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IPO Frenzy: The Craze of Going Public

The multifaceted journey of Initial Public Offerings within the Indian context. The surge is ascribed
to India’s robust economic growth, a burgeoning middle class, and notable successes, particularly
in the technology and e-commerce sectors. Regulatory reforms led by SEBI play a pivotal role in
simplifying the IPO process, rendering it more accessible. Concurrently, government initiatives like
‘Make in India’ fuel entrepreneurial aspirations, contributing to a wave of startups opting for public


The IPO frenzy in India is fuelled by a confluence of
factors that underscore the vibrant and dynamic nature
of the country’s capital markets. Firstly, robust economic
growth and a burgeoning middle class have heightened
investor appetite for opportunities in the equity market.
Success stories of Indian companies achieving substantial
valuations post-IPO, especially in the technology
and e-commerce sectors, have further amplified this
CS Aashita Vishwakarma, ACS enthusiasm. Additionally, regulatory reforms and
Assistant Company Secretary initiatives aimed at simplifying the IPO process, such
Seven Islands Shipping Limited as Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) efforts
Mumbai, Maharashtra to streamline listing requirements and initiatives like reducing the listing timeline, simplifying disclosure
norms, and introducing the concept of anchor investors
have made the IPO route more attractive for companies to

go public. The government’s focus on promoting startups
and fostering entrepreneurship through initiatives like
n the ever-evolving landscape of financial
‘Make in India’ has also contributed to the IPO surge,
markets, the allure of Initial Public Offerings
with numerous startups seeking public listings to
(IPOs) has captured the imagination of investors,
scale their operations. The Indian IPO frenzy reflects a
entrepreneurs, and the public alike. An IPO
landscape where economic optimism, regulatory support,
marks a pivotal moment in a company’s journey,
and entrepreneurial dynamism converge to create a
transforming it from a privately held entity to one that is
compelling environment for companies to embrace the
publicly traded. Recent years have witnessed a remarkable
public markets.
surge in IPO activity, with high-profile companies
making headlines as they navigate the intricate process
of going public. This surge has not only redefined the way
businesses raise capital but has also become a barometer The IPO process in India involves a series of meticulously
reflecting the dynamism of the global economy. orchestrated steps, governed by regulatory frameworks
to ensure transparency and protect investor interests.
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The Below are the specific steps/procedure involved for
successful listing of the equity shares of a company on the
Delving into the historical tapestry of IPOs unveils a
stock exchanges:
fascinating journey that mirrors the evolution of financial
markets. The roots of IPOs can be traced back to the early a) Preparation and Due Diligence:
days of stock exchanges, where companies sought capital
by issuing shares to the public. Before embarking on the IPO journey in India,
companies engage in a comprehensive phase of
However, it was in the 1600s with the formation of the preparation and due diligence. This critical stage
Amsterdam Stock Exchange that a more organized involves a thorough examination of the company’s
market for trading stocks emerged. Over the centuries, internal operations, financial health, and adherence
IPOs became a conduit for funding ambitious ventures, to regulatory requirements.
notably during the industrial revolution. The 20th century
witnessed the proliferation of IPOs, punctuated by 1. Internal Assessment: Companies conduct a
landmark events such as the dot-com boom in the late meticulous internal assessment, scrutinizing
1990s. These historical milestones not only shaped their financial records, operational processes,
the IPO landscape but also laid the groundwork for and overall business structure. This process aims
the fervour and excitement surrounding companies’ to identify and address any potential issues that
decisions to go public in the present day. may impact the IPO.


ARTICLE IPO Frenzy: The Craze of Going Public

2. Financial Evaluation: Rigorous financial due 1. Financial Advisors:

diligence is paramount. Companies ensure their
financial statements are accurate, transparent, Role: Provide financial expertise, valuation
and comply with accounting standards. This guidance, and assist in determining the IPO
involves scrutinizing revenue streams, expenses, price.
assets, and liabilities.
Importance: Ensures that the company’s
3. Governance Structures: Companies review valuation is aligned with market expectations,
and strengthen their governance structures. maximizing investor interest.
This includes assessing the composition of the 2. Legal Counsel:
board, the effectiveness of internal controls, and
compliance with corporate governance norms. Role: Navigate complex legal frameworks,
conduct due diligence, and ensure compliance
4. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
with regulatory requirements is a key facet.
Companies must identify and rectify any lapses Importance: Helps in identifying and addressing
in adherence to legal and regulatory frameworks legal issues, minimizing legal risks during the
to avoid obstacles during the regulatory review IPO.
3. Underwriters:
5. Risk Analysis: A comprehensive risk analysis
is conducted to identify potential risks and Role: Facilitate the offering by purchasing shares
uncertainties. Companies work to mitigate these from the company and selling them to the public.
risks or provide transparent disclosure in the IPO
Importance: Underwriters play a crucial role
documents to keep investors informed.
in market-making, pricing, and distribution of
6. Legal Scrutiny: Legal due diligence involves a shares, influencing the IPO’s success.
detailed examination of contracts, agreements, 4. Auditors:
and potential legal issues. This process ensures
that the company is not encumbered by legal Role: Conduct independent audits to validate the
challenges that could affect its ability to go public. company’s financial statements.
7. Technology and Operations: Assessing the Importance: Builds investor trust by ensuring the
company’s technological infrastructure and accuracy and reliability of financial information.
operational capabilities is vital. Companies need
to ensure that their systems are robust enough 5. Investor Relations Advisors:
to handle the demands of being a publicly traded
entity. Role: Develop communication strategies to
engage with investors and manage relationships
8. Preparation of IPO Documents: Based on the post-IPO.
findings of the due diligence process, companies
prepare the necessary documents, including the Importance: Facilitates effective communication,
DRHP. These documents provide a comprehensive fostering a positive relationship between the
overview of the company’s business, financials, company and its shareholders.
and risk factors.
6. Public Relations (PR) Firms:
Successful preparation and due diligence set the Role: Craft a compelling narrative for the
foundation for a smooth IPO process, instilling company, manage media relations, and enhance
confidence in both regulators and potential investors. public perception.
This proactive approach helps companies address issues
beforehand, ensuring transparency and minimizing Importance: Shapes the company’s public image,
potential hurdles as they move forward in the crucial for building investor confidence and
IPO journey. market interest.
b) Selection of Advisors: 7. Regulatory and Compliance Experts:
Engaging with experienced financial advisors, Role: Ensure adherence to regulatory
underwriters, and legal counsel is crucial. A successful requirements, guide the company through the
transition to the public markets can be achieved by regulatory approval process.
selecting seasoned advisors. These professionals play
instrumental roles in guiding companies through the Importance: Helps in avoiding regulatory hurdles
complexities of the IPO process, ensuring compliance and ensures a smooth approval process with
with regulatory norms. bodies like the SEBI.


IPO Frenzy: The Craze of Going Public

8. Technology Advisors: company’s journey, detailing its business model,
growth strategies, and competitive advantages.
Role: Evaluate and enhance the company’s Comprehensive financial disclosures, including
technological infrastructure to meet the historical financial performance and future
demands of being a publicly traded entity. projections, are a key component of the document.
Importance: Ensures that systems are robust, 2. Ensuring Regulatory Compliance: The
secure, and can handle increased scrutiny and preparation of the DRHP involves a meticulous
trading volumes. review to ensure adherence to the regulatory
guidelines set by the SEBI. Companies must
Assembling a competent advisory team is akin to comply with SEBI’s disclosure norms, governance
crafting a skilled crew for a voyage into uncharted waters. standards, and other stipulations to safeguard
Each advisor brings unique expertise, contributing to investor interests.
the overall success of the IPO. The synergy of these
professionals helps companies navigate the intricacies of 3. Legal Scrutiny and Due Diligence: Legal
the IPO process, from regulatory compliance to market counsel plays a crucial role in conducting due
positioning, ultimately maximizing the chances of a diligence to identify and address any potential
successful public debut. legal challenges. The DRHP includes legal
disclosures, risk factors, and pending litigations,
c) Filing the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP): offering a transparent view of the company’s legal
The company, with the assistance of its advisors,
prepares and files the DRHP with SEBI. This The filing of the DRHP sets the stage for the company’s
document provides detailed information about the foray into the public markets, providing investors with
company’s business, financials, and the proposed the foundational information needed to make informed
IPO. decisions about participating in the IPO.
The filing of the DRHP is a pivotal stage in the IPO d) SEBI Review:
process, representing a formal step toward entering
the stock markets. This stage involves the submission SEBI reviews the DRHP to ensure compliance with
of a comprehensive document to the regulatory disclosure norms and investor protection regulations
authorities, providing potential investors with a to validate compliance with regulatory norms. SEBI
preliminary insight into the company’s financial may provide feedback or seek clarifications during
health, operations, and the proposed IPO. this stage, and the company along with its advisors
must respond promptly to address SEBI’s queries,
1. Documenting the Company’s Story: The providing additional information or clarification as
DRHP serves as a narrative that outlines the required.


ARTICLE IPO Frenzy: The Craze of Going Public

If necessary, the company makes amendments

to the DRHP based on SEBI’s feedback. This
iterative process ensures that the document
aligns with regulatory standards and effectively The IPO frenzy in India is fuelled by a
communicates essential information to potential confluence of factors that underscore the
investors. vibrant and dynamic nature of the country’s
e) Final Approval from SEBI:
capital markets. Firstly, robust economic
growth and a burgeoning middle class have
Once SEBI is satisfied with the responses and heightened investor appetite for opportunities
amendments, it grants its final approval for the in the equity market. Success stories of Indian
IPO. This approval is a green light for the company companies achieving substantial valuations
to proceed with the subsequent stages of the IPO
post-IPO, especially in the technology and
e-commerce sectors, have further amplified
f) Pricing and Allotment Strategy Refinement: this enthusiasm.
Concurrently, the company, in consultation with
underwriters and financial advisors, refines its
IPO pricing and allotment strategy. The pricing of
securities and the subsequent allotment process 2. Fixed Price Offer: In a fixed price offer, the
are crucial stages in the IPO journey. They company decides a specific price at which all
determine the company’s valuation, impact investor investors, both institutional and retail, can
participation, and influence the funds raised. By subscribe to the shares. The fixed price is
carefully considering market conditions, financial often determined based on factors such as the
performance, and investor sentiment, companies aim company’s financial performance, industry
to strike a balance that maximizes capital infusion benchmarks, and valuation metrics.
while ensuring fair and transparent distribution of Advantages:
 Simplicity: The process is straightforward,
In the context of an IPO, there are primarily with a predetermined price that simplifies
two methods used for pricing securities: the investor decision-making.
Fixed Price Method and the Book-Building
Method.  Retail Investor Participation: This method
can attract retail investors who may find
1. Book-Building Process : In a book-built IPO, fixed prices more accessible.
the company and its underwriters assess investor
demand during the subscription period to arrive Challenges:
at the final offer price. The company, along with
its underwriters, determines a price range within  Limited Price Discovery: The fixed price
which investors can bid for shares. Investors bid may not reflect the true market demand,
for shares within this range, indicating the price potentially resulting in underpricing or
they are willing to pay. overpricing of shares.
Advantages:  Less Flexibility: The company may miss the
opportunity to adjust the price based on
 Price Discovery: The process helps discover investor appetite.
the optimal price based on investor demand,
ensuring a better alignment with market Other Considerations:
Anchor Investors: Companies may allocate a portion of
 Institutional Participation: Institutional shares to anchor investors before the IPO opens. These
investors often prefer book-building as it strategic investors commit to subscribing to shares at a
accommodates their bidding preferences. specific price, providing an anchor for the book-building
Green Shoe Option: A green shoe option allows the
 Retail Investor Involvement: Retail investors underwriters to sell additional shares if demand exceeds
may find the bidding process complex, expectations. It provides flexibility to meet excess
potentially leading to lower participation. demand and stabilize share prices.
 Price Volatility: The price range can be Market Conditions: Both methods consider prevailing
subject to volatility based on market market conditions, industry trends, and peer comparisons
dynamics and investor sentiment. to arrive at an appropriate valuation.


IPO Frenzy: The Craze of Going Public

Financial Performance: The company’s historical and 2. Presentations and Meetings:
projected financial performance is a critical factor. A
company with strong financials may command a higher  Company executives, including key
IPO price. leadership and management, conduct
presentations and meetings with potential
Industry and Peer Comparisons: Pricing considerations investors.
often involve analysing industry benchmarks and
comparing the company’s valuation with its peers.  These interactions provide an opportunity
to present the company’s business model,
The choice between the Fixed Price Method and the Book- growth strategies, financial performance,
Building Method depends on various factors, including and key differentiators.
the company’s preference, regulatory requirements, and
the target investor base. Regardless of the method chosen, 3. Q&A Sessions:
the goal is to strike a balance that ensures fair pricing,
maximizes capital infusion, and generates investor  Roadshows typically include question and
confidence in the company’s value proposition. answer sessions where investors can seek
clarification on various aspects of the
g) Roadshows and Investor Outreach in the IPO Process: company’s operations, financials, and future
Roadshows and investor outreach are integral
components of the IPO process, providing companies  This direct engagement allows for real-time
with a platform to directly engage with potential communication and helps address investor
investors where key executives present the investment concerns.
proposition. This proactive interaction aims to
generate interest, build confidence, and secure 4. Showcasing Value Proposition:
commitments for the IPO. These roadshows, often
conducted in major financial centers, facilitate direct  Companies use roadshows to showcase their
engagement with institutional investors. value proposition and articulate the reasons
why investors should consider participating
1. Strategic Planning: in the IPO.
 Before embarking on roadshows, the  The emphasis is on presenting a compelling
company, along with its underwriters and investment case and demonstrating the
advisors, strategically plans the locations, potential for growth and profitability.
timing, and duration of the roadshow.
5. Gauging Investor Interest:
 Consideration is given to major financial
centers, institutional investors, and regions  Throughout the roadshow, the company
where there is significant interest in the and its advisors gauge investor interest and
company. sentiment.


ARTICLE IPO Frenzy: The Craze of Going Public

 This feedback is crucial for refining the IPO j) Allotment of Shares:

pricing strategy, determining the level of
demand, and making necessary adjustments Once the subscription period concludes, the
before the offering opens for subscription. company in coordination with underwriters
allot shares to investors. Allotment is based on
6. Global Reach: factors such as the number of shares applied for
 For companies with international appeal, by each investor, the price at which they bid, and
global roadshows may be conducted to regulatory guidelines.
attract a diverse set of institutional investors. k) Listing on Stock Exchanges:
 This expands the investor base and diversifies
the shareholder profile. Once the IPO subscription is complete, and
shares are allotted, the company makes its
7. Retail Investor Interaction: debut on the stock exchanges. The listing marks
the culmination of the IPO process, and the
 In addition to institutional investors,
company’s shares become tradable on the open
roadshows may include events or
presentations aimed at engaging with retail
investors. l) Post-IPO Compliance:
 This broadens the investor base and As a publicly traded entity, the company must
enhances retail participation in the IPO. adhere to continuous disclosure and compliance
8. Building Investor Confidence: requirements. This involves regular financial
reporting, disclosure of material events, and
 Roadshows serve as a crucial opportunity adherence to corporate governance standards.
to build investor confidence by providing
transparent and detailed information. Post-IPO compliance involves a set of ongoing
responsibilities and regulatory obligations that
 Companies aim to establish a positive a company must adhere to after its successful
rapport with potential investors and convey listing on the stock exchange. Here’s a gist of key
their commitment to shareholder value. aspects related to post-IPO compliance:
9. Feedback and Iterations:
1. Continuous Disclosure:
 Feedback received during roadshows is
carefully analyzed, and adjustments may be  Listed companies must provide regular
made to the IPO strategy, including pricing updates and disclosures to the public and
and marketing efforts. regulatory authorities.
 Iterations based on investor feedback help  This includes financial results, material
optimize the offering for maximum market events, changes in management, and any
reception. information that may impact the company’s
operations or stock price.
Roadshows and investor outreach play a
strategic role in shaping investor perceptions, 2. Financial Reporting:
establishing trust, and ultimately contributing
to the success of the IPO. This direct engagement  Companies are required to submit periodic
allows companies to communicate their story financial reports, including quarterly and
effectively and align their offerings with investor annual statements.
expectations.  Adherence to accounting standards and
h) Formal Initiation of the IPO Process: transparent financial reporting is crucial for
maintaining investor trust.
Once SEBI grants approval and all regulatory
requirements are met, the finalized DRHP is 3. Corporate Governance:
formally filed with the stock exchanges where the
company intends to be listed. This filing marks  Upholding high standards of corporate
the official initiation of the IPO process in the governance is essential for listed entities.
stock market, leading to the subsequent steps of  Companies must have robust governance
book-building, allotment, and listing. structures, independent board members,
i) Opening the IPO for Subscription: and transparent decision-making processes.
With SEBI’s approval secured, the company 4. Regulatory Filings:
opens the IPO for subscription. Investors, both
institutional and retail, have the opportunity  Compliance with regulatory filings,
to subscribe to the offered shares within the including those required by the SEBI and
specified time frame. other relevant authorities, is mandatory.


IPO Frenzy: The Craze of Going Public

 This ensures that the company is operating Post-IPO compliance is an ongoing commitment
within the legal framework and abiding by that ensures transparency, accountability, and
regulatory guidelines. legal adherence, fostering investor confidence and
maintaining the integrity of the capital markets.
5. Shareholding Disclosures:
m) Investor Relations and Communication:
 Changes in shareholding patterns,
ownership structures, and insider trading Post-listing, effective communication with
activities must be promptly disclosed. investors becomes crucial. Investor relations
 This transparency helps prevent market teams engage with stakeholders, providing
manipulation and ensures fair trading updates, addressing queries, and maintaining
practices. transparent communication.

6. Board Meetings and Resolutions: n) Market Performance Monitoring:

 Companies are required to hold regular The company and its advisors closely monitor
board meetings to discuss strategic the market performance of its shares post-listing.
decisions, financial performance, and other This ongoing assessment helps the company
pertinent matters. navigate the dynamics of the stock market and
respond to evolving investor sentiment.
 Resolutions passed in these meetings
should be appropriately communicated to CONCLUSION
shareholders and regulatory bodies.
The IPO process in India is a well-regulated and
7. Compliance Officers: meticulously structured journey that requires careful
 Designating a compliance officer responsible planning, transparency, and adherence to regulatory
for ensuring adherence to regulatory guidelines. While it offers companies a significant avenue
requirements is a common practice. for capital infusion, it also opens doors to enhanced
visibility, liquidity, and scrutiny. Navigating this process
 The compliance officer plays a crucial role successfully requires collaboration with experienced
in overseeing regulatory compliance and professionals and a commitment to upholding the highest
communication. standards of corporate governance and transparency.
As India continues to witness a surge in IPO activity,
8. Shareholder Communication:
the process remains a vital mechanism for companies
 Establishing effective communication to realize their growth ambitions and for investors to
channels with shareholders is imperative. partake in the nation’s economic journey.
 Companies often conduct annual general REFERENCES:
meetings (AGMs) to provide updates, address
concerns, and engage with shareholders. i. What is the IPO process in India? :
ht tps://www.mstock .com/ar ticles/ipo-process-in-
9. Ethical Conduct and Insider Trading Policies: i n d i a # : ~ : t e x t =T h e %2 0 I P O %2 0 s t e p s %2 0 i n%2 0
 Companies must implement and enforce India,%2C%20and%20post%2DIPO%20compliance.
ethical conduct policies. ii. IPO Process in India:
 Insider trading policies help prevent unlawful
trading based on non-public information. ipo-process-in-india

10. Risk Management: iii. The ABC of IPOs in India: A Beginner’s Guide:
 Implementing robust risk management understanding-the-ipo-process-in-india
practices is vital to identify, assess, and
mitigate potential risks. iv. About Initial Public Offerings (IPO):
 Companies should disclose major risks and initial-public-offerings
uncertainties in their periodic filings.
v. Initial Public Offerings Laws and Regulations 2023,
11. Adherence to Stock Exchange Rules: India:
Once the equity shares of the Company are listed initial-public-offerings-laws-and-regulations/india
on the stock exchanges, the Companies must
comply with rules and regulations set by the vi. How Can Companies Register for an IPO:
stock exchange(s) where they are listed. Any non-
compliance can result in penalties, fines, or even companies-register-for-an-ipo/21738 
delisting.  CS


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