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What do you think of mobile phones?

1. Do you have a mobile phone? YES NO

2. If NO, would you like to have one? YES NO

3. If YES, would you like to update it? YES NO

4. Do you think mobile phones are ⃝ essential ⃝ useful ⃝not very useful ⃝useless

5. What can your mobile phone do?

⃝Make and receive phone calls
⃝Make calculations
⃝Be a diary
⃝Wake you up in the morning
⃝Play games
⃝Send and receive SMSs
⃝Surf the internet
⃝Take photos

6. Are mobile phones too expensive? YES NO

7. Are mobile phones too complicated? YES NO

8. At what age do you think children can have a mobile phone?

⃝under 10 years ⃝10-12 years ⃝over 12 years
9. How many mobile phones are there in your family? ⃝ 1 phone ⃝ 2 phones ⃝ 3 or more phones

10. Describe a situation when a mobile phone is useful

11. Describe a situation when a mobile phone is dangerous

12. Describe a situation when a mobile phone is annoying

13. Can you imagine the mobile phone of the future? Write here some functions of this phone: use
your imagination!

Prof. Antonella CIRAUDO
Prof. Antonella CIRAUDO

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