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What are the types of human rights?

✗ - Social rights and cultural rights
✗ - Political rights and economic rights
✓ - Individual rights and collective rights
✗ - Development rights and peace rights
What are the individual rights?
✗ - Right to life and right to gain legal personality
✗ - Collective rights and development rights
✓ - Political rights and economic, social, and cultural rights
✗ - Peace rights and right to a healthy and clean environment
What are political rights?
✓ - Rights that involve participation in the establishment or administration of a government
✗ - Rights related to the workplace and social security
✗ - Rights to a healthy and clean environment
✗ - Rights to development and peace
What are economic, social, and cultural rights?
✓ - Rights related to the workplace, social security, and access to housing, food, water, healthcare, and
✗ - Rights to a healthy and clean environment
✗ - Rights that involve participation in the establishment or administration of a government
✗ - Rights to development and peace
What is the right to a name?
✗ - Everyone has the right to enjoy nationality
✓ - Everyone has a name that distinguishes them from other people
✗ - Everyone has the freedom to move and choose a place of residency within the country
✗ - No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy
What is the right of nationality?
✗ - No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy
✗ - Everyone has the freedom to move and choose a place of residency within the country
✓ - Everyone has the right to enjoy nationality
✗ - Everyone has a name that distinguishes them from other people
What is the right to privacy?
✗ - Everyone has a name that distinguishes them from other people
✗ - Everyone has the freedom to move and choose a place of residency within the country
✓ - No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, or his residence, correspondence,
or campaigns concerning his honor and reputation
✗ - Everyone has the right to enjoy nationality
What is the right to freedom of movement and residence?
✗ - No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, or his residence, correspondence,
or campaigns concerning his honor and reputation
✗ - Everyone has a name that distinguishes them from other people
✗ - Everyone has the right to enjoy nationality
✓ - Everyone has the freedom to move and choose a place of residency within the country
What is the right of ownership?
✗ - Everyone has a name that distinguishes them from other people
✗ - Everyone has the freedom to move and choose a place of residency within the country
✗ - No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, or his residence, correspondence,
or campaigns concerning his honor and reputation
✓ - Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others
What is the right to freedom of opinion and expression?
✗ - Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others
✗ - No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, or his residence, correspondence,
or campaigns concerning his honor and reputation
✗ - Everyone has the freedom to move and choose a place of residency within the country
✓ - Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, subject only to the restrictions of respect for
the rights of others or the protection of national security, public order, public health, or morals

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