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Introduction Society must be aware and vigilant about the protection of its children because children are the future of the country and ignoring them could have serious consequences. The Legislature of our country has enacted several Statutes to deal with the Children in Conflict with the law and to provide protection to vulnerable children, Through the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, India has also provided a secular law for the Adoption of Children. In this article, | will discuss the landmark judgments delivered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.on the subject of Juvenile Justice and the Protection of Children. Landmark Judgments 1. Sheela Barse & Anr. v. Union of India & Ors. [1986 AIR 1773] This petition was filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court for getting directions regarding the release of children, below 16 years of age, from jails. The petitioners also prayed for the production of complete information about children in jails, and the existence of juvenile courts, homes, and schools in the country. The Hon'ble Supreme Court, acting on the petition, directed! + State Legal Aid & Advice Board to send two lawyers to each jail within the State once a week to provide legal assistance to children (below 16 years of age), who are detained in prisons. ps hmulamecbin.comfrictennasgarts onions selon cr 6880359 + All State Governments to report the number of children’s homes, remand homes & observation homes for children in their States, and the number of inmates in each of those institutions. * States to properly enforce the ‘Children’s Act’ enacted by them. They must file affidavits to show cause why they are not implementing those Acts. * District and Sessions Judges tomake regular visits to the District Jails and to take particular care of child prisoners. 2. Sheela Barse & Ors. v. Union of India & Ors. [1986 SCALE (2) 230] In this case, the Hon’ble Supreme gave the following directions relating to juveniles: + In caseswhere a child has been accused of an offence that is punishable with imprisonment of fewer than 7 years, the investigation must be completed within 3 months from the lodging of the FIR and the trial must be completed within 6 months from the filing of the charge sheet. * Children must not be lodged in jails under any circumstance. Remand and observation homes must be set up by the State Governments. if there is no accommodation in these remand or observation homes, then the children should be released on bail + To ensure complete uniformity, the Union Government should enact a Children’s Act for the trial of children below 16 years of age and ensure rehabilitation of such ps hmulamecbin.comfrictennasgarts onions selon cr 6880359 children. 3. Pratap Singh v. State of Jharkhand & Ant In this case, the Hon'ble Supreme Court held that the juvenility of a person in conflict with the law has to be reckoned from the date of the offence and not from the date on which cognizance was taken by the Magistrate. 4, Hari Ram v. State of Rajasthan & Anr. [2009 SCC 13 211] Under the Juvenile Justice Act, 1986, the upper age limit for male children to be considered juveniles was 16 years. But, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 ("I) Act, 2000") treats children up to 18 years as juveniles. So, the primary issue before the court, in this case, was, whether JJ Act, 2000 applies to offences that have been committed before the coming into force of the JJ Act, 2000, The court held that upon conjoint reading of Sections 2 (k), 2 (V), 7A, 20, and 49, it is made clear that all the persons who were below the age of 18 years on the date of the commission of the offence even before the enforcement of JJ Act, 2000, would be treated as juveniles. It would be immaterial that the claim of juvenility was raised after the accused attained the age of 18 years. 5, Jitendra Singh @ Babboo Singh & Anr. v. State of U.P. [C No. 763 of 2003] inal Appeal In this case, the court held that anyone claiming to be a minor on the date of an offence should make such a claim at the earliest available opportunity before the Trial ps hmulamecbin.comfrictennasgarts onions selon cr 6880359 Court or the High Cour. But, if no such claim is made for some reason, then that does not disentitle a person from raising such a claim before the Supreme Court. ) Act is a beneficial legislation and a technical plea (lke delay in making the claim of juvenilty) would not disable a person from making a claim under the Act. But, the burden of proof, for making out a prima facie case for directing an inquiry into the plea of juvenility, rests on the person who makes such a claim. 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