Life Protector Sorcerer

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Sorcerer: Life Protector

Divine Magic
Your link to the divine allows you to learn spells normally associated with the cleric class. When your
Spellcasting feature lets you learn a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you can
choose the new spell from the cleric spell list or the sorcerer spell list. You must otherwise obey all the
restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.

Additionally, your connection creates a protective divine force around you. When you aren't wearing
armor, your AC equals your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier - 1.

Disciple of Life
Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or
higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell's

Blessed Protector
Beginning at 6th level, your healing spells are more protective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or
higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature gets temporary hit points equals to the healing

Angelic Form
Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to manifest a pair of spectral eagle wings from your
back. While the wings are present, you have a flying speed of 30 feet. The wings last until you're
incapacitated, you die, or you dismiss them as a bonus action.

Supreme Healing
Starting at 17th level, when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell,
you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points
to a creature, you restore 12.

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