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Community Internship

Report Guidelines

I. Content guidelines.

1. Title page (Annexure 1)

2. Bonafide certificate (Annexure 2)

The certificate should include the Registration number of the NGO, along with the
specific start and end dates of the work period. Additionally, it is recommended that the
number of hours dedicated to the work is specified and the minimum hours should be 80

3. Table of contents (maximum 01 page)

Include a table of contents listing all the sections and subsections of your report along
with their respective page numbers.

4. About NGO (maximum 02 – 03 pages)

Write brief introduction about the NGO including the the broad domain/s in which the
NGO works like education, health, sanitation, poverty, upskilling etc., AIM and
objective of NGO, demographic scope of NGO , the community/society the NGO serves
to like underpriveledged kids, girls/women, youth, differently abled community etc. etc.
Any specific achievements/contribution of NGO.

5. Introduction
Introduce the overarching theme of your community work delineating its broad scope and
focus. Detail the purpose and objectives of the community work, along with its intended
impact. Offer background information about the community, project, or initiative,
providing context for understanding its significance and relevance.

6. Methodology
Detail the methods and approaches used to conduct the community work. Include
information on data collection techniques, sample size participant selection criteria, any
tools or resources utilized as the case may be and any ethical considerations.

7. Activities
Provide a detailed description of the activities undertaken during the community work.
Include timelines (showcasing 80 hours of work) and resources utilized. Additionally,
provide Geotagged images / Time stamped screen shots to further provide evidence for
the same.
8. Outcome/impact
Present the outcomes of the community work, supported by both quantitative and
qualitative data. This could include statistics, survey results, and testimonials. Discuss the
impact of the community work on the target community or population. Highlight any
positive changes, improvements, or benefits observed. Consider both short-term and
long-term impacts to provide a comprehensive view.

9. Challenges and Lessons Learned

Identify any challenges or obstacles encountered during the intership and reflect on how
they were overcome. Share insights gained and lessons learned from the experience. You
may also provide actionable recommendations for future community work initiatives
based on your findings. Consider the sustainability and scalability of your
recommendations, and offer suggestions for addressing challenges or enhancing

10. Conclusion
Summarize the key points discussed in the report and emphasize the importance of
community work and its impact.

11. References

12. Appendices (if necessary)

II. Formatting Guidelines

1. Font and Spacing:

When formatting the report, it is crucial to maintain consistency and professionalism
throughout the document. Begin by selecting a clear, professional font such as Arial,
Calibri, or Times New Roman. Use a font size of 12 for the body text, ensuring
readability. Headings and subheadings should be descriptive and formatted in font size 14
and bold. Additionally, maintain uniform margins of at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides
of the page to create a neat and balanced layout. Spacing should be set at 1.5 for the
entire document to enhance readability, with proper spacing between paragraphs and
sections to improve clarity.

A new chapter should start from the new page only.

2. Title Page and Table of Contents:
Design a separate title page to include the report title, student's name, and other pertinent
information as provided in Annexure A. A well-organized table of contents should be
generated, listing all major sections and subsections along with their respective page

3. Figures and Tables:

Figures and tables play a crucial role in conveying information effectively. They should
be numbered sequentially throughout the report and accompanied by clear and
descriptive captions. Figures and tables should be placed close to the relevant text where
they are first mentioned, enhancing the reader's understanding of the content.

4. Page numbering
The preliminary pages of the report (such as the Title page, Table of Contents, etc.)
should be numbered in lowercase Roman numerals e.g. (i), (ii), (iii), ….. The Title page,
however, will be treated numbered as (i) but this will not be typed. The page immediately
following the title page shall be numbered (ii) and it should appear at the bottom center of
the page, and so on. Pages of the main text, starting with Introduction should be
consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals e.g. 1, 2, … . All page numbers (whether
Roman or Arabic) should be typed without punctuation in the center of the page.

The minimum no. of pages in the report should be 15.



Submitted by



In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree






April 2024


This is to certify that ____________[Recipient's Name] has successfully completed community

internship at ___________[NGO Name], bearing Registration Number ______________[NGO

Registration Number], during the period from ________ [Start Date] to __________ [End Date].

The total number of hours dedicated to the work is ____________ [Number of Hours],

exceeding the minimum requirement of 80 hours.

The candidate successfully contributed towards _________________[type of activity for

beneficiary/target type].


[NGO Representative Name]

(Ph. No.: ………………...)


[NGO Name]


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