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A Case Study of Jolt Transformers





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Table of Contents

1. Section 1.............................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Summary of the Action Research Case Study.........................................................................2
1.2. Justification of the Problem......................................................................................................4
1.3. Definition of the Selected Action Research Process.................................................................4
1.4. Intervention Type and Process.................................................................................................5
2. Section 2.............................................................................................................................................6
2.1. The Role of the Consultant in the Intervention Process..........................................................6
2.2. Categorization of Competencies and Ethical Behaviors Needed............................................7
2.3. Recommended Research Methods and Data Collection.........................................................8
2.4. Timeline for the Intervention Process....................................................................................10
2.5. Anticipated Resistance............................................................................................................11
3. Section 3...........................................................................................................................................11
3.1. Hypothesis and Validation of the Projected Outcomes.............................................................11
4. Conclusion........................................................................................................................................12
5. References........................................................................................................................................13

1. Section 1

1.1. Summary of the Action Research Case Study

Action research is a very crucial element in the success of any organization. Action

research enables an organization to identify some of the significant issues it is facing that have a

negative effect on its operations. After identifying these challenges, a selected team of experts

analyzes them in detail to develop practical and achievable solutions. In this case study, Jolt

Transformers utilizes the action research technique to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of

its operations (Bierema, 2020). The case study for Jolt Transformers depicts a realistic account of

how data collection, data analysis, and data coding set a crucial foundation for identifying and

internalizing the existing problems to come up with viable conclusions.

The action research process incorporates several steps that each have a significant role in

the success of the process. The first step involves identifying the challenges that are dissatisfied

with the organization's technicians. This is crucial because its identification makes it possible to

come up with the problem and its scope. Data collected from interviews from focus groups and

interviews is then analyzed based on the emerging themes from the recorded transcripts. On the

other hand, Qualitative data from survey groups is analyzed to determine the correct action to be

undertaken. The next phase is to sort and interpret the key findings that would assist in

addressing the dissatisfaction. Finally, the last phase involves implementing the

recommendations and developing the right strategies to improve employee satisfaction.

In this case study, the intervention classification of the organizational development is

characterized by human process intervention. Personnel dissatisfaction has been due to the

limited training opportunities among the workforce. Adopting action research recommendations

to alter productivity and increase motivation is the primary rationale behind the type of

intervention mentioned. Jolt Transformers management should emphasize interventions that seek

to promote a discussion with the employees to come up with practical solutions to address their

concerns. Good interpersonal relationships can be crucial as they will increase the success rate of

the implemented recommendations. This case study showcases how qualitative and quantitative

data can be used to develop solutions to address problems in a given organization.

1.2. Justification of the Problem

Employee training is a critical initiative an organization can implement to improve

productivity among its workforce. Training enables employees to be able to improve their

knowledge and expertise in their specific field of work. For Jolt Transformers, offering training

opportunities for their technician can result in them being able to do their job more effectively

than before they enrolled in the training. This would also improve the overall productivity of

every technician. Practical training often results in increased independence as the employees can

tackle a given problem independently without asking for help regularly.

As seen from the case study, the main issue for the employees at Jolt Transformers was a

lack of training, resulting in increased job dissatisfaction. To address this problem, the

employees should each be offered training relevant to their field of expertise. This would

immensely benefit the organization and the employees, as seen in the above paragraph. Training

the technician would result in increased morale as they would have a sense of purpose in their

capacities. Additional training would improve their job satisfaction as they would feel they have

a higher development opportunity. Organizations with a higher job satisfaction rate usually have

regular employee training opportunities. It is, therefore, prudent that Jolt Transformers ensure

that its technicians, in particular, have regular training opportunities, as doing this would

significantly reduce the numerous challenges that may arise due to inadequate training


1.3. Definition of the Selected Action Research Process

Action research focuses on putting in place comprehensive strategies, processes, or even

activities to help solve a given problem. In this case study, a comprehensive research process is

conducted by Jolt Transformer to identify the cause of job dissatisfaction among the technicians.

The selected action comprised of steps that each had a specific purpose. The first step is

planning. In this phase, the company carries out research using qualitative and quantitative

research methods. This is used to be able to collect sufficient data that would be used to establish

the reasons that led to the increase in job dissatisfaction among the technicians. The second step

is the action stage, which involves making the necessary changes and interventions per the

identified problems and challenges. For the Jolt Trandormers case study, a number of steps can

be taken to help[ in addressing the job dissatisfaction for the technician, but the most important

one is coming up with relevant training opportunities for the technicians as this would help in

improving their job satisfaction and morale levels.

The reflection phase is the next action research process for Jolt Trandormers. In this

phase, monitoring and evaluation are conducted to determine the effectiveness of the

intervention measures that were put in place. Collecting feedback, analyzing the performance,

and identifying any barriers that may have been identified are some available activities at this

stage. The final phase is evaluation. At this phase, the organization tries to measure the success

of the various action research interventions that were put in place. In this phase, necessary

changes and adjustments might also be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the implemented

action research process interventions. Additionally, data analysis can also be conducted in this

stage to be able to develop and seek input from technicians and other relevant stakeholders, as

this would form a basis for future strategic decisions and directions that the organization would


1.4. Intervention Type and Process

Action research has a crucial role in any organization as it helps identify the

organizational development issues, paving the way for appropriate intervention to ensure success

in fixing the raised challenges. A process-oriented change is the most suitable intervention type

to address the challenges faced by Jolt Transformers. Al Dousari (2019) write that process-

oriented change allows an organization to administer step-by-step interventions to address the

problematic areas contributing to an identified organizational development problem.

The process-oriented change provides an opportunity for proper planning, execution, and

evaluation to ascertain the organization's efficiency and effectiveness. Data collected from the

qualitative and quantitative research methods was correctly enhanced to ensure validity and

reliability. This also ensured the data was consistent, valid, and highly reliable. The adopted

process-oriented change provides and maintains healthy interpersonal relationships that are

crucial to the organization's development. Proper implementation of the process-oriented change

can significantly enhance organizational development t at Jolt Transformers. These changes also

enhance the firm's growth while at the same time creating a conducive environment for the

employee's growth.

2. Section 2

2.1. The Role of the Consultant in the Intervention Process

Organizational development consultants play a very crucial role in the intervention

process. Accessing organizational effectiveness is one of the leading roles played by a consultant

during the intervention process. A consultant can provide a detailed assessment of an

organization by identifying its strengths and weaknesses and noting the areas where it can strive

to improve. Various diagnostic tools, such as interviews, can be used by the consultant to collect

the necessary data that they can use to base their recommendations on.

Secondly, coming up with strategic interventions based on the assessment can be used to

develop a customized framework, which, when implemented by the management, can help to

address the challenges faced by the organization (Zentis,2023). Additionally, the consultant can

guide how best to implement the recommendations and monitor the progress. Another role of

consultants is to enhance employee engagement. This can be achieved through consulting and

understanding the perspectives of each employee. Additionally, the consultant could then be able

to come up with strategies that can used to increase employee satisfaction.

Furthermore, consultants can design and deliver training programs tailored to the

organization's needs and wants. The focus of this program can be on multiple issues ranging

from communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and even leadership development

(Cabler,2018). Finally, consultants can also ensure that an organization can build a learning

culture. A learning organization is able to effectively and continuously adapt to innovation

through knowledge sharing. Doing this would, in turn, ultimately ensure the continuous growth

of an organization.

2.2. Categorization of Competencies and Ethical Behaviors Needed

Consultancy, like any role, requires that an individual who holds the role has specific

capabilities and can operate under a given set of ethical principles. A critical competency that is

a must-have for any consultant is authenticity. Being authentic implies that one should be able to

frankly and respectfully communicate with the client. This also entails being able to address any

issues directly with the client. In cases where the client is uncooperative or defensive,

authenticity would require the consultant to address the issue in a way that would not alienate the


It is also crucial that before moving to another phase, all businesses of the previous phase

should first be completed. The consultant should strictly follow the planned change process using

the action research model. This means that approaching organizational development by

following all the steps systematically would ensure that every issue is tackled well. Technical,

interpersonal, and consulting skills are also a must-have competencies for a consultant. Technical

skills encompass having profound knowledge about the issue being addressed. Consultants must

exhibit knowledge and understanding of organizational behavior, psychology, and the individual

dynamics in place. A consultant should always strive to render their services in areas that they

are well versed in.

Interpersonal skill is effectively engaging and developing a respectful relationship with a

given client. Consultants must quickly form tolerance, respect, and relationships with people

with different personalities. The consultant should be able to have a personal charisma and a high

level as this would increase the likelihood of the clients to work with them. Finally, good

consulting skills ensure that the consultant and the clients can easily communicate and accurately

pass the intended message without distorting it. Consulting skill improves as a person regularly

practices it.

2.3. Recommended Research Methods and Data Collection

Research methods refer to the steps that are employed to help in the collection of data.

Before selecting a research method, one needs to consider the type of research being conducted.

Some standard research methods used in this case study include interviews, questionnaires, direct

observation, and document analysis. In organization development, the interview research method

involves a consultant cooperating with a participant. Interviews provide a participant with an

opportunity to air their views and opinions about a given issue.

The next research method is questionnaires, which refer to an electronic or paper form

with standardized questions that the participants must answer (Rathi & Ronald,2022). A

consultant can give out questionnaires to the employees in order to inquire about the company

culture, climate, and an overall view of the day-to-day activities that take place in the

organization. For a questionnaire to be effective, its questions must be formatted to make them

easy to understand and answer without ambiguity. Focus groups are another research method that

would be utilized in this study. In most cases, focus groups comprise a group of eight and a

maximum of twelve participants. Focus groups bear a close similarity with interviews, but the

only difference is that they are conducted collectively by a moderator (Fix et al., 2021). Focus

groups are beneficial as they help understand the different perspectives of the participants. The

last research method is direct observation. In this research method, the consultant can keenly

observe the employees and other people in the organizations as they go about their daily routines.

Direct observation is vital as it provides insight into what people like to do or vice versa.

Additionally, it offers a firsthand account of the organization's culture to the consultant.


2.4. Timeline for the Intervention Process

The chart above is a Gantt chart specifying the project's timeline. The chart includes the

start dates and end dates of the significant milestones. The project starts in January 2023 and

ends in April 20203. This means that the project the project would run for four months. Some

tasks expected to be undertaken during this period include assessment, evaluation, monitoring,

implementation, and planning. The project's timeline is expected to be strictly followed, as doing

this would ensure that the stated objectives are accomplished with much ease while maintaining

the project's completion duration.


2.5. Anticipated Resistance

One of the biggest challenges faced by organizations is resistance from employees. In most

cases, resistance arises due to certain blindspots and employees' attitudes regarding specific

issues. If change is implemented on these issues, the employees will tend to offer some

resistance as they prefer the state of things to remain unchanged as they have been accustomed to

(Lawrence, 2019). In order to overcome resistance, management should strive to involve their

employees before implementing significant changes that affect them. By doing this, the

management would significantly reduce the cases of employee resistance as they would have

created a reconciliation avenue when any complaints they have are addressed promptly before

any changes are made.

3. Section 3

3.1. Hypothesis and Validation of the Projected Outcomes

The project's expected outcomes include increased employee satisfaction and enhanced

growth and development. Providing technicians with training opportunities will increase their job

satisfaction and morale levels, improving overall employee satisfaction. This would also result in

reduced turnover rates and increased retention rates. On the other hand, The implementation of

training opportunities and the involvement of employees in decision-making can result in the

development of a positive company culture geared towards growth and continuous learning.

The main reason for the projected outcome is that providing training opportunities and

involving employees in decision-making positively impacts their attitude (Huang, 2019). This

can result in increased job satisfaction and morale, improving turnover rates. Employees who

feel satisfied and valued in their roles are more likely to remain committed to the company and

contribute towards its growth. Jolt Transformers would greatly benefit from this, as having a

motivated workforce would signify a step in the right direction for the organization's success.

The technicians would also likely plan on having a long-term career with the organization as

they would feel all their concerns have been sufficiently addressed.

4. Conclusion

This case study showcases the importance of addressing organizational development

issues promptly. Utilizing the action research process can significantly assist an organization in

diagnosing and addressing the problems affecting it effectively. The Jolt Transformers Case

study shows that resolving employee dissatisfaction requires a process-oriented intervention

focusing on launching training opportunities for the technicians. This intervention would require

extensive research, monitoring, and evaluation to address the issue under study successfully.

Given their competencies, a consultant can play a significant role in the process. The project's

expected outcomes, which are increased employee satisfaction and enhanced growth and

development, can easily be validated by monitoring and evaluation. This project can potentially

make Jolt Transformers an organization with a positive company culture that values its

employees and promotes continuous learning, benefiting the organization in the long run.

5. References

Al Dousari, S. F. (2019). Impact of process oriented business culture in transforming

organizational performance: A case of Texaco. International Journal of Business and

Management, 14(7), 124.

Bierema, L. (2020). Organizational development: An action research approach (2nd ed.). Zovio

Cabler, K. (2018, July 7). The impact of organizational development (OD) methodology on

leadership training: A more intentional consulting approach. Regent University.


Fix, G., Kim, B., Ruben, M., & McCullough, M. (2021). Direct observation methods: A practical

guide for health researchers. Science Direct.

Huang, W. (2019, September 18). Job training satisfaction, job satisfaction, and job performance.

IntechOpen - Open Science Open Minds | IntechOpen.

Lawrence, P. (2019, January 1). How to deal with resistance to change. Harvard Business


Rathi, T., & Ronald, P. (2022). Questionnaire as a tool of data collection in empirical research |

Journal of positive school psychology.

Zentis, N. (2023, August 7). How OD consultants can support change initiatives. Institute OD.


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