at the moon. She saw this figure.
What phase of the moon did she observe?
A. Waning gibbous moon C. Waning cresent moon
B. Waxing gubbous moon D.Waxing cresent moon
38. Which position of the earth, moon, and sun shows a full moon?
Sun Earth Moon

A. . C.
B. . D.

39. The figure on the right shows how the moon appears to have different shapes. Why do you see different phases
of the moon?
A. Because the moon has no atmosphere
B. Because the moon is smalller than the earth
C. Because you see only the dark side of the moon
D. Because the moon rotates and revolves at the same length of time.
40. The phases of the moon are determined by the relative positions of Earth, the moon, and the sun. What is the
effect of the rotation of the moon and its revolution around the Earth?
A. Different side of the moon faces Earth each day.
B. Each day, only one side of the moon faces Earth.
C. The other side of the moon is seen only during a full moon.
D. There are months when a phase of the moon appears more than eight.
41. The moon started its orbit from a spot exactly between Earth and the sun. How many days the moon would return
to almost the same spot?
A. 27 ½ days B. 28 ½ days C. 29 ½ days D.30 ½ days
42. Look at the picture on the right. Which of these best describes the movement of the Moon, Earth, and the Sun?
A. Moon and Sun revolves around the Earth at the same speed.
B. Moon revolves around the Earth, Earth revolves around the Sun.
C. Moon revolves around the Earth, Sun revolves around the Earth.
D. Sun revolves aroung the Moon, Moon revolves around the Earth.
43. Study the diagram that shows the Lunar Calendar of January to March 2023. What phase of the moon is on the
29th of March? January February March

6 15 21 28 5 13 20 27 7 15 21 29
A. New moon B. Full moon C. First quarter moon D. Last quarter moon
44. Through the ages, a lot of superstitions and practices have always been linked to the moon. Which of these is
NOT a superstitious belief about the moon?
A. Evil creatures appear during a full moon.
B. People are crazier during the full moon.
C. Werewolves come out and find food only during the full moon.
D. If you will look directly at the sun during an eclipse, your eyes can be harmed.
45. Many beliefs about the moon are rooted in folklore. For example, the new moon is the best time to plant crops.
Why do some people have superstitious beliefs about the moon?
A. Some people don’t believe in modern technology.
B. People had proven that the moon affects their lives significantly.
C. Some people, long time ago are very fascinated about the moon.
D. Ancient people believe that the moon has a direct influence on the lives of people which is passed on
from generation to generation.
46. Refer to the table below. What color of the star has the lowest surface temperature?
Color Surface Temperarture
Blue Above 30,000
Blue-White 10,000-30,000
Yellow-White 6,000-7,500
Yellow 5,000-6,000
Orange 3,500-5,500
Red Less than 3,500
A. Red B. Blue C. Orange D. Yellow
47. Which of the constellations below is the Big Dipper?


48. Jomar loves to read about constellations. He learned that in the northern sky forms like a big W or M. What is the
name of this constellation?
A. Cancer B. Cassiopeia C. Ursa Major D. Ursa Minor
49. Constellations are useful because they can help people to recognize stars in the sky. Why are constellations
important to people?
A. They are used to praise gods.
B. They help mariners and navigators find directions.
C. They brighten the sky with their beautiful patterns.
D. They are used to tell horoscopes or fortune telling in astrology.
50. Once there were no clocks to tell time. People relied on constellations. Which is NOT a way that people used
constellations to tell time?
A. Farmers studied constellations to mark seasons.
B. Sailors used constellations to steer their ships at night.
C. Construction workers used constellations to build roads.
D. Astronomers used constellation to measure and tell seasons.

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