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Storytelling with Tableau: Analyzing Airbnb Data for Chicago city USA

Overview of Airbnb
Airbnb’s success lies in its ability to offer diverse and affordable accommodation options, even in
areas where traditional hotels are scarce. With a global user base of 150 million people, Airbnb's
growth has been exponential, boasting a 153% growth rate since 2009 and an estimated revenue of
$8.5 billion by 2020.

Analyzing Chicago's Airbnb Data

Airbnb is recognized as one of the largest hotel chains in the world, despite not owning a single
hotel room. The company thrives by connecting travelers needing accommodations with hosts
willing to rent out their spaces. Through Airbnb, you can book anything from a shared room in a
house to an entire apartment or hotel room.
Since its founding in 2008, Airbnb has hosted over 300 million guests and aims to reach 1 billion
by its 20th anniversary in 2028.
The company provides a wealth of its data for free via the Inside Airbnb website, allowing anyone
to access extensive information about Airbnb operations in major cities worldwide.
In this project, we will work with a dataset of Chicago properties listed on Airbnb. This dataset
includes information about prices, locations, reviews, room types, hosts, and more for over 50,000
Our primary goal is to extract insights from the data, such as the most common room types, popular
locations, and how prices vary based on room type and property location etc.
To achieve this, we will follow these steps:
1. Getting and exploring the data
2. Cleaning the data
3. Analyzing the data
We will use Tableau to complete the 3rd task.

Chicago, the third most populous city in the United States, is a major hub of culture, finance, and
media. Known for its architectural marvels, vibrant arts scene, and diverse neighborhoods, Chicago
attracts millions of visitors each year.
Famous landmarks like Millennium Park, the Willis Tower, Navy Pier, and the Art Institute of
Chicago contribute to its appeal. In 2019, Chicago welcomed over 60 million visitors, underscoring
its status as a significant Airbnb destination and a compelling subject for our analysis.

 What can we learn about different hosts and areas?
 What can we learn from predictions? (ex: locations, prices, reviews, etc)
 Which hosts are the busiest and why?
 Is there any noticeable difference of traffic among different areas and what could be the
reason for it?

Data Preparation
The initial dataset may be messy and may require extensive cleaning. After cleaning, the datasets
from Chicago form the final dataset for visualization. It is as per your requirements.

Exploring the Dataset

Before we perform any analysis, we'll first see what our dataset looks like. These are some of the
variables it contains:
 id - id number that identifies the property
 name - Property name
 host_id - id number that identifies the host
 host_name - Host name
 neighbourhood_group - The main regions of the city
 neighbourhood - The neighbourhoods
 latitude - Property latitude
 longitude - Property longitude
 room_type - Type of the room
 price - The price for one night
 minimum_nights - Minimum amount of nights to book the place
 number_of_reviews - Number of reviews received
 last_review - Date of the last review
 reviews_per_month - Amount of reviews per month
 calculated_host_listings_count - Number of properties available on Airbnb owned by the

Visualization with Tableau

Tableau was chosen for its powerful and flexible visualization capabilities. Using Tableau, you can
create interactive dashboards that tell the story of Airbnb in Chicago, focusing on four key areas
(you can modify your questions based on your insightfulness and criteria mentioned in final

Section 1: Popular Neighborhoods

Key Questions:
 Which are the popular neighborhoods?
 What are their average prices and number of listings?
 Neighborhood Popularity Map: A map highlighting popular neighborhoods in Chicago,
showing average prices and the number of listings.
 Neighborhood Comparison Bar Chart: A bar chart comparing the average prices and the
number of listings in each neighborhood.

Section 2: Property and Room Types

Key Questions:
 What are the percent shares of different property types and room types?
 Property Type Pie Chart: A pie chart showing the distribution of different property types
(e.g., apartments, houses, condos).
 Room Type Pie Chart: A pie chart illustrating the share of different room types (e.g.,
entire home/apt, private room, shared room).

Section 3: Pricing Analysis

Key Questions:
 How does pricing vary with location, property type, and reviews?
 Price Heatmap: A heatmap showing how prices vary across different locations in Chicago
and New Orleans.
 Property Type vs. Price Box Plot: A box plot comparing prices across different property
 Reviews vs. Price Scatter Plot: A scatter plot analyzing the correlation between the
number of reviews and prices.

Section 4: Host Analysis

Key Questions:
 What are the different correlations between types of hosts and factors like reviews and
 Host Activity Bar Chart: A bar chart displaying the number of listings per host and their
average ratings.
 Host Type vs. Review Count: A visualization comparing the number of reviews received
by different types of hosts (e.g., superhosts vs. regular hosts).
 Host Type vs. Price: An analysis of how host types correlate with listing prices.

Final Deliverable
Our Tableau storyboards provide valuable insights for both hosts and users. Hosts can optimize
their pricing and improve their listings based on neighborhood trends, property types, and user
reviews. Users can make informed decisions about where to stay, understanding the dynamics of
different neighborhoods and property types.
You provide a pdf with key questions answered in different visuals and final deliverable
storyboards. Also attach the public tableau link in pdf. The group details with roll no. should be in
1st page.
Submit by 23-June-2024 12 PM

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