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Chapter 14 Analog Filters

¾ 14.1 General Considerations

¾ 14.2 First-Order Filters
¾ 14.3 Second-Order Filters
¾ 14.4 Active Filters
¾ 14.5 Approximation of Filter Response

Outline of the Chapter

CH 14 Analog Filters 2
Why We Need Filters

¾ In order to eliminate the unwanted interference that

accompanies a signal, a filter is needed.

CH 14 Analog Filters 3
Filter Characteristics


bad stopband
attenuated amplified

¾ Ideally, a filter needs to have a flat pass band and a sharp roll-
off in its transition band.
¾ Realistically, it has a rippling pass/stop band and a transition
CH 14 Analog Filters 4
Example 14.1: Filter I

Problem : Adjacent channel interference is 25 dB above the

signal. Determine the required stopband attenuation if Signal to
Interference ratio must exceed 15 dB.

Solution: A filter with stopband attenuation of 40 dB

CH 14 Analog Filters 5
Example 14.2: Filter II

Problem: Adjacent 60-Hz channel interference is 40 dB above

the signal. Determine the required stopband attenuation
to ensure that the signal level remains 20dB above the
interferer level.

Solution: A high-pass filter with stopband attenuation of 60 dB

at 60Hz.

CH 14 Analog Filters 6
Example 14.3: Filter III

¾ A bandpass filter around 1.5 GHz is required to reject

the adjacent Cellular and PCS signals.
CH 14 Analog Filters 7
Classification of Filters I

CH 14 Analog Filters 8
Classification of Filters II

Q1 = C2V1

Q2 = C2V2

Continuous-time Discrete-time
if V1 > V2 , C2 absorbs charge from V1
and delivers it to V2 ⇒ ≈ a resistor
CH 14 Analog Filters 9
Classification of Filters III

Passive Active

CH 14 Analog Filters 10
Summary of Filter Classifications

CH 14 Analog Filters 11
Filter Transfer Function

(a) (b)

¾ Filter (a) has a transfer function with -20dB/dec roll-off.

¾ Filter (b) has a transfer function with -40dB/dec roll-off and
provides a higher selectivity.

CH 14 Analog Filters 12
General Transfer Function

( s − z1 )( s − z2 ) ( s − zm )
H (s) = α
( s − p1 )( s − p2 ) ( s − pn )

zk = zero frequencies
= σ + jω
pk = pole frequencies

CH 14 Analog Filters 13
Example 14.4 : Pole-Zero Diagram

1 R1C2 s + 1 C1s
H a (s) = H b (s) = H c (s) =
R1C1s + 1 R1 (C1 + C2 ) s + 1 R1 L1C1s 2 + L1s + R1

CH 14 Analog Filters 14
Example 14.5: Position of the poles

Impulse response contains

exp( pk t ) = exp(σ k t ) exp( jωk t )

Poles on the RHP Poles on the jω axis Poles on the LHP

Unstable Oscillatory Decaying
(no good) (no good) (good)

CH 14 Analog Filters 15
Transfer Function

H (s) = α
( s − z1 )( s − z2 ) (s − zm )
( s − p1 )( s − p2 ) (s − pn )

¾ The order of the numerator m ≤ The order of the denominator

Otherwise, H(s)→∞ as s→∞.
¾ For a physically-realizable transfer function, complex zeros or
poles occur in conjugate pairs. z1 = σ 1 + jω1 z2 = σ 1 − jω1
¾ If a zero is located on the jω axis, z1,2=± jω1 , H(s) drops to zero
at ω1.
The numerator contains a product such as ( s − jω1 )( s + jω1 ) = s 2 + ω12 ,
which vanishes at s = jω1
CH 14 Analog Filters 16
Imaginary Zeros

¾ Imaginary zero is used to create a null at certain frequency.

For this reason, imaginary zeros are placed only in the stop band.

CH 14 Analog Filters 17

dP dC P=Filter Parameter
SC =
P C C=Component Value

In simple RC filter, the -3dB corner frequency is given by 1/(R1C1)
Errors in the cut-off frequency:
(a) the value of components varies with process and temperature
in ICs
(b) The available values of components deviate from those
required by the design

¾ Sensitivity indicates the variation of a filter parameter due to

variation of a component value.

CH 14 Analog Filters 18
Example 14.6: Sensitivity

Problem: Determine the sensitivity of ω0 with respect to R1.

ω0 = 1 / (R1C1 )
dω0 −1
dR1 R12C1
dω0 dR1
ω0 R1
S Rω10 = −1
¾ For example, a +5% change in R1 translates to a -5% error in ω0.

CH 14 Analog Filters 19
First-Order Filters

s + z1
H (s) = α
s + p1
¾ First-order filters are represented by the transfer function
shown above.
¾ Low/high pass filters can be realized by changing the relative
positions of poles and zeros.
CH 14 Analog Filters 20
Example 14.8: First-Order
Filter I

Vout R2 ( R1C1s + 1)
(s) =
Vin R1 R2 (C1 + C2 ) s + R1 + R2
z1 = −1 / ( R1C1 ), 1
p = −[(C1 + C 2 ) R1 || R2 ]
R2 C1
ω →0⇒ ω →∞⇒
R1 + R2 C1 + C2

1 1 1 1
< >
R1C1 ( C1 + C2 )( R1 R2 ) R1C1 ( C1 + C2 )( R1 R2 )
C R R2C2 < R1C1 C R
R2C2 > R1C1
1+ 2 < 1+ 1 1+ 2 > 1+ 1
C1 R2 C1 R2

CH 14 Analog Filters 21
Example 14.9: First-Order Filter II

−( R2 || )
Vout C2 s
I in (s) =
I in Vin 1
R1 ||
R2 R1C1s + 1
virtual short =− ⋅
R1 R2C2 s + 1
R2 C1
ω →0 ⇒ − ω →∞⇒−
R1 C2

R2C2 < R1C1 R2C2 > R1C1

CH 14 Analog Filters 22
Second-Order Filters
General transfer function

αs + βs +γ
H (s) =
2 ωn
s + s + ωn2

ωn 1
p1,2 = − ± jωn 1 −
2Q 4Q 2

¾ Second-order filters are characterized by the “biquadratic” equation

with two complex poles shown above.
¾ When Q increases, the real part decreases while the imaginary part
approaches ± ωn.
=> the poles look very imaginary thereby bringing the circuit closer to

CH 14 Analog Filters 23

Second-Order Low-Pass Filter

H ( jω ) =
α=β=0 ⎛ω ⎞
(ω )
n −ω2 +⎜ n ω⎟
⎝Q ⎠
H( ω p ) 2

∂ H ( jω )
=0 H( ω p ) 2
∂ω Q>
for Q >

Peak magnitude normalized to the passband magnitude: Q / 1 − (4Q 2 ) −1

CH 14 Analog Filters 24
Example 14.10: Second-Order LPF

Problem: Q of a second-order LPF = 3.

Estimate the magnitude and frequency of the peak in the frequency
H ( jω ) =
⎛ ωn2 ⎞
(ω )
n − ωn2 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠

Q / 1 − 1/(4Q 2 ) ≈ 3

ωn 1 − 1/(2Q 2 ) ≈ ωn

CH 14 Analog Filters 25
Second-Order High-Pass Filter
The zero(s) must fall below the poles

H (s) =
ωn β =γ =0
s2 + s + ω n2

Frequency of the peak: ωn / 1 − 1/ (2Q 2 )

for Q >

Peak magnitude normalized to the passband magnitude: Q / 1 − (4Q 2 ) −1

CH 14 Analog Filters 26
Second-Order Band-Pass Filter

βs α =γ =0
H (s) =
s +
s + ωn
The magnitude approaches zero
Q for both sÆ0 and sÆ ∞, reaching
a maximum in between

CH 14 Analog Filters 27
Example 14.2: -3-dB Bandwidth

Problem: Determine the -3dB bandwidth of a band-pass response.

H ( s) =
(s 2 + s + ωn2 )
The response reaches 1 / 2
times its peak value at -3dB
β 2ω 2 β 2Q 2
frequency =
ωn 2 2ωn 2
(ωn − ω ) + ( ω )
2 2 2

⎡ 1 1 ⎤
ω1,2 = ω0 ⎢ 1 + 2
± ⎥
⎢⎣ 4Q 2Q ⎥⎦

BW =
CH 14 Analog Filters 28
LC Realization of Second-Order Filters


1 L1 s Z1 = 0 at ω = 0 and ∞
Z 1 = ( L1 s ) || = Z1 = ∞ at ω = ω0
C1 s L1C 1 s 2 + 1

¾ An LC tank realizes two imaginary poles at ±j/(L1C1)1/2 , which

implies infinite impedance at ω=1/(L1C1)1/2.

CH 14 Analog Filters 29
Example 14.13: LC Tank

1 L1 s
Z 1 = ( L1 s ) || =
C1 s L1C 1 s 2 + 1

¾ At ω=0, the inductor acts as a short.

Z1 = 0 at ω = 0 and ∞
¾ At ω=∞, the capacitor acts as a short.

CH 14 Analog Filters 30
RLC Realization of Second-Order Filters

L1s R1L1s
Z2 = R1 || =
L1C1s2 +1 R1L1C1s2 + L1s + R1
R1L1s R1L1s
= =
1 1 2 ωn
R1L1C1(s +
s+ ) R1L1C1(s + s + ωn2 )
R1C1 L1C1 Q

1 C
ωn = , Q = R1 1
L1C1 L1
ωn 1
p1,2 = − ± jω n 1 −
2Q 4Q 2
1 1 L1
=− ± j 1−
2 R1C1 L1C1 4 R12 C1

¾ With a resistor, the poles are no longer pure imaginary which

implies there will be no infinite impedance at any ω.
CH 14 Analog Filters 31
Voltage Divider Using General Impedances

V out ZP
(s) =
V in ZS + ZP

Low-pass High-pass Band-pass

CH 14 Analog Filters 32
Low-pass Filter Implementation with Voltage Divider

Z S = L1s → ∞ as s → ∞
ZP = || R1 → 0 as s → ∞

Vout R1
(s) =
Vin R1C1L1s 2 + L1s + R1

CH 14 Analog Filters 33
Example 14.14: Frequency Peaking

Vout R1
(s ) =
V in R1 C 1 L1 s 2 + L1 s + R1

( )
Let D = R1 − R1C1L1ω + L12ω 2
2 2

Voltage gain greater than unity (peaking)

occurs when a solution exists for
d D
= 2(− R1C1L1 )( R1 − R1C1L1ω 2 ) + L12
d (ω 2 )
1 1
=0 ⇒ω = − 2 2 >0
L1C1 2R1 C1

C1 1
Thus, when Q = R1 ⋅ > ,
C1 C1 L1 2
2R12 >1 ∵ Q = R1
L1 L1
peaking occurs. 34
CH 14 Analog Filters
Example 14.15: Low-pass Circuit Comparison

(a) (b)
Good Bad

¾ The circuit (a) has a -40dB/dec roll-off at high frequency.

¾ However, the circuit (b) exhibits only a -20dB/dec roll-off since
the parallel combination of L1 and R1 is dominated by R1
because L1ω→∞, thereby reduces the circuit to R1 and C1.

CH 14 Analog Filters 35
High-pass Filter Implementation with Voltage Divider

α s2
∵ H (s) = for high pass filter
s2 + s + ω n2

Vout ( L1 s ) || R 1 L1 C 1 R 1 s 2
(s ) = =
V in ( L1 s ) || R 1 +
1 R 1 C 1 L1 s 2 + L1 s + R 1

CH 14 Analog Filters 36
Band-pass Filter Implementation with Voltage Divider

Zp must contain both a capacitor and an inductor so that

it approaches zero as s Æ 0 or s Æ ∞

∵ H ( s) =
s2 + s + ωn2

( L1s ) ||
Vout C1s L1s
(s) = =
Vin ( L1s ) ||
+ R1 R C L
1 1 1 s 2
+ L1s + R1

CH 14 Analog Filters 37

¾ Analog filters prove essential in removing unwanted frequency

components that may accompany a desired signal.
¾ The frequency response of a filter consists of a passband,
stopband, and a transition band between the two. The
passband and stopband may exhibit some ripple.
¾ Filters can be classified as LP, HP, BP, or BR topologies. They
can be realized as continuous-time or discrete-time
configurations, and as passive or active circuits.
¾ The frequency response of filters has dependences on various
component values and, therefore, suffers from sensitivity to
component variations.
¾ First-order passive or active filters can readily provide a LP or
HP response, but their transition band is quite wide and
stopband attenuation only moderate.
¾ Second-order filters have a greater stopband attenuation and
are widely used. For a well-behaved frequency and time
response, the Q of these filters is typically maintained below 2 / 2
Why Active Filter?

¾ Passive filters constrain the type of transfer function.

¾ They may require bulky inductors.

CH 14 Analog Filters 39
Sallen and Key (SK) Filter: Low-Pass

Vout ≈ VX

By applying KCL

VY = Vout C2 sR2 + Vout Vout C2 s

Vout 1
(s) =
α s2 + β s + γ Vin R1 R2 C1C 2 s 2 + ( R1 + R2 ) C 2 s + 1
H ( s) =
2 ωn
s + s + ωn2 1
Q Q=
1 C
R1R2 1 ωn =
R1 + R2 C2 R1R2C1C2
¾ Sallen and Key filters are examples of active filters. This
particular filter implements a low-pass, second-order transfer
CH 14 Analog Filters 40
Example 14.16: SK Filter with Voltage Gain

Vout = ( 1 + R3 R4 ) VX

Vout R4
(s) =
Vin ⎛ R ⎞
R1R2C1C2 s 2 + ⎜ R1C2 + R2C2 − R1 3 C1 ⎟ s + 1
⎝ R4 ⎠

CH 14 Analog Filters 41
Example 14.17: SK Filter Poles

Problem: Assuming R1=R2, C1=C2, Does such a filter contain complex poles?

Q↑ Vout R4
( s) =
Vin R
R1 R2C1C2 s 2 + ( R1C2 + R2C2 − R1 3 C1 ) s + 1
1 R1C2 R2C2 R1C1 R3
= + −
Q R2C1 R1C1 R2C2 R4

2− 3

¾ The poles begin with real, equal values for R3 /R4 = 0 and
become complex for R3 /R4 > 0 .
CH 14 Analog Filters 42
Sensitivity in Low-Pass SK Filter

the gain of filter

K = 1 + R3 R4

1 d ωn
∵ωn = = 1 R1C2 R2C2 R1C1 R3
R1R2C1C2 dR1 ∵ = + −
Q R2C1 R1C1 R2C2 R4

ωn ωn ωn ωn 1 1 ⎛ R2 C 2 R1C 2 ⎞
S R = S R = SC = SC =− S C = − S C = − + Q ⎜⎜
+ ⎟⎟
1 2 1 2
2 1
⎝ R1C1 R2 C1 ⎠

1 R2C2 R1C1
S RQ = − S RQ = − +Q S KQ = QK
1 2
2 R1C1 R2 C 2
CH 14 Analog Filters 43
Example 14.18: SK Filter Sensitivity I

Problem: Determine the Q sensitivities of the SK filter for the common

choice R1=R2=R, C1=C2=C.

1 1
S RQ = − S RQ =− +
1 2
2 3− K
1 2
S CQ = − S CQ =− +
1 2
2 3− K
S KQ =
3− K

With K =1,
S RQ = S RQ = 0
1 2

S CQ = S CQ = S KQ =
1 2
CH 14 Analog Filters 44
Integrator-Based Biquads

ωn2 ωn 1
− 2
Vout ( s ) − . Vout ( s )
s Q s

Vout α s2
( s) = Vout ( s ) = αVin ( s ) −
ωn 1 ωn2
. Vout ( s ) − 2 Vout ( s )
Vin 2 ωn
s + s + ωn2 Q s s

¾ It is possible to use integrators to implement biquadratic

transfer functions.

CH 14 Analog Filters 45
KHN (Kerwin, Huelsman, and Newcomb) Biquads


1 1 1 Vin R5 + VX R4 ⎛ R6 ⎞ R6
VX = − Vout , VY = − VX = V
2 out Vout = ⎜ 1 + −
⎟ YV
R1C1s R2C2 s R1 R2C1C2 s R4 + R5 ⎝ R3 ⎠ R3

ωn 1 ωn2
Comparing with Vout ( s ) = αVin ( s ) − . Vout ( s ) − 2 Vout ( s )
Q s s

R5 ⎛ R6 ⎞ ωn R4 1 ⎛ R6 ⎞ R6 1
α= ⎜ 1 + ⎟ = . . ⎜1 + ⎟ ωn2 = .
R4 + R5 ⎝ R3 ⎠ Q R4 + R5 R1C1 ⎝ R3 ⎠ R3 R1R2C1C2
CH 14 Analog Filters 46
Calculation of Vout with Simplified Circuit

To obtain VA ,
R4 R5
VA V = VX VA V =0 = Vin
in =0
R4 + R5 X
R4 + R5
R4VX + R5Vin
VA = VA V + VA V =
in =0 X =0
R4 + R5

To obtain Vout for given VA , we ground VY

VA ⎛ R6 ⎞
Vout = ( 3 6) A⎜
R + R = V 1 + ⎟
R3 ⎝ R3 ⎠

To obtain Vout for given VY , we ground VA

VY ⎛ R6 ⎞
Vout = − R6 = VY ⎜ ⎟
R3 ⎝ R3 ⎠
Versatility of KHN Biquads

Vout α s2
High-pass: (s) = ω
Vin s 2 + n s + ωn2
VX α s2 −1
Band-pass: (s) = ω
∵ VX = −
Vout 1
Vin s 2 + n s + ωn2 R1C1s R1 sC1

VY α s2 1
Low-pass: ( )
s = . ∵ VY = −
VX 1
2 ωn
Vin s + 2 R1R2C1C2 s
s + ωn R2 sC2
CH 14 Analog Filters 48
Sensitivity in KHN Biquads

S Rωn, R ,C ,C , R , R , R , R = 0.5
1 2 1 2 4 5 3 6

S RQ , R ,C ,C = 0.5, S RQ , R = < 1,
1 2 1 2 4 5
R4 + R5
Q R3 − R6 R2C2 if R3 = R6 ,
S RQ , R =
3 6
2 1 + R5 R 3 R6 R1C1 then S RQ3 , R6 vanishes
CH 14 Analog Filters 49
Tow-Thomas Biquad

Vout 1

R2C2 s R4
VX = −VY

R1 VY = −Vout ( R2C2 s )

⎛ Vout 1 Vin ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ ⋅ + ⎟ ⎜ R3 ⎟ = −Vout
⎝ R2C2 s R4 R1 ⎠ ⎝ sC1 ⎠

CH 14 Analog Filters 50
Tow-Thomas Biquad

BFP βs
∵ H (s) =
s2 + s + ωn2
∵ H (s) =
s +
s + ωn2

Vout R2 R3 R4 C2 s
Band-pass: =− .
Vin R1 R2 R3 R4C1C2 s 2 + R2 R4C2 s + R3

VY R3 R4 1
Low-pass: = .
Vin R1 R2 R3 R4C1C2 s 2 + R2 R4C2 s + R3
CH 14 Analog Filters 51
Differential Tow-Thomas Biquads

¾ An important advantage of this topology over the KHN biquad

is accrued in integrated circuit design, where differential
integrators obviate the need for the inverting stage in the loop.

CH 14 Analog Filters 52
Example 14.20: Tow-Thomas Biquad

α s2 + β s + γ
H (s) =
2 ωn
s + s + ωn2

VY R3 R4 1
Low-pass: = .
Vin R1 R2 R3 R4C1C2 s 2 + R2 R4C2 s + R3

Note that ωn and Q of the Tow-Thomas filter can be adjusted (tuned)


ωn = Q −1
1 R2 R4C 2
R 2 R 4 C 1C 2 R3 C1
Adjusted by R2 or R4 Adjusted by R3

CH 14 Analog Filters 53
Antoniou General Impedance Converter

V1 = V3 = V5 = VX
V4 = X Z 4 + VX
IX IZ 3 V −V V Z
IZ 3 = 4 3 = X ⋅ 4
Z3 Z5 Z3
V2 = V3 − Z 2 I Z 3
= VX − Z 2 ⋅ X ⋅ 4
Z5 Z3
V − V2
IX = X
Z1Z3 Z1
Zin = Z5 Z Z
Z2Z4 = VX 2 4
Z1Z 3 Z 5

¾ It is possible to simulate the behavior of an inductor by using

active circuits in feedback with properly chosen passive

CH 14 Analog Filters 54
Simulated Inductor

Z1 Z2

Z3 Z4 Z5

Z1Z 3
∵ Z in = Z5 Zin = RX RY Cs
Thus, Leq = RX RY C
¾ By proper choices of Z1-Z4, Zin has become an impedance that
increases with frequency, simulating inductive effect.

CH 14 Analog Filters 55
High-Pass Filter with SI

Vout L1s 2
(s) =
Vin R1C1L1s 2 + L1s + R1

¾ With the inductor simulated at the output, the transfer function

resembles a second-order high-pass filter.
CH 14 Analog Filters 56
Example 14.22: High-Pass Filter with SI

Vout = V1 = V3 = V5

Node 4 can also serve as an output.

RX ⎛ R ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞
V5 = V4 ⇒ V4 = ⎜1 + Y ⎟ V5 ⇒ V4 = Vout ⎜ 1 + Y ⎟
RY + RX ⎝ RX ⎠ ⎝ RX ⎠

¾ V4 is better than Vout since the output impedance is lower.

CH 14 Analog Filters 57
Low-Pass Filter with Super Capacitor

¾ How to build a floating inductor to derive a low-pass filter?

Not possible. So use a super capacitor.

Z1 Z2 1
Z in =
Cs ( RX Cs + 1)
Z4 γ
H ( s) =
Z3 ωn
s2 + s + ωn2

Vout Z in
Vin Z in + R1
R1 R X C 2 s 2 + R1Cs + 1
CH 14 Analog Filters 58
Example 14.23: Poor Low-Pass Filter

Vout = V1 = V3 = V5

⎛ 1 ⎞
Vout ⎜ + Cs ⎟
⎝ RX ⎠

⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
V4 = ⎢Vout ⎜ + Cs ⎟ ⎥ RX + Vout = Vout ( 2 + RX Cs )
⎣ ⎝ RX ⎠⎦

¾ Node 4 is no longer a scaled version of the Vout. Therefore the

output can only be sensed at node 1, suffering from a high
CH 14 Analog Filters 59

¾ Continuous-time passive second-order filters employ RSC

sections, but they become impractical at very low frequencies
(because of large physical size of inductors and capacitors).
¾ Active filters employ op amps, resistors, and capacitors to
create the desired frequency response. The Sallen and Key
topology is an example.
¾ Second-order active (biquad) sections can be based on
integrators. Examples include the KHN biquad and the Tow-
Thomas biquad.
¾ Biquads can also incorporate simulated inductors, which are
derived from the “general impedance converter” (GIC). The GIC
can yield large inductor or capacitor values through the use of
two op amps.
Frequency Response Template

¾ With all the specifications on pass/stop band ripples and

transition band slope, one can create a filter template that will
lend itself to transfer function approximation.

CH 14 Analog Filters 61
Butterworth Response

H ( jω ) =
⎛ω ⎞
1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ω0 ⎠

ω-3dB=ω0, for all n.

¾ The Butterworth response completely avoids ripples in the

pass/stop bands at the expense of the transition band slope.

To obtain the poles, we make a reverse substitution, ω = s / j ,

and set the denominarot to zero:
CH 14 Analog Filters 62
Butterworth Response

s 2 n + ( jω0 ) = 0 ⇒ s 2n + ( j ) (ω0 )
2n 2n 2n 2n
⎛ s ⎞ =0
1+ ⎜ ⎟ =0

⎝ 0⎠ s 2 n + ( − j ) (ω0 )
n 2n
This polynomial has 2n roots given by
jπ ⎛ 2k − 1 ⎞
pk = ω0 exp exp ⎜ j ⎟ , k = 1, 2,..., 2n
2 ⎝ 2n ⎠
− jπ jπ
exp exp
For 2nd order filter, 4 4
j 3π j 5π j 7π j 9π
pk =1,2,3,4 = ω0 exp , ω0 exp , ω0 exp , ω0 exp
4 4 4 4
negative real positive real
But only the roots having a negative real part are acceptable
jπ ⎛ 2k − 1 ⎞
pk = ω0 exp exp ⎜ j π ⎟ , k = 1, 2, ,n
2 ⎝ 2n ⎠
CH 14 Analog Filters 63
Poles of the Butterworth Response

2nd‐Order nth‐Order

(− p1 )(− p2 ) ⋅⋅⋅ (− pn )
H (s) =
( s − p1 )( s − p2 ) ⋅⋅⋅ ( s − pn )
where the factor in the numerator is included to
yield H(s=0)=1
CH 14 Analog Filters 64
Example 14.24: Order of Butterworth Filter

Specification: passband flatness of

0.45 dB for f < f1=1 MHz, stopband
attenuation of 9 dB at f2=2 MHz.

| H ( f1 = 1MHz) |= 0.95 ≈ −0.45 dB | H ( f 2 = 2MHz) |= 0.355 ≈ −9 dB

1 1
= 0.952 2n
= 0.3552
⎛ 2π f1 ⎞ ⎛ 2π f 2 ⎞
1+ ⎜ ⎟ 1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠ ω
⎝ 0 ⎠
⎛ f2 ⎞ f 2 = 2 f1
⎜ ⎟ = 64.2 n = 3, ω0 = 2π × (1.45MHz)
⎝ f1 ⎠
¾ The minimum order of the Butterworth filter is three.
CH 14 Analog Filters 65
Example 14.25: Butterworth Response

Using a Sallen and Key topology, design a Butterworth filter for the
response derived in Example 14.24.

j 2π j 3π j 4π
pk =1,2,3 = ω0 exp , ω0 exp , ω0 exp
3 3 3
= −ω0
⎛ 2π 2π ⎞
p1 = 2π *(1.45MHz ) * ⎜ cos + j sin ⎟
⎝ 3 3 ⎠
2nd-order SK
⎛ 2π 2π ⎞
p3 = 2π *(1.45MHz ) * ⎜ cos − j sin ⎟
4 ⎝ 3 3 ⎠
p2 = 2π *(1.45MHz ) RC section

CH 14 Analog Filters 66
Example 14.25: Butterworth Response (cont’d)


α s2 + β s + γ
H (s) =
R1 R2 ω
R3 s 2 + n s + ωn2
C2 C2 Q

(− p1 )(− p3 ) [2π × (1.45MHz)]2

H SK ( s) = = 2
( s − p1 )( s − p3 ) s − [ 4π × (1.45MHz) cos(2π / 3) ] s + [2π × (1.45MHz)]2
2π ⎞ 1
⎛ ∵ ω =
ωn = 2π × (1.45MHz) and Q = 1/ ⎜ 2 cos ⎟ = 1 → n
⎝ 3 ⎠
1 C1
∵Q = R1R2 R1 = R2 = 1kΩ , C 2 = 54.9pF, and C1 = 4C 2
R1 + R2 C2
ωn =
1 4 R12C12
= 2π × (1.45MHz) → R3 = 1kΩ and C3 = 109.8pF
CH 14 Analog Filters 67
Chebyshev Response

H ( jω ) =
2⎛ ω ⎞
1+ ε 2
Cn ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0⎠

Chebyshev Polynomial

ε : the amount of ripple

Cn2 (ω / ω0 ) : the "Chebyshev polynomial" of nth order

¾ The Chebyshev response provides an “equiripple” pass/stop

band response.
CH 14 Analog Filters 68
Chebyshev Polynomial
H ( jω ) =
⎛ω ⎞ ⎛ω ⎞
H⎜ ⎟ 1 + ε 2Cn2 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ω0 ⎠ ⎝ ω0 ⎠
1+ ε 2

Chebyshev polynomial for Resulting transfer function for

n=1,2,3 n=2,3

⎛ω ⎞ ⎛ −1 ω ⎞
Cn ⎜ ⎟ = cos ⎜ n cos ⎟ , ω < ω0
⎝ 0⎠ ⎝ ω 0 ⎠

⎛ ω ⎞
= cosh ⎜ n cosh −1 ⎟ , ω > ω0
⎝ ω0 ⎠ 69
CH 14 Analog Filters
Chebyshev Response

Peak-to-peak Ripple |dB = 20 log 1 + ε 2

1 1
| H PB ( jω ) |= | H SB ( jω ) |=
⎛ ω⎞ ⎛ ω⎞
1 + ε 2 cos 2 ⎜ n cos −1 ⎟ 1 + ε 2 cosh 2 ⎜ n cosh −1 ⎟
⎝ ω0 ⎠ ⎝ ω0 ⎠

CH 14 Analog Filters 70
Example 14.26: Chebyshev Response

Suppose the filter required in

Example 14.24 is realized with third-
order Chebyshev response.
Determine the attenuation at 2MHz.

1 H ( jω ) =
= 0.95 → ε = 0.329 ⎡ ⎛ ω ⎞3
1+ ε 2 ω ⎤
1 + ε ⎢4 ⎜
⎟ −3 ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ ω0 ⎠ ω0 ⎥

ω0=2π (1MHz)
H ( j 2π (2MHz) ) = 0.116 = −18.7dB

¾ A third-order Chebyshev response provides an attenuation of

-18.7 dB a 2MHz.
CH 14 Analog Filters 71
Example 14.27: Order of Chebyshev Filter

Passband ripple: 1 dB
Bandwidth: 5 MHz
Attenuation at 10 MHz: 30 dB
What’s the order?

1 dB = 20 log 1 + ε 2 → ε = 0.509

Attenuation at ω = 2ω0 = 10 MHz: 30 dB

= 0.0316
1 + 0.509 cosh (n cosh 2)
2 2

cosh 2 (1.317n) = 3862 → n > 3.66 → n = 4

CH 14 Analog Filters 72
Example 14.28: Chebyshev Filter Design

Using two SK stages, design a filter that

satisfies the requirements in Example 14.27.

pk = −ω0 sin
( 2k − 1) π sinh ⎛ 1 sinh −1 1 ⎞ + jω ( 2k − 1) π cosh ⎛ 1 sinh −1 1 ⎞

2n ⎝n ε ⎟⎠ 0 cos

⎝n ε ⎟⎠

p1,4 = −0.140ω0 ± 0.983 jω0 p2,3 = −0.337ω 0 ± 0.407 jω 0

CH 14 Analog Filters 73
Example 14.28: Chebyshev Filter Design (cont’d)

(− p1 )(− p4 ) (− p2 )(− p3 )
H SK 1 ( s ) = H SK 2 ( s ) =
( s − p1 )( s − p4 ) ( s − p2 )( s − p3 )
0.986ω02 0.279ω02
= 2 = 2
s + 0.28ω0 s + 0.986ω02 s + 0.674ω0 s + 0.279ω02

ωn1 = 0.993ω0 = 2π × (4.965MHz) ωn 2 = 0.528ω0 = 2π × (2.64MHz)

Q1 = 3.55 Q2 = 0.783.

R1 = R2 = 1 kΩ, C1 = 50.4C2 R1 = R2 = 1 kΩ, C1 = 2.45C2

1 1
= 2π × (4.965MHz) = 2π × (2.64 MHz)
50.4 R1C2 2.45 R1C2
→ C2 = 4.52 pF, C1 = 227.8 pF → C2 = 38.5 pF, C1 = 94.3 pF
CH 14 Analog Filters 74

¾ The desired filter response must in practice be approximated

by a realizable transfer function. Possible transfer functions
include Butterworth and Chebyshev responses.
¾ The Butterworth response contains n complex poles on a circle
and exhibits a maximally-flat behavior. It is suited to
applications that are intolerant of any ripple in the passband
¾ The Chebyshev response provides a sharper transition than
Butterworth at the cost of some ripple in the passband and
stopbands. It contains n complex poles on an ellipse.

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