ALW Intro 8: Aerodromes Facilitation Search & Rescue Security Aircraft Accident Investigation

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ALW Intro 8

Search & Rescue
Aircraft Accident Investigation

• Annex 14
• Specifications for physical characteristics, lighting, marking obstacle limitations etc regarding
• Article 15 of ICAO states that annex 14 concerns aerodromes that are open to the public
• International aerodromes are those with procedures and facilities for:
• Immigration, health and customs, person and cargo control

010 ALW – Air Law

Aerodrome reference code

• Code number
• Linked to the reference filed length (minimum field length required for take-off at MTOM)
• Code letter
• Linked to the wing span and outer main gear wheel span (outer gear wheel span = distance
between outboard wheels)

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Aerodrome Data

• Movement Area
• The part of the aerodrome intended for movement of aicraft including the maneuvring
area, aprons and areas provided for maintenance of A/C.

• Manoeuvring Area
• The area used for T/O, Landing and surface movement (except for aprons)

• Apron/Ramp
• Used for embarking and disembarking persons and cargo.
• Area for checking accuracy of altimeter.

• Aeronautical part
• Area only accessible via security control. ”Air-side”.

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Aerodrome Data
• Runway Strip
• An area around the RWY and Stopway (if applicable)

• Obstacles are kept to a minimum (if existing, must be frangible)

• Purpose is reduce the risk of damage if running off a RWY & to protect flying aircraft

• Length and Width of the Runway Strip depends on:

• Code number
• Type of runway (precision, non-precision or non-instrument)

• Pavement Strength
• PCN and ACN

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Aerodrome Data

• Runway End Safety Area

• Intended to reduce the risk of damage to airplane in case of runway excursion
• Provided on all Code 3 or 4 runways
• Code 1 or 2 if instrument runway

• At least twice the total width of runway

• At least 90 m from the end of the runway strip (240 m recommended for code 3 or 4)

• Stopway
• Intended to allow extra stopping distance in case of aborted take off
• Same width as runway
• Sometimes EMAS – Engineered Material Arresting System
Aerodrome Data

• Clearway
• Rectangular area at end of TORA
• Used for initial climb
• Lenght: not to exceed ½ the lenght of TORA
• Width: 75 m on each side of RWY C/L

• Radio Altimeter Operating Area

• A pre threshold area, the surface should be kept level (±7%)
• Length: 300 m before threshold
• Width: 60 m
Runway characteristics
Runway End Safety Area:
Radio Altimeter Operating Area: Symmetrical about runway C/L
300 m from threshold 2 × runway width
60 m wide 90 m long (240 m if code 4)

150 m
60 m 60 m



45/60 m


Runway Strip
Width: 150 m
75 m either side of runway C/L
Length 60 m beyond RWY end
No longer than 0.5 × TORA
(for code 3 and 4 instrument runways)

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Declared Distances
• Take-Off Run Available
• Usually the physical length of the runways

• Take-Off Distance Available
• TORA + Clearway
• Clearway
• Length: 0.5 × TORA
• Width: 75 m of each side of centerline

• Accelerate Stop Distance Available
• TORA + Stopway
• Stopway
• Same width as the RWY

• Landing Distance Available
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Declared Distances

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Indicators and signalling devices

• Wind direction indicators

• An aerodrome shall be equipped with at least ____ wind direction indicators
• A length of not less than 3.6 m and a diameter, at the larger end, of not less than 0.9 m
• Shall be visible from A/C in flight (at least ____
300 m) and on ground
• Free from air disturbances
• Colour?

• Landing direction
• “Landing T”
• White or orange
• Illuminated at night

• Signaling lamp
• Provided in TWR at controlled aerodromes
• Green, White and Red 010 ALW – Air Law
• Runway Centerline Marking
• Provided on a paved runway
• Each strip + Gap = 50-75 m

• Runway Designation Marking

• Provided at threshold on paved runway
• 1234567890 L R C

• Threshold Marking
• Provided at all Instrument Runways and;
• Code 3 or 4 runways
• 6 m from the threshold

• Threshold Stripes
• 4 when runway width is 18 m
• 6 when runway width is 23 m
• 8 when runway width is 30 m
• 12 when runway width is 45 m
• 16 when runway width is 60 m or more

• Aiming point markins

• Two conspicuous stripes
• Location of marking depends on LDA!
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• Touchdown Zone Markings
• Area where the airplane should land
• Runway Side Strip Markings
• When lack of contrest between RWY and
surrounding terrain

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• Taxiway centerline markings

• Taxi holding position markings

• When transitioning to RWY
• 2 different patterns:
• Pattern A (Visual holding point)
• Pattern B (Instrument holding point)
• Intermediate taxiway holding point
• Single broken line

• Stand markings
• Apron
• Gates

• Information Markings
• “Painted sings”

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• Requirements
• Frangible
• Rectangular
• Illuminated
• When visibility below 800 m
• At night if instrument RWY
• At night always if code 3 or 4

• Two main types

• Mandatory signs
• Information signs
• Location
• Direction

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• Elevated lights:
• Shall be frangible
• Light intensity
• Shall be adequate for minimum visibility
• Intensity control to allow adjustment on high intensity systems

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• Runway Edge Lights

• Threshold Lights
• Runway End Lights
• Runway Centre Line Lights

• Aerodrome Beacon
• Land aerodrome – white or white and green
• Water aerodrome – white or white and yellow

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• Stop Bar • Guard Lights

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Approach Lights

• Barrette
• ICAO Method
• Set of at least three lights in a row

• Calvert
• UK method
• 5 bars and a centre line
Figure: both Calvert approach light system

• Simple approach lighting:

• Non instrument runway
• May be used on non precision approach
• Not less than 420 m
• 1 crossbar

420 m

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• CAT 1 lighting system:

• Precision approach runway
• 900 m
• 5 crossbars

900 m

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• Category II and III lighting system

• Precision approach
• Over 900 m
• 5 crossbars or a barrette system 300 m

• Two side rows extending 300 m from the threshold

900 m

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Obstacle Marking
• Obstacle if it extends above a take-off surface
• Obstacle Identification Surface

• Objects at the aerodrome

• Vehicles
• Emergency vehicles:
Colored red or yellowish green
• Service vehicles: Yellow

• Overhead wires, cables, pylons etc.

• Fixed objects should be conspicuous color
with high contrast to background
• Bands of orange and white, or red and white
• Checkered pattern
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• Low intensity lights
• Fixed red light • Below 45 m
• Fixed LI red lights
• Medium intensity lights
• Flashing red or white lights • Below 90 m
• Fixed MI red or white lights
• High intensity lights • HI white if not clearly visible by day
• Flashing white lights
• Simultaneously or sequentially • Above 135 m and below 150 m
• 3 LI red 45 m intervals

• Above 150 m
• 3 HI white day, 3 low red night

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Rescue Services

• Rescue and firefighting

• Main objectives is to save lives
• Located at the aerodrome

• Response time
• Should not exceed 180 seconds

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Article 22
Each contracting State agrees to adopt all practicable measures,
through the issuance of special regulation or otherwise, to
facilitate and expedite navigation by aircraft between the territories
of contracting States, and to prevent unnecessary delays to
aircraft, crews, passengers and cargo, especially in the
administration of the laws relating to immigration, quarantine,
customs and clearance

• Governmental regulations and procedures applicable to the clearance of A/C shall

be no less favorable than for other types of transportation

• Provisions shall be made for clearance procedures as to retain the advantage of

speed inherent in air transport

• Advance notification
ICAO members shall accept info in ____________
• Info received at least 2 hours before arrival

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• Documents

• General Declaration
• Not be required if obtained in other acceptable manner
• Signed by authorized agent or pilot-in-command
• May be handwritten in working language

• Cargo/Passenger Manifest

• Simple Stores List

• Number of copies
• Maxmimum 3 required

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Search & Rescue
Search & Rescue
• Responsibility of a state
• States shall arrange establishment and provision of search and rescue services within
their territories
• Available H24
• States shall provide assistance to aircraft in emergency regardless of nationality of
aircraft or survivors
• Establish a rescue co-ordination centre in each search and rescue region
• Co-ordinate their SAR organizations
• As far as practicable develop common SAR procedures to facilitate co-ordination of SAR

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SAR Procedures

• When PIC observes another A/C in distress, he/she shall, unless

• Keep A/C in sight
• Determine position if not already known
• Report to RCC or ATS
• Type of A/C
• Position etc
• Act as instructed by RCC or ATS

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• How to direct surface crafts to craft in distress • Assistance of surface craft is

• Circling the surface craft at least once no longer required
• Crossing the course of surface craft • Crossing wake of surface craft
• Rocking the wings, or • Rocking the wings, or
• Opening or closing the trottle, or • Opening or closing throttle, or
• Changing propeller pitch • Changing propeller pitch
• Heading in the direction which the surface craft is to be directed
• Acknowledging receipt of signals by surface craft
• If able to comply
• Hosting ”code pennant”
• Flashing of ”T” by signal lamp in Morse
• Changing of heading to follow aircraft
• If unable to comply
• Hosting of international flag ”N”
• Flashing of ”N” by signal lamp in Morse
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• Ground-to-air

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• Ground-to-air
• From search parties

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• Air-to-ground signals by A/C meaning that ground signals have been

• During day
• Rocking the wings
• During night
• Flashing on/off twice the landinglights, or
• Navigation lights
• Lack of signals means…

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Droppable supplies

• Red
• Blue
• Yellow
• Black

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• Aim of aviation security shall be to safeguard international civil

aviation operations against acts of unlawful interference
• Safety of passengers, crew, ground personnel and general public are
the primary objectives

Security Programme
• Each state is required to establish a national civil aviation security programme
• The authority that is responsible for the security programme must be specified to

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Preventive security measures

• States shall take measures to prevent weapons or explosives from being

carried on board A/C
• Special attention must be paid to explosives that may be concealed in
electronic items

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Carriage of weapons
• Allowed by law enforcement officers on duty
• Need special authorization
• May be allowed in other cases
• Ensured that the weapon is not loaded
• Inaccessible to any person during flight
• The PIC shall be informed
• Number of armed persons onboard
• Seat locations

Passengers and cabin baggage

• Measures shall be taken to control transferring passengers and their baggage as to prevent
unauthorized articles from being taken on board
• States shall ensure that there is no possibility of contact between passengers subjected to security
control and other persons
• PIC/operator shall be informed if a passenger is obliged to travel as the result of legal proceedings
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Checked baggage
• Checked baggage shall be screened before being placed on board an A/C
• Operators shall not transport baggage of passengers who are not on board the A/C unless this baggage
is subject to other security control measures

Notification of hijacking
• The state in which a hijacked A/C has landed shall notify and transmit necessary information to:
• The state of registry
• The state of the operator
• States of whose citizens were injured
• States of whose citizens were held as hostages
• Each contracting state whose citizens were on board
• States shall detain hijacked aircraft that has managed to land, unless its departure is deemed necessary
in order to save human lives (hostages)

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Aircraft Accident Investigation
Aircraft Accident Investigation

• Annex 13
• The specifications of this annex applies to activities following an
incident or accident wherever this may have occured if the A/C is
either registered or operated in an ICAO state
• The sole objective of an accident investigation shall be the
prevention of accidents and incidents

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Accident – Incident – Serious incident

• Accident is an occurrence associated with the operation of an A/C with the intention of flight
in which:
• A person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:
• Being in the A/C
• Direct contact with any part of A/C
• Direct exposure to jet blast
• The A/C sustains damage or structural failure which:
• Adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics
• Would normally require major repair or replacement of affected component
• The A/C is missing or is completely inaccessible

• Incident is an occurrence, other than accident, associated with the operation of an A/C,
which affects, or could affect, the safety of the operation

• A serious incident involves circumstances indicating that an accident nearly occurred

• Generally the only difference between accident and serious incident lies only in the outcome
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Responsibility of the State of Occurrence

• The state shall take all reasonable measures to protect the evidence and the
A/C for such a period that may be necessary for the investigation
• The state shall forward a notification of an accident or serious incident by the
most suitable and quickest way to:
• State of registry
• State of operator
• State of design
• State of manufacture
• ICAO if above 2250 kg
• The notification shall be prepared in one of the working languages of the

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• The ____________________
STATE OF OCCURRENCE shall start an investigation
• If the ____________________
STATE OF OCCURRENCE can’t be established or if it’s a non-contracting
state, the ___________________
STATE OF REGISTRY assumes the responsibility of the
• The investigation may wholly or in part be delegated to the state of registry or
the state of the operator

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Final Report
• A final report of the accident or incident investigation shall be
prepared in one of the working languages of the ICAO
• Distributed to:
• State of registry or occurence as appropriate
• State of operator
• State of design
• State of manufacture
• State which has provided information etc
• ICAO if above 5700 kg
• Any state who’s citizens has been involved

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• Oxford
• Chapter 18 - 24

• Next time
• Review

010 ALW – Air Law

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