Djoko Ghifari Arfananda (002202305012)

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Nama : Djoko ghifari arfananda

Prodi : Electrical engineering

Resume Pancasila


- Nation Basic Values

- Nation Identities
- Function, Roles, and History of Pancasila
- Legal Hierarchies of Pancasila
- Descriptions of Value Pancasila
- Conceptual and Open Ideology Pancasila
- Globalization


1. All countries have a nation basic values that based on it’s own nation background

2. The nation background called the Nation Identities.

Nation Identities are the nation characteristic that distinguishes from the other
Nation identities of Indonesia grown up from hundreds ethnic groups, then becoming
national culture which led by Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, that contain:
- Physical equality: religious, cultures, languages, territories, customs, traditions
- Non physical equality: intentions, goals, interest, etc.
(Meanwhile, term of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika was listed in Sutasoma scripture that by
Mpu Tantular in Majapahit Kingdom era, 14 C)

3. Nation Identities include of:

- State’s basic principles Pancasila (As a Fundamental Identity)
- State’s Constitution 1945 (As a Instrumental Identity)
- State’s Coat of Arm Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (As a Instrumental Identity)
- The Unitary of the Republic of Indonesia (As a Natural Identity))


Local values consist of ethnic grup, local languages, culture, traditions,religions,

traditional belief formed national identities : fundamental identity (PS), instrumental
identities(BTI), natural identities(NKRI).


Where PS at highest position in guideline hierarchy for all social life
- Divinity, Moral and Ethics
- State’s Philosophy (Falsafah PS)
- Constitution 1945 (UUD 45)
- Geo Politics (Wawasan Nusantara)
- Geo Strategy (Nation Resilience)
- MPR Decree (Ketetapan MPR)
- Legislate (U-U) & Govt Reg (P-P), KUHP, UU-ITE
- National Development and Nation Activities in all Aspects


Believe in one god : 1. Uphold respect to the Creator respective on and humanity.
2. Mutual understanding, full of tolerance, pay respect amongst
different religious and beliefs to create life in harmony.
3. Shall not enforce one religion to others.
4. Worship balance vertically and horizontally


Fair and civilized humanity : 1. Uphold the harmonic relationship amongst the
Iternational community
2. To acknowledge equality, right and obligation amongst
humanity (equal right).
3. To love others as the same creation of the God as the
4. Indonesian nation is a part of International community,
therefore shall develop respect & cooperation movement
with other country

Unity of Indonesia : 1. Upholding and sacrificing without regret for safety of nation &
state above personal/group interest
2. Proud and love to be Indonesian nation, to country, one birth
land and one homeland of Indonesia as the unitary state
of the Republic of Indonesia
3. Bearing the youth pledge that acknowledge one nation, respect
one language, and acknowledge one motherland of Indonesia
4. Advancing social communication for the sake of solidarity and
Unity of the nation with the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
(Diversity in unity)


Democracy : 1. Democracy led by the wisdom of deliberations amongst representatives
2. Upholding nation and people interest above all and shall not enforce
personal intention to others.
3. Deliberations is conducted with common sense in line with noble
consciousness with full of responsibility and implementing the result
of deliberations
4. Decision being made must be able to be morale responsible to only one
God, upholding pride and dignity of humanity and virtue of the righteous
of the righteous


Social justice : 1. Social justice for all Indonesian people and Developing noble works
which represent behaviour and kinship and solidarity situation.
2. Maintain the balance of right, obligation, and responsibility as good
citizenin line with the right and obligation of each fellowmanship.
3. Respect other’s right and legal ownership, help others without seeing
differences on gender and SARA.
4. Solidarity to behold one goal, one struggle, in deep feeling of the same

• The Conceptual in Revitalizing Pancasila

1. Spiritual concept
The professional development tract is based on ethic, moral and religious values

2. Academic concept,
In the personnel development the being aspect is more important than having aspect

3. Nationalism concept,
Nationalism development, proud and pay respect to nation personality based on

4. Mondial concept,
- The fact in the process of national development and social dynamics which develops
rapidly due to dynamic changed of the environment strategy

- The fact shows that the damage of closed and rigid ideology is caused by the tendency
of extinguishing the development of their national identity
• Pancasila is Open Ideology
Position of Pancasila totally placed on Preamble of the Indonesian Constitution 1945,
include of

1. Reality,

The basic values of Pancasila as the firm of culture and community of life development

2. Idealism

The idealism in revitalize Pancasila to be objectively as a verb than as a noun just to arouse

the feeling of community to be unity and to be optimism

3. Flexibility,

- Pancasila always interacts dynamically with the needs and real challenge faced in every

time without changing the basic values of Pancasila

- Pancasila could develop creatively and dynamically to answer the age needs without

changing the basic values of Pancasila

Those does not mean that the values contained in Pancasila are replaced with

other basic values in the life of the nation and state.

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