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Multiparticle singlet states cannot be maximally entangled for the bipartitions

Fabian Bernards and Otfried Gühne

Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät, Universität Siegen, Walter-Flex-Straße 3, 57068 Siegen, Germany
(Dated: 9th November 2022)
One way to explore multiparticle entanglement is to ask for maximal entanglement with respect
to different bipartitions, leading to the notion of absolutely maximally entangled states or perfect
tensors. A different path uses unitary invariance and symmetries, resulting in the concept of multi-
particle singlet states. We show that these two concepts are incompatible in the sense that the space
of pure multiparticle singlet states does not contain any state for which all partitions of two particles
versus the rest are maximally entangled. This puts restrictions on the construction of quantum codes
and contributes to discussions in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence and quantum gravity.

I. INTRODUCTION This is not only a maximally entangled state (as the re-
duced density matrices are maximally mixed), it also
arXiv:2211.03813v1 [quant-ph] 7 Nov 2022

The notion of multiparticle entanglement is relevant has the property that it is form-invariant under sim-
for different fields in physics, such as condensed matter ultaneous application of local unitaries, that is, U ⊗
physics or quantum information processing. A funda- U |ψ− " = eiφ |ψ− ". Historically, this property was the
mental problem, however, lies in the exponential scal- key to understand the difference between quantum en-
ing of the dimension of the underlying Hilbert space, tanglement and the violation of Bell inequalities [1].
rendering an exhaustive classification difficult. So, in For more particles, one finds more states with this
order to gain insight into multiparticle entanglement kind of unitary symmetry. For three three-level sys-
phenomena as well as to identify potentially interest- tems, there is the totally antisymmetric state |ψ3 "√=
ing quantum states, different concepts based on sym- ( |012" + |201" + |120" − |210" − |102" − |021")/ 6,
metries [1–5], graphical representations [6–8], matrix and for four qubits, the unitarily invariant states form
product approximations [9, 10] or entanglement quan- a two-dimensional subspace [28–31], spanned by a two-
tification [11–16] can be used. copy extension of the singlet state (1) and the four-qubit
Indeed, it is a natural question to ask for states with singlet state [32, 33]
maximal entanglement. A pure two-particle quantum
1 !
state is maximally entangled if the reduced state for |ψ4 " = √ |0011" + |1100"
one particle is maximally mixed [17]. One can extend 3
this definition to the multiparticle case by considering 1 "
− ( |01" + |10") ⊗ ( |01" + |10") . (2)
bipartitions of the particles into two groups and ask- 2
ing whether the global state is maximally entangled
This two-dimensional subspace can be used to encode
for the bipartitions. A multiparticle state is then ab-
a quantum bit such that it is immune against collective
solutely maximally entangled (AME) if is it maximally
decoherence [32–34]. In addition, multiparticle singlet
entangled for all bipartitions. A weaker requirement is
states have turned out to be useful for various quantum
that all bipartitions of k particles versus the rest shall be
information tasks, such as secret sharing and liar detec-
maximally entangled, these states are called k-uniform.
tion, see Ref. [26] for an overview. Finally, states with
As AME states and k-uniform states are central for unitary symmetry have attracted interest from the per-
quantum error correction, they are under intensive re- spective of quantum gravity [35–37, 39].
search [18–20]. Indeed, some recently solved questions It is a natural question to ask whether these two re-
concerning the sheer existence of AME states have been search lines are connected, in the sense that one can
highlighted as central problems in quantum informa- find k-uniform states or even AME states which be-
tion theory [21, 22]. In addition to their use in quantum long the the invariant subspace of singlet states. This
information processing, AME states, under the name of question was first studied in Ref. [38] where it has been
perfect tensors, have been used to construct toy models shown that for four particles and arbitrary dimensions
for the AdS/CFT correspondence [23, 24] and to study no AME singlet state can be found. Using methods
the entanglement entropy in conformal field theories from quantum gravity it was shown recently in Ref. [39]
[25]. that for six qubits the singlet states cannot be AME.
A different concept to explore the phenomena of mul- Combined with known results on the non-existence of
tiparticle entanglement is the use of symmetries. Here, AME states, this shows that multi-qubit singlet states
the study of unitary invariance has a some tradition cannot be AME (see also [40]).
[1, 2, 26, 27]. Consider the two-qubit singlet state In this paper we prove that the space of pure mul-
tiparticle singlet states of any particle number and
1 any dimension does not contain states which are two-
|ψ− " = √ ( |01" − |10"). (1)
2 uniform. Consequently, there are no AME states in this

subspace for four or more particles of any dimension. and call it the canonical representation of S d .
From the viewpoint of quantum information processing Second, let (V, C d ) be the canonical representation of
this may be interpreted as showing that no code words S d and let ξ be the phase function of the singlet state
of the usual quantum codes are within the singlet sub- |ψ". Then we call
space, or that quantum code words cannot be immune ! "
against collective decoherence. Our proof technique f (π ) = ξ V (π ) (6)
seems conceptually simpler than previous approaches the permutation phase function of |ψ". The following
[38, 39]. In the following, in order to be understandable Lemma puts a strong restriction to the permutation
for different communities, we formulate our approach phase function of any singlet state.
self-contained and in rigorous mathematical terms; this
has been suggested to be the appropriate language for Lemma 1. There are only two functions that are com-
science already some time ago [41]. patible with the definition of the permutation-phase
function f , namely either f (π ) = 1, ∀π ∈ S d or f (π ) =
sgn(π ), the signum of the permutation.
II. PROPERTIES OF PURE SINGLET STATES Proof. Since ξ is a group homomorphism, f is a group
homomorphism, too. So we only need to consider the
In this section we give the formal definition of pure images of the generators of S d under f in order to char-
multiparticle singlet states (also called pure Werner acterize f .
states) and establish some properties of them, which The symmetric group S d is generated by the transpos-
are needed for our later discussion. itions θk = (k, k + 1) of two neighboring elements with
First, a pure multiparticle singlet state is a quantum k ∈ {0, ..., d − 2}, so f is determined by f (θk ). Further,
state |ψ" ∈ (C d )⊗n such that for any unitary U ∈ U (d) the transpositions fulfill the following relations
it holds that
θk2 = id (7)
U ⊗ . . . ⊗ U | ψ " = ξ | ψ ", (3) θk θm = θm θk , for |k − m| ≥ 2 (8)
where ξ ∈ C is a complex phase that depends on the θk θm θk = θm θk θm , for |k − m| = 1. (9)
unitary U and the state. The function ξ : U (d) → C Since f is a homomorphism, Eq. (7) gives f (θk ) = ±1
that satisfies and Eq. (9) gives
U ⊗ . . . ⊗ U | ψ " = ξ (U ) | ψ ", (4) f (θk ) = f (θm ) for |k − m| = 1. (10)
is called the phase function of |ψ". Clearly, the Hence, we only have to distinguish two cases: Either
phase function ξ is a group homomorphism, that is f (θk ) = 1 ∀k which implies that f ≡ 1 or (2) f (θk ) =
ξ (U1 U2 ) = ξ (U1 )ξ (U2 ) and ξ (1) = 1. −1 ∀k, which means that f (π ) = sgn(π ).
The phase function determines the action of unitaries
on a singlet state and will be the key to study prop- Lemma 1 allows to derive a simple relation between
erties of singlet states for our purpose. In the follow- some of the coefficients of a singlet state. We can state
ing, we will consider the behaviour of this function for the result more elegantly by making use of a multi-
two special types of unitaries, local permutations of the index notation. We define a multi-index i as a sequence
basis vectors, and unitaries diagonal in the computa- of indices iα ∈ {0, . . . , d − 1} with α ∈ {1, . . . , n}. In this
tional basis. notation, the action of the group S d on a multi-index
i = (i1 , . . . , in ) can be written as
# $
π ( i ) = π ( i1 ) , . . . , π ( i n ) . (11)
A. Local permutations and the phase function
Then we have the following Lemma.
In this subsection we discuss the action of permuta- Lemma 2. Let |ψ" = ∑i ti |i " ∈ (C d )⊗n be a pure singlet
tions of the local basis vectors on the phase function. state and π ∈ S d a permutation. Then it holds that
In the end, this will put strong constraints on the signs
tπ (i) = f (π )ti (12)
of the coefficients of the singlet state when expressed
in a local basis. In order to fix our notation, let us first where f is the permutation-phase function of |ψ".
note basic facts about the phase function in the case of
Proof. Taking the identity V (σ )⊗n |ψ" = f (σ ) |ψ" and
comparing the coefficients in front of the basis vector
First, we take { |k"} for k ∈ {0, ..., d − 1} as the com-
|i " results in
putational basis of C d and consider unitary matrices
that induce a permutation of these basis vectors. More t σ −1 ( i ) = f ( σ ) t i . (13)
formally, we consider the representation (V, C d ) of the
Choosing σ = π −1 and using the fact that f (σ ) =
symmetric (permutation) group S d which is defined as
f (σ −1 ) (which follows from f (σ ) = ±1) proves the
V (π ) |k" = |π (k)" (5) claim.

B. Diagonal unitaries and the phase function tl *= 0. Then there exists a permutation ω ∈ S n of the
particles such that j = ω (l ). This follows directly from
We now characterize the phase function further by Lemma 3. More generally, we have:
considering the restriction of ξ to the diagonal unitaries.
Lemma 4. Let |ψ" = ∑i ti |i " be a pure singlet state.
The key result is that for a multiparticle singlet state
Then there exists a number K ∈ N, such that for any
expanded in the computational basis many coefficients
non-zero coefficient tl *= 0, the multi-index l contains
have to vanish. We start with a technical lemma.
each value k ∈ {0, . . . , d − 1} exactly K times.
Lemma 3. Let |ψ" = ∑i ti |i " be a pure n-particle singlet
state. Then, for any k ∈ {0, . . . , d − 1}, there exists a Proof. Consider two values k, m ∈ {0, . . . , d − 1} and let
number Nk ∈ N such that for any non-zero coefficient Nk and Nm be defined as in Lemma 3. So, Nk denotes
tl *= 0, the multi-index l contains the value k exactly Nk how many times k is contained in the multi-index l of
times. any coefficient tl *= 0. Now consider the local permuta-
In other words, the non-vanishing terms of a sing- tion π = (k, m) ∈ S d , which just replaces k with m and
let state in the computational basis are tensor products vice versa. According to Lemma 2, we have
|i1 , i2 , i3 , . . . , in " of N0 times the single-particle state |0",
tπ ( l ) = f [(k, m)]tl . (18)
N1 times the single-particle state |1", etc. This naturally
implies ∑dk= 0 Nk = n. Therefore, tl *= 0 implies tπ ( l ) *= 0 due to Lemma 1.
Proof. We consider Eq. (3) for diagonal unitary matrices. However, π (l ) contains k exactly Nm times and m ex-
Diagonal unitary matrices are generated by the matrices actly Nk times. Thus, we must have Nm = Nk .

Uk = 1 + (eiφk − 1)|k"+k|, (14) It follows that for any pure singlet state |ψ" ∈
(C d )⊗n , n is always an integer multiple of d, that is
where all diagonal entries, except the k-th one, are 1, n = Kd for some K ∈ N.
while the k-th diagonal entry is eiφk . Such a diagonal In view of the previous results, the structure of the
matrix acts on a single-particle computational basis vec- four-qubit singlet state in Eq. (2) becomes clearer now.
tor | a" as For this state, we have K = 2, so it must be a super-
% position of tensor products with two |0" and two |1"
eiφk | a", if a = k, factors. The phase function of two possible permuta-
Uk | a " = (15)
| a", else. tions is just the identity. Note that Lemma 4 also implies
that pure singlet states cannot exist for an odd number
We now determine the phase function ξ (Uk ) from of qubits.
Eq. (3). This yields

Uk⊗n |ψ" = ∑ ti Uk |i1 " ⊗ . . . ⊗ Uk |in " = ∑ eiφk Ki ti |i", III. MAIN RESULTS
i i
(16) With the previous insights, we have characterized
where Ki is the number of times that k appears in the pure singlet states for our needs and we can now con-
multi-index i. This equation holds for arbitrary φk ; sider the second property, absolutely maximally en-
moreover, ξ (Uk ) affects all coefficients t j *= 0 in the tangled states and k-uniform states.
same way. Hence, all indices l, for which tl *= 0 must We start with introducing some notation on truncated
contain k the same number of times. multi-indices. Let A ⊂ {1, . . . , n} be a set of particles
and B = AC = {1, . . . , n} \ A be its complement. For
In the following, we combine this result with the pre- a multi-index i = (iα )α∈{1,...,n} we define the truncated
vious results on local permutations of the basis vec- multi-indices
tors. Intuitively, one may expect that the numbers Nk
in Lemma 3 can not depend on k, as one can always i A = (i α ) α∈ A and i B = (i α ) α∈ B . (19)
change the index k by local permutations, without af-
fecting the singlet state too much. This will indeed turn Using this notation we express the marginal state of the
out to be the case. subsystems contained in A as
Before formulating this in a precise manner, note that
we can describe the action of a permutation ω ∈ S n of ) A = TrB (|ψ"+ψ|) = ∑ τA (i A ; j A )|i A "+ j A |, (20)
the particles on a multi-index as i A ,j A

ω (i ) = (iω (1) , ..., iω ( n) ). (17) with the coefficients of the marginal density matrix

In this language, if |ψ" = ∑i ti |i " is a pure singlet state τA (i A ; j A ) = ∑ ti A,iB t∗jA ,iB . (21)
where j, l are two multi-indices such that t j *= 0 and iB

Now we can define AME states and k-uniform states the general case, we have
in a very explicit manner that is useful for our purpose. d −1 & ' & '
K 2 ! 1 n
We call a state |ψ" ∈ (C d )⊗n a k-uniform state, if for ∑ ∑ τ{α,β} (!, !; !, !) = d 2 ∑ |ti | = d2 × d × 2 ,
any set of parties A with | A| ≤ k the corresponding α,β !=0 i
marginal is a maximally mixed state, that is (25)
where, as before, K = n/d. Again, it can easily be
seen that this is in contradiction to the normalization
if i A = j A
, ∑i |ti |2 = 1, unless d = K = 1. In summary, we have
τA (i A ; j A ) = d| A| (22)
0, else. proved the following:
Theorem 5. Let |ψ" ∈ (C d )⊗n be a multiparticle sing-
let state. Then, not all two-particle reduced density
A quantum state is absolutely maximally entangled (AME) matrices cannot be maximally mixed. In other words,
if it is k-uniform with k = /n/20. singlet states cannot be two-uniform.
For n ≥ 4 AME states need to be two-uniform, while
Note that for multiparticle singlet states the single-
for n ≤ 3 AME states need to be one-uniform only. This
particle marginals are always maximally mixed, so they directly implies:
are automatically 1-uniform. This follows from the fact
that the single-particle reduced state ){1} is also unitar- Corollary 6. Let |ψ" ∈ (C d )⊗n be an AME singlet state.
ily invariant, that is U) {1}U † = ){1} , and for a single Then either n = d = 2 or n = d = 3. For these two
cases AME singlet states indeed exist as explained in
particle this implies that ){1} = 11/d. But can singlet
the introduction. For all other cases of n and d there are
states be two-uniform?
no AME singlet states.
We are ready to prove that this is never the case. To
introduce the argument in a simplified setting, consider
a putative six-qubit singlet state, which should be two- IV. CONCLUSION
uniform. Consequently, we should have ) {1,2} = 11/4
which fixes the diagonal elements in any basis. So, In conclusion, we have shown that the space of unit-
for the diagonal element τ{1,2} (0, 0; 0, 0) in the compu- arily invariant pure quantum states does not contain
tational basis it should hold that any two-uniform state. Especially, an invariant state
cannot be absolutely maximally entangled. This gen-
eralizes previous results and closes some debates from
the literature [38–40].
τ{1,2} (0, 0; 0, 0) = |t(0,0,0,1,1,1)|2 + |t(0,0,1,0,1,1)|2
There are several ways in which our work can be
! 1 generalized. First, it would be interesting to weaken
+ |t(0,0,1,1,0,1)|2 + |t(0,0,1,1,1,0)|2 = . (23)
4 the condition of unitary invariance, by considering a
subgroup of the unitary group U (d). This may help
to understand the set of decoherence processes, under
If we consider also τ{1,2} (1, 1; 1, 1) and sum over all which code words of a given quantum code can be
qubit pairs α, β we obtain after a short calculation the made robust. Second, the characterization of entangled
condition subspaces has attracted recent interest [42–44]. In this
terminology, we characterized the entangled subspace
of multiparticle singlets. It would be very interesting

! "
τ{α,β} (0, 0; 0, 0) + τ{α,β} (1, 1; 1, 1) whether similar results can also be obtained for other
α,β constructions of entangled subspaces.
& ' & '
3 2 ! 1 6 15
2 ∑
=2 | t i | = × 2 × = , (24)

We thank Felix Huber, Hanno Sahlmann, and

where the prefactor 2(32) = 6 can be understood as com- Jonathan Steinberg for discussions. This work was
ing from the fact that any |ti |2 contributes to 2(32) terms supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
of the form τ{α,β} (!, !; !, !). But then, this condition is (DFG, German Research Foundation, project numbers
in direct contradiction to the normalization condition 447948357 and 440958198), the Sino-German Center for
∑i |ti |2 = 1, so a six-qubit singlet state cannot be two- Research Promotion (Project M-0294), the ERC (Consol-
uniform. idator Grant 683107/TempoQ) and the German Min-
istry of Education and Research (Project QuKuK, BMBF
This reasoning can directly be generalized to arbit- Grant No. 16KIS1618K). FB acknowledges support from
rary dimensions and numbers of particles. Indeed, in the House of Young Talents of the University of Siegen.

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