MPA Final Project

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(Spring 2024)

Guidelines for Project

Enhancing Value Chain Activities in a Local Pakistani MSME

(Micro Small Medium Enterprises)

The objective of this project is to help BBA marketing students learn about marketing planning and
applications by researching and interviewing a marketing manager from a local Pakistani micro small
medium-sized MSME. The students will identify value chain activities and plot them in the value
chain model of Michael Porter to determine how value can be increased in the organization. They will
also conduct a competitive analysis and target market research and use the results to create a
perceptual map, position the product, and discuss the marketing plan and proposed strategy. Following
is the classification of MSMEs in Pakistan:


CATEGORY Number of Employees
MICRO ENTERPRISE 1-9 employees
SMALL ENTERPRISE 10-50 employees
MEDIUM ENTERPRISE 51-250 employees
1. Identify a local Pakistani micro small or medium-sized MSME to study. You can use
online sites such as for identifying
the company.
Real estate Investment Blogging Car Pooling
Dropshipping Vlogging Become an Online Gym Instructor
Restaurant/Coffee Shop Catering Vacation rentals
Digital Marketing Services Photography Start a Home Chef Business
Print-on-demand t-shirts Food cart Sell Handcrafted Items
Fish Farming Freelancing Babysitting services
Urban Farming Travel Agent Yoga classes
Poultry Farming Organic Beauty Products Virtual Event Planner
Beauty Salon Set up a Co-working Space Become a Real Estate Agent
Publish an E-book Collect antique items Local Grocery Store
Offer Online Courses Online Clothing Store Kiosk at a Shopping Mall
Graphic Designing Sell Mobile Accessories Online Logistics Company
E-commerce Store Set up a Co-living Space Website and App Development

2. Research the company and prepare a set of questions for the marketing manager.
3. Conduct an interview with the marketing manager to identify value chain activities. Use
secondary sources of data too for gathering information.

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4. Plot the activities in the value chain model of Michael Porter to determine how value can
be created, communicated and delivered by that organization.
5. Conduct a competitive analysis and target market research to create a perpetual map for
identifying product positioning.
6. Create a marketing plan or strategy for a time period of 3 years based on the results of the
research and analysis.
7. Prepare a poster presentation and a power point report to summarize your findings.


Serial No. Task Marks Allocated

1 Research and identify a local Pakistani MSME 2.5 Marks
2 Prepare a set of questions for the marketing manager 2.5 Marks
3 Conduct an interview with the marketing manager 5 Marks
4 Plot value chain activities in the value chain model of 5 Marks
Michael Porter
5 Conduct a competitive analysis 2.5 Marks
6 Conduct a thorough market research 2.5 Marks
7 Create a perpetual map and position the product 5 Marks
8 Position the product 5 Marks
9 Create a marketing plan or strategy 5 Marks
10 Poster and PowerPoint presentation 5 Marks

1. Poster Presentation;
Containing all the highlights of the project (Company Vision and Mission, Methodology,
Michael Porter’s Value Chain Model, SWOT Analysis, Perceptual mapping, Conclusion and
Managerial Implications of the research project)
2. Marketing plan or strategy document in the form of a hard copy.
1. Students will learn about marketing planning and applications in a practical context.
2. Students will be able to conduct research and analysis to identify value chain activities and
create a marketing plan or strategy.
3. Students will gain practical experience in creating a perpetual map and product positioning
4. Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by conducting a
competitive analysis and target market research.

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Sr Assessment A Grade 88 % - 100 B+ Grade 81 % - 87 B Grade 74 % - 81 C+ Grade 67 % - C Grade 60%- F Grade Fail
# Criteria Mark
% % % 74 % 66% <60%
1 Researching A systematic and A well-planned An organized A basic research An insufficient or Very poorly
and comprehensive research methodology research methodology is used poorly planned planned research
Identifying approach is followed is employed to methodology is to identify local research methodology is
a local to identify local identify local used to identify Pakistani SMEs. methodology is used to identify
Pakistani contacts. The Pakistani SMEs. local Pakistani Limited research used to identify local Pakistani
SME methodology ensures Multiple research SMEs. Some methods are local Pakistani SMEs. Few or no
a wide coverage of methods are used, research methods, employed, resulting SMEs. Few or no research methods
industries and sectors including online such as online in a partial coverage research methods are employed, and 2.5
searches and industry searches or business of industries and are employed, and there is a lack of
directories, resulting networks, are sectors there is a lack of coverage of
in a substantial employed, but the coverage of industries and
coverage of industries coverage of industries and sectors
and sectors industries and sectors
sectors may be
2 Preparing a The questions are The questions are The questions are The questions have The interviewer The interviewer
proper set highly relevant and mostly moderately relevant limited relevance to demonstrates poor demonstrates
of Questions directly relevant and cover a and the marketing questioning skills. Lack in
for the related to the good cover some manager's role and The questions questioning skills.
Marketing marketing range of topics related essential responsibilities. asked are The questions
Manager manager's role and to the marketing aspects of the They may be too irrelevant or asked are
responsibilities. They manager's role. They marketing generic or fail to unrelated to the irrelevant or
cover a broad range address important manager's role. capture key areas of marketing unrelated to the
of topics, including areas such as market They touch upon marketing manager's role, marketing
market analysis, segmentation, topics like target management and there is a lack manager's role, 2.5
target audience, advertising, customer market, promotional of follow-up and there is a lack
marketing strategies, engagement, and activities, and questions or of follow-up
branding, market market trends. probing for questions or
competition, and research However, additional probing for
performance some important information additional
measurement areas may information
be missing or not
3 Conducting The interviewer The interviewer The interviewer The interviewer The interviewer The interviewer
an demonstrates demonstrates effective demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates poor demonstrates
Interview exceptional questioning skills. adequate limited questioning questioning skills. Lack in
questioning skills. They ask relevant questioning skills. skills. The questions The questions questioning skills.
They ask open-ended questions that elicit They ask generally asked are basic or asked are The questions
and thought- valuable information relevant questions, repetitive, and irrelevant or asked are
provoking questions from the marketing but some may lack follow- up questions unrelated to the irrelevant or
that encourage the manager. Follow-up depth or fail to may be infrequent marketing unrelated to the
marketing manager to questions are used to address key areas. or ineffective. The manager's role, marketing
provide detailed and clarify and dig deeper Follow- up interview lacks a and there is a lack manager's role, 2.5
insightful responses. into specific topics, questions are used dynamic and of follow-up and there is a lack
Follow-up questions resulting in a to some extent to engaging questions or of follow-up
are used to explore meaningful interview explore topics conversation probing for questions or
ideas further, further, but the additional probing for
fostering a productive interview may lack information additional
and engaging a consistent flow or information
conversation depth of discussion

4 Plotting All primary and All primary and Most primary and Some primary and Few or no There is primary
Value Chain support activities in support activities in support activities in support activities in primary and and support
Activities the value chain model the value chain model the value chain the value chain support activities activities in the
are correctly are accurately model are identified model are identified in the value chain value chain model
identified and plotted identified and plotted and plotted on the and plotted on the model are are identified and
on the diagram. Each on the diagram. Most diagram. Some diagram. identified and plotted on the
activity is clearly activities are correctly activities may be Several activities plotted on the diagram. The 2.5
labeled and placed in labeled and placed in inaccurately labeled may be inaccurately diagram. The activities that are
the appropriate the appropriate or placed in the labeled or placed in activities that are present may be
category, showcasing category, wrong category, the wrong category, present may be inaccurately
a comprehensive demonstrating a good indicating a basic indicating a limited inaccurately labeled or placed
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the labeled or placed in the wrong

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model model model model in the wrong category,
category, reflecting a poor
reflecting a poor understanding of
understanding of the model
the model
5 Competitive A comprehensive A well-rounded A basic competitive A limited An insufficient or Competitive
Analysis competitive analysis competitive analysis analysis is competitive analysis incomplete analysis is not
is conducted, is conducted, covering conducted, focusing is conducted, competitive conducted
including a thorough important aspects of on some aspects of addressing only a analysis is properly. The
evaluation of key key competitors. The key competitors. few aspects of key conducted. The analysis fails to
competitors. The analysis assesses The analysis competitors. The analysis fails to address key
analysis covers factors such as market evaluates factors analysis may lack address key aspects of key
multiple dimensions positioning, product such as product depth or overlook aspects of key competitors and
such as market share, features, pricing, features, pricing, important factors competitors and lacks depth or
product offerings, distribution, and and distribution, but such as market lacks depth or relevant insights.
pricing strategies, promotional may lack depth or share or relevant insights. Opportunities for
distribution channels, strategies. It provides overlook certain promotional Opportunities for differentiation and 2.5
marketing tactics, and valuable insights into important elements. strategies. The differentiation and competitive
strengths/weaknesses. the competitive It provides some insights into the competitive advantage are not
It provides valuable landscape and insights into the competitive advantage are not identified
insights into the identifies potential competitive landscape are identified
competitive areas for landscape, but limited, and
landscape and improvement opportunities for opportunities for
identifies differentiation may differentiation may
opportunities for not be fully not be fully
differentiation and explored identified
6 Target Comprehensive target Thorough target Basic target market Limited target Inadequate or Target market
Market market research is market research is research is market research is incomplete target research is not
Research conducted, conducted, covering conducted, focusing conducted, market research is properly
encompassing factors important aspects of on some aspects of addressing only a conducted. The conducted. The
such as demographic the target market such the target market few aspects of the research fails to research fails to
characteristics, as demographics, such as target market. The address key address key
psychographics, psychographics, and demographics or research may lack aspects of the aspects of the
buying behavior, buying behavior. The buying behavior. depth or overlook target market and target market and
needs, preferences, research provides The research important factors lacks depth or lacks depth or
and trends. The valuable insights into provides some such as relevant insights. relevant insights.
research provides a the target market's insights into the psychographics or The The
deep understanding needs and target market's emerging trends. understanding of understanding of
of the target market, preferences, characteristics, but The insights into the the target market's the target market's
enabling the facilitating the may lack depth or target market's needs and needs and
development of development of overlook certain needs and preferences is preferences is
effective marketing targeted marketing important elements. preferences are insufficient for insufficient for
strategies and tactics. strategies. Multiple The development of limited, and the effective effective
Multiple research research methods are marketing strategies development of marketing marketing
methods are employed, resulting in may be somewhat targeted marketing strategy strategy
employed, ensuring a a reasonably limited strategies may be development development
reliable and representative sample compromised

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7 Perceptual A well-constructed A perceptual map is A basic perceptual A perceptual map is An insufficient or Perceptual map is
Mapping perceptual map is created, representing map is created, created, but it may incomplete not created. The
created, accurately the relevant product indicating the lack clarity or perceptual map is representation of
representing the attributes or relevant product precision in created. The product attributes
relevant product dimensions. The map attributes or representing the representation of or dimensions
attributes or includes axes and dimensions. The relevant product product attributes may be unclear or
dimensions. The map labels, effectively map includes attributes or or dimensions missing.The axes
includes clear axes illustrating how somewhat clear dimensions. The may be unclear or and labels may be
and labels, providing customers perceive axes and labels, axes and labels may missing.The axes absent or
a visual different products or giving a general be vague or and labels may be confusing,
representation of how brands. The idea of how incomplete, making absent or making it difficult
customers perceive positioning of customers perceive it challenging to confusing, to understand
different products or competitors and the different products or interpret customer making it difficult customer 5
brands. The target product on the brands. The perceptions. The to understand perceptions. The
positioning of map demonstrates a positioning of positioning of customer positioning of
competitors and the good understanding of competitors and the competitors and the perceptions. The competitors and
target product on the customer perceptions target product on target product on positioning of the target product
map reflects a and preferences the map the map shows competitors and on the map does
thorough demonstrates a limited the target product not reflect a clear
understanding of basic understanding understanding of on the map does understanding of
customer perceptions of customer customer not reflect a clear customer
and preferences perceptions and perceptions and understanding of perceptions and
preferences preferences customer preferences
perceptions and
8 Positioning The product is The product is The product is The product's The product's The product's
effectively positioned appropriately positioned on the positioning on the positioning on the positioning on the
on the perceptual positioned on the perceptual map, but perceptual map may perceptual map is perceptual map is
map, considering the perceptual map, the positioning may be unclear or not unclear or missing. The
desired target market considering the target lack precision or well- defined. The missing. The positioning
segment and market segment and may not fully positioning positioning statement does
competitive competitive consider the target statement lacks statement does not effectively
landscape. The landscape. market segment and clarity in not effectively communicate the
positioning statement The positioning competitive communicating the communicate the product's value
clearly communicates statement effectively landscape. product's value product's value proposition and
the unique value communicates the The positioning proposition and proposition and differentiation.
proposition and value proposition and statement provides differentiation. The differentiation. The positioning
differentiation of the differentiation of the some understanding positioning strategy The positioning strategy does not
product in relation to product compared to of the product's demonstrates a strategy does not align with the
competitors. The competitors. The value proposition limited alignment align with the product's
positioning strategy positioning strategy and differentiation. with the product's product's attributes,
is well- aligned with demonstrates a good The positioning attributes, customer attributes, customer
the product's alignment with the strategy shows a preferences, and customer preferences, and
attributes, customer product's attributes, basic alignment market preferences, and market
preferences, and customer preferences, with the product's opportunities market opportunities
market opportunities and market attributes, customer opportunities
opportunities preferences, and
9 Marketing The marketing mix The marketing mix The marketing mix The marketing The marketing
Plan strategies are clearly strategies are strategies are mix strategies are mix strategies are
outlined for each outlined for each outlined for each inadequately missing for one or
The marketing mix element, showing element, but they element, but they outlined or more elements.
strategies are well- alignment with the may lack depth or lack clarity, depth, missing for one or The strategies
developed and target market's needs fail to fully align or alignment with more elements. lack clarity,
integrated into a and preferences, with the target the target market's The strategies depth, alignment
cohesive competitive market's needs and needs and lack clarity, with the target
strategy.Each positioning, and preferences, preferences, depth, alignment market's needs
element is aligned overall marketing competitive competitive with the target and preferences,
with the target objectives. The positioning, or positioning, or market's needs competitive
market's needs and strategies demonstrate overall marketing overall marketing and preferences, positioning, or 5
preferences, a good understanding objectives. The objectives. The competitive overall marketing
competitive of the product and strategies show a strategies show positioning, or objectives. The
positioning, and market dynamics basic understanding limited overall marketing understanding of
overall marketing of the product and understanding of the objectives. The the product and
objectives. The market dynamics product and market understanding of market dynamics
strategies are dynamics the product and is insufficient
creative, innovative, market dynamics
and demonstrate a is insufficient
deep understanding
of the product and
market dynamics

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10 Presentatio The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is The presentation The presentation The presentation
n and well- organized, with organized, with a adequately lacks proper is disorganized, is very vague. It
Referencing a logical flow of clear structure and organized, with a organization, lacking a coherent contains unclear
information and clear coherent flow of discernible making it difficult structure. It or confusing
transitions between information. It structure. It to follow the flow of contains unclear information, with
topics. It effectively generally conveys information. or confusing inappropriate
demonstrates a high communicates ideas ideas with clarity, Ideas are presented information, with language usage.
level of clarity in with clarity, using using mostly with limited clarity, inappropriate Visual aids are
conveying ideas, appropriate language. appropriate with inconsistencies language usage. absent or do not
using appropriate Visual aids are used language. Visual in language usage. Visual aids are contribute to 5
language and appropriately and aids are used to Visual aids are absent or do not understanding
terminology. Visual contribute to the support the content, poorly integrated or contribute to
aids (slides, charts, understanding of the although they may do not enhance understanding
graphs, etc.) are content lack some understanding
effectively utilized to effectiveness
understanding and
engagement, aligning
with the content

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