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The Adventures of BLACK KNIGHTS


Oyama is one of the busiest cities in Japan. However, the people in
there are calm, modest and well-oriented. The city is filled with huge
buildings. The schools are well-improved and whimsical. One of the schools
in Oyama is Daimyo High School where elite and influential students study.

At the Daimyo High School, the students are full of bustle on this
day. Somehow, there are group of students who seems not to be
preoccupied. These students are known as BLACK KNIGHTS. They are
composed of gutsy Jo, mysterious Myrrh, calm Hino, funny Michan,
cordial Rei, computer-addict Ralph, rakish Morris, sincere Jed, sweet
KC, serious Shayne, gregarious Noel, sunny Mia and pretty Miege.
However, don't you ever dare to underestimate them because all of them are
very intelligent and talented. Their bonds are strong as the metal. One
afternoon, they seem to be studying at their classroom except Jed and KC.
Mia: e, where are Jed and KC? have not seen them since yesterday.
Rei: eah! have not seen them too.
Morris: am sure that both of them are roving around in the school.
Ralph: uses computer) am sure that they are here somewhere.

Suddenly, one of their classmates comes rushing towards them.
Classmate 1: Hey, guys! Sensei told me to pass your group project
tomorrow. f you won't pass, you will all face your punishment.
Jo: Don't worry! We will pass it tomorrow.
Classmate 1: Ok! By the way, here is the letter for all of you.
Michan: etter?
Classmate 1: t is a letter for all of you. t is addressed to BACK KGHTS.
Shayne: accepts the letter) Well thank you for this.
Classmate 1: Don't forget what the teacher said. will go ahead. See you
all. Goes away)
Noel: Shayne, you read the letter. What did it says?
Shayne: Show cars, Jed and KC, are out of place. Well so clean it really
now, bridge out the sweet honey. t is from Hayate de Blois.
Hino: What is he talking about?
Shayne: crumples the paper) eah! don't understand a single thing. What
s useless letter!
Miege: picks the paper) Hayate de Blois said that Jed and KC are in their
hands. f we want to save them, you must return his fiance.
Myrrh wakes up from her nap) what is happening?
Michan: His fiance? What is he talking about? Who the hell is his fiance?
We don't know her.
Miege: am his fiance!
10: What!
Miege: am his fiance.
Rei: What are you trying to say? How could that happen?
Miege: ou all know that am orphan. After the death of my parents, used
to live at the mansion of Marquis family. They treated me as a part of their
family. When was kid, used to go with Hayate and became good friends
with him. Then, we promised each other that when we are old enough, we
will get married with each other. And also promise to him that won't leave
him. However, left him a year ago because want to meet with new people
and to make friends with them. want to experience a life without him. Then,
all meet you in this school. am very happy every time am with all of you,
guys. owers down her head)
Jo: f that is what you feel, don't get married with him. We will just report this
to police.
Miege: shakes her head) o one will believe us. ooks at them with tears
o her eyes) am very happy to have you as my friends, guys! Thank you so
much! Goes away)
Morris: What's wrong with her?
Michan: Miege?!
Hino: s he going to that Hayate?
Myrrh: looks at Miege leaving the place) she is crying! Whispers)
Shayne: Does she like to get married?
Ralph: ah, we can't do anything. She made her decisions now. We just
can't stop her. Unless.
Jo: think know what you are thinking, Founder!

n the evening, at the house of Marquis, Hayate is sitting on his
couch while drinking coffee.
Guy 1: Do you think that Miege-sama is going to eat your bait?
Hayate: am sure that she did! know her more than anyone in this world!
She won't let anyone hurt because of her. Sees Miege standing in front of
the door) Speaking of which, she is here now.
Miege: Hayate, where are my friends? ou release them now. am here.
Hayate: Uh-uh! will just release them after our marriage which is two days
from now.
Miege: WHAT?! Just don't include them in your foolishness. won't escape
you now. will stay with you. Just release them.
Hayate; stands up) won't believe you! Don't worry! They are not harmed!
So just wait and relax. Goes away together with the man)
Guy 1: Master, why are you forcing yourselves to marry her? She is not
worthy of you. ou are the only heir of the de Blois fortune. Everything is in
you. However, THAT girl comes from unknown family. ou can just have
another one.
Hayate: Don't talk like that about her. ou have no rights to say those words
to her. f hear you talking like that about her, am going to kill you. Am
Guy 1: -yes, Mater!
Hayate: Good! want all of you to watch over her and to secure the house.
Something will be happening in here. Goes away)
Guy 1: es, Master! Bows his head)

Meanwhile, Miege is sitting on the couch silently. Suddenly,
Hayate's mom comes to see her.
Hayate's mom: Miege, am glad to see you back. t is been a year. Hugs
her) How are you?
Miege: am fine, Aunt!
Hayate's mom: That's good to hear from you. have heard that you and my
son will get married two days from now.
Miege: lowers down her head) eah!
Hayate's mom: Ever since when both of you are kids, am already in favor
with you for my son. know that you love him. ou do love him, don't you?
Miege: looks at her) do love him but.
Hayate's mom: ou are not ready for this marriage. Am right?
Miege: nods shyly) want to have fun together with my friends. want to do
things which need to do. want to experience what life is. want.
Hayate's mom: Just do what you know is right! am going to support you.
Smiles at her) Everything has time. Goes away)
Miege: Thank you! Bows her head)

The following day, Jo with Ralph, Michan, Rei, Hino and Myrrh
comes to the mansion of Hayate de Blois. They are planning to save their
friends. They go inside the house by sneaking out. However, the guards
caught them. The guards are attacking them. The 6 attack and defend
themselves by the attacks of the guards. Suddenly, oel, Shayne, Morris
and Mia come and help them in attacking the guards. They continue in
attacking until the guards are beaten up.
Jo: Guys, you are here!
Noel: am here because am going to save my best friend, Jed.
Shayne: am here because oel is here.
Morris: Why are you asking that questions, Jo? We are their friends.
Mia: eah! We won't allow ourselves to miss the actions!
Jo: Guys!
Ralph: We are BACK KGTHS!
Myrrh: am still sleepy! awns)
Rei: They are such weaklings.
Hino: Well, they are all losers.
Michan: sees 10 persons coming towards them including Hayate) think
that we are endangered. He is here with his body guards.
The nine ) guys and Hayate go near at them confidently. The
BACK KGHTS look at them as they come near to them.
Jo: Hey, you! !oints at Hayate) Are you Hayate, right?
Girl 1: Hey you! Don't talk like that to our Master.
Ralph: Who the hell cares!
Hayate: smirks at them) es, am Hayate! What do you want? Do you
know what you are doing right know is against the law. ou are trespassing
in my house.
Shayne: We don't care.
Noel: However, you are kidnapping our friends.
Girl 2: Do you have proofs that our master kidnapped your friends?
Mia: es, we have!
Hayate: Even if you will report that to the police, no one would believe all of
you. Me?! Kidnapping to a low-class people? What would get from that?
Morris: our fiance! We all know that Miege will come if she knows that
her friends are endangered. ou use our friends as a stilt.
Myrrh: We command you to bring our friends back!
Guy 2: How dare you talking to our master like that? ou need to be
Hayate: will give your friends back.
Guy 3: Master!
Hayate: f you can defeat us.
Hino: Are you challenging us?
Hayate: What do you think? f you will win, you can bring your friends home
together with Miege but if will win, you will leave the place quietly.
Jo: Well then, we will defeat you. We are going home together with our
Hayate: et's just see!!! My team versus your team will be fighting. The
whole mansion is the battleground. Each member of the team must have
cloth on his/her left shoulder. The team will lose when the team leader's
cloth is gotten by the enemy. ou can do whatever you want just to get the
cloth. There is one thing. The cloth should not be hidden from your dress. t
should be visible to the opponent. Am clear? The game will begin 5
minutes from now. JA!

Hayate with his comrades is going inside of the mansion.
Meanwhile, Miege is looking for Jed and KC inside the mansion. She did not
know that her friends are coming to save them. After a half-hour looking for
them, she finally sees them on a room. She is surprised to see them eating
delicious food while watching television.
Miege: Jed? KC?
Jed: Miege, you are here!
KC: What are you doing here?
Miege: should be the one to ask that? What are you both doing here? Why
are you doing that? We are all worried to both of you. That's why; am here
to rescue you from Hayate.
Jed: Hayate? He seems to be nice. He said to us that we are free to stay
here for three days and told us that we should treat this place as our home.
We can do whatever we like in here. That's what he told us.
KC: He already asked permission to our parents about this. He just needs
our help. He just wants to see his fiance.
Jed: How about you, Miege? What are you doing here?
Miege: am Hayate's fiance.
Jed and KC: What!?
Miege: am here because you are here. want to save you from Hayate.
isten, he is not good as what you think. He is just using both of you to
threaten me so that will return to him.
KC: He is bad guy after all.
Miege: ow, you need both of you to escape. am going to show the 2 of
you the way.
Jed: et's go!

KC, Miege and Jed are going out of the room, when they see
Hayate in front of them.
Hayate: Where do you think are you going?
Jed: ou are evil! ou are just using us!
Hayate: So what?! ooks at Miege)
Miege; Hayate, please release them. will not leave you again. Just please
release them. beg you.
Hayate: Shut up! will not believe you! our beloved friends will suffer.
KC: What do you mean?
Hayate: They are here to rescue the three of you. am not going to let it
happen. Miege, they will suffer because of you. Slowly by slowly, am going
to show them the pain.
Miege: o! !lease stop it!

Hayate closes the door and locks it. Jed, KC and Miege knock the
door and ask help. Meanwhile, the others are in the garden. They are
planning on what to do.
Mia: Who will be the leader?
Ralph: bringing a laptop) that would be Jo.
Jo: Eh?! Me? am not that strong enough. Just you, Founder!
Ralph: Jo, you are the leader of the group so you will be the leader.
Jo: shakes her head) am not that confident. Well, let's have Myrrh.
Myrrh: am so sleepy. et Morris be the leader.
Morris: uh-uh! ot me! et Michan or Rei be the leader.
Rei: am not that tough.
Michan: Me either. ooks at Hino) Hino-chan, you will be the leader.
Hino: looks at them serenely) me? OK. will be the leader. have no choice
after all.
Jo: Well then, Hino-chan is the leader. Hino-chan, you should not let anyone
get your cloth.
Hino: know!
Shayne: am going inside now. am going to show them my real strength.
oel, come with me. Goes inside)
Noel: es! Follows Shayne)
Jo; oel, please take care. ou will just be the one to protect Shayne.
Noel: know! Goes inside)
Mia: Well then, they are going inside of the place. We should go now.
Morris: eah!
Ralph; et's just show them how strong we are!
Jo: Guys, you take care of yourselves. Good uck!

They part ways. At oel and Shayne's part, they are walking along
the corridors. Shayne and oel are the most preeminent duo of all times.
They are so closed with each other as if there is something happening to
them. Just kidding! They are just good friends.)
Shayne: Where could they be now? ooks at oel who seems to be
startled) Hey oel, what's the problem, huh? ou seem to be terrified.
Noel: Well, just want to make sure that no one is slinking at us.
Shayne: Don't tell me that you are scared!
Noel: am not scared. just want to make sure that there will be no foes in
here. Detects the foe)
Shayne: detects the foe) you are just full of excuses!

Two villains come and attack them with the use of their weapon.
oel and Shayne elude the attack of the enemy. They try to get the cloth of
the enemy. However, the two foes skirt oel and Shayne.
Noel: That was almost!
Shayne: smirks) They evade it. Hmmpph! ot bad at all! Who the heck are
Girl 1: ou are asking who we are. We are the strongest pair of the
sentinels of the Hayate clan. am Sherry who will bring love to this place.
This guy is yon.
Shayne: What a weird person you are!
Sherry: Don't' you dare to call me weird. ou need to be punished. She is
going to attack Shayne)
Lyon: Sherry, stop t!
Sherry: stops) es, yon-sama.
Lyon: looks at them)
Noel: looks at yon) our eyes looks like a felon. am sure that you killed
hundreds of people.
Lyon: s that a compliment? Well, thank you for that compliment. Actually,
you are right. have killed lots of people. ow, the two of you will be
yon attacks them with the use of his sword. Shayne gets the
sword of oel and clashes it with the sword of yon. On the other hand,
Sherry attacks Shayne at her back. oel gets the gun of Shayne and snipes
it on the foot of Sherry. Sherry moves backward. They all move away from
each other
Lyon: Both of you are good!
Shayne: We know that!
Noel: Shayne, you saved my life.
Shayne: ou saved mine too. ou take care with this ugly man and 'll
handle with the freaking girl. Exchanges weapons)
Noel: ou take care.
Shayne: will!
Lyon: Sherry, don't show any mercy to them. Kill them if you like.
Sherry: As you wish, yon-sama.

Sherry attacks Shayne rapidly. oel is going near at Shayne,
however; he is stopped by yon.
Lyon: gives an evil smile) where are you going? am your enemy. ou are
going to face me alone.
Noel: gives him a simper) me? am not going to help her.

oel attacks yon rapidly. yon eludes the strikes of oel. On the
other hand, Shayne moves away from Sherry and attacks her with the use of
pistol. Sherry evades her shots swiftly. Shayne didn't notice that Sherry is on
her behind. Then, Shayne is going to dodge her, however; Sherry hit her on
the legs that made Shayne lain on the ground.
Noel: Shayne!

oel is going near to Shayne, yet, yon captures his hand. yon
seizes his hand by a whisker until oel's bone ruptures. yon kicks him
towards Shayne. oel lies beside Shayne.
Noel: Shayne, are you alright?
Shayne: am fine, though, the bone on my left foot is splinter. How about
Noel: am glad that you are fine. Sighs) the bone on my left hand is also
cracked. ooks at them) They are really strong, huh. What do you think,
Shayne: admit that we have no opportunities in winning the game if we
won't cooperate. Well oel, it is the right time to cooperate with each other.
What do you think?
Noel: agree with your idea. t is time to be serious.
Lyon: What are you murmuring, huh? Are you done chatting?
Sherry: think that they are saying their last prayers. What do you think,
yon-sama? Guffaws unruly)
Lyon: Well then, Sherry. think that you can finish this nonsense game by
getting the cloth. Then, am going to eradicate them with the use of this
Sherry: as you wish, yon-sama.

Sherry is going near to Shayne and oel. oel carries Shayne on
his shoulder quickly. On the other hand, Shayne pierces her remorselessly.
Sherry is knocking out. Afterward, Shayne get her cloth with the use of the
sword of oel.
Shayne: She is knocked out. ow, you points at yon) surrender at us
Lyon: ou filthy scum. am going to kill both of you.

yon attacks them vigorously and quickly. oel eludes his attack
swiftly while Shayne attacks him with the use of the sword. yon punches
oel and then Shayne clouts yon's face. They continue in attacking with
each other. Until, yon is going to lacerate them. After that, Shayne gets her
gun and shoots him on the ground. yon stops from attacking, subsequently,
oel kicks on his stomach. yon is hit by oel's powerful kick and lies on the
ground. oel stops on carrying Shayne and gets his sword. oel goes near
at yon and is going to gore yon, but, oel gores the ground instead and
gets the cloth.
Noel: you lose the game!
Lyon: looks at oel) why did you not kill me? ou have defeated me.
Noel: am not a slayer like you. respect the life of everyone. wish that you
would stop from killing life.
Lyon: Hmmpph! ou have soft heart. That's the reason why you are weak.
Noel: everyone has weakness and strength.
Shayne: we became strong when we want to protect someone who is very
precious to our lives.
Lyon: don't understand you. Mutters) wish that you killed me.
Shayne: oel, let's leave the place now. et's go.
Noel: Ok! ooks at yon) continue on living because you have still
someone to protect.

Shayne and oel leave the place noisily. yon looks at them
leaving the place.
Lyon: am sure that they are the best pair that have ever met in my entire
life. ooks at Sherry) have still someone to protect that is.

On the other hand, Mia and Michan are walking on the hallways.
They are talking cheerfully. Mia and Michan are two of the most jovial
members of the group. ou won't have the hard time going with them or feel
out of place. t is surely fun having them.)
Michan: Mia, think that we are lost.
Mia: Hehehe. think that you are right. Where shall we go now?
Michan: et's just ask someone to show us the way. What do you think?
Mia: Are you insane? f we will do that, am sure that we are going to be
caught and lose the game.
Michan: But, we have no choice. f we won't do anything, we will surely
stuck-up in this mansion for the whole life.
Mia: think that you are right!
Michan: f someone is going to attack us, we will just run away. Ok?
Mia: get what you are trying to impart. et's do it.

ow the 2 girls are looking for someone who can teach them the
way. As they are looking for someone, they spotted two big burly guys
leaning on the wall. The two big burly guys look at Mia and Michan. They go
near at the two girls. As they are going near at them, Mia and Michan look at
each other.
Mia: Michan, they are the servants of Hayate. Am right?
Michan: ou're right. Mia, we should rush away from them. They are so
dangerous. What do you think?
Mia: agree to your decision. et's run now.

Mia and Michan run away from them. The two big burly guys follow
them and catch them. The two big burly guys clutch the shirt of Mia and
Burly 1: Where are you going?
Mia: We're going away so stop grabbing our shirts.

The two big burly guys throw Mia and Michan away. The two ladies
lie on the ground, and because of that, they are bruised.
Michan: Ouch! That is so painful, huh! Why did the two of you throw us
away? We're not toys. We're humans.
Mia: Both of you are so vicious.
Burly 2: So who the hell cares? We are doing all of this because of our
young master. We want to see him happy. Am right, Kaoru?
Kaoru: ou're right, Rauji!
Michan: WE DO'T CARE! Mia, let's leave them alone. They are just stupid
enough to follow their young master.
Mia; ou're absolutely right!

Mia and Michan are going to leave the place. Then, Kaoru and
Rauji follow them. The 2 guys punch Mia and Michan on their stomach so
Mia and Michan lie on the ground as they cuddle their stomach. Afterwards,
Rauji and Kaoru kick Mia and Michan on their stomach.
Kaoru: How dare you telling us that we are stupid?
Rauji: We are just following the orders of our master. And we won't allow the
two of you to underestimate us. We are very grateful to our master for
everything he had done to us. n return, we are going to obey his command.
We are going to beat you up so that our young master can fulfill his dreams
Kaoru: Besides, we are stronger than the two of you because our strength is
our master. We won't allow you to destroy his dreams and our dreams.
Michan: holds the feet of the Rauji) s that all?
Mia: hold the feet of Kaoru) The two of you are just weak. ou are just
depending of your master. Don't you have your own dreams?

Mia and Michan push them away. Both Mia and Michan, who are
brutally battered, stand up slowly by slowly. Kaoru and Rauji are stunned of
what Mia and Michan done.
Kaoru: What did you say?
Rauji: How dare you telling us that we are weak!

Rauji is going to punch Mia. Mia prevents his punch by cuffing his
hand which is used in clouting Mia. Rauji as well as Kaoru are shocked of
their vigor. Rauji stays away from Mia.
Mia: simpers at Michan) Michan, let's show them how strong we are!
Michan: nods) We'll trounce them.
Kaoru: s that so?

Kaoru is going to tackle Michan then Mia comes near to assist
Michan in attacking Kaoru. Mia uses her natty switchblade and slits Kaoru.
Kaoru is hit by the slit of Mia. Mia and Michan move away from them.
Mia: Are you alright, Michan?
Michan: nods) ou should not do that.
Mia: We have no choice. f won't slash him with the use of my switchblade,
we have no chance in winning the game. Did you get it? We need to do
something in order to beat them. And if we can beat them, we can leave this
abysmal mansion alive and safe.
Michan: understand! Sees a wood and picks it)
Rauji: Do you think that the two of you have the chance in defeating us?
ook at yourself. Both of you are injured. ou have no more chance in
beating us.
Mia: s that what you think? We will never give up.
Kaoru: Hmmpph! ooks at Rauji) We need to hammer them. We should not
let disappoint young master.
Rauji: know! et's just show them how strong we are.

Kaoru and Rauji rush towards them and attack muscularly. Both
girls try to evade them but the force of the punch made them hit. The girls fly
away in the direction to the tree. Kaoru and Rauji walk toward them. Michan
and Mia continue to stand up. They attack Kaoru and Rauji vigorously.
Michan uses wood to hit Rauji while Mia uses her switchblade to attack
Kaoru. However, Michan has the hard time to beat Rauji; even though Rauji
is big, he moves swiftly.
One moment, Mia kicks the secluded part of Kaoru's body. This
made Kaoru jumped in pain. Mia goes to Michan and saves her from Rauji's
attack. Mia gashes Rauji behind, then, Michan also kicks the secluded part
of Rauji's body. Before Rauji is going to loll the ground and to faint, Mia gets
the cloth of Rauji. Then, they move away from Rauji.
Kaoru: Rauji! Goes near at Rauji)
Michan: ou did it, Mia! ou beat the one!
Mia: Whew! o sweat at all!
Michan: Thank you for saving me from that big one.
Mia: o problem! ooks at Kaoru) ow, look at it Kaoru. We beat your
friend, Rauji! We are stronger than you and you have no chance in beating
us. Kaoru, do you want to know why we are stronger than two of you?
ooks at Kaoru) We have true friends. A friend, who won't use another as a
toy in fulfilling his/her dream, is what we have right now. We believe that this
is our strength. Kaoru, your young master, Hayate, is just using all of you as
his curio. He never treats you as a real friend but you still believe that he
considers all of you as a companion.
Michan: Kaoru, try not to depend on your young master. ou have your own
life and dreams. Try to live without him and try to find a genuine friend. Once
you will do that, am sure that you will get stronger.
Kaoru: smirks at them) s that what you think? Stop talking dreadful things
to our master as if you know him. ou don't know him so don't criticize him.
ou don't see his pain and sadness. As his sentry, we will do our best not to
disappoint him. By that, we can make him. n doing so, we need to drum all
of you.

Kaoru assault them rapidly. n the blink of the eye, Michan is hit by
the heavy punch of Kaoru. This made her fly away from the place and
bumped herself on the other wall. She lazes on the ground as she is bathed
by her own blood.
Mia: shocked to see Michan) Michan!

Mia did not notice that Kaoru is in front of him. Kaoru attacks Mia by
drubbing her on the stomach. Although Mia spits blood on her stomach as
she is going to kneel down on the ground, Kaoru grabs her shirt and raises
her up. Then, he chokes her up.
Kaoru: ow, who is stronger than the two of us? our friend is inundated by
her own blood. Where are your friends now, huh? o one will save you!

Mia tries to escape from him by being aggressive. But the more she
moves, the strangulation becomes more tighten. Kaoru laughs at her
Kaoru: ow, where are your friends, huh? ow, you will die in believing
your false statements. o one will save you from your death.
Mia: in her thoughts) Am going to die now? can't anymore breathe.
can't hold on. Will this be my fate?

Mia closes her eyes. Suddenly, Mia hears a loud smash. She feels
falling to the ground. As she opens her eyes, she sees Michan, whose face
is filled with blood, smacks Kaoru behind with the use of the wood, and then;
she gets the cloth of Kaoru. Michan does not notice that her cloth is taken off
accidentally. Afterwards, Kaoru lies on the ground.
Kaoru: in his thought) How could this happen to me? Why? ooks at
Michan and Mia hazily) They are right. am weak. Master, am very
sorry. Becomes fainted)
Michan: goes near at Mia) Mia, daijoubu desu ka?
Mia: coughs) am fine. How about you? our face is covered by your
Michan: smiles at her) Don't worry! am fine but feel dizzy.
Mia: eah! Me too! et's just take rest for awhile. et the others handle the
other foes. Besides, our cloth is get hold of our enemy.
Michan: nods) We did our best in beating them. et's just hope that Hino's
cloth won't be obtained by the villains.
Mia: Don't worry! am confident that Hino can handle the enemies by her
own. am sure that before Hino's cloth will be taken off, our friend will defeat
the master.
Michan: eah! ou're right! n her mind) Ganbatte kudasai!

On the other hand, Hayate is with his loyal protector, Renya. They
are going to a certain room.
Renya: oung Master, have news to report to you.
Hayate: What is it?
Renya: oung Master, the spectator notifies that yon, Sherry, Rauji and
Rauji are all defeated by the friends of Miege-sama. They try their best to
beat them but their adversaries are strong enough. They have extraordinary
skills and qualities.
Hayate: They are so pathetic. know from the start having them as my
sentries are useless. They are all scrawny. What a pathetic stilt of mine!
regret having them.
Renya: What shall we do with them and to the Black Knights?
Hayate: To the flop, just leave them alone bleeding. don't care about them.
To the Black Knights, they have their luck for now. They had just defeated
the weakest 4 sentries of mine. They have not yet met my most resilient
sentries. Smirks) Tell the others, that they should make sure that Black
Knights will suffer.
Renya: es, oung Master

On their way, they meet the grandfather of Hayate. Hayate's
grandfather, Weinberg de Blois, is one of the most powerful persons in the
country. He has direct relationships not only with the government of the
country but also to the other countries and to the global banks. He owns lot
of big successful companies, resorts, mansions and luxury cars. o wonder
why people respect him so much. Although he has everything richness), he
has good qualities that hoi polloi like. These qualities did not possess by
Hayate. The old Weinberg goes near at them crossly.
Hayate and Renya: bows their head) MASTER!
Weinberg; Hayate, what is this news that group of students from Daimyo
High School comes to this rest house and attack our guards? heard that
you are playing with them by a game. s this true?
Hayate: es, master!
Weinberg: s this because of that girl named Miege?
Hayate: es, Master!
Weinberg: Hayate, how many times did told you that Miege is not good for
you and for our family? She has no social status in our community and
brings misfortune to our House. ou become fatuous due to that girl. want
you to stay away from her. f you won't do that, won't let you inherit the
heirloom of the de Blois family.
Hayate: Then to whom will you inherit the heirloom? ou have no other
grandson aside from me. don't care about your heirloom. All need for now
to live is Miege. will do everything so that Miege will be mine.
Weinberg: ou are foolish! Going to spank Hayate)
Renya: stops the slapping of the grandfather to Hayate) won't allow you to
hurt my young master even if you are the Master of the House.
Weinberg: ou scum! ooks at Renya) ou have no respect. am the
master of this HOUSE.
Renya: am only serving to my true master. And that is Master Hayate!
Moves the hand of Weinberg away from Hayate)
Hayate: ou can't stop me, Grandfather!
Weinberg: looks at him commiseratively) What happened to you? ou are
so vile. ooks back) This is my fault why this is happening to you. hope
someday that you will realize everything that you are doing today is
iniquitous. !uts the cloth on his left arm) But, don't want that someone will
destroy the name of de Blois. worked so much to make the de Blois family
be respected by the community. don't want to allow those students destroy
the name of de Blois family easily. Hayate, you should be prepared for every
corollary. Goes away)
Hayate: get it, Grandfather! Continues on walking) et's go, Renya!
Renya: -yes, young master! Follows Hayate)

On the other hand, Rei and Morris are walking one of the gardens
of the house. They are vigilant to the surroundings if someone is going to
attack them. Rei and Morris are two of the strident members of the group.
They have lot of things to tell about. ou won't surely get bored if you are
with them. They are definitely cool!)
Rei: Morris, aren't you feeling tired? feel so weary. t is been a half hour
since we separated by the others. et's take rest for awhile.
Morris: Ssshh! Don't talk so loud. We should be quiet so that no one will see
us. Ok?
Rei: nods)
Morris: sees a room) We'll go inside of that room and take rest for awhile.
s that fine with you?
Rei: That's fine with me so that no fiends can see us and going to attack us.
Morris: That settles! We are going to stay there for awhile. et's go!

They are going to the room. As they open the door, they see Ralph
in the room using his laptop together with the nemesis. Morris and Rei are
stunned to see Ralph and an adversary so close to each other as if they are
great friends. Ralph and the foe look at them. Ralph is one of the strident
and outgoing person. He is surely friendly to everyone. He is so good at arts.
The best sketcher that ever met is no other than he!)
Ralph: o, Morris! o, Rei-chan!
Enemy: Hello!
Morris: Ralph, what are you doing, huh?
Ralph: am using my laptop. s there anything wrong with that?
Rei: There is wrong with that. This is not the right time to play with your
computer. Why are you with him? !oints at the enemy) He is an adversary.
Don't you know that?
Reo (enemy): introduced myself to your friend and encouraged him to fight
with me but he wouldn't listen to me and told me that he is playing with his
laptop, so, joined to watch his game. We are having fun. He's great in using
Ralph: See! am great!
Morris: What a stupid person! Sighs)
Rei: ou said so!
Reo: By the way, am Reo, one of the most ardent protectors of Hayate. t's
my pleasure to meet all of you. His face becomes more serious as he looks
at them and at Ralph) ow Ralph, it's enough of this witless diversion. t is
the time to get staid.
Morris: whispers at Rei) His face changed!
Rei: nods)
Ralph: Just a moment! am still playing! et's play for awhile.
Reo: am waiting for long!
Rei: Ralph, think that he is serious now.
Ralph: Just for awhile. Can't you see? am.

Suddenly, a big slash passed by Ralph's eyes. uckily, no one is
hurt, however, the most beloved possession of Ralph, laptop, is turned to
half. Everyone is dazed of what happened.
Rei: Ralph goes near at Ralph) Are you alright?
Ralph: My laptop! ooks at his laptop) My beloved laptop! Why did you
slice my laptop, huh?
Reo: told you that it is the time to get staid. So, destroyed your laptop.
Ralph: lowers down his head) My laptop is so precious to me!
Morris: Ralph, that's enough. Can't you see? He is going to kill you. That's
the reason why he sliced the laptop. !ulls the shirt of Ralph and looks at
Rei: et's go!

They are going to run away, however, Reo catches them up. He is
going to gash them without their notice. !ropitiously, Ralph prevents the
slitting of Reo by blocking his katana to Reo's sword.
Reo: smirks) ou are good at this, huh! Moves away from them)
Rei: Founder!
Morris: ou better run away. et me handle with this.
Rei: But, Founder, we won't allow you to fight alone. et's fight with him
Ralph: et me take care with this. won't forgive him for destroying my
laptop. He needs to reimburse what he had done to my laptop.
Rei: But, Founder!
Morris: pats on Rei's shoulder) et's go. pulls the hand of Rei)
Ralph: Morris, you take care of Rei.
Morris: smirks) Don't allow yourself to beaten by that guy. ou should beat
him up or else. will be the one to kill you.
Ralph: Hmmpph! As if will be trampled by that scum!
Morris: gives him grin as an answer and leaves the place together with Rei)
Reo: titters boisterously) ME? will be crushed by you? That is so
impossible. ou have no chance on me.

Suddenly, a quick flash passed by on Reo's left eyes. He just sees
that Ralph is already in front of him attacking with his katana.
Reo: amazed) in his thought) he is so swift!
Ralph: W TROUCE OU! o one would stop me!

Ralph is going to hack Reo's stomach. n the nick of time, Reo
avoid his attacks and moves away from Ralph.
Ralph: ou are fast.
Reo: Of course! am one of the best sentries of oung Master!
Ralph: s that so? et's just see if you can still boast after beat you.
Reo: gives an evil grin) Hontou?

Suddenly, Reo peters out from the sight of Ralph. Ralph stunned
for a moment, but, he remains to be ardent.
Ralph: looks around and his thought) Where could he be now? am sure
that he is going to attack me. just need to be keen enough to notice his
attacks. Closes his eyes)

As Ralph closes his eyes, he hears all the noise of his
surroundings. He is somewhat sensing where Reo is going to attack through
the noise. All of a sudden, Ralph is hit on his left hand by the slash of Reo.
Ralph opens his eyes as he crouches on the ground while squeezing his
Ralph: in his mind) How could that happen? How could not hear the
slightest noise of his sword? ooks at Reo)
Reo: ou are flabbergasted of what happened, right? ou can't hear the
whoosh of my sword. Since you can't see and hear my attacks, you have no
chance on beating me. That's so pity on you.
Ralph: stands up) Don't you underestimate me. haven't shown yet my real
Reo: s that so? ou're just overestimating yourself! Hmmpph!

Reo begins to vanish in the sight of Ralph. Ralph scrutinizes
everywhere but he could see Reo.
Ralph: in his thought) Where is he now? couldn't see him in my eyes.
Bakero! need to concentrate.

Reo continues in attacking Ralph. While, Ralph is concentrating on
how to hear the noise but he couldn't hear any. On the other hand, Morris
and Rei are going away from Ralph.
Rei: Ojiisan, stop holding my hand! !ushes Morris away from her) What are
you doing, huh? We need to help Founder in his fight. We need to do
something for him. think that Reo is dangerous. f we won't do something,
Founder's life will be at risk.
Morris: Rei, just stay calm. know that Ralph can beat that weird guy even if
he is plump. believe in him. He has the strength to overcome that Reo.
trust on him! How about you, Rei, do you believe in him?
Rei: remains silent) believe in him.
Morris: So stop worrying about him! He can do it alone. f he is beaten by
the Reo, will be the one to kill him.
Rei: Eh?!
Morris: Just kidding! et's go now!
Rei: Ok!

Out of the blue, Ralph is hit by the slash of Reo's sword on his right
arm. Both arms of Ralph are severely bleeding. Ralph continues in standing
up as he bows his head.
Reo: looks at Ralph) So are you giving up, huh? Well then, say your last
prayers, Mr. Obtuse aptop over!

Reo is going to slash Ralph quickly. Ralph, on the other hand who
is bowing his head, foils the attack of Reo by opposing his katana to Reo's
Reo: What the?!
Ralph: told you that you can't beat me that easily. ou are going to repay
of destroying my laptop!

Ralph attacks him vigorously while Reo moves away from Ralph.
They continue on clashing their swords. Suddenly, Reo kicks Ralph away
from him. Ralph flies towards the pond. Reo goes near at Ralph and attacks
him dynamically. Ralph is having the hard time in evading Reo's attacks.
Reo: Why are you not assaulting me, huh? Are you having the hard time in
attacking me? C'mon! Where is that boast?

Ralph is hit by the attacks of Reo. However, Ralph plops the water
to Reo on his eyes. Reo is hit by the splash of water so he closes his eyes.
Then, Ralph rips Reo on his stomach. Reo is hit and lolls on the ground.
Ralph: huffs) am going to get the cloth on your arm.

Ralph is going to get the cloth of Reo when Reo hoists suddenly
and gouges Ralph's stomach. Ralph slumps on the pond as his blood on his
body flowing.
Reo: laughs horrendously) ou are now dead! This place will be your crypt.
Too pity for your friends for they are going to lose you.
Ralph: in his mind as he looks at the sky) don't want to die. want still to
enjoy my life together with my friends. Takes a pew)
Reo: looks at Ralph stunningly) So are you not giving up, huh? Well then,
am going to finish you. Goes near at Ralph)
Ralph: mutters) ou may be strong, but, am much stronger than you.

Ralph grips his sword firmly as he slashes and stabs Reo on his
stomach. Before Reo lies on the ground, Ralph gets the cloth of Reo. Then,
he moves out from the pond. Reo is lying on the pond looks at Ralph who is
sitting on the ground.
Ralph: told you that am stronger than you. ou have no chance in beating
me. Finally, am relieved after beat you up.
Reo: smirks as he closes his eyes) Honestly, you are great, Mr. Obtuse
aptop over! ext time, let's enjoy ourselves in playing your laptop.
Ralph: f you won't destroy my laptop again.
Reo: smiles) won't!
Ralph: ext time!
Reo: faints)
Ralph: pants) need to take a little rest. ies on the ground)

Meanwhile, Morris and Ralph walk along the corridors. They are
soundless while they are walking. Suddenly, a kunai flies behind Rei.
uckily, Morris perceives the kunai so he pulls Rei away from the flying
weapon. Then, another kunai is flying towards them. Fortunately, the kunai
just passes by at Morris's face.
Rei: stunned) Morris, daijoubu desu ka?
Morris: am fine! How about you?
Rei: am fine. Thank you for saving my life. Where did the kunai come
Morris: Someone is following us. Our enemy is just here.
Rei: Doko? don't sense anyone except us.
Morris: He is here.

Another kunai flies toward them. Both Rei and Morris evade the
kunai. They notice a lady who is standing on the branch of the tree.
Lady: ou two are good, huh!
Morris: looks at the lady at Rei) Rei, we need to be careful. She seems to
be dangerous. Whispers at Rei)
Rei: whispers at Morris tautly) eah, know! think that she is a malevolent
Lady: What are you talking about?

Rei and Morris look at the tree where the lady is standing but to
their surprise, the lady is already at their back.
Lady: What are you talking about? Can you share it with me?
Morris: How did the lady shift at our back? She is so fast. n his mind)
Rei: looks at behind) We won't share it with you. Stunned to see the lady
no more behind at them)
Lady: in front of them) That's so rude!
Morris: She is really quick! ooks at the lady)
Lady: am Suzuki, one of the sentries of the de Blois family. Currently, am
serving to Master Hayate. think that you are the friends of Miege-sama.
However, you are all impediments to Master Hayate.
Rei: What do you mean impediment? Why did you say that, huh? We are
just ordinary students in Daimyo High School.
Morris: is it because of Miege why he is so mad at us? s it because Miege
treasured us, her friends, more than his fiance? aughs) Too pity for your
Master! He is doing too much to get the attention of Miege.
Suzuki: think so! Maybe you are right... But, believe that Master is doing
the right thing. He is just obsessed to that Miege-sama. As his sentry, am
going to do what believe is right. So, am going to finish both of you and
your friends.
Morris: Really? Do you think that we are that weak? ou must be crazy.
Rei: eah! We are great! We are not wretch! We are going to outsmart you.
Suzuki: is that so? can't wait to beat the two of you.

Suddenly, Suzuki throws her kunais towards Morris and Rei. Rei
uses her pole to repel the kunais from them. Until, the kunais fall down.
Morris: Great job, Rei-chan!
Rei: Hmmpph!
Suzuki: Oh! ou are truly great. Maybe, was just underestimating your
skills but am just starting.
Morris: Really? ou show to us what you have got!
Suzuki: will!

Suzuki begins to throw her kunais towards Morris and Rei. Rei uses
again her pole to repel the kunais of Suzuki. However, there were other
kunais that passes from the pole. Thus, it hits on Rei's shoulders. Morris
helps her in blocking the kunai by using his metal arnis.
Morris: Rei-chan, are you alright? ou are bleeding.
Rei: am fine. Just don't mind, Morris. We need to focus on defeating that
Morris: looks at Suzuki) ou're right!
Suzuki: ou really deter my kunais. Throws all her kunais) These weapons
are useless. They don't hurt at you all. Well, need to use my real weapon.
Shows her metal fan) This time, am going to be serious.
Rei: s that her real weapon?
Morris: So from the start, you are just playing with us by your weak
Suzuki: es! just want to know how strong the two of you. But, just realize
that those weapons are not good in defeating the two of you. Be happy
because am going to use my own real weapon.
Rei: What an overweening person!
Morris: Rei-chan, you should be keen. She is going to attack a minute from
now. Whispers at Rei)
Rei: Wakatta!

Afterwards, Suzuki runs towards them with the use of the metal fan.
Morris evades from the attack. Suzuki goes near at Rei and deals with her.
Rei uses her pole to block the attack from Suzuki's metal fan. Rei doesn't
notice that her pole is going to be broken. As Rei's pole was broken, Suzuki
kicks her away. Morris attacks Suzuki with the use of metal arnis. Suzuki
dodges his attacks. Then, she counterattacks with the use of the metal fan
simultaneously. Morris dodges the attacks of Suzuki.
Morris: f you think that you are faster than me, then you are wrong.
Suzuki: aive!

Suzuki turns around her body upward, then, kicks Morris on his jaw.
Morris is hit but he attacks Suzuki on her stomach with the use of metal
arnis. Both of them fly away from each other.
Rei: goes near at Morris) Morris, are you ok? ou are hit.
Morris: spits) am fine. How about you?
Rei: My pole is destroyed. Her metal fan is really strong.
Morris: ou're right! Whispers something on Rei)
Rei: nods)
Suzuki: What are you whispering about?
Morris: speaks louder) Rei just stay for awhile. am going to defeat her.
Rei: speaks louder) AOE? But we are on team. won't agree. need to
do something to defeat that girl.
Morris; et me handle with this.
Rei: slaps the face of Morris) How could you say that to me? What do you
think of me? am not weak.
Morris: pushes Rei) Just do what say!
Suzuki: Oh! Both of you are fighting on who is going to fight with me. don't
care of who would be. Anyway, am going to kill the two of you.
Morris: As if, you can beat me!

Morris runs towards her and going to attack Suzuki. Suzuki runs
towards Morris and attack him. Both of them are attacking with each other.
Both of them evades with their attacks. They don't notice that Rei is going
towards them. She punts Suzuki violently and assails her behind with the
use of the broken pole. Then, Morris gets the cloth of Suzuki on her arms.
Suzuki flies away from them.
Morris: claps on Rei's hand) Great job, Rei!
Rei: We did it!
Suzuki: stands up slowly as she looks at them) So, the two of you are not
quarreling. That was just a play.
Morris: es! That was just an act. We don't intend to fight you alone.
Rei: We know that we can defeat you if we cooperate with each other.
Besides, told you that we are going to defeat you.
Suzuki: What a con artist!
Morris: Well do anything to save our friend, Miege. ou can't fight us
because you lose.
Suzuki: Bakero! Squats on the ground as she cries) am sorry, Master!
Morris: Rei, let's go!
Rei: Ok! ooks at Suzuki) We will go ahead. t's nice to meet you, Suzuki-
san... Ja!

Morris and Rei moves away from the place. Suzuki looks at them
leaving the place. On the other hand, Myrrh is sleeping under the tree.
Suddenly, an enemy spots her sleeping under the tree. The enemy goes
near at her silently.
Enemy 8: She is the friend of Miege-sama. Hah! am so lucky. She is just
sleeping. can finish her off so easily.

The sentry of Hayate is going to slash her. uckily, Myrrh moves to
the left while she is sleeping. The sentry is shocked to see her move.
Enemy 8: She moved! This time. am going to finish her off.

The sentry is going to slice her but Myrrh moves to right while she
is sleeping. This time, the sentry is really frustrated. So, he grabs the shirt of
Enemy 8: ou fool! Wake up in there! am going to kill you. !unches her)

Myrrh flies away. She finally wakes up. Slowly by slowly, she
stands up.
Myrrh: How dare you waking up on me? Are you the one who punched me?
Enemy 8: es! am the one. ou are sleeping under the tree. Don't you
know that you are in the house of de Blois? ou are showing your ill
Myrrh: Tell me! Are you the one who punched me?
Enemy 8: So what if am the one?
Myrrh: ou are going to repay for it.

Myrrh goes near at the sentry and attacks him by punching him so
quickly. The sentry has the hard time to dodge Myrrh since Myrrh is quick
like the lightning. After of 3 minutes clobbering the sentry, Myrrh stops. The
sentry's face is covered by his own blood. He lazes on the ground.
Myrrh: That is worthy of you. ou just wake me up. ou know what just
hate people waking me up violently.
Man: s that so? Jumps from the pole to the ground)
Enemy 8: crawls towards him) Renya. please help me. Ano onna wa
zankoku desu. Onegaishimasu help me!
Renya: looks at him angrily with pity looks) Too bad for you. ou bring
shame to Master Hayate. ou are not worthy to be with us! Slashes the
sentry of Hayate) Don't worry! am going to finish her off for Hayate-sama
not for you.
Myrrh: stunned)

On the other hand, Jo is in the kitchen eating the foods of the de
Blois family. Unexpectedly, Shayne and oel come and is shocked to see
her eating foods.
Jo: Detective! Shayne!
Noel: What are you doing, huh?
Jo: 'm eating. Come join with me.
Shayne: sits beside her and eats together with her) Their food taste
Noel: Why are you eating in here, Detective?
Jo: Eh? Actually, had not taken my breakfast yet. That's why am here
eating their food.
Shayne: Don't tell me that you are here all this time. That is so unfair to us.
Noel: eah! We fought with those sentries of Hayate. They are incredibly
strong. That's the reason why we have fracture.
Jo: Sou ka! That's the reason why you, oel, carry Shayne.
Shayne; He will be my legs. will be his hand.
Jo: What a good team up. am glad no one gets your cloth. Sighs) hope
the others will be fine.
Noel: They will be fine. Detective, you should worry yourself. Are you sure
that there is no poison on the food?
Jo: think not! Why would they put poison on their food?
Shayne: Why would they be put poison on their food? f they put poison,
they would also get poison too.
Noel: t is because we are here. We all know that we are the enemies of
Hayate. We also know that Hayate want to get rid of us. n doing that, he put
traps in his house like the sentries and maybe the poisoned food.
Weinberg: comes) ou are right!
Jo, Shayne and Noel: looks at him surprisingly)
Weinberg: But don't worry! There is no poison in the food that you are
eating. ou must be the friends of Miege, am right?
Shayne: es, we are! And who are you?
Jo: notices the cloth on his arm and whispers) Guys, look at his arm. He
has the cloth.
Weinberg; am the grandfather of Hayate. am Weinberg de Blois.
Noel: Weinberg-sama! Bows his head)
Shayne: oel, what are you doing?
Noel: am showing my respect to one of the most powerful in the world. ou
should show some veneration to him.
Jo: Respect? won't show my respect to him because he had grown up a
cruel person. That is no other than Hayate.
Noel: Jo?
Shayne: Jo is right. How can we show respect to him if his grandson is such
an insolent person.
Weinberg: What a delinquent students you are.
Jo: We maybe delinquent but we never hurt other people like what your
grandson did to us. We are going to show him how to respect people.
Weinberg: won't allow that someone would destroy the name of de Blois. f
someone will, am going to finish them. That includes all of you.
Jo: et's just see if you can beat us.
Weinberg: Have you forgotten that am the Master of this House? won't
give up so easily.
Meanwhile, Hino is sitting steadily on the foyer. Suddenly, she
hears coming so she stand up as she prepare herself. To her surprise, she
sees Michan and Mia coming. So, she goes near at them.
Hino: Mia & Michan, are you two alright? Why are you bleeding?
Michan: This is because of the sentries of stupid Hayate.
Hino: ou need to cure yourself.
Mia: Just don't mind us, Hino-chan. looks at the cloth of Hino) am glad that
your cloth has not yet obtain by our enemies.
Hino: eah! But, your clothes are obtained by the enemy.
Michan: it is ok, besides, we also steal their cloth. t is just like that we are
Hino: Ok!
Michan: Hino, have you find Miege, Jed and Mia.
Hino: ot yet!

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