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state-dependence of memory5. This refers to

the observation that what an organism learns
while being in a given state (for example, an

Discovering risperidone: alcohol-induced state) can be better remem-

bered in that same state as opposed to any
other state (for example, the sober state). The
the LSD model of psychopathology model involves training laboratory animals to
execute a particular behavioural response fol-
lowing injections of, for instance, alcohol. In
Francis C. Colpaert tests of retrieval, the animals remember the
response better when they are again injected
In the 1970s and 1980s, Janssen undaunted courage. So much so that we with alcohol as opposed to saline (and vice
Pharmaceutica Research, which had a undertook the study of subjective experi- versa, which demonstrates that retrieval is
broad interest in central nervous system ences, or interoception, in laboratory animals. conditional upon the state that prevailed at
disorders and nurtured intellectual freedom, the time of learning). In a further develop-
developed original, and at times heretical, The pharmacology of interoception ment of the model, however, animals were
concepts. It took decades for the scientific By the 1970s, opioids such as fentanyl had trained to execute one response after having
community to endorse some of these become indispensable tools for achieving received one pharmacological treatment, and
concepts. Among them were such notions deep, surgical analgesia, but these agents also to execute a similar but alternative response
as an elementary particle of behaviour, the slowed gastrointestinal motility and were after having received another treatment. In
introduction of response quality in receptor thought to be useful for the treatment of diar- stark contrast to the then-prevailing wisdom,
theory, and the idea that tolerance does not rhoea, a disconcerting and at times life-threat- and igniting a controversy that would simmer
develop to opioids. These concepts ening condition. However, the use of opiods for decades, we suggested that this technology
enabled the discovery of the antipsychotic to treat this condition was severely hampered no longer measured the state-dependence of
risperidone, a unique full antagonist of the by their potential for abuse, which can eventu- memory. Instead, it provided a measurement
interoceptive effects of LSD. ally develop into dependence and addiction. of the ability of animals to discriminate
By that time, a number of American clinical between the subjective experiences induced
In the early 1970s, the Janssen Pharmaceutica pharmacologists, including Isbell, Fraser, by one pharmacological treatment as
company had behind it the successful discov- Martin and Jasinski4, had developed remark- opposed to another6, and the new technology
ery of such central nervous system (CNS) ably objective and quantified — genuinely sci- was named Drug Discrimination (DD).
agents as fentanyl and haloperidol, and a host entific — procedures demonstrating that opi- In a typical DD experiment (BOX 1), rats
of further opioid analgesic and antipsychotic oids in humans produce opioid-specific are initially trained to press one of two levers
agents1. Joining Janssen Pharmaceutica at the subjectively experienced effects, such as ‘feel- in order to obtain food. Thereafter, discrimi-
time as a young CNS pharmacologist meant ings of well-being’, that are crucial for the initi- nation training is instituted; before the ses-
becoming immersed in Dr Paul Janssen-the- ation of the non-medical use of opioids. sion, the animal is injected with either drug
physician’s (known in the laboratory as ‘Dr Also by that time, behavioural pharmacol- or saline. On drug days, pressing only the left
Paul’) unrelenting desire to further the treat- ogists had developed a model to study the lever is rewarded; on saline days, pressing
ment of disease through a research pro- only the right lever is rewarded. After a
gramme that, among other peculiarities, exer- number of discrimination training sessions,
cised its very own study design and data rats learn to perceive the ‘subjective’ effects
analysis2,3 that reduced awesome biological “In stark contrast to the of the drug, determine the difference from
complexity to elegant, starkly effective sim- then-prevailing wisdom… (that is, discriminate those from) saline
plicity. It also meant benefiting from Dr injection, and choose the appropriate lever.
Janssen-the-chemist’s seemingly unlimited we suggested that this By this lever choice, the rats categorically
resourcefulness in providing pharmacological technology no longer indicate whether they received the training
tools and research compounds. To the novice drug; in an analogy to quantum physics, this
and innocent it was a brave world of bound-
measured the state- categorical choice arguably constitutes an
less intellectual freedom and naively dependence of memory.” elementary particle of behaviour7.


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A remarkable feature of the DD technol- those of the training drug. That is, will the rat number of rats choosing the drug lever
ogy is its pharmacological specificity. After choose the drug or the saline lever? It turns increases with higher test doses. Rats will also
discrimination training has been completed, out that rats trained in this manner exhibit a generalize to other benzodiazepines, but not
so-called generalization tests can be carried surprisingly accurate pharmacology. For to any of a vast array of non-benzodiazepine
out. In such a test, the rat is injected with a example, rats trained on a ‘training’ dose of a drugs and other pharmacological tools.
drug other than the training drug, and the benzodiazepine will generalize (that is, choose Furthermore, benzodiazepine antagonists,
experimenter can ask whether the drug being the drug lever with) lower doses of that ben- but not any other agents, antagonize the gen-
tested produces subjective effects that are like zodiazepine in a dose-dependent manner; the eralization that a benzodiazepine will other-
wise produce. Similarly specific patterns of
generalization are found with discriminations
Box 1 | The Drug Discrimination model of most CNS agents and receptor-subtype-
In this model of in vivo behavioural pharmacology, partially food-deprived, hungry animals (for selective neuropharmacological ligands8. As
example, rats) are initially trained, in daily 15-min sessions, to press one of two levers for food such, the DD technology possesses both a
(see figure). Eventually, the animals press the lever ten times in order to obtain the food pellet, specificity and breadth of applicability that
which they then receive in the receptacle from a more distantly located dispenser. Once this are comparable to that of its contemporary, in
capability is established, Drug Discrimination training is initiated. That is, at some time point vitro radioligand binding. As DD provides
before every session (for example, 15 mins beforehand), the rat is injected with either a drug (for experimental access to the animal homologue
example, 0.16 mg per kg of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)) or its vehicle (for example, of subjective drug effects, Dr Paul commented
physiological saline). On days when it receives LSD before the session, the rat is required to press that it constituted the first laboratory tech-
one of the levers (for example, the left-hand lever or ‘LSD lever’) for food; pressing the right-hand nique of true psychopharmacology.
lever yields no reward, and might even result in some punishment (for example, a startling noise).
On days when it receives saline, the rat is required to press the right-hand ‘saline’ lever; pressing An opioid interoceptiom
the LSD lever yields no reward. Drug and saline days occur in a quasi-random fashion; the only Rats trained to discriminate fentanyl from
indication the animal has in deciding which lever to choose in any given session is the drug or saline, again with a high degree of specificity,
saline injection that it received prior to the session. Many drugs, including LSD, produce will generalize to other opioids, such as mor-
subjective (interoceptive) effects that the saline injection does not mimic; it is the presence or
phine, heroin and codeine, but not to any
absence of these interoceptive effects that provides the indication as to which lever is appropriate,
non-opioid agents9. Opioids — ligands that
and should therefore be chosen, on any particular day. Implementing this scheme for a number of
selectively activate opioid receptors — also
sessions results in the animal successfully discriminating LSD from saline; eventually, the rat
slow gastrointestinal motility (for example, as
reliably chooses the LSD lever after LSD injection, and the saline lever after saline injection. This
is when the experimenter can begin to ask questions. measured by the inhibition of castor oil-
The reliable discriminative response is maintained by further training sessions, but on some induced diarrhoea in the rat), but do so with a
days (for example, once a week) a test is conducted. On these occaisions, some new potency that does not correlate with their
pharmacological agent is administered, and again the animal has to decide which lever to press. ability to make rats generalize to fentanyl after
This choice is measured as the first lever on which the rat completes ten presses. The evidence they have been trained to discriminate fen-
indicates that, in such test sessions, the animal will only chose the LSD lever with doses of LSD tanyl from saline10. Rats so trained were there-
itself or other agents that very closely mimic the neurobiological action of 0.16 mg per kg of LSD; fore a means of detecting opioids that were
as indicated in the text, with any other treatment the rat will choose the saline lever, even if that effective anti-diarrhoeals but which would
treatment does produce interoceptive, but not LSD-like, effects. not produce subjective opioid effects, and it
was by this route that loperamide was discov-
ered11,12. Presumably because of its poor pene-
tration of the blood–brain barrier, orally
administered loperamide counteracted castor
oil-induced diarrhoea at 0.15 mg per kg but,
at doses up to 40 mg per kg, failed to make the

? rats generalize with fentanyl. In the early

1980s, loperamide became the mainstay treat-
ment of diarrhoea and saved scores of
patients from fatal dehydration and ion loss; it
has not, however, been abused.

Opioid tolerance: only apparent?

The DD technology seemed to offer unique
experimental access to the analysis of subjec-
tivity, and its validity was reinforced by the
successful prediction it made for loperamide.
But there remained a fundamental concern,
with opioid DD in particular. In order for rats
to adequately master fentanyl–saline discrimi-
nation, some 50 training sessions are
required, half of which are preceded by the
injection of a substantial dose of the opioid.

316 | APRIL 2003 | VOLUME 2

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curve did not move at all14. This rather stun-

Box 2 | Responses to receptor activation
ning finding put us at a decisive crossroads.
Receptor One option was to consider that textbook
II activation I III
pharmacology was not to be disputed; it
meant that tolerance did develop in the
experiment, but that for some unidentified
c reason it did not cause the gradient to shift
rightward. It also implied an even more severe
Response magnitude

criticism of a technology that not only was

b flawed because of an ever-changing sensitiv-
ity, but that also failed to provide any control
over this change. The second option, which
a we embraced, was to consider, simply, that the
Ra gradient did not shift and that, therefore, tol-
erance does not develop to opioid DD. And so
began an epic, excruciatingly long, and always
0 Concentration 0 Response magnitude solitary struggle on two fronts. The scientific
community that principally used DD held
Molecules that can bind to a given receptor (that is, receptor ligands) can differ from each other that tolerance does develop to opioid DD; it
in terms of their affinity, that is, the concentration at which binding occurs. Receptor ligands required some 20 years for this community to
can also differ in terms of efficacy; as shown in panel I of the figure (middle), ligands a, b and c reconsider this analysis15. The broader scien-
activate the receptor in a concentration-dependent manner, but do so to a maximal extent tific groups concerned with opioid pharma-
(or ceiling level) that differs between the ligands. Note that, for the sake of simplicity, the ligands cology and pain in general, however, were to
shown in panel I differ only in efficacy, not in affinity. Again for the sake of simplicity, all three focus on another question: if tolerance does
ligands shown are ‘positive’ agonists that produce a greater-than-zero activation of the receptor; not develop to opioid DD, how can this be
so-called inverse agonists that produce negative activation also exist, but are not shown. reconciled with the tolerance that is observed
Ideas about the mechanisms by which responses are elicited by receptor activation have evolved to develop as a matter of course to all other
considerably. In Ariëns’ classical concept (panel II), the quantitatively different magnitudes of opioid effects, most notably analgesia?
receptor activation that ligands a, b and c produce, elicit responses that differ in magnitude Implying that received wisdom had it wrong,
along a single response dimension (that is, that differ only in a quantitative manner). This is not and inviting the wrath of these communities
unlike the case in physics where a given quantity of action elicits a linearly related quantity of
for decades to come, I suggested that toler-
reaction. In a more recent conception (panel III), the different receptor activations elicit
ance does not develop to the molecular action
responses (Ra, Rb, Rc) that differ in a manner that is qualitative. The magnitude of these different
of opioids, and that the tolerance that is
responses (abscissa) does relate to that of the receptor activation, but does so along a bell-shaped
observed with opioid analgesia, for example,
function; thus, the response occurs only within a limited range of receptor activation. This is not
unlike the case of the perception of light, in which quantitatively different wavelengths is only apparent.
(analogous to quantitatively different receptor activations) elicit colours that vary qualitatively This suggestion was based on a theory of
(analogous to responses Ra, Rb and Rc). the formal mechanisms of signal transduc-
Ariëns’ concept has long been extremely successful for a vast array of receptor systems; the need tion in pain-processing systems16. The con-
for the more recent concept has arisen, in particular, from studies of (G protein-coupled) opioid cept specifies that any input to nociceptive
and 5-HT receptors. systems causes not one effect, but two effects
that are paradoxical, or opposite in sign.
Accordingly, opioid receptor activation pro-
For up to two years afterwards, the rats can to fentanyl in the DD technique presumably duces first analgesia as a so-called first-order
then be submitted to generalization tests, but implies that the rats became tolerant to the effect, but then also hyperalgesia as a second-
these are typically interspersed, once or twice opioid, and that any measurements obtained order effect. As opioid treatment is contin-
weekly, among training sessions that are con- in tests were flawed because of an ever-shift- ued, the second-order hyperalgesia grows
tinued in order to insure the long-term accu- ing sensitivity (such as that which accompa- and apparently neutralizes the first-order
racy of the discrimination. As such, over the nies receptor desensitization). This flaw, analgesia. This theory offered an account of
course of the training, and during the time which textbook pharmacology seemed to the apparent tolerance to opioid analgesia
that the tests are conducted, the rats receive make inevitable, would gravely detract from while preserving the notion that the initial
several hundred fentanyl injections. the usefulness of the DD technology. molecular action of opioids remains
Tolerance (that is, loss of effect) develops We trained rats and determined the fen- immutable. Pharmacological Reviews accep-
to opioid analgesia, to opioid respiratory tanyl dose–response curve (also called the ted a discussion of this concept17, but not
depression, and to all other opioid-receptor- stimulus generalization gradient) immedi- without the editor requiring18 for the first
mediated effects of opioid agonists. Indeed, ately after the rats were trained, as well as after time since the journal’s creation that a cri-
tolerance to opioids is so widely observed that repeated training sessions for up to four tique of the paper be published alongside
pharmacology textbooks, such as Principles of months. Despite continuing to expose the the review19. The concept discussed in
Drug Action: The Basis of Pharmacology13, animals to fentanyl in the meantime, the fen- Pharmacological Reviews received powerful
propose that the development of tolerance tanyl gradient did not shift, in contrast to validation recently, with the verification of a
constitutes no less than a defining feature of what the tolerance hypothesis would have set of highly peculiar predictions that only
specific opioid actions. The frequent exposure predicted. In fact, the fentanyl dose–response this theory makes16,17,20. Some molecular


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a The quality beyond the quantity effects of activating opioid receptors to a high,
In his wonderfully elegant and analytical the- as opposed to a low, magnitude differed in a
ory of the molecular pharmacology of recep- qualitative manner24–26. In other words, a par-
tor-mediated drug actions, Ariëns22 defined ticular quality of response to receptor activa-
two parameters that were to exhaustively tion occurs within a limited, perhaps narrow,
account for ligand–receptor interactions. One bandwidth of activation, and not with either
is that of affinity, that is, the readiness with lower or higher levels of activation (BOX2 ).
b which (or concentration at which) the ligand Similarly, quantitatively different wavelengths
binds to the receptor. The other is that of effi- of light generate effects that vary qualitatively
cacy (or intrinsic activity), that is, the maxi- as colours. This conclusion called for the
mal extent to which the ligand can activate addition of a third parameter to Ariëns’ recep-
the receptor. The theory was all about quan- tor theory. As has happened before in the his-
tity: a given quantity of a ligand possessing a tory of receptor theory27, it took some time to
Figure 1 | Structural formula of the pure LSD quantified efficacy predictably produced the begin to unravel the molecular mechanisms
antagonists pirenperone and risperidone. quantified magnitude of response. The theory of receptor properties that were postulated
a | Pirenperone, 3-[2-[4-(4-fluoro-benzoyl)- adequately explained the actions and interac- from less direct observations made at higher
piperidino]-ethyl]-2-methyl-4H-pyrido[1,2-a]- tions of what were then referred to as agonists levels of integration. Today, Kenakin28 and
pyrimidine-4-one. b | Risperidone, 3-[2-[4-(6-
and antagonists, and also of ligands that pro- others29 recognize that at G protein-coupled
duced more complex, partial and mixed ago- receptors, such as the µ-opioid receptors, G
pyrimidine-4-one. LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide. nist and antagonist effects. proteins can be engaged to different extents
In rats discriminating 0.04 mg per kg fen- through a single receptor, depending on the
tanyl from saline, typical opioid agonists pro- agonist (agonist-directed trafficking of the
mechanism might exist that mimics the CNS duced dose-dependent and full (that is, receptor stimulus)28,29. The most directly anal-
effects of nociceptive stimulation. Con- 100%) generalization, and no antagonist ogous findings to our in vivo opioid DD
sidered as the opposite of the action of mor- effects. Opioid antagonists, such as naloxone, results are that some ligands at the (G pro-
phine, nociception should produce pain as a tein-coupled) 5-HT1A receptor yield a concen-
first-order effect, but then produce second- tration-dependent bell-shaped curve in
order hypo-algesia. With chronicity, the sec- “The same intricate web of directing receptor signalling to the Gαi3 pro-
ond-order hypo-algesia should grow at the tein subtype in vitro30. Equally in advance of
expense of the first-order pain. In laboratory developments that yielded the physiological analysis of interoception31,32,
studies, the effects of the very-high-efficacy risperidone also led to drug this exercise in receptor theory made us
5-HT1A receptor agonist F 13640 seem to fit realise that particular qualities of discrimina-
these predictions21. In conditions under discoveries in seemingly tive, or subjective effects, may arise from par-
which tolerance to morphine develops, the unrelated areas.” ticular levels of receptor activation. With this
chronic infusion of F 13640 causes inverse in mind, we began to study LSD.
tolerance (that is, incremental as opposed to
decaying analgesia). In addition, F 13640 blocked fentanyl fully, and produced no ago- From LSD to risperidone
cooperates with nociception in producing, nist effect. The partial and mixed opioid lig- In the 1960s and 1970s, at the Janssen labora-
paradoxically, analgesia. So, F 13640 sets in and cyclazocine produced a partial general- tories as elsewhere, the stereotypical behav-
motion two unprecedented neuroadaptive ization (that is, 36%), and at the same doses iours induced by amphetamine and other cat-
mechanisms that result in it achieving an antagonized fentanyl to an extent that was echolamine-releasing agents in rodents served
unprecedented analgesia in models of nicely complementary (that is, about 64%). as a laboratory model of schizophrenia3. This
chronic pain and neuropathic allodynia. A These data23,24 were precisely what Ariëns pre- was because amphetamine in humans mimic-
similar analgesia cannot be attained by opi- dicted, but there was a puzzle. If the lever- ked some of the productive or positive symp-
oid or other agents that act through further choice response in the DD technology was of toms (for example, psychomotor agitation) of
molecular mechanisms of central analgesia21. a quantal nature, how could a partial response the disease, and the stereotypical behaviours it
Pending the results of ongoing clinical stud- occur? A closer analysis showed that it did produced in animals seemed to express these
ies, these new mechanisms could revolution- not; some rats fully generalized cyclazocine, effects. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) also
ize the treatment and science of pain. and in these rats cyclazocine did not antago- had potential as a drug-model of schizophre-
Although it took a long time to generate nize fentanyl, whereas in all other rats, cycla- nia; it was known to induce hallucinations
this degree of validation for the scientific zocine antagonized fentanyl but did not gen- and had further effects (for example, ‘social
community, both our findings10 and the eralize with it. The explanation of these data withdrawal’) that mimicked other symptoms.
concepts16 developed in the 1970s convinced was that although all rats received the same However, LSD was not used as a model, as it
us, at least privately, that tolerance does not fentanyl training dose, they differed in the did not robustly induce any behaviour or
develop to opioid DD in particular. This extent to which that dose activated opioid other readily accessible action in animals that
reassurance regarding the technology’s sta- receptors. Where the magnitude of activation could be meaningfully related to its subjective
bility, along with its specificity and lop- was low, cyclazocine should generalize, not effects in humans. Until we conducted a DD
eramide-afforded validity, enticed us to con- antagonize; and where the activation was analysis of LSD in the rat, that is.
duct DD studies of other intriguing high, cyclazocine should antagonise, but not Evidence from the literature indicated
pharmacological phenomena, such as partial generalize. Importantly, this explanation that LSD might act through both dopamin-
receptor agonism. implied that the discriminative stimulus ergic (DA) and serotonergic (5-HT) systems

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measured, in vivo, by the agents’ ability to

counteract tryptamine-induced convulsions
Concept Drug discovery in the rat36, as well as by their in vitro ability
1950 Opioid tolerance Opium, morphine
to displace 3H-spiperone37 from a binding
site that had been identified38 as the 5-HT2
Drug discovery Concept receptor. After initial screening of DA antag-
Haloperidol Ariens, receptor theory
onists using these latter two assays as mea-
Technology sures of the 5-HT antagonist activity of DA
1960 State-dependence
antagonists, the hunt for a pure LSD antago-
Drug discovery
Fentanyl nist yielded34 the first such compound,
pirenperone (FIG. 1). However, the kinetic
LSD features of pirenperone in humans were
1970 found to be inadequate, and in 1985 we dis-
Drug discovery covered risperidone, a longer-acting ben-
Technology, concept
Drug discrimination
Loperamide zisoxazole derivative 39. Risperidone also
antagonized LSD in a complete manner, and
without displaying any LSD-like agonist
1980 Concept activity. Risperidone was approved by the
No opioid tolerance US FDA in 1993, and was the first antipsy-
Quality in receptor theory chotic in 15 years to achieve that status.
Drug discovery Presumably because of its peculiar profile of
activity, the agent seems safe and effective
1990 for treating schizophrenia, and also the psy-
chotic, affective or behavioural symptoms
associated with other disorders40–42. After I
left the Janssen laboratories in 1986, my for-
mer colleagues reported on risperidone’s
2000 long-lasting ability to antagonize LSD43 and,
befitting the nomenclature of the time,
Drug discovery labelled the compound ‘atypical’. Risperi-
F 13640
done was also described as an antagonist at
both D2 and 5-HT2 (now 5-HT2A) receptors44.
However, several points suggest that 5-HT2
receptors are not the sole mediators of the
Figure 2 | The risperidone drug-discovery process. Schematic representation of the concepts, LSD-antagonist activity of risperidone. Both
technologies, prior drug discoveries and the LSD drug-model of psychopathology, as they occurred over pirenperone and risperidone, the only LSD
time to eventually result in the discovery of risperidone. Note how the risperidone discovery is embedded in antagonists described to date that are both
a web of cause–effect developments that also resulted in the discovery of such seemingly unrelated agents pure and potent, exert DA-antagonist activity
as the antidiarrhoeal loperamide and the recent analgesic F 13640. LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide. in addition to their 5-HT receptor-mediated
actions. Also, the correlation with physio-
logical function that elevated a mere radioli-
in the brain, and the analysis focused on the tested for their ability to mimic LSD, gand-binding site to the status of 5-HT2
ability of antagonists at DA and 5-HT the antagonists consistently partially gener- receptor38 is one that holds for ligands pos-
receptors to block LSD discrimination. We alized with LSD, and this to an extent that sessing both 5-HT and DA receptor affinity,
found that the antipsychotic DA antagonists was complementary to their maximal antag- but does not hold for certain other agents45.
available at the time, such as haloperidol, onist effect33,34. The selective 5-HT 2 antagonist ritanserin
dose-dependently depressed rat behaviour With the DD analysis of partial receptor fully antagonizes LSD, but only at huge
without counteracting LSD. This suggested activation in mind, these data led us to the doses that are far in excess of those at which
that either those agents were unable to hypothesis that the discriminative effects of it blocks 5-HT2 receptors46. Finally, new
antagonize the LSD discrimination, or that LSD arise from a low and narrow range of molecular sites and modes of LSD action
they might do so only, and to an unknown 5-HT receptor activation. The data also made continue to be uncovered47. More research is
extent, at doses that impair behaviour. 5-HT us realise that no available agent was capable of needed to specify risperidone’s molecular
receptor pharmacology of that time was, adequately blocking LSD’s subjective effects, and cellular mechanisms. However, since
rather crudely, one of agonists and antago- and provided the impetus to devise a drug dis- its introduction into medical practice,
nists, and we examined all of the putative covery strategy that molecular pharmacology the compound has proven beneficial
5-HT antagonists available. Remarkably, the also adopted decades later35.We and others had to schizophrenic and, interestingly, to
5-HT antagonists did antagonize LSD, indi- long been aware of the 5-HT antagonist activ- ‘socially withdrawn’ autistic patients48. And
cating the involvement of 5-HT receptors in ity that DA-antagonist antipsychotic agents that, for the would-be doctors-of-disease
LSD’s discriminative effects. However, and also exert, but a “clinical correlate of this activ- whom Dr Janssen-the-physician-cum-
equally remarkably, all antagonists produced ity in schizophrenia [remained] unknown”36. chemist inspired us to become, was what
only partial antagonism. Furthermore, when These 5-HT-antagonist properties were mattered most.


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