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‭●‬ C
‭ onnecting words: These words join words, phrases, and even sentences to create a smoother flow and‬
‭show relationships between them.‬
‭○‬ ‭"And," "but," "or" connect similar ideas (e.g., "The rain stopped, and the sun came out.")‬
‭○‬ ‭"Because," "since," "although" introduce reasons or explanations (e.g., "Because it rained heavily,‬
‭the river overflowed.")‬


‭●‬ ‭Describing words: They add details about nouns or pronouns, making your writing more vivid.‬
‭○‬ ‭"Warm," "scarlet," "brightly colored," "lush" describe the qualities of things (e.g., "The warm rain‬
‭felt good on my skin.")‬


‭●‬ ‭Verb forms: They show when an action happened, is happening, or will happen.‬
‭○‬ ‭Present tense: Talks about things happening now (e.g., "The birds sing beautifully.")‬
‭○‬ ‭Past tense: Talks about things that already happened (e.g., "Yesterday, I went to the movies.")‬
‭○‬ ‭Future tense: Talks about things that will happen in the future (e.g., "Tomorrow, I will visit my‬

‭Active vs. Passive Voice:‬

‭●‬ ‭Sentence structure: This shows who or what performs the action in a sentence.‬
‭○‬ ‭Active voice: The subject performs the action (e.g., "The boy kicked the ball.")‬
‭○‬ ‭Passive voice: The object receives the action (e.g., "The ball was kicked by the boy.") - Used less‬

‭Class 8‬


‭●‬ ‭Leaving out words: Sometimes, writers skip certain words for conciseness or effect.‬
‭○‬ ‭Omission of helping verb: "It is raining." (shortened to "It raining.") - Not recommended in formal‬
‭○‬ ‭Omission of article: "I saw a bird." (shortened to "I saw bird.") - Not recommended in formal‬

‭Sentence Types:‬

‭●‬ ‭Sentence structures: These define how many clauses (independent or dependent) a sentence has.‬
‭○‬ ‭Simple sentence: One independent clause (e.g., "The sun shines brightly.")‬
‭○‬ ‭Compound sentence: Two or more independent clauses joined by conjunctions (e.g., "The sun‬
‭shines brightly, and the birds sing.")‬
‭○‬ ‭Complex sentence: One independent clause and one or more dependent clauses joined by‬
‭subordinating conjunctions (e.g., "When the sun shines brightly, the birds sing.")‬

‭Class 8‬

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