Photo Therapy

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Light is a high frequency form of electromagnetic energy that behaves like a wave and also as a stream
of particles called “Photons”. Evidence indicates that cells absorb photons and transform their energy
into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the form of energy that cells utilize. The resulting ATP is then used to
power metabolic processes; synthesize DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, and other products needed to
repair or regenerate cell components; foster mitosis or cell proliferation; and restore homeostasis.

The FDA has approved light therapy for the treatment of head and neck pain, and the literature
indicates that light therapy may be beneficial in three general areas:

1. Inflammatory conditions (e.g., bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis)

2. Wound care and tissue repair (e.g., diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, bedsores, mouth ulcer, fractures,
tendon ruptures, ligamentous tear, torn cartilage, etc)

3. Pain control (e.g., low back pain, neck pain, and pain associated with inflammatory conditions—carpal
tunnel syndrome, arthritis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, post-herpetic neuralgia, etc)
Many forms of light therapy exist, including:

1. Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Therapy

2. Low Level Laser Therapy

3. Color Therapy (Chroma-therapy)

4. Far Infra-Red (FIR) Light Therapy

Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) Therapy

LED is an acronym for Light Emitting Diode. It is sometimes erroneously called a soft laser or laser, but it
is not. The monochromatic light emitted by LEDs is incoherent. In practical terms, this means that the
light is multi-directional, diffuse, and not directional and focused like laser. LEDs emit colorful lights that
depend on the “Wavelength” of the light, which gives it its characteristic color. Since the wavelength is
always a single frequency, the color is seen as monochromatic

The lack of beam coherence and precision makes LED therapy safe enough to be used even by children
—and difficult to abuse. The advantage of LEDs over lasers is their ability to be used directly on the
eyelid to regenerate injured eye tissue

Since LED “Stimulates collagen and elastin formation”, it has been used in neurology, dentistry,
dermatology, physiotherapy, and in cosmetic applications. LEDs are known to “Stimulate cytochromes”,
which are part of the “Electron transport chain”, to increase energy metabolism of the cells. Evidence
indicates that cells absorb photons (particles or packets of EM light waves) and transform their energy
into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the form of energy that cells utilize (and a product of the Krebs

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also termed “Photo-biostimulation” and “Cold laser therapy”, is simply
defined as using light to activate cells. The photons from most low-energy laser devices can penetrate
deep into tissue, about 5 cm, without causing heat or tissue damage. Once inside the cell, the laser
photons can trigger many cellular reactions such as the production of enzymes, protein substances vital
for innumerable bio-chemical actions, and stimulating mitochondria

In short, low-level laser therapy appears to “Heal at a cellular level”. It’s like shining a ray of sunlight
directly on injured cells inside the body and stimulating the cells to return to normal function. The blue
laser light used to harden dental fillings was found to kill cancer cells by producing free radicals inside
them, damaging their fast growth. The same effect is NOT seen in normal cells!

Laser is an acronym for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. Laser light is
monochromatic, coherent, very pure, and very organized light. In contrast, “Light Emitting Diode – LED”
is a non-coherent light that is used everywhere (e.g., like traffic light)

Far Infra-red (FIR) Therapy

Sunlight is a made of wide spectrum of frequencies that include: infrared rays, visible light, and
ultraviolet rays. At lower frequencies, sunlight changes to a gentle “Infra-red rays”, which gives sunlight
its “Warm” sensation

“Far Infra-red Ray - FIR” therapy, also known as “Heat therapy”, is a therapy that uses waves of energy,
totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body (up to 4.5 cm),
where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions. Far
Infrared promotes the killing of many pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and even cancer

FIR thermal therapy causes regional vasodilation, which increases oxygenation and raise the
temperature of the treated region. Since cancerous cells are “Sensitive to heat”, it will die if the
temperature goes above 42oC/107.6 F. Far Infrared treatment raises body temperature to 42oC; this is
similar to “Hyperthermia therapy”, but in a smaller scale

FIR thermal therapy reduces body fat by 2-5% after 20 minutes session, as fat liquefies at 37.8oC. Also,
20-30 minutes FIR thermal therapy session burns 600 calories, which equal six miles run in
cardiovascular effect

Moreover, FIR thermal therapy can flush toxins and heavy metals from the lymphatic vessels. The
mechanism is as the following: when toxic gases or substances like CO2, lead, mercury, or chlorine meet
large water molecules in the body, water cluster around them in a capsule-like pattern, typically in the
lymphatic vessels and the extra-cellular fluid. As FIR therapy penetrate the body tissues into these heavy
metals-water capsules, these capsules start to vibrate, reducing the ion bonds of the atoms that are
holding together these molecules of water. As the vibration continues, breakdown of the molecules
occur and the toxic materials are released, allowing the body to expel them

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