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*What are some tips mentioned in the text for explaining step-by-step processes to

customers? Choose two answers.

Break the process down into smaller steps
Avoid providing visual aids

*Listen actively: Listen to the customer's concerns and ask questions to ________
the issue. This can help you to understand the problem and find an appropriate

*If the customer is uncomfortable answering a question, offer alternative solutions

that may help to ________ the issue.

*Why is it important to use a friendly tone when acquiring preliminary customer

To put the customer............

*Put yourself in the customer's _____. Recognize and acknowledge their feelings and

*Why is it important to be patient when asking for specific information from a

Asking for specific information can take time...........

*To keep the conversation engaging, it's important to use alternative expressions
for 'You're welcome' that match the ________ of the interaction.

*Why is it important to offer additional information in response to a customer's

To address the cusomer's concern completely

*Why is establishing initial contact with customers important, according to the

text? Choose two answers.
it sets the tone for entire interaction
it can greatly impact the customer's perception

*What are the criteria mentioned in the text for referring a customer to a
specialist? Choose three answers.
The complexity
Time sensitivity
The availabilty of resources

*When troubleshooting with customers, it's important to use technical jargon to

demonstrate your expertise.

*Which of the following are common phrases mentioned in the text that can be used
in customer communication to provide affirmative language during hold times? Choose
two answers.
Thank you so much for holding
We apprrciate your patience

*What is the purpose of asking open-ended questions when acquiring preliminary

customer data?
To encourage the customer to share detailed information

*What are some common tips mentioned in the text for establishing initial contact
and greeting customers effectively? Choose two answers.
Use common phrases
Speak in a friendly tone

*What are some ways mentioned in the text to ask customers about the time when
incidents occurred? Choose two answers.
Use a friendly tone
Use common phrases

*To upsell effectively, it's important to offer additional products or services

that may not be relevant to the customer's needs.

*What is the primary goal of proactive response strategies in customer service?

To address customer queries before they become concerns

*The ________ of proper protocols for ending a customer call is to ensure a

positive and satisfactory experience.

*Using a friendly and welcoming tone is not important when confirming information
accurately in customer service.

*What is the purpose of providing a timeline when confirming the completion of a

task in customer service?
To manage the customer's expectaion

*A friendly and welcoming tone can help to put the customer at ease and encourage
them to share more ________.

*Which phrases can be used in customer communication when referring a customer to a

specialist? Choose three answers.
Let me connect you with our [specialist name]
I'm going to refer you to ....................
I'm going to transfer you to .....................

*Verifying account ownership is not necessary to ensure the security of customer


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