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Learning Experience 03 - “Peruvian food is awesome” Read and match the correct region for each typical food.

Competencia Capacidad Propósito

Escribe diversos tipos de Adecua el texto a la situación comunicativa. Elaboramos un texto en inglés describiendo un The Coast The Jungle The Highlands
Peruvianlas food
texto en inglés como Organiza ideas isdeawesome
forma coherente y plato peruano de tu preferencia.
lengua extranjera cohesionada.
Hello, my name is convenciones
Utiliza Noelia I delam from
lenguaje escritoLima and I love
 Reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el contenido y
Peruvian food! My favorite
contexto del texto. meal is “lomo saltado”; it is “Ceviche” and “Tiradito” The jungle or the
delicious. It contains fried
Evidencia Redacta un textopotatoes,
describiendo unmeat, slices
plato favorito of onion
Alpaca steak and are the favorite among rainforest is where the
7 rice. Patricia is my friend, she is from Apurimac in the
and potatoes , “cuy chactado” tourists. “Arroz con pato” Amazon river flows.The
highlands of Peru and she loves “pachamanca”; it is a and “picante de carne” and “Chupe de typical foods are “Juane”,
mixing of different vegetables that are very traditional in are the best of the camarones” are the most “Tacacho” and
region. popular main courses.
the Peruvian highlands, for example: potatoes, sweet “Chonta” salad.
potatoes and different meats. Carmen is from Loreto, in
the Peruvian jungle; she likes “Juane”; it contains chicken,
rice and some vegetables. Finally, Jorge is from Tacna, and
he loves "picante a la tacneña” , it is a meal in the south of
Now, what is your favorite Peruvian dish? Describe.
Peru, it contains pressed potatoes , chili ,and meat, it is




Pachamanca _________________________________________________
Jorge _________________________________________________

Circle True or False _________________________________________________

1. Lomo saltado contains fried potatoes , meat ,slices of onion and rice. T F
2. Patricia from Arequipa and she loves “pachamanca”. T F _________________________________________________
3. Carmen is from Loreto , in the Peruvian highlands .She likes “juane”. T F
4. Juane contains chicken, rice and some vegetables. T F _________________________________________________
5. Jorge is from Tacna ,and he loves “picante a la Tacneña”. T F

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