Physics Notes - Class 1 - 19-05

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1. Discuss how the methodology employed by Galileo contributed to the

development of Physics.
2. Explain Metrology and the fundamental quantities.
3. Explain how we get derived quantities and their units


Galileo Galilei is renowned for his innovative approach to scientific experimentation,
which laid the groundwork for modern scientific methods. His experiments were
characterized by careful observation, precise measurement, and the use of systematic
methods to test hypotheses. Here is an explanation of the process Galileo typically
followed in his experiments:

1. Formulating Hypotheses
Objective: Galileo often began with a theoretical question or hypothesis based on
observations or existing theories, such as those of Aristotle. For example, he
questioned Aristotle's assertion that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.

2. Designing the Experiment

Objective: He designed experiments to test these hypotheses under controlled
conditions. This involved selecting appropriate materials and setups to isolate the
variables of interest.

3. Conducting Preliminary Observations

Objective: Before conducting formal experiments, Galileo often made preliminary
observations to refine his methods and ensure the feasibility of the experiment.

4. Precise Measurement
Objective: Accurate measurement was crucial to Galileo's method. He developed ways
to measure time and distance precisely, often innovating new tools or techniques.

5. Repeated Trials
Objective: Galileo conducted multiple trials to ensure the reliability of his results and to
account for any anomalies. This repetition helped in minimizing errors and validating
the consistency of his observations.

6. Data Collection and Analysis

Objective: Collecting data systematically and analyzing it to draw conclusions. Galileo
was meticulous in recording his observations and measurements

7. Mathematical Formulation
Objective: Galileo often translated his experimental observations into mathematical
terms, allowing for precise and generalizable conclusions.

Galileo's experimental process was methodical and experimental, emphasizing

observation, measurement, and the use of controlled experiments to test hypotheses.
This approach marked a significant departure from the purely theoretical methods that
dominated earlier scientific inquiry, laying the groundwork for the modern scientific
Metrology is the science of measurement. It encompasses all theoretical and practical
aspects of measurement, ensuring that measurements are accurate, reliable, and

The primary goals of metrology include establishing units of measurement, developing

new measurement methods, maintaining standards, and ensuring the traceability of
measurements to international standards.

1. Length (Meter, m):

The basic unit of measurement for distance.

2. Mass (Kilogram, kg):

The basic unit of measurement for the amount of matter in an object.

3. Time (Second, s):

The basic unit of measurement for the duration of events.

4. Electric Current (Ampere, A):

The basic unit of measurement for the flow of electric charge.

5. Thermodynamic Temperature (Kelvin, K):

The basic unit of measurement for the absolute temperature.

6. Amount of Substance (Mole, mol):

The basic unit of measurement for the quantity of particles in a substance.

7. Luminous Intensity (Candela, cd):

The basic unit of measurement for the brightness of a light source.
Derived quantities are physical quantities that are not fundamental but are obtained
from combinations of the seven fundamental quantities. These derived quantities are
expressed using algebraic relationships involving the fundamental quantities. The units
of derived quantities are likewise derived from the units of the fundamental quantities
using these relationships
Derived quantities and their units are constructed by combining the fundamental
quantities and their units according to the physical relationships between them. This
process allows for a systematic and consistent way to measure and express a wide
variety of physical phenomena.

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