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Republic of the Philippines


Branch 5

IN RE: Petition for the Issuance of

a New Owner’s Duplicate Copy of
Transfer Certificate of Title No.
054-52154665 in the Registry of
Deeds for Dipolog City, Zamboanga
Del Norte

LRC Case No.




PETITIONER, by and through counsel, unto this Honorable Court respectfully aver

1. That petitioner ____________, of legal age, Filipino citizen, and resident of


2. The Register of Deeds for Dipolog City holds office at Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte,
where legal processes may be served;

3. The Land Registration Authority has its office at Ground Floor Municipal Building,
Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte where legal processes may be served;

4. Petitioner is the duly registered owner of one (1) parcel of land situated in
_______________________ by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 054-52154665 duly
issued by the Registry of Deeds for Dipolog City;

5. On June 01, 2020 petitioner bought the subject property from its previous owner, Ocean

6. The lot number, location, boundaries and area of the Subject Property are as follows:

Transfer Certificate of Title No. 054-52154665

A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 6 BLK 12 of consolidation subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs – 14568,
being a portion of the consolidation of Lots 4576-A and 4879- B (LRC) Psd-56865, Lot 6, Psd-
65865, Lot 5, Psd-4786, LRC Rec. Nos. N-8758, 45845, 589657, N- 14587, N-45685, and 25412
situated in Barangay Motibot, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte. Bounded on NE., point 4 to 1
by Road Lot 6, on…to the point of beginning; containing an area of (5000) square meters more
or less….”
7. That being the registered owner of the subject property, the owner’s duplicate copy of the
said title was in the possession and custody of the petitioner. After obtaining the original
owner’s duplicate copy of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 054-52154665 from the
Registry of Deeds in 2020, petitioner CRYSTAL Y. SAY keep it.
8. That on May 8, 2024, the petitioner CRYSTAL Y. SAY discover that the original owner’s
duplicate copy of Transfer Certificate of Title 054-52154665 was nowhere to be found.

9. That petitioner has formally given notice to the Registry of Deeds of Dipolog City of the
fact of such loss by filing therewith an Affidavit of Loss date May 15, 2024 as evidenced
by its receiving stamp appearing thereon.

10. That the original owner’s duplicate copy of copy of Transfer Certificate of Title 054-
52154665 is now irretrievably lost beyond recovery for all intents and purposes.

11. That notwithstanding all diligent and earnest efforts to find the missing original owner’s
duplicate copy of Transfer Certificate of Title 054-52154665, the said TCT cannot be
found anymore.

12. The subject Property is free from any claims, liens, and encumbrance of whatever nature
or kind and is not the subject of any litigation or investigation, administrative or judicial;

13. The real property taxes due on the Subject Property have been regularly paid.

14. A foregoing considered, all the requirement of Section 109 of P.D. No. 1529, otherwise
known as the “Property Registration Decree of the Philippines” are duly complied with
by the Petitioner.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most respectfully prayed of this Honorable
Court that after due notice and hearing, a decision be rendered by this Honorable Court directing
the Registry of Deeds of Dipolog of TCT No. 054-52154665 with like faith and integrity as the
lost certificate of title for all legal intents and purposes.
Other reliefs and remedies as may be deemed just and equitable under the preises are
likewise prayed for.
RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED at the ___________________, this 20th day of May

Counsel for Petitioner
AAA Executive Suites
AAA Building No. 50
Sindangan, Zamboanga del

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