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2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021)

May 31 - June 4, 2021, Xi'an, China

High-Speed Robot Navigation

using Predicted Occupancy Maps
Kapil D. Katyal1,2 , Adam Polevoy1 , Joseph Moore1 , Craig Knuth1 , Katie M. Popek1
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) | 978-1-7281-9077-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9561034

Abstract— Safe and high-speed navigation is a key enabling

capability for real world deployment of robotic systems. A sig-
nificant limitation of existing approaches is the computational
bottleneck associated with explicit mapping and the limited
field of view (FOV) of existing sensor technologies. In this
paper, we study algorithmic approaches that allow the robot
to predict spaces extending beyond the sensor horizon for
robust planning at high speeds. We accomplish this using a
generative neural network trained from real-world data without
requiring human annotated labels. Further, we extend our
existing control algorithms to support leveraging the predicted
spaces to improve collision-free planning and navigation at high
speeds. Our experiments are conducted on a physical robot
based on the MIT race car using an RGBD sensor where were
able to demonstrate improved performance at 4 m/s compared
to a controller not operating on predicted regions of the map. Fig. 1: A motivating example of our approach. We leverage
occupancy map prediction to allow the robot to plan more
I. I NTRODUCTION robust trajectories at higher speeds compared to those limited
A key objective of mobile robotic systems is to execute by the sensor horizon.
safe, reliable motion while avoiding obstacles in the shortest
amount of time possible. While mobile robots have demon-
strated considerable success in recent years, they still fail to Our specific contributions include:
maneuver in environments at the speed and agility of hu- • Novel perception algorithms that predict future occu-
mans. Traditional navigation algorithms require explicit per- pancy maps using generative neural networks.
ception, mapping, localization and control for collision free • A controller that leverages the predicted occupancy map
motion. Often, high-speed navigation using these traditional during planning.
approaches is severely limited by the sensor’s field of view • Real-world hardware experiments using a robotic car
(FOV) as well as the computational requirements needed for to demonstrate higher speed navigation with improved
explicit mapping. This requires a robot to frequently reduce reliability compared to a controller not operating on
its speed to rescan the environment, construct a map and predicted regions of the map.
replan a new trajectory.
This is in contrast to human navigation where cognitive
psychologists have hypothesized that humans (i) actively
differentiate between occupied and free spaces based on ob- Previous work has presented different strategies to predict
servations, (ii) make predictions of occupied spaces beyond unknown parts of the map, e.g. [4]. A variety of methods
line of sight and (iii) use these predictions for navigation to incorporate map predictions to speed exploration of an envi-
help improve robustness and agility [1], [2], [3]. ronment [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. Predominantly, these methods
In this paper, we lay the foundation for developing al- are applied to exploration and therefore do not stress the
gorithms that provide these capabilities to robotic systems. capability of the map prediction module with respect to the
Our intuition is that as humans navigate, they leverage spatial control pipeline. In particular, this paper extends our prior
cues within the environment to generate predictions of future work, [7], by using a balanced classification loss instead
spaces and use that as part of the planning process. Our of a regression loss in addition to data augmentation and
objective is to mimic this predictive capability in robotic noise suppression techniques required to generate accurate
systems (see Fig. 1). Our approach similarly learns to predict predictions using real data.
spaces beyond the line of sight and further uses the predicted An alternative to map prediction is presented in [10]; this
areas as part of the robot controller for planning. method predicts the next best viewpoint for exploration by
utilizing experience from previously mapped environments.
1 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Lau- Our method shows that map prediction effectively increases
rel, MD, USA., the amount of information available from the map and
2 Dept. of Comp. Sci., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. improves point-to-point high speed navigation.

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Fig. 2: This diagram describes the overall perception and control pipeline. The perception module receives on-board sensor
data from the car and produces a predicted occupancy map using a U-Net style generative neural network. The control
algorithm receives the robot state, predicted occupancy map and goal point and generates collision-free trajectories.

Adjacent to map prediction is the problem of planning sensor, but many other methods alter the planning and control
the shortest path to a goal in an unknown environment. pipelines to be reactive to changes in the environment. For
These methods perform some level of inference over the en- instance [18], [19] focus on quickly planning trajectories
vironment to inform motion planning. For example, in [11], in order to react to new obstacles. In [20], the method
they learn how to plan waypoints to a goal using a partial simultaneously plans two trajectories, a safe trajectory in
map of the environment. Unlike our method, this approach known space and an aggressive trajectory into unknown
does not consider robot dynamics. Both [12] and [13] use space. For instance, [21] and [22] plan trajectories and verify
prior experience to reduce the size of viable environment safety using only point clouds, similar to [19]. As mentioned
hypotheses. Specifically, [12] learns the probability of colli- earlier, our strategy differs from these methods as they all
sion of motion primitives whereas [13] utilizes experience- focus on shortening the time between sensor reading and
based map predictions in a belief space planner. Similar to control generation, whereas our method infers beyond the
our approach, Elfhafsi et al. [14] incorporate map prediction sensor FOV to amplify the information available.
with global path planning that respects the system dynamics,
but all of their verification was done in simulation. III. P RELIMINARIES
Existing work has also considered applying reinforcement A. Problem Formulation
learning (RL) in tandem with occupancy maps or depth Our objective is to enable an unmanned ground vehicle
information to navigate an unknown environment. In [15], (UGV) to navigate, at a high speed to a goal position in an
the method uses RGB images and predicts the probability and unknown environment using RGBD and tracking cameras
variance of collision while navigating towards a goal, but is for perception. Our approach makes use of RGBD mapping,
incapable of global planning. In [16], the approach models map prediction, and a receding-horizon controller to achieve
the world as a POMDP and take an end-to-end approach this objective.
to navigate to a goal. Additionally the method presented For map prediction, the goal of our network architecture
in [17] uses a partial map as inputs to a deep RL policy is to learn a function that maps an input occupancy map to
to navigate in unknown environments. While these methods an expanded occupancy map that extends beyond the FOV
have shown success in application, the data requirements of the sensor. More formally, we are learning the function
of deep RL policies are large and often impractical in real
f : Min 7→ Mout
world scenarios. In addition, our method offers insight in the
process by intermediately predicting a map. where Min represents the input occupancy map, and
A key challenge in high-speed navigation in unknown Mout represents the predicted, expanded output occupancy
environments is balancing the speed of navigation against the map. Components of the function f include an encoder
information gained from its sensors. Our method alleviates fenc (Min ) 7→ h ∈ H which maps the input occupancy map
this tension by learning to infer beyond the FOV of our to a hidden state and fdec (h) 7→ (Mout ), which is a decoding


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layers and significantly increases the accuracy of predicted
occupancy regions [30]. Our implementation of the encoder
network consists of 7 convolution, batch normalization and
ReLU layers where each convolution consists of a 4 × 4
filter and stride length of 2. The number of filters for the
7 layers in the encoder network are: (64, 128, 256, 512,
512, 512, 512). Similarly, the decoder network consists of 7
upsampling layers with the following number of filters: (512,
1024, 1024, 1024, 512, 256, 128).
Fig. 3: MIT Racecar with Intel Realsense Cameras 2) Loss Function: To train our network, we use a class-
balanced cross-entropy loss function as described in [31].
The discrete classes used for labeling each pixel of the
function mapping the hidden state to an expanded, predicted
occupancy map include occupied, unoccupied and unknown
occupancy map.
spaces. Because there are significantly more pixels associated
The controller accepts robot odometry state, xrobot , the
with unoccupied and unknown spaces versus obstacles, we
desired goal, Grobot , a dynamics model of the robot,
apply class balancing techniques on the cross entropy loss
VDMrobot , and the predicted occupancy map, Mout to
with additional 5× weight added to the occupied space
produce the desired robot velocity, v and turn angle, θ.
loss. This results in predictions where the edges representing
B. Platform obstacles are far more pronounced as seen in Fig. 4.
The platform we use for our evaluation is the MIT Race 3) Post Processing: During our testing on the robotic car,
car [23] built on the 1/10-scale Traxxas Rally Car platform, we frequently observed small noise artifacts being generated
as shown in Fig. 3. This RC car has a reported maximum by the neural network, a condition commonly found in
speed of 40 m/s and contains Intel Realsense D435 and T265 generative neural networks [32]. While seemingly minor and
cameras. The onboard Nvidia® Jetson TX2 computer runs our transient, these artifacts caused significant instability issues
perception, mapping and planning software integrated with during control as the trajectory planner would often abruptly
the Robot Operating System (ROS) [24]. Our main interface change the planned path in response to these artificial ob-
to the RC car is the variable electronic speed controller stacles or would fail to find a valid trajectory. To alleviate
(VESC) interface that provides vehicle state information and this, we apply a traditional morphological closing operation
receives commands including desired velocity and turn angle. with a 5 × 5 kernel to suppress the noise generated by
IV. A PPROACH the neural network with results shown in Fig. 5. While this
closing operation may eliminate pole like objects such as
A. Perception
thin chair legs from the predicted map, overall it produced
The objective of the perception algorithm is to observe co- a more stable prediction. The observed map and the filtered
registered RGB and depth data to produce an occupancy map predictive map are combined to create the planning map; any
for planning. As demonstrated in Fig. 2, RTAB-Map [25] is unknown space from the observed map is filled in with data
used to create 2D occupancy maps using the RGB and depth from the predictive map.
images from a Realsense D435 and visual inertial odometry
from a Realsense T265. 4) Training Details: We generate the datasets in an unsu-
To improve our mapping performance, we limit the D435’s pervised manner. As the robot navigates a new environment,
depth sensor range to 3 meters, and we apply gradient the robot collects data that consists of a submap that corre-
filtering on the raw depth images. The depth image gradients sponds to the current occupancy map based on the sensor’s
are calculated using a Sobel filter with a 5 × 5 kernel. All horizon as well as the expanded ground truth map after
pixels with a gradient magnitude larger than twice the median the environment has been explored. We explored various
are discarded. This removes ”ghost noise” near sharp edges sizes of the submap and found a map corresponding to
in the image. We use RTAB-Map to generate an updated map 6 m × 6 m provided by best geometric size of the submap
at approximately 3 Hz while running on the Nvidia® Jetson given the characteristics of the sensor. We used a map
TX2 hardware on the car. resolution of 0.05 meters per pixel so the input occupancy
1) Neural Network Architecture: We use a U-Net style map image resolution was 120 × 120 pixels. Further, we
neural network architecture [26], [27] to receive the occu- experimented with various predicted region sizes and found
pancy map provided by RTAB-Map and predict an expanded predicting a region of 7.5 m × 7.5 m corresponding to an
occupancy map. The U-Net neural network is a generative image size of 150 × 150 provided the optimal accuracy and
architecture used in several image completion algorithms performance characteristics for the controller. Further, due
including [27], [28], [29]. The U-Net network consists of to limited amounts of real world data available, we perform
skip connections allowing a direct connection between the data augmentation techniques to apply random rotations to
layers i and n − i. These skip connections enable the option the occupancy map training data. This allows us to be more
to bypass the bottleneck associated with the downsampling robust to various hallway configurations as shown in Fig. 6.


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2D position, v is forward velocity,
 θ is orientation, and δ is
turn angle. The input, u = u0 , u1 , represents acceleration
and turn angle velocity, respectively, and L is the wheel base
2) Control Strategy: Here, we review the receding horizon
controller proposed in [33], which can be decomposed into
three main stages.
In the first stage, a path to goal is generated using a stan-
dard rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) [34]. The resulting
Fig. 4: Predicted occupancy map generated without class bal- path is pruned and then smoothed using G2 Continuous
ancing weight (Left) and with class balancing weight (Right) Cubic Bézier Spiral Path Smoothing  (G2CBS)
 [35]. The
where white represents unoccupied space, grey is occupied curvature along the smoothed path, x(s), y(s) , is calculated
and black is unknown. The class balancing weight produces as:
stronger edges for obstacles in the predicted occupancy map. (y 00 (s)x0 (s) − x00 (s)y 0 (s))
κ(s) = 3
(x0 (s)2 + y 0 (s)2 ) 2
This curvature is then mapped to velocity based upon vmax
and vmin , the maximum and minimum velocity.
dx vmax − vmin
v(s) = (s) = vmax − κ(s) ∗
dt 2
The path’s velocity parameterization is used to reparametrize
the path by time.
Z s
t= ds
Fig. 5: (Left) Generated occupancy map with noise artifacts. 0 v(s)
(Right) Predicted occupancy map after morphological close
In our implementation, we modified the RRT to improve
operation (white is unoccupied space, grey is occupied and
performance in a dynamically built map by initializing the
black is unknown).
RRT tree with the raw RRT path to goal from the previous
control iteration. Before initialization, we check the path
B. Control Algorithm for collisions and truncate it if a collision is detected. This
initialization results in faster RRT computation and increased
The objective of the control algorithm as described in path consistency between iterations.
Fig. 2 is to compute a collision free path to the goal, In the second stage, a dynamically feasible trajectory from
generate a series of feasible trajectories to waypoints, and the current state to a horizon point is generated. The horizon
send control commands to the mobile robot to follow the point is selected as a time horizon selected along the param-
computed trajectory. We adapt the controller proposed in our eterized RRT path. We utilize the same direct transcription
prior work, [33]. While initially developed for fixed-wing feasibility problem as formulated in [33] and refer the reader
flight, we believe it is particularly well suited for high-speed to their formulation. This approach discretizes the trajectory
navigation. The receding horizon allows for rapid replanning into N knot points using a variable time interval dt. Let
while using a dynamically built map, and the trajectory x0 (tk ) be the position of the robot and u0 (tk ), k < N , be
generation and tracking allows for a high-rate, dynamically the input at the k th knot point where tk+1 = tk + dt. We
feasible control output. modify this feasibility problem by introducing a cost function
1) Dynamics Model: We use a simple bicycle acceleration to penalize large dt (therefore encouraging high speeds) as
model to describe the robot’s dynamics. The equations of well as slightly penalizing the input to encourage smoother
motion are as follows: trajectories. The objective function is shown below.
X −1
ẋ = v ∗ cos(θ) J(x0 (tk ), u0 (tk ), dt) = u0 (tk )T Rc u0 (tk ) + dt
ẏ = v ∗ sin(θ) k=0

v̇ = u0 (1) In order to track the dynamically feasible trajectory, time-

θ̇ = v ∗ tan(δ)/L varying LQR (TVLQR) is performed in the third stage. The
control signal is generated as:
δ̇ = u1
u(tk , x) = K(tk )(x − x0 (tk )) + u0 (tk ).
The state is written as x = x, y, v, θ, δ where x and y are where K(tk ) is the optimal gain matrix.


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Fig. 6: Three examples from our training set of occupancy maps and their resulting expanded predictive map along with
the ground truth (white is unoccupied space, light grey is occupied and dark grey unknown). Augmenting our training data
with random rotations, allows the network prediction to be more robust to different environment configurations encountered
by the robot.

avoidance radius of 0.4 m.

For direct transcription, we used N = 10 knot points
 a time horizon of  H = 2 seconds. We set δf =
0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25, 100.0 , Rc = diag(0.1, 0.1) and use an
obstacle radius of 0.35 m.
The costs for TVLQR are as follows:
Q = diag(10, 10, 10, 10, 10)
Qf = diag(1, 1, 5, 1, 1)
R = diag(1, 1)

The acceleration and turn angle control bounds were set to

[-2.5, 2.5] m/s and [-1.5, 1.5] rad/s respectively. The velocity
minimum bound was set to 0.5 m/s and turn angle state
bounds were set to [-0.3, 0.3] rad.
We conduct preliminary hardware experiments to validate
Fig. 7: Visualization of system during hardware experiment. our approach using a robotic car based on MIT’s open-
Known map is enclosed by the red boundary. The brown source race car [23] as described in III-B. Our map prediction
path is the smoothed RRT path to goal, and the purple path network was trained on indoor scenes consisting primarily of
is the local optimized direct transcription trajectory. straight and turning corridors. Similar to [36], we conduct
both zero-shot and continual learning scenarios. In our zero-
shot experiments, we evaluate the performance on new
3) Control Parameters: The control pipeline executes at environments (Fig. 8) not seen by the robot. In the continual
a rate of 5 Hz, or a control interval of T = 0.2 seconds. The learning evaluation, we allow the robot to collect data in a
control signal is calculated from the odometry and TVLQR semi-supervised manner from the new environment, fine tune
gains at a rate of 50 Hz. The max time and max iterations for the network offline and reevaluate performance. We assessed
the RRT search were set to 0.05 seconds and 20000 iterations. the maximum speed allowed by the robot and the number of
The maximum velocity for RRT path parameterization was successful trials, which we defined as reaching the target goal
set to the maximum allowed velocity specified in each without collision. In these experiments, unobserved space is
hardware trial. For RRT sampling, we use an an obstacle interpreted as unoccupied by the controller. A visualization


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Fig. 8: This sequence of images represents a trajectory taken by the robot during our experimental evaluation.

Algorithm Max Speed Success Rate

Without Map Prediction 3 m/s 5/5
Without Map Prediction 4 m/s 1/5 In this paper, we describe an approach that enables
With Map Prediction (Zero-shot) 4 m/s 3/5 high speed navigation based on predicted occupancy maps.
With Map Prediction (Fine Tuned) 4 m/s 4/5 Specifically, we present a generative neural network archi-
tecture approach to collect self-supervised training data and
TABLE I: This table captures the results of our preliminary
training methodology that allows the robot to predict occu-
hardware experiments on our modified MIT race car.
pied spaces beyond the line of sight of the camera. Further,
we present several engineering solutions in the perception
algorithm that were required for prediction to work on real
data on the physical hardware including data augmentation,
using a class-balanced loss function and traditional computer
vision methods for noise suppression.
In addition, we also present a real-time controller that
leverages the predicted occupancy map as part of the plan-
ning algorithm. At a max velocity of 3 m/s, 3 Hz mapping
rate, 3 m sensor range, and 1 sec time horizon, planned
trajectories will almost always be within the known region of
the map. It isn’t surprising, thus, that the system is successful
without map prediction with these parameters. When max
velocity is increased to 4 m/s, planned trajectories will often
be within unknown space of the map (outside of the sensor
range). This can cause trajectories to plan through unseen
walls, causing failure. The predicted occupancy map is able
to help address this limitation by providing a longer horizon
Fig. 9: Example trajectories of car with max velocity of 4 for planning which accounts for the improved performance
m/s with and without map prediction. at 4 m/s in our preliminary hardware evaluation.
While the results are promising, there are many oppor-
tunities for future work. One area is to extend our prelim-
of our system during the hardware experiment is shown in inary hardware experiments to more thoroughly train and
Fig. 7. The results are summarized in Table I. Without map test in various indoor and outdoor environments to assess
prediction, the robot’s maximum speed, vmax , was 3 m/s the impact of map prediction for high-speed navigation.
without collision. When evaluating without map prediction No prediction algorithm will be perfect; another area for
with the maximum speed of 4 m/s, the robot was only future exploration is to incorporate the uncertainty associated
able to successfully reach the goal 1/5 attempts. With map with the occupancy map’s prediction into our controller and
prediction, we were able to achieve success 3/5 trials. After trajectory planner. Possibilities include adjusting the robot’s
allowing the network to fine tune on the new environment, velocity based on the the confidence of the prediction, or
we were able to increase the ratio to 4/5 successful trials rewarding risk-adverse trajectories. Another area to explore is
showing the ability to continually learn as the robot explores to improve continual learning techniques as the robot enters
new environments. For comparison, the trajectories with and new environments. It is unrealistic to expect the training
without prediction for one of the trials where vmax = 4 m/s data to capture the full distribution of the environments that
is shown in Fig. 9. Without map prediction, the robot, limited the robot will expect to see. We believe further research is
by the sensor’s field of view, optimistically plans a waypoint needed to improve the data efficiency of continual learning
in unknown space. At the highest tested velocities, it is not techniques so that the robot can improve performance in real
able to react in time once the map has been updated to reflect time as it explores new environments.
the true occupied space. In contrast, with map prediction, we In spite of these limitations, we have shown the promise of
are able to plan with longer horizons resulting in smoother predictive capabilities that improve navigation performance
trajectories and more time to react to obstacles which allows of mobile robots and are continually developing techniques
the robot to reach the desired goal. to further extend these capabilities as described above.


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