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Firstly, i would like to say thank you to Mr. Hendra Heriansyah S.Pd, M.Pd., M.TESOL. as my supervisor

And i would like to say thank you to my examiner :

Prof.Dr. Yunisrina Q. Yusuf , S.Pd., M. Ling.

Dr. Dian Fajrina, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Nurul Inayah, S.Pd., M.TESOL.

In this chance i would like to proposed my Reasearch proposal and the title “Investigating Problems
Encountered By Tour Guides In Communicating With Foreign Tourists At The Aceh Tsunami Museum”

 Research Background

As we know, the role of English as a lingua franca is used by people from various

languages, backgrounds and cultures. This means that the function of English is to bridge

the various languages used by people in the world, as stated by Siregar "English language

skills are a universal need, especially for people who interact with other people from

different cultural backgrounds."

Therefore, English is not only used in the fields of business, health, technology and

information, but is also used in the tourism industry. Because English is also used in the

tourism industry, one of the important things needed is the tour guide's competency in

English. (Sebutkan pasal yang tertera di Power Point)

Based on preliminary studies through interviews I conducted on February 24-25 2024,

I found that tour guides experienced difficulties in the form of a lack of vocabulary,

difficulty understanding accents, and difficulty explaining terminology to foreign


Based on this, I am interested in conducting further research on the difficulties that

tour guides face when communicating with foreign tourists and what efforts they make to

overcome these difficulties.

 Research Problem

Therefore, I formulated my research question as follows (see ppt)

1. I want to know the problems, in this context what difficulties tour guides face in

communicating with foreign tourists (such as they cannot understand the vocabulary

spoken by foreign guides)

2. I also want to know strategies, in this context what efforts are used by tour guides in

communicating with foreign tourists

 Research Significance

This study is hoped....

This study are also expected...

 Research Method

In this research, researchers will use a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative

design. This approach describe phenomena that occur realistically, straightforward and


 Research Location

The researcher will conduct this research at Aceh Museum Tsunami. The reason why

the researcher want to conduct on this location is because this museum is visited by

many foreign visitors from various countries, so tour guides at this museum have the

potential to experience various difficulties in communicating with foreign tourists.

 Research Subject and Object

The research subjects who will provide data in this study are tour guides who use

English to communicate with foreign tourists at the Aceh Tsunami Museum. The

object of this study will focus on the difficulties faced by tour guides in
communicating with foreign tourists and the strategies used by tour guides to

overcome difficulties in communicating with foreign tourists.

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be used to collect data is an interview guide. Interviews for

this research will be semi-structured and open-ended question.

Technique of Data Analysis

There are three phases in analyzing data in this approach, namely data

reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. At first stage,

researchers will identify patterns that appear and provide codes for these patterns. At

second stage, researcher will group the data results. And last stage, the researcher In

the final stage, researchers will analyze the patterns found and draw conclusions.

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