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1 pwd -----------> presente working directory

2 ls -----------> used to listing the files and directory

3 cd <path> ------> to change the directory
4 cd .. ----------> used to come one step back

5 ls -la -----------> used to listing the hiden files and directory

6 ll ------------> long listing files and directory

7 mkdir <directory_name> ----------> to make a directory

8 touch <text_file_name> ----------> to make a text file

9 cd ---------------> to come in the root directory

10 nano <file_name> --------> used to create or open a file

11 cat <file_name> --------> to display the content of a file into terminal

12 cp <file_name> <path> -----> to copy a file

13 cp -r <directory_name> <path> -----> to copy a directory

14 mv <file/directoy> <path> -------> to move a file and directory

15 mv <old_file/directory> <new_file/directory> -------------> to rename a file


#User & group managment || File Permission

#types of users

1- adminstrator or root //higer priviliges

2- normal user //lower priviliges

cat /etc/passwd -----------> it stores the user information

cat /etc/shadow -----------> it stores users password in hash form

man <command> ----------> gives the description regarding utility or commands or


su <user> -------------> to switch the user

grep <fiter_text> <file_name> ------------> to filter the data into a text file

adduser <user_name> --------------------> to create a user

cat /etc/group --------------------> it contains the group information

cat /etc/gshadow -----------------> it contains the group password in hash

#File permission

"used to provide security on files"

#Types of file permission

1- symobolic file permission

2- numeric file permission
3- defualt file permission

#types of permission

1- read -----------------> (r)

2- write ----------------> (w)

3- execution ------------> (x)

#1- symobolic file permission

--- --- ---

user group others


chmod <user/group/others> + <permission(r/w/x)> <file/directory> --------> to give

on file and directory

#2- numeric file permission

read ----------------->4

write ---------------->2

execution ----------->1

permission = 4+2+1=7

max permission =777

n1 ------------> user
n2-------------> group
n3-------------> others

chmod <n1/n2/n3> <file directory> --------> to give permission on files and


#default file permission

umask ---------------> 022

max permission on files = 666


default file permission


max permission on directories=777

deafule perm of directory = 022

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