10.1207/s15427579jpfm0703 - 4 Firm Image and Individual Investment Decisions

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Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are considered modern day heroes. They work in a foreign land in the
hopes of providing a better future for their families thousands of miles away.

Investment decisions are made by investors like our OFW’s. Investors commonly look for the financial
status, investment revenue, the advocate recommendations, and the corporate/firm image.

Participants invest more heavily in firms with a positive image than in firms
with a negative image.

Acket, L.F. and Church, B.K. 2010

Firm Image and Individual Investment
Lucy F. Ackert &Bryan K. Church

Pages 155-167 | Published online: 07 Jun 2010

A company's good image among its employees and subsequently among

those outside it rests in the hands of top management.
Nurturing Corporate Images

Dr. Sherril H. Kennedy

European Journal of Marketing

ISSN: 0309-0566

Publication date: 1 March 1977

Corporate image can have significant effects on perception.

Enhancing corporate image in

James Poon Teng Fatt, Meng Wei, Sze Yuen, Wee Suan

Management Research News

ISSN: 0140-9174

Publication date: 1 May 2000


A positive corporate image can help to attain customers and helps in gaining
their loyalty.

What is Corporate Image and why it is so

August 10, 2019 By Hitesh Bhasin

A good firm image of a company can attract more investors than without a good firm image of company.
The greatest effect of a good corporate image is the ability to gain people’s trust.

Underlying factors on individual investment decision making in china

Wang Zi Yang September 28, 2018


corporate image is the reputation of the firm with the various audiences that are important to it. The
image that stakeholders have of the company will influence their willingness to either provide or
withhold support.


Corporate image is one of the most important assets of an organization. It acts as a comfort
factor for customers and assures them that they are buying from the best.

December, 2016

by Harsh Pamnani


The degree of customer loyalty has a tendency to be higher when perceptions

of both corporate reputation and corporate image are strongly favourable.
Moreover, the addition of the interaction between both constructs contributes
to better explain customer loyalty.

Corporate image and corporate reputation in

customers’ retention decisions in services
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Volume 8, Issue 4, July 2001, Pages 227-236

what really sculpts your corporate image is your company's actions, like performing well financially,
developing innovative products and services, following ethical business practices, actually operating by
your values, appropriately responding to company criticism, providing tremendous customer service,
treating your employees with dignity and respect, and attracting elite talent.

Corporate Image: Why Your Brand’s

Public Perception Matters More
Than Ever Now
Written by Caroline Forsey


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