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🛑The Gift of Chappal🛑

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Who visited Rukku Manni’s place?

Answer: Mridu is a young girl. Mridu went to Rukku Manni place alongwith her Tapi.

2. What was the surprise for Mridu?

Answer: Ravi took Mridu to the backyard to show her the newly foundation.

3. What was Kama famous for?

Answer: Kama from Mahabharat used to give away everything he had which even included his
gold earnings.

4. Why was beggar wait outside Ravi’s garden?

Answer: The beggar was leaning against the trunk of the neem tree in Ravi’s garden for alms
from ladies of the house.

5. What did Mridu see in front of Ravi’s house?

Answer: Mridu had seen the pair of chappals in front of Ravi’s house belonged to the music

6. How did the music teacher react to the act of Ravi?

Answer: The music teacher compared Ravi with the lord Hanuman and called him a Hanuman

7. Has Lalli learnt playing guitar?

Answer: Lalli kept on going off tracks, It was like her train getting derailed again and again
while the teacher’s was running smoothly on the track.

8. Who was Mridu and Where did she go one afternoon?

Answer: Mridu was a young and kind girl, grown up in Madras. She went to her aunt’s house
i.e., Rukku Manni’s house one afternoon.

9. Where was the small kitten?

Answer: The small kitten was behind a thick bitter berry bush in the backyard of their house. The
kitten was lying inside a torn football and drinking milk from a half shell of a coconut.

10. What was the name given by Ravi to the Kitten?

Answer: Ravi named him as Mahendran. Further he added that the full name was
Mahendravarma Pallava Poonai and in short M P Poonai.

11. Where was the ‘Kreech’ sound coming from?

Answer: The weird ‘Kreech’ Sound was coming from the window. It was lalli learning to play a
Violin. She was not doing good, but the music master was trying his best to train her.
12. Describe briefly the appearance of the music master.

Answer: The music master had a bold head with a fringe of oiled black hair falling around his
ears and an old fashioned tuft. He wore gold chain around his neck and also a diamond ring on
his had.

13. Why did the beggar come to their house?

Answer: Although the beggar had no place to rest., he made himself quite comfortable in the
garden he had spread his piece of cloth under the neem tree and leaned against its trunk.

14. How did the children manage to give the beggar a chappals.

Answer: The children searched everywhere for a pair of chapplas. Later Mridu noticed the
shabby looking, but stury old slippers in the verandah they gave it to the beggar and asked him to
lease at once.

15. What the music master searching for and why?

Answer: An the music master came out of the house., he was searching for his chappals that was
the left in the verandah. He scurried around and looked over the railing and everywhere but did
not find them.

16. How was the problem with the chappals solved by Rukku Manni?

Answer: As Rukka Manni came to know that the children gifted those chappals to the beggar.
She went inside and brought out Gopu Mama’s haddly worm new chappals and gave them to the
music master.
17. How did Rani get milk for the small kitten?

Answer: When Rani get milk from the kitchen, his grandmother saw him with a glass of milk in
his hand. He somehow manage and concocted by have a glass of milk of himself so, he had to
drink half of the milk just not to understand the real purpose.

18. Character sketch of the music master

Answer: The music master was a bony figure and had a bold head with a fringe of oiled black
hair failing around his cars. He wore a gold chain around his neck and had a diamond ring on his
finger. The music master was sitting infront of Lalli and training her to play a violin. He wore a
golden boarded dhoti and beating time on the floor with his toe.

19. Why was the beggar unable to walk?

Answer: The beggar let himself rest under the neem tree of Rukka Mannis house, because it was
too hot walk on the road,. His feet were already blistered due to his bare feet. So he requested to
sit until the heat of the sun down later, the children provided him a pair of chappals.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. The children move by seeing the pathetic state of the needy. What trait do they have
should they be appreciated or scolded?

Answer: The love of animals especially for young and dependent ones is evident in the story as
well. But they passion to look after them is often looked down upon by elders. Rather than
allowing them to follow their heart, they are instructed to be at safe distance from them. In juxta
position of what is preached and practiced, confuses the young and sensitive minds.

2. Children’s world is full of spontaneity and imagination. Elucidate.

Answer: Ravi hid the kitten to a safe place yet was excited to display it to Mridu, the like-minded
one. He fed it with his own share of milk without letting Patti to know about it. When he donated
slippers to beggar after seeing his blisters. He wanted to give his own. He christened the kitten
after relating its ancestors to be from Mahabalipuram Rishi cat. Thus their world is full of
imagination and spontaneity as they have creative minds.

3. What was Ravi’s argument for his charity of chappals to the beggar? ‘

Answer: Ravi was upset with the elders because he had always been told by them to be kind
towards animals, but he had to hid milk for kitten. Rukku Manni had told about Karan who
would give away everything he had to help others. Ravi had tried to help the beggar by giving
away the music teacher’s chappals to him, but still Rukku Manni scolded him.

4. What was beggar’s expectation from the ladies of the household?

Answer: The beggar felt that the ladies of the household were very kind. They have enabled him
survive for a week by giving him food to eat. He called them generous and found it hard to
believe that they wanted to send him away.

5. Ravi was confident and opinated. Do you agree or not?

Answer: Ravi was an intelligent child. He had good observation skills and possessed sound
knowledge of history. He was playful, but had a good sense of humour. He managed to get milk
for the kitten in front of Paati’s eyes. He also applied his intelligence and gave music teacher’s
chappals to the beggar. He was kind and generous and remembered the story of Karan which
Rukku Manni had told him.

6. How was the name of the cat different?

Answer: Ravi had named the kitten Mahendraverma Pallava Poonai in short. They were calling
him Mahendran. Mridu liked the name because it sounded real to her and was different from the
usual cute names kept for cats in general.

7. What was the source of information about legacy of cat?

Answer: Ravi felt that his cat was a descendant of the Rishi cat of Mahabalipuram. He claimed
that during his class trip to Mahabalipuram, he had seen statue of a cat there which he believed
was an ancestor of this cat. He felt that the lion in the emblem of the Pallava king was a close
relative of his cat.

8. Character sketch of Rani

Answer: Rani is a young and intelligent boy. He is a very kind heartecl and generous as a person
Rani and his siblings kept a secret by abandoning a small kitten behind a thick bitter berry bush
in the backyard of their house. He secretly gets milk from the kitten for the small kitten. His
imaginary skills are immensely high, like how he creates the story of the cals family and his
relatives Ravi gifted the chapplas of the music master of the old beggar. Thus his character
expresses his love for animals and kind hearted humanity.

9. Why was Rukkau Manni angry with the children?

Answer: Rukka Manni was very angry with the children as she had learnt about the chappals
given to the old beggar that belonged to Lillis music teacher. She was very much embarrassed
infront of the music master and decided to provide him Gopu Mama’s new and hardly worn a
pair of chappal’s. Rukku Mani wanted him to leave the house at once and after learning she
wandered what was she going to tell Gopu mama that wening about his new slippers.

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