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一History, Ideas, and Contemporary

22软工3班 2208070126 陈欣怡
22计科3班 2214100422 谢泽敏
22软工3班 2214100429 王铭
22软工3班 2214100423 龚木盛
22软工3班 2214100419 尧安
22软工3班 2207030211 李镇发

— What is Marxism
— Historical Background
— Core Ideas
— Modern Relevance
What is Marxism?

Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory originated by

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century. It offers a critical
analysis of capitalism and provides a framework for understanding societal
change and development through class struggle.
Historical Background

Socio-economic context
context of the 19th

⚫ Industrial Revolution: A period of major

industrialization that transformed economies from
agrarian to industrial.

⚫ Social class divisions: Emergence of distinct

classes—bourgeoisie (capitalist class) and
proletariat (working class).
Core ideas

Historical Materialism

⚫ Marx located historical change in the rise of class

societies and the way humans labor together to make
their livelihoods.

⚫ Marx stated that technological development can

change the modes of production over time. This
change in the mode of production inevitably
encourages changes to a society's economic system.
Core ideas

Criticism of capitalism

⚫ A ccord ing to the M arxist theoretician and

revolutionary socialist Vlad im ir Lenin, "the p rincip al
content of M arxism " was "M arx's econom ic
d octrine.“

⚫ M arx p osited that the rem aining feud alist societies

in the world and form s of socialism that d id not
conform with his writing s would b e rep laced b y
com m unism in the future in a sim ilar m anner as
with cap italism .
Core ideas

Marxian class theory

⚫ M arx d isting uishes social classes b ased on two

criteria, i.e. ownership of m eans of p rod uction
and contro l over the lab our p ower of others.

⚫ A ccord ing to orthod o x M arxist theory,

overthro wing cap italism b y a socialist
revolution in contem p orary society is
inevitab le.
Contemporary Relevance of Marxism

Global capitalism in • Poverty, inequality, and Marxism in modern • Anti-capitalist movements.

environmental issues. • Environmental and social justice
the 21st century • Globalization and the struggle of social movements movements.
the working class.

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RevisitingMarx's Work

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Re-examiningMarx's original texts Future of Marxism

⚫ Scholars and activists re-read and ⚫ Theoretical developments and

reinterpret Marx’ s original works to practical applications continue to
address contemporary issues. evolve.
⚫ Aim to understand Marx’ s actual ⚫ Emphasis on building
intentions and correct historical international solidarity among
distortions of his ideas. the working class to challenge
global capitalism.

M arxism is a p o litical p hilo so p hy and

m etho d o f so cio eco no m ic analysis. It uses a
d ialectical m aterialist interp retatio n o f histo rical
d evelo p m ent, b etter kno wn as histo rical
m aterialism , to analyze class relatio ns so cial
co nflict, and so cial transfo rm atio n . A s a scho o l o f
tho ug ht, M arxism has had a p ro fo und effect o n
so ciety and g lo b al acad em ia.
Thank you

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