雅思听力5 0分数段辅课件

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雅思听力 5.

0 分数段长难句分析
1 I have been staying with my aunt and now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt
needs the room for him. (C4-3-1)

解析:此句整体难度不高,学生在理解端不会出现很大问题,由两个 and 连接了三句话组成

在完成进行时,构成方式是主语+has/have+been+动词 ing(延续性动词),此时态表示动作

2 I need to know what kind of accommodation you’d like, so I can get you something suitable.

解析:此句整体为因果复合句,同样,理解端不难。需要谈及的一点是此句由 know 引导了

一个宾语从句,而宾语从句中又套了一个定语从句 you would like 来修饰 accommodation,

3 I‘ve been alone in my room at my aunt’s and I’ve always shared with my sister and I like that.

解析:由两个 and 连接三个简单句构成复合句,前两句连续使用语法中非常常用的时态之一

----现在完成时,构成方式是主语+ has/have+过去分词,表示动作发生在过去,但对现在仍

4 I have quite a few whose children have grown up and left home. In fact, I have some
really lovely retired ladies, living by themselves, who just love the company of students.

以在这里为了避免重复出现,就省略了。所以在 few 后面实际上还应该有一个被修饰词是
women(根据上下文得知),而这个 women 是作为后面定语从句的先行词,而定语从句中是
由 and 引导的复合句,两个动作分别是 have grown up 和 left home. 第二句前半句是一个
简单的主谓宾,直译为我有一些非常可爱的退休女士,后面紧跟由 living 引导的非谓语,修
后又跟了一个由 who 引导的定语从句,同样还是修饰退休女士,再进一步补充信息。

5 It is large puppets on long tricks, controlled by puppeteers standing waist deep in the
lake. (C4-3-2)

解析:此句不长,但是连续使用了非谓语语法现象。主句是主系表结构,由代词 IT 做主语,
表达的意思是那是很大的木偶,后面由过去分词 controlled 引导修饰 puppets,表达这些
木偶被操控木偶的人控制,紧跟现在分词 standing 来修饰操控木偶的人,表达这些人站
一个用 controlled,一个用 standing。

6 It is really hard to believe that what you have been watching is lifeless wood and cloth.

解析:此句整体是主系表结构,由 It 充当形式主语,所以真正的主语应该是从 that 开始一

直到结束,因此我们可以把此句还原成 That what you have been watching is lifeless
wood and cloth is really hard to believe. 再具体分析这句话,what you have been
watching is lifeless wood and cloth 充当了 believe 的宾语从句,而这个宾语从句中的主
语是由 what 引导的主语从句 what you have been watching,后面是系动词+表语。

7 As an adult, I had a great time, but I did note that other older people in the audience
were not quite as taken with it as I was. (C4-3-2)

解析: 首先,此句中的 taken with 需要通过上下文理解,可与 enjoy 等同。其次,整体为

由 but 引导的转折复合句, but 前表示作为一个成年人我很享受上文提到的表演,但是我

8 I will be to back next week with more news of what it is worth seeing and what it is best
to miss. (C4-3-2)

解析: 此句后面可能会对学生造成困惑,众所周知,介词后面要跟名词或者名词性从句,组
成介宾结构,所以 of 后面跟了两个由 what 引导的宾语从句,另外要注意,宾语从句的语
序要使用陈述句的语序,所以这也就是为什么 it 要在 is 的前面。

9 If you do not want to do the whale watch cruise, your guide will take anyone who is
interested either on a bush walk through the national park near the hotel, and there is
no extra charge for that, or on a fishing trip. (C5-1-1)

解析:if 引导条件状语从句, 主句里面套了一个由 who 引导的定语从句修饰先行词 anyone,

定语从句中 be interested either on sth or sth 作为系表结构,考生如果能把句中成分这样

10 Can I just mention that we require all bookings to be made at least fourteen days
before you travel to avoid cancellations of tours? (C5-1-1)

解析:that 引导宾语从句充当 mention 的宾语,在宾语从句中存在一个由 before 引导的时

间状语从句,表示在什么时候之前,to be made 动词不定式进一步补充说明 booking 的信
11 And I have to tell you there is also a deposit of $250, which is returnable of course as
long as there is no damage. (C11-1-1)

解析:词组 tell sb sth, 因此 there is also a deposit of $250(省略 that)充当 tell 的宾语从
句,而后面的 which 引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面所说的事情,定语从句中又出现了
一个条件状语从句,由 as long as 引导。

12 You will have to see about getting a license if you are planning to any music during the
meal. (C11-1-1)

解析:此句不难,主从条件复合句,由 if 引导,学生要识别短语 see about doing sth。

13 That is a system that cuts in when the volume reaches a certain level. (C11-1-1)

解析:第一个 that 是此句的主语,第二个 that 是关系代词,引导定语从句修饰 system,定

语从句中跟随一个时间状语从句,由 when 引导。

14 So there is a locked cupboard and you will be informed of the code you need to open
that. (C11-1-1)

解析:and 连接两个并列句,前半句 there be 句型,后半句有个短语 inform sb of sth,这

里使用了被动语态,表示告知某人某事,最后还隐藏了一个定语从句修饰 code,省略 that。

15 I have worked out that I can afford to reduce my hours at work and that will make the
time. (C11-2-1)

解析:work out sth,解决某事,所以此句所表达的意思是要解决两件事情,分别有两个 that

引导,作为 work out 的宾语从句,中间由 and 来连接。Afford to do sth,常用短语,表示

16 Is there any particular aspect of the Youth Council’s work that appeals to you?

解析:整体式 there be 句型的疑问句,后面的 that 引导定语从句, 修饰 work, 定语从句中

缺少主语,appeal 是定语从句中的谓语动词。

雅思听力 5.0 分数段场景词汇汇总

House agency, agent, landlord (land lady), tenant, lodger, renter, roomer, single room, double
room=twin room, halls of residence, student hostel, dormitory, home stay, house, flat, apartment,
garden, courtyard, garage, fountain, balcony, terrace, en-suite, bedsit, studio, suburb, outskirts,
countryside, city centre, downtown, urban area, refrigerator/fridge, washing machine,
dishwasher, water heater, microwave oven, stereo system, radiator, (central)heating system,
toaster, dryer, air conditioner=air conditioning, electric fan, ceiling fan, cooker, ventilation, tap,
sink, dustbin=trash can, dresser, couch, ashtray, no other guests=to be the only guest, vegetarian,
carnivore, food allergies, bills, water (gas/electric/phone) bill, corridor, porch, hallway, shutter,
basement, fire escape

匹配题目:4-3-1 5-4-1

desert, hilly areas, wetland, bush land, tropical rain forests, resort, coastal area,
meadow , public transport, private transport, ferry, underground/subway/tube/metro,
river cruise, hitch-hike, tram, shuttle, coach, express train, light trail , express
way/freeway, flight connection centre, terminal, domestic,single trip, round/return trip,
airport tax, duty-free shop, vacant seat, cabin, flight number, first/business/economy
class, E.T.A(estimate time of arrival),fountain, pond, four-wheel drive, hang gliding, backpack,
bag-packer, botanical garden, reptile park, safari, opera house, Stonehenge, museum

匹配题目: 4-1-1 4-2-1 4-3-2 4-4-2 5-1-1 6-1-2 6-2-2 6-3-1 6-3-2
7-1-1 7-1-2 7-2-1 7-2-2 7-2-3 7-3-2 7-3-4 7-4-2 8-1-2 8-2-1
8-2-2 8-3-1 8-4-2 9-2-2 9-3-1 9-3-2 9-4-2 10-1-1 10-2-2 10-4-2

library card/admission card, passport, call slip, information desk, returns and loans, return area,
circulation desk, reference book section, self-access room, student locker, conference room,
photocopying room, audio-video room, printer, photocopier, projector, fax machine, laptop,
keyboard, cassette recorder, journal/periodical, current/back issue, fiction, reference book,
encyclopaedia, almanac, librarian, loan period, renew, overdue, pay a fine, recall, index, available,
category, expiry date

Available, clerical, register, involve, degree, hang on, student card, manage, take off,
come up, position, hall of residence, appeal, administrative, enquiry, job hunting, staff,
monitor, recruit, orientation, handle, temporary, publicity, presentation, hospitality


birthday party, welcome/farewell party, house warming party, banquet, venue, other
preparing work , plum pudding, apple pie, white wine, champagne , convention,
chairperson, guest speaker, participant, content, timetable/schedule/agenda,festival,
perform, exhibition, clown, puppet, aerial, purist, canvas, marquee, programme

mechanism,ecosystem, circulation, reclaim, vegetation, estate, permit, planning, public utilities,
property, refurbishment, redecoration, valuation, subsidiary, construction, equity, assessment,
community, supplies, maintenance, demolition, reconstruction, facility, infrastructure, project,
removal, residence, allocation, settle, house alteration

匹配题目:C11-2-2 C11-3-2 C11-4-2

change, cash/cheque, current, saving/credit card, Visa/MasterCard/American Express, account,
bankbook, saving/current/deposit/instant account, exchange rate, value, amount in
figures/words, service charge,deposit, withdraw cash, overdraw, overdraft, apply, loan, grant, tax,
cheque, credit/debit card, interest free, long term loan, increase rate, inflation rate, deflation


sport center, sport facility, extreme sports, stadium, indoor stadium, football pitch, sport field,
ground track field competitive sort, track-and-field, court, squash court, tennis court, studio,
dance studio, keep-fit studio, club, fitness club, select club, union card, register, reception,
issue, fee, annual fee, joining fee, discount, cash, card, credit card, debit card, check, pleasure
ground, activity, outdoor activity, ground, free time, leisure time, spare time, skipping
rope=jumping rope, billiards, parachuting, skating, swing, membership, fully licensed, facility,
option, tennis court, scheme, primarily, annual, badminton, subscription, vice versa, assessment,
keep-fit, instructor, judo, trial, yoga, soccer, shaping, season, track and field, check-in, baseball,
rugby, softball, cricket, hurdle, hockey, referee, squash


Have a cold, stomachache, fever, Headache, cough, toothache, depression, dizzy, unhealthy
lifestyles, Not enough sleep, bright conditions, clinic, Physician, surgeon, send for a doctor, Pills,
tablet, capsule, mixture, vitamin, aspirin, Penicillin, X-ray department, warm bath, rest, The optic
examine, drowsiness, allergy, mental ability

匹配题目:8-2-4 9-4-1

deadline, quantitative, qualitative, interpretation, departments/divisions, dormitory, parking
lot/area, lecture theatre, administration office, laboratory/lab, student union, auditorium, lounge,
gym, locker room, faculty, recreation center, student union, dean, counselor,
adviser/tutor/mentor, lecturer, associate professor, principal/president, chancellor, faculty,
coordinator, tutorial, enrolment, selective/optional, compulsory course, application form,
undergraduate, postgraduate, credit, assessment, handout, assignment, presentation, project,
paper/thesis/dissertation, essay, journal, participation , ecology, psychology, mythology,
anthropology, zoology, meteorology, biology, biography, economics, statistics, archeology,
architecture, accountancy, programming, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin,
Cantonese, Spanish, fundamental, elementary, basic, beginning, primary, intermediate, secondary,
advanced, session, duration, fixed, academic year, school year, term, marks, points, score, grades,
secondary school, seminar, supervise, revise/rewrite, plagiarism, structure, curriculum,
scholarship, syllabus, tuition, pamphlet, brochure, guide, qualification, extension, resources,
analytical, mechanical, theoretical

匹配题目:4-1-3 4-2-3 4-3-3 4-4-3 5-1-4 5-2-4 5-3-4 5-4-3 6-1-3 6-2-3 6-3-3
7-1-3 7-2-3 7-3-3 7-4-3 8-1-4 8-2-3 8-3-4 8-4-4 9-1-3 9-2-3 9-3-3 9-4-3
10-1-4 10-2-4 10-3-4 10-4-4

enrolment, application form, letter of recommendation, course arrangement, selective, elective
option, required course, compulsory course, graduate school, undergraduate, postgraduate,
school of Arts and Sciences, score, credit, degrees, paper, thesis, dissertation, essay, behaviours,
Private Property, food intake, eating pattern, crocodile, perfumes, national park, reading habits,
philosophers, children and adults, local tribes, president, tutor, lecturer, professor, late of
afternoon, four decades, local museum, storehouses and temples, coast, at home,
underground, village, local TV station, institute, literature, philosophy, history, art, sociology,
linguistics, psychology, engineering, architecture, business, law, economics, finance, accounting,
banking, biochemistry, editor, doctor, tutor, shop managers, research deadline, poll, survey,
hypothesis, statistics, data/datum, investigation, quantitative, significant difference, interview,
respondents/interviewee, questionnaire, study, online shopping, geology value, easy to
understand, skill, disguise, the purpose of the survey, changing behaviour, structure skills,
occupation, first year students, senior manager, story conference, family user, new tutor, plan
time, read aloud, sufficient details, planning meeting, plan holidays

匹配题目:4-1-4 4-2-4 4-4-4 5-2-3 5-3-3 6-1-4 6-2-4 6-3-4 6-4-4 7-1-4 7-2-4
7-3-4 7-4-4 8-1-3 8-3-3 8-4-3 9-1-4 9-2-4 9-3-4 9-4-4 10-2-3 10-3-3 10-4-3

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