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**Clerk:** Good afternoon! How can I assist you today?

**You:** Hi! I’m looking for some gifts for my upcoming birthday.
Can you help me pick a few items?

**Clerk:** Of course! What kind of gifts do you have in mind?

**You:** First, I’d like to buy a wallet. I want something stylish but
not too pricey.

**Clerk:** We have a great selection of wallets. Would you like to

see the latest arrivals or something from our classic collection?

**You:** I think the latest arrivals, please.

**Clerk:** Sure, here they are. This model has a sleek design and
is more modern than the previous ones. It’s also a bit cheaper than
the classic collection.

**You:** This one looks perfect. I’ll take it. Next, I need a board
game for a friend who loves game nights. Do you have any

**Clerk:** Absolutely. We have the latest strategy game, which is

more popular than most games this season. Alternatively, this
classic card game is always a great choice and often more
**You:** I think the strategy game sounds great. I’ll take that.
Finally, I’m looking for a scarf. I want something warm but

**Clerk:** I recommend this wool scarf. It’s warmer and softer

compared to the older versions we have. Plus, it’s currently on sale.

**You:** That sounds good. I’ll go with the wool scarf.

**Clerk:** Excellent choices! So, you’re buying the wallet, the

strategy game, and the wool scarf. Is there anything else you need?

**You:** No, that’s all for now. Thank you for your help!

**Clerk:** You’re welcome! Have a great day and enjoy your

birthday shopping!

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