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Dialog di Sekolah

Danny: “Hi everyone, our group assignment is due next week. Have you all started working
on it?” (Hai teman-teman, tugas kelompok kita dikumpulkan pekan depan. Kalian sudah
mulai kerjakan?)
Sarah: “Yes, I’ve researched the first topic and made some notes. How about you guys?” (Iya,
saya sudah mencari topik pertama dan membuat beberapa pertanyaan. Gimana dengan
Kenny: I’ve been looking into the second topic, and I found some relevant articles. (Saya
sudah mencari tentang tema topik kedua dan saya menemukan beberapa artikel yang sesuai)
Emma: Great, I’ll take care of the design and layout of our presentation slides once we have
all the content ready. (Bagus, saya akan membuat desain dan layout untuk presentasi saat
semua kontennya sudah siap).
Sarah: “That would be great. Kindly let me know if you need any help for the presentation.”
Danny: “Yes, I can share some of the templates with you as well. Since the deadline is close,
we can work together so it can finish sooner.”
Emma: “I would love that, thank you. Do you guys know when the presentation will be?”
Kenny: “Since we are the group 7 it would be nearing the end of semester. But I heard we
still need to submit it at the same time next week with the others.”
Sarah: “Yes it’s better to submit it sooner since there will be a summer holiday later.”
Danny: “Oh, right! I forgot about that. I personally do not want to keep working on this
assignment on our holiday.”
Sarah: “I agree. I already have plans for it.”
Kenny: “Then it’s settled. Let’s finish it the latest tomorrow. I will send you the presentation
templates to choose now.”

Dialog tentang Liburan

Kenny : “Hi guys! How are you?” (Hai teman-teman! Apa kabar kalian?)

Sarah: “Hi. I am fine!” (Hai, saya baik!)

Emma : Hi. I am fine! How about you guys? (Hai. Saya juga baik! Bagaimana dengan
Danny: “Yeah. I am good. So, how was your summer holiday?” (Iya. Saya baik. Jadi,
bagaimana libur musim panas kalian?)
Emma: “My holiday was awesome. My family and I went to Hawaii for the holiday.)
(Liburan saya luar biasa. Saya dan keluarga pergi ke Hawaii untuk liburan.)
Danny: “Wow.. it sounds good. How about you Sarah?” (Wow.. Kedengarannya bagus.
Bagaimana denganmu Mita?)
Sarah: “My holiday also great. I held a lot of party during the holiday.” (Liburan saya juga
keren. Saya mengadakan pesta selama liburan.)
Emma: Wow.. your holiday might be memorable one.
(Wow.. liburanmu pasti sangat berkesan.)
Sarah: How about you guys?
(Bagaimana dengan kalian?)
Kenny: I went to Bali for the holiday. It was amazing. You know, the people there were so
friendly. Besides, the beach is so great.
(Aku pergi berlibur ke Bali. Itu sangat hebat. Kalian tahu, orang-orang di sana sangat ramah.
Selain itu, pantainya sangat bagus.)
Sarah: Yes, it is. I heard you go with your chairmate? How could you go together?
(Ya itu benar. Bagaimana bisa kalian berdua pergi bersama?)
Kenny: Oh.. we already made a plane before. Actually on our plane we also wanted to ask for
the other kids to join us. But, they were have their own plane. So, we decided to go just both
of us.
(Oh.. kami telah membuat rencana sebelumnya. Sebenarnya kami ingin mengajak anak-anak
yang lainnya juga untuk berlibur bersama kami. Tapi, mereka sudah mempunyai acara liburan
masing-masing. Jadi, kami memutuskan untuk pergi berdua saja.)
Emma: If I didn’t have a plane to spend holiday in Hawai. I probably would like to join you.
(Jika aku tidak memiliki acara berlibur ke Haeai. Aku mungkin akan bergabung bersama
Kenny: Its okay Emma. So, tell us about your holiday in Hawai?
(Tidak apa-apa Rani. Jadi, ceritakan pada kami bagaimana liburanmu di Hawai?)
Emma: Just like you. I often went to the beach there. The beach was great. I enjoyed my
holiday very much.
(Sama seperti kamu. Aku sering ke pantai. Pantai di sana sangat bagus. Aku sangat
menikmati liburanku.)
Sarah: It was very nice to hear about your holiday.
(Sangat menyenangkan mendengar tentang liburan kalian.)
Danny: But, you said that you also have a lot of party on your holiday?
(Tapi kamu bilang kamu juga mengadakan banyak pesta pada liburanmu?)
Sarah: Yeah. Summer party. You know, just like all of you. Spent time at the beach. Gather
around with family. It was good.
(Ya. Pesta musim panas. Kalian tahu, sama seperti kalian semua. Menghabiskan waktu di
pantai. Berkumpul bersama keluarga. Itu terasa sangat menyenangkan.)
Danny: So, all of our holiday was nice right?
(Jadi, liburan kita semua sangat menyenangkan?)
Emma : Yes it is. But I would like to hear more details about your holiday. Let’s hang out to
the nearest restaurant right there!”

Dialog di Restoran
Sarah : “Let’s order some beverages before we continue. What do you want to order,
Danny: “I want one cup of tea, please.”
Sarah: “Noted, the others?”
Emma: “One mineral water.”
Kenny: “I want a mango juice.”
Sarah: “Alright, I prefer the same as Danny for one cup of tea. Do you want to add sugar in it,
Danny: “Yes, please.”
Sarah: “Okay, I will give it to the waiter right there.”
Emma: “Thank you, Sarah. So, Danny how about your holiday? I saw from your Instagram
that you visited your grandmother.”
Danny: “Oh, yes. She was sick a while back but she’s getting better. It’s been a long time my
family and I visited her so we decided to go there.”
Kenny: “That’s sweet. I hope she’s healthy and happy.”
Danny: “Yes she is. She loves gardening so much and her yard is full with vegetables. She
spends so much time there these days so I think she enjoys her days even more than before.”
Emma: “That’s very nice to hear. She sounds like a lovely grandmother.”
Danny: “Since my parents are busy I was raised by my grandmother for the whole primary
years. She taught me many things and did not want to make me feel lonely. I couldn’t ask for
a better one.”

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