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1. What event is taking place at the beginning of the sketch?

A) A funeral B) A wedding ceremony

C) A birthday party D) A graduation ceremony

2. What does Mr. Bean do when he arrives late to the wedding?

A) He quietly takes a seat at the back B) He greets the bride and groom
C) He rudely pushes past the father of the bride D) He sings a song

3. Where does Mr. Bean end up sitting during the ceremony?

A) Next to the bride B) Next to the groom
C) In the front row D) In the father's seat

4. How does Mr. Bean disrupt the wedding ceremony?

A) By talking loudly B) By trying to pick a flower off a decoration
C) By spilling a drink D) By falling asleep and snoring

5. What does Mr. Bean do after he successfully gets the flower?

A) Throws it away B) Gives it to the bride
C) Puts it on his shirt D) Eats it

11. Why does Bean fall asleep during the ceremony?

A) He is tired from lack of sleep the night before.
B) He is bored by the hymn sung by the choir boy.
C) He finds the ceremony too long and monotonous.
D) He doesn't understand what is happening.

12. What action does Bean take immediately after waking up from his nap?
A) He claps loudly.
B) He sneezes and startles everyone.
C) He wakes up violently and startles everyone nearby.
D) He quietly leaves the ceremony.

13. How does Bean disrupt Daniel's part of the vow exchange?
A) He interrupts by saying the first line that Daniel was supposed to say.
B) He makes loud noises to distract Daniel.
C) He talks loudly to the mother.
D) He stands up and waves his arms around.

14. What does Bean do while Kate is saying her vows?

A) He continues to repeat the vows loudly.
B) He distracts the cameraman by acting ridiculously toward the lens.
C) He falls asleep again.
D) He starts talking to the people around him.

15. How does Bean react when the couple kiss after exchanging vows?
A) He cheers loudly. B) He covers his eyes humorously.
C) He takes a photo of them. D) He leaves the ceremony immediately.
6. What event causes the first interruption during the wedding ceremony?
A) Bean drops his wedding present. B) Bean sneezes loudly.
C) The alarm clock starts ringing. D) Two attendees cough.

7. How does Bean's action with Kate's mother's handkerchief affect her?
A) She is pleased and amused. B) She is confused but indifferent.
C) She is disgusted. D) She doesn't notice.

8. What does Bean do when he hears the alarm clock ringing during the ceremony?
A) He tries to ignore it. B) He hides it under his coat.
C) He asks someone else to turn it off. D) He leaves the ceremony to turn it off.

9. How does the wedding ceremony ultimately come to a halt?

A) Bean's loud sneeze interrupts the ceremony.
B) Two attendees make noise by coughing.
C) The alarm clock rings, and Bean struggles to turn it off.
D) Bean tells two attendees to keep quiet.

10. What is the overall reaction of the attendees to Bean's behavior by the end of the text?
A) They are amused and entertained. B) They are sympathetic and understanding.
C) They are angry and frustrated. D) They are indifferent and inattentive.

16. What does Bean do when he realizes he doesn't have a kneeling cushion during the
A) He asks politely for someone to lend him theirs.
B) He quickly snatches the cushion from the father.
C) He decides to kneel on the floor without a cushion.
D) He ignores the situation and continues standing.
17. How does the father react when Bean causes him to fall over?
A) He laughs it off and continues with the ceremony.
B) He becomes visibly angry and confronts Bean.
C) He forgives Bean immediately.
D) He leaves the ceremony in frustration.
18. What happens when Daniel tries to punch Bean?
A) He successfully hits Bean without any consequences.
B) He accidentally punches an attendee who intervenes.
C) He misses Bean completely.
D) He decides not to punch Bean and calms down.
19. What unexpected consequence occurs when Daniel attempts to hit Bean again?
A) He accidentally hits the priest. B) He accidentally hits Kate.
C) He punches Bean in the face. D) He realizes the futility of violence and stops.
20. How does Bean conclude his interaction with the newlywed couple?
A) He apologizes profusely and offers to make amends.
B) He gives them an extravagant wedding gift.
C) He gives them the alarm clock as their gift and quickly leaves.
D) He stays to explain his actions and clarify any misunderstandings.

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