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DATE - 06/07/2023



A key aspect of managing cold cases is the use of forensic instruments. Cold
cases are unsolved criminal investigations that have been put on hold because
there aren't enough leads or pieces of evidence. Utilizing developments in
technology and forensic science, forensic tools can help in revisiting and
reexamining certain cases. Here are some particular instances where forensic
tools have been used in cold case management:

● DNA Analysis: Forensic techniques make it possible to extract, amp up,

and analyse DNA evidence. Advanced DNA profiling techniques can be
used to investigate biological evidence from cold cases, such as preserved
blood, semen, or hair. With the use of these instruments, it will be easier to
spot possible suspects, weed out innocent people, and connect the
evidence to known criminals.
● Analysis of Fingerprints: Modern forensic methods can be used to
examine fingerprint data gathered from old crime scenes. The likelihood of
discovering a match in fingerprint databases has increased because to
new techniques that enable more exact and accurate comparisons.
Furthermore, improvements in removing latent impressions from worn-out
surfaces can increase the likelihood of getting useable evidence.
● Analysis of ballistics and firearms: Forensic techniques including
ballistic imaging systems, databases on firearms, and microscopes can
help connect firearms to unsolved crimes. Comparative examination of
bullets, cartridge cases, and casings can aid in drawing linkages between
various crime scenes or even help pinpoint individual weapons used in
unsolved crimes.
● Digital forensics: In today's world, digital evidence is crucial to criminal
investigations. Digital evidence, such as computer files, emails, or social
media posts, may be used in cold cases that has been neglected or out of
date. These artefacts can be recovered and examined using forensic
techniques for digital analysis, which may show new leads, connections, or
patterns that weren't previously apparent.
● Forensic anthropology: When skeletal remains are present, forensic
anthropological methods and equipment can be used to examine the
bones and piece together information about the victim's life and manner of
death. Tools like facial reconstruction software, DNA analysis, and isotopic
analysis can help with identification efforts and give investigators important
● Geographic Profiling: Identifying trends and areas connected to serial
offenders or unsolved crimes can be made easier with the help of forensic
technologies like geographic profiling software. Investigators can generate
leads, rank search locations, or pinpoint probable suspects based on the
geography of cold cases and its likely anchor points.
● Forensic Psychology and Behavioural Analysis: The discipline of
forensic psychology, which examines criminal behaviour, is included in the
category of forensic tools and techniques. Based on behavioural traits and
patterns, profiling techniques and analysis can help create suspect lists in
cold cases, analyse intentions, and create criminal profiles.

Investigators can take use of technological improvements to revisit old evidence,

find new leads, and bring justice to victims and their families by using these
forensic techniques in cold case management.

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