Day 1 - Yang Kin Seng

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Geotechnical Design using Eurocode 7 YANG Kin Seng Overall Scope of the Workshop Introduction and Overview of Eurocodes framework and the application of Eurocode 7 in Geotechnical Design relerence to Singapore National Annexes on the folowing Spread and Pile Foundations v Earths airing Structures and Anchorage Y Hydraulic Fale, Overall Stabilly and Erbankments Introduction and Overview of Eurocodes framework and the application of Eurocode 7 in Geotechnical Design J . Scope The framework of Eurocode + Ilroduction and how Eurocode works + Concepts: assumptions, principles, rules, design situations, actions, materials ¥- Overview of Eurocade 7 + General Rules + Geotechnical Design — Different Approaches Introduction and Overview of Eurocodes framework and the application of Eurocode 7 in Geotechnical Design Scope (cont'd) ¥- Requirements on obtaining geotechnical design parameters + Information for Geotechnical Design and Ground ‘Characterisation v ve ication requirem ' of strength and serviceabi ¥- Geotechnical Reports Eurocode Overall framework What are Eurocodes ? > The Struc codes for Eurocodes are a European suite of ructural design > They will effectively replace the current codes and standards > They will be used as an acceptable basis for meeting ‘compliance with the Building Re EN 1900 : Basis of Structural Design _ ] [Eurocode 0 [Burocode 1 [Eurocado 2% ‘Design a [Eurecode 3% | [EN 1003 : Design of Stoo Si £N1904 Design of Compose Stet ‘Concrete Structures Design of Timber Struct oe {Design of Masonry Stu sign sd) [Euocode7_] ot [Eurocode 8 ||EN 198: Design of Srucures for Earthquake Reins (Eivecedo 95] [EN 1060 Design ofAuminom Svuctues? =) Geotechnical and Seismic Design -EN.1996 (Masonry) a Fundamentals of Structural Eurocodes + Servceabil with 2p ¥ Fic requroment = iho vequtd peed ‘Normative Annexes Informative Annexes | | Normative Informative Contains supplementary information that may | be followed ANational Annex cannot change or modify the content of the EN Eurocode text in any way other than where it indicates that national choi may be made by means of Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs). (ae) ¥ Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) or classes where ateratves are given inthe Eurocode (eg for pile design) and values to be used whore a yo only i given inthe Eurocode,} ¥ Country specific data at ¥ Procedure to be used where alternative procedures *?)". are given in the Eurocode (eq Design Approaches 1, 2 0r3) ¥ Guidance on the informative annexes (e9 warning that earth pressure formulation ignores water) ¥ Reference to non-contradictory, complementary information to assist the user to apply the Eurocode ee _ (ea elerence to BS 1977) | of fusmeoda in the Uk Letter of 29 January 2010 issued by Department for Communities and Local Government, UK ‘Withdrawal of ‘Structural Design Standards (British Standards) and Updating Approved Documents A and ‘Under an agreement between the European standardisation bodies, the national standards bodies including BSI for the UK will withdraw any conflicting national structural design standards by 31 March 2010.” [> What is meant by “withdrawn” ? 31 Mar 2010 ‘+ Introduction of a suite of new BS for structural design based on Eurocodes + The BS to be withdrawn on 31 March are and will remain available from BSI. But BSI committees have already stepped updating those BS, and so they may not necessarily be Suitable for aspects of structural design in the medium and long term. + need to be aware of the risk of designs inappropriately mixing new design standards based on the BS ENs and withdrawn BS design standards. “Residual” Standards ee ear > BS 5930 : Site Investigations » BS 1377 : Methods of test for soils > BS 8002 : Earth Retaining Structures > BS 8004 : Foundations ANNEKA: Number of Parts and National Annexes that are aplieable in Singapore ofyars | natossen ane saa fe ANS eet AIMEE ting ef 3 Ehsan He te $6 and the conerponing Se a a toon ‘Amex: Comparative It of Singapore/Bitsh standards tobe Writharom and “the equivalent replacement” by ‘Snaspore/ European atandards (tara) General Aspects | Eurocodes General Aspects + Basis o ral Design (EN 1990) > Requirements | > Assumptions | ‘ Definitions of some common terms. | > Action > Effects | > Values “+ Limit State Design Principles ‘Separate paragraphs into + Principles (identifi by th Principles and Application Rules | acer + Application Rules (vers used include ‘shoul’, may, ‘can ete) “+ gonerally recognised rules that comply wih the Principles and saisty their requitemer + Permissible to use altemative design rues provided they are a east tequivalnt vith regard tothe structural safely, servceabilly and ‘uray @ Structure’s Design Life i | i ¥ Whatis the structure's design working life ? i I ¥ What are design woi equirements forthe structure's ie The design working life should be specified. ex 1860 20) Design Working Life “assumed period for which a structure Jntended purpose with anticipated without major repair being necessary.” co 1s01528 togry 1105 Table 21 ~ Incest design working te a Femperay tucee® Regen ropa oar Aare ard Sra acon aces for the structure's design life 's design working ile ? ‘What are the requirements for the struct ‘They ae found in Secton 2 EN 1980 Evo: Bass of sta! dtm eon 52.72) EN 1990: Basis of design |/ ‘Action (Fis Temperature changos, uneven setiement or earthquakes {ingrect action) an ‘Action is action transmitted to the structure by or groundwater Classification of Actions : Basic variables ‘Actions shall be classified by ther variation in time as follows: e160 4.1 [ae Dorion @uraton and Tae ‘variation with time) ca Serve ted quprent an Jeacedby uneven Imgosed oad on voratte(a) [1.584 but Nor, oe ra usualy | Matis untelytocecuon a | Explosion, impact ecdertal(A) 11585 lohan” | wenseucnee asing ne | rom voce | uration | osign working Ho NOTE: Indrect actos caused by inposed delrmaton can be ether parmanent or vars, Le (eee eeeeeeneaaeaaed Values Relating to Actions oprosontative value ofan Action (F) Value used the charac representative valve may be ale (F,) or an accompanying value (W F,) x The reprsortatve vale ola sje gone acon ganby? | | Fee YF, | Values | -Poxmanent Action (6): The combistion actor Wi nite for permanent | stone Variable Actions (2) : The valve of ¥ 'stpically equal o 1.0 forthe leading ‘action (Q,), buts less than one fora ‘aocompanyrg! variable actions Qo Example ‘otal design action (F,) Fae E ry Os, + Yor Qe Dro: Yo, Qs ey (ae ee whore 7 and fg ar appropiate para factors one various ations Values of Factor, oe ‘Appropriate values of shall be taken from EN 1990:2002. Rg Ree le ae | | | Values | Relating to Mat il and Product properties | (Characteristic value (oR) is | | | Number of e— Mean Results ‘Standard deviation = Value ot Parmeter Xx, tower’ Xn Xa, righer” Values Relating to Material and Product properties 4aqyP stuctual member, hog! Sonservatve val EN 1990: Basis of design Eurocodes are based on Limit State design principles. states beyond which the structure ihe relevant design criteria" distinction shall be made between Y Ultimate Limit States and V Serviceability Limit States Examples 7 Loss of equitoriam Excessive deformation, rupture, transformation into mechanism, loss of stbiy Fale caused by fatigue or other time-dependent effects. tural members under = The appearance of the construction works. EN 1990: Basis of design | Limit State Design Principles | Limit states shall be related to design situations | (ov 91090) ‘What are design situations ? Xa tests. physical concon representing the ret conditions | “*™ accurring during a certain time interval for which the design will | | | demonstrate that relevant limit states are not exceeded." EN 1990: Basis of design Design Situations Dain stuns sab ssid at Persistent —conations of normal use + Transient —temporary condition, e.g. during execution or repair. + Accidental — exceptional conditions og + Seismic —seemic events impact, explosion l (evs000 3229) > Limit state concept used in conjunction wth the partial actor method > Design situations determine Combinations of actions Partial Factors EN 1990: Basis of design Verification of Limit State Design The verifications shall be carried out fr all relevant design, situations and load cases. Design for mit states shall be based on the use of structural and load models all be veritied that me Is exceeded when the relevant design values are used in these models: Actions Material or Product properties, and Geometrical data EN 1991 : Actions on structures Examples anol 2 Caen cee at Seb ad) Sing ae ae — = ee ee ed ee 2 | | Mom | om Fae EN 1991 : Actions on structures art 1-6 Actions during execution Geotechnical actions Gocjechnical actions _ ‘The characteristic values of + geotechnical parameters, + soil and earth pressures, and 19 values for movements of foundations shall be determined according to EN 199) EN wor-64317 Eurocode 7 > Overview * Assumptions + Scope > Basis of Geotechnical Design * Geotechnical Category > Geotechnical Data * Investigation * Geotechnical Parameters * Characteristic Values of Geotechnical Parameters. Eurocode 7 > Ground Investigation & Testing * EC7—Pant2 * Ground Investigation Report * Geotechnical Information > Basis of Geotechnical Design (cont'd) + Geotechnical design by calculation; and observational Method + Geotechnical Design Report > Supervising of Construction, Monitoring and Maintenance x Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design Eurcade 7 on geotechnical design, provides “one, untied methodology for al geotechnical design problems.” EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design Part 1: General Rules =the document inthe Eurocode suite concamed withthe general geotechnical aspects of the Pesan of stuctures. EN 1997-2 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design Part 2 : Ground Investigation and testing = gives the general requirements and testing or use in geotechnical design. National Annex to EN 1997-1 [National Annex to EN 1997-2 | [EN 1997 Vi. EC7 : Geotechnical Design Part t : General Rulos Part 2: Ground Investigation and ternational Standards 15014688 eriiicaon and csseicaton of cols Testing + 1S0 14689 : dentifcation and classication of rocks Execution of special geotechnical works 15022475 = Sarmpling by sriling and excavation and groundwater measurements Examples: 15022476: Fed Tesing [EW 12068: Shoot pie wal 15017802: Laboratory Lye testog of 0h EN 1697 Ground anchors ISO 22477: Tesing of geotechnical structures EN 1856 : Diaphragm wall Geotechnical Project Geotechnical Design Eurocodes : EN 1997-1 ‘and EN 1997-2 Eurocodes : Basis of ‘Structural Design lox design. ‘fenced designers will not be able to proceed adequately 12 Eurocode alot The Eurocode 7 assum: knowiedge and experier ‘engineering appropriate for reader has a level of ‘mechanics and geotechnical ’ Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design _/ Sean te s7 is intended tobe used in conjunction with EN 1990:2002 establishes the princples and requirements for safety and / Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design ‘Scope of EN 1997 (cont'd) Separate European Standards ae Intended to be used to treat maters of execution and workmanship, ‘7 InEN 1997 execution is covered tothe extent hats necessary to Ihdoes not cover the special requirements of seismic design Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design ical Design Part 1 : the document in the Eurocode suite concerned with the general geotechnical aspects of the design of structures, EC 7 applies the principles of EN 1990 Eurocode : Basis of Structural Design, > by seting the rues for determining the geotechnical actions and > for checking he acceptabilty ofthe geotechnical resistances, ~ £C 7 adopts a common design philosophy based on the use Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design | ) Aspects of EC 7 Limit state design Principles and Application Rules Characteristic values of geotechnical parameters Partial factors of safety Charact v v ic values —~ design values Ultimate limit states vvvyvy > | EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design Part 1 : General Rules Contents Section 1 ~ General Section 2 ~ Basis of geotechnical design Section 3 — Geotechnical data Section 4 ~ Supervision of construction, monitoring and maintenance: Section 5 — si si si si si si si fection 12—Embankments So EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design / Part 1: General Rules Annexes (normatvefinformatve) + Annex (cormatie) Pata ang corelaton factors for utmat it states and recommended values + Annex B (sfrmatve) Background information on partial factors for Design 2 + Annex € informative) A sample semi-empical method for bearing resistance fetimation ‘malive) Sample methods fr setement evaluation ive) Limiting values of structural deformation ard foundation ‘+ Annex, (formative) Checks for construction sypersion and pertormance ‘montoring “e EN 1997-1 : ANNEX A EN 1997-1 : INFORMATIVE ANNEXES. % Examples | Annex ¢ ‘Sample procedures to determine earth pressure Annee 2 ‘Asample analytical method for bearing resistance calculation D.3 Undrained conditions | (0) The gesign beanng resistance may be ealeulated from | | are meaie,besckea on | D4 Drained conditions (1 The design beanng resistance may be ealeiate em: FIA'= CNB, 5.1.4 q'NaBo Srl O5Y'BN, 6, 5,4 fa Annex E [Asample seml-empltical method fr bearing resistance estimation Ratleent evaluation | CT) sense, ‘Annex H Lito values of stryctural deformation and foundation movement EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design Part 1: General Rules > EN 1997-1 gives design guidance and actions for geotechnical design of buildings and civil engineering works. > EN 1997-1 is intonded to be used with EN 1990 and EN 1991 Sores N 1990 and EN 1981 > Inusing EN 1997-1 in pract paid tothe underlying ass lar regard should be ‘conditions given in 1.3, > EN 1997-1 is supplemented by EN 1997-2 that is concemed with ground investigation and test > EN 1997-1 cannot be used without EN 1997-2 | EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design Part 1: General Rules ‘Assumptions )Feerence is made o 1.3 of EN 19902002. standard ar based on the assumptions given below = doquat supenison an quaty contra are provided in aces. n ‘and on ste EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design Part 1 : General Rules ‘Assumptions (cont'd) — execution is carried out accoréng to the relevant standards and ons by pereonnel having the appropriate (9) These assumptions need 1 be considered both the client. To prevent uncertainty, compliance wih thom should be documented, ein the geotechnical design report. ( Gectecnical desig re | category { Superson of tne executon of the work (4) and re-assessment of Geotechnical Category ripen ndtv 188 | ——— J EC 7- Part 1 : Geotechnical Design Actions In geotechnical design, actions should include the following = vA Actions (Examples: Rotaining Structures syraouneaton Pe undaon ree tenants we en sta EN 1997-1 Section 2 - Basis of Geotechnical Design EC7-1 Section 2 Basis of geotechnical design 2.1 Design requirements EN 1990:2002 detines limit states as states beyond which the structure no longer ful the relevant design criteria’ EC 7-1 Section 2 Basis of geotechnical design y, 2-1 Design requirements ‘o estabish minimum requirements the extent and content of geotech jons and investigations, + construction control checks, the complexity of each geotechnical design shall be identified together with the associated risks - design requirements, three ‘and 3, may be introduced. Geotechnical Category 1 | S sto owed ony | comparable local below te water tale ine Geotechnical Category 2 conventional types of structure and foundation with no SK oF eifclt solo loading conditions. Routine procedures for fed and laboratory testing and fr design and ‘execution may be used. Geotechnical Category 3 should include structures or parts of: limits of Geotechnical Categories 1 should normaly ini atematve provisions and rules to thoee i ‘standard on [NOTE Geotechnical Category 3 includes the following examples + Vary farge or unusual structures; + Structures involving abnormal risks, or unusual or exceptionally The depth of inesiga the projector ae afected specimens tobe tested s Geotechnical Investigations Geotechnical investigation shall be planned in such a way as to ensure that relevant geotechnical information and data are avalable atthe various stages ofthe project. | + Geotechnical information shall be adequate to manage | ‘and antelpated project risks. 9 of accident Geotechnic and other = the appr of existing constructions, e.g. buildings, | snnels, embankments and slopes: — the history of development on and around the site. cere 21.19 Ground Investigations Ground investigation shal > provide a description of ground conditions relevant tothe proposed works and > establish a basis parameters relevant 1@ assessment ofthe geotechnical ‘construction stages. sere 2120? ‘The information obtained should enable assessment of the following aspects, if possible: the deformation ofthe ground caused by the structure or resulting from constuction works, ts spatial distrbution and behaviour ‘overtime; Ground Investigations contd = the safety with respect limit states (e.g subsidence, ground heave, pit sippage of sland rock masses, bucking of ples, et) the structure rom the ground (eg atral = the ofets ofthe {cure and is use on the surroundings; any additional structural measures 09 the type and extent of ground contamination on, adn the vicinity of, the si; the offecivonass of measures taken to contain or romedy contamination core aia Ground Investigations ‘Groundwater {Groundwater investigations shal provide al relevant information on| ‘roundwater needed for geotechnical design and constuction. core evar ‘Re Information obtained shoe sullen to assess te owing aspects, wher L—Lr— — possible harm eects ofthe groundwater on excavations or on slopes (9. eek of hydraul fare, excossive soopage pressure or erosion) any measures necessary to protec the sttucture (e.g, waterproofing, ee ee So so groundwater lowering, desicaton, impounding et. on he eae the capacity ofthe ground to absorb water injected during constuction work — whater itis possible to use local groundwater, gven ts chemical onsttuton, for construction purposes. eet Ground Investigations (Ground investigations sheulé normally be performed in phases : Ground Investigations Locations and depths of the investigation points Locations and depyns of the investigation points shall be explored to depts below ‘any potential sip sutace NOTE For the spacing of investigation points and investigation depths, the |v rn) formative) Planning of Geotechnical Investigations 2.3: examples of recommendations forthe spacing and depth of investigation SW" Ground investigations E672 Annex B (informative) Planning of Geotechnical nvestigaions | 8.3; exampeeo recommendations wesigaton saci and cnn Spacing and depth of investigations - guidance ‘Structure Spacing ‘Arrangement High-se and industrial 1s40m Large area 260m Linear structures (eg roads, | | 20-200m | Dams and wets 2-76m__ | verealsectore | Special (69 bes) 26 per foundation | | wore eam Sacina of vestiatve pots a TTY | Spin = 15M Space 40m | 10% storey high rise big Shallow foundation An ilustation Depth of investigation points Shallow footing 8), j= 2m wide Zong 9X (6m ,3x.6)}= Raft foundation V I j An tustation a ee fiat foundation sy; Bp =0m wide (6) For raft foundations and structs ral foundation ele fects in doepe st 242 15nby Zap =max | 6m, 15xby}= 45m ‘there Bais th smal side ofthe src. Piled foundation Ae o° Aan iustration iad foundation or, Dy= 100mm ile group, b= 30m (Depth of vestigation points (19) For piles, tha following three conctions should be met 2,2 1.00, 2,250 -2,2 30, Dyis tne ple base ameter: and foundation atte veo eps base Zag max [b, 5m_.3xOp) =30m For cut-off w = 2,2 2m below the surface ofthe stratum limpermeable to groundwater. For dams 08h < 2, < 12h -2,26m there is th embankment hight For cuttings. -% 220m =2,204n hori the dam height or depth of ctng = 2,2 04h = 2,2 (1420) m where tis the embectied length of the support; and his the excavation depth. face and the groundwater tables are the lager value ofthe fllowing where Hs the height of the grounewater level above the excavation base; {andi tis the embodded fegth of tha support. vk Tunnels and Caverns (9) For small tunnels and caverns Duy 25-< 2.00.0 where bypis the width of excavation. "|The groundwater conditions described in 10 (b} should also be taken into account. EN 1997-2 Section 3 — Soil and rock sam | groundwater measurements | Part 2 : Ground Investigation and Testing (geotechnical design dala are obtained, ‘Tein eupmant sab slot accord ‘the sampling categories required, as defined in 3.4.1 and 8.5.1, the dopn tobe reached and the required ameter ofthe sample; EN 1997-2 Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design Part 2 : Ground Investigation and Testing ‘The equiremer + the of EN ISO 2247-1 forthe selection of ing oF excavation methods and | + samping equipment adequate tothe sol sampling category prescribed, lasses, as detalled in able 3.1, ers 54308) aps ]s Ta 1 a vi Ta EC7-2 Table2.2: Soil Classification Tests_(forcuine ess) Tieseibo Sy Poramoter a “+ Se Plel i i z pltLe [ali i a i Sagaaromoe Ty vt v [v[v[v[+ |v co viele [vlelelele viel - yTel- 5 zi elele[.[4 viyy iv viv fv = 7. Vivi iv x v ot ]- : v vi[eTelele v bebe bh rs ev 19> Po der tere = aE EC 7.2 Table 2.3 Laboratory tat forthe determination of geotechnical parameters ‘Organi Soil ‘Voleanie Soll EN/ISO 14689-1:2003 Identification of Rocks | Rock Types: Usual Structure Ioneous Massive ‘SEDIMENTARY Bekdod METAMORPHIC Foliated Massive IGNEOUS ROCKS EN ISO 14689-1:2003 & SEDIMENTARY ROCKS | ae Limestones | tAtteast 50% graina are of carbonate) EN ISO 146991:2003 | Aid to rock identification for Pri gan eer EN 1997-2 Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical Design Part 2: Ground Investigation and Testing Number of tests ‘The necessary number of specimens tobe tested shall be estabshed pending on “the homogenelty ofthe ground + the quay and amou rable experience with the ground and ‘Depending onthe test type, a minimum numberof specimens should be investigate. lannexes can ago be used lo check whether the extent ofthe teting Wa sufient Chzetenton tet. (Aner tobe tested in one sol stratum | | | Examples Suggested minimum number of samples | Denay ete (Amex EN 1997-2 3 Section 4 — Field tests on soil and rock Section 5 — Laboratory tests on soil and rock

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