Anatomy Bone Study Guide

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Madison Vance

Notes of the 206 bones

Body contains 206 bones
Skull – Spine – Chest - Hyoid
Skull – 22 bones and 6 ear ossicles – cranium, facial bones, ear ossicles
- Cranium bones
1. frontal bone (1) – Located on the upper front part of the skull, consists of the
supraorbital margin, superciliary arch, glabella, frontal eminence, and frontal sinus
2. parietal bones (2) – Form on the top sides of the cranium. Parietal eminence is in the
center of each bone.
3. occipital bones (1) – Located in the lower back of the skull, consist of occipital
condyles, foramen magnum, and external occipital protuberance.
4. temporal bones (2) – Located inferior and in a lateral portion of the skull. There are
different divisions: anterior/superior is squamous portion, posterior/inferior portion is
petrous portion (inner ear components, carotid canal). Contain 6 inner ear ossicles:
Malleus (2) hammer shaped, incus (2) anvil shaped, stapes (2) stirrup shaped.
Notable features include the mastoid process (projection at base of temporal),
mandibular fossa (depression in temporal), external auditory meatus (opening of ear
canal), zygomatic process (forms zygomatic arch)/
5. sphenoid bone (1) – Located on central part of skull floor. Includes the sella turcica
and sphenoidal sinuses.
6. ethmoid bone (1) – Located in parts of cranial floor, nasal septum, and some parts of
the nasal cavity. Includes the cribriform plate, crista galli, perpendicular plate, and
ethmoidal sinuses.

- Facial bones
1. Nasal Bones (2) – make the upper part of the bridge of the nose
2. Lacrimal bones (2) – inner cranial bone that creates the medial wall of the eye socket
3. Zygomatic bones (2) – located at the front sides of the skull. Includes the cheek
bones and temporal processes.
4. Palatine bones (2) – form posterior roof of mouth and some of the nasal cavity and
eye orbit.
5. Maxilla (2) – Upper jawbone forming part of roof of the mouth, side and floor walls
of nasal cavity, and floor of orbit. Nasal spine marks base of nose, frontal process
forms lateral boundary of nose. Includes palatine processes, alveolar processes, and
maxillary sinuses.
6. Vomer (1) – forms posterior portion of nasal septum, found on the frontal inside of
the skull.
7. Inferior nasal conchae (2) – Found inside the nasal cavity, ridges
8. Mandible (1) – The lower jawbone, bottom of skull. Includes mental eminence,
alveolar processes, ramus, angle, body, coronoid process, mandibular condyle

1. Hyoid Bone – located in the neck, U-shaped, acts as an anchor for tongue muscles
Madison Vance
Notes of the 206 bones
- Vertebral column
1. Cervical vertebrae (7) – Located in the neck, C1-C7, C1 is atlas and C2 is Axis
2. Thoracis vertebrae (12) – Located in middle of back, T1-T12
3. Lumbar vertebrae (5) – Located in the lower back, L1-L5
4. Sacrum (1) – Bone in the lower vertebral column between L-5 and the coccyx
5. Coccyx (1) – Located in the main bottom of the spine, the last bone of the column

- Sternum and Ribs

- Sternum, true ribs, false ribs
1. Sternum (1) – the breastbone, located in the middle of the chest, consisting of the
manubrium, body, and xiphoid process
2. True ribs (14 bones / 7 pairs) – located in the upper chest, ribs 1-7, connect to spine and
sternum anteriorly
3. False ribs (10 bones, 5 pairs) – located in the lower chest, ribs 8-10, connect to spine
posteriorly and costal cartilage anteriorly while ribs 11-12 are floating ribs and connect to
spine but have no attachment anteriorly

- Appendicular skeleton
- Upper extremities and pectoral girdle (64) – clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna,
radius, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
1. Clavicle (2) – Collarbones, located on each side of the body at the top of the torso in the
front – Pectoral girdle
2. Scapula (2) – Shoulder blade bone, located beneath the collarbone, consists of acromion
(bony process from superior to posterior of scapula), coracoid process (superior and
anterior of scapula), and glenoid cavity which is a fossa (depression where humerous
joins scapula) – pectoral girdle
3. Humerus (2) – lLong bone of upper arm, attached to scapula at proximal and radius and
ulna at distal
4. Ulna (2) – medial forearm bone, olecranon process – eminence at proximal, posterior end
of ula, styloid process – eminence on distal end
5. Radius (2) – Lateral forearm bone, styloid process
6. Carpals (16) - bones of wrists
7. Metacarpals (10) – bones of palms
8. Phalanges (28) – bones of fingers

- Lower extremeties and pelvic girdle – 62 bones – os coxae, femur, patella, tibia,
fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
1. Os coxae (2) – hip or pelvic bones, located at bottom of torso, include ilium, iliac
crest, anterior superior iliac spine, ischium, pubis, and acetabulum – pelvic girdle
2. Femur (2) – this bone, upper leg connected to pelvis, consists of head, condyles that
articulate with tibia and fibula, and epicondyles that sit above the condyles and attach
to muscle ligaments of knee joint
3. Patella (2) – knee bone “kneecap”
Madison Vance
Notes of the 206 bones
4. Tibia (2) – located in lower leg, weight bearing bone, in the shin, consist of medial
5. Fibula (2) – located in lower leg with tibia, non-weight bearing bone, consist of
lateral malleoulus
6. Tarsals (14) – located in heel, ankle, and posterior foot, talus is superior tarsal bone
(ankle), calcaneus is the heel bone
7. Metatarsals (10) – the bones in the foot, make up arches of feet
8. Phalanges (28) – toe bones

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