Lab 04

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Lab No.

To measure the discharge on Ordinary Depth Flume
To measure the discharge on an Ordinary Depth Flume and to understand the principles and
methods involved in determining the flow rate of water in open channels.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this experiment, students will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of discharge measurement in open channels.
2. Identify the components of an ordinary depth flume.
3. Apply the method to measure discharge using the flume.
4. Analyze and interpret the results to calculate the discharge.

Discharge measurement in open channels is a fundamental aspect of hydraulics and irrigation
engineering. The flume is an engineered structure that allows for the controlled measurement of
water flow.
Discharge (Q): The volume of water flowing through a cross-section of a channel per unit time,
typically expressed in cubic meters per second (m³/s).
Flume: An artificial channel or chute that accelerates the flow of water to measure its discharge.
Ordinary Depth Flume: A specific type of flume designed for use in open channels where the
depth of flow is considered ordinary or typical.
Figure 1 Open channel Flume

Apparatus and Equipment

 Ordinary Depth Flume
 Flow meter or current meter
 Measuring tape or ruler
 Stopwatch
 Water supply and drainage system
 Data recording sheet

1. Ensure that the flume is properly installed and connected to the water supply.
2. Verify that all measuring devices (flow meter, ruler) are calibrated and functioning
3. Measure the cross-sectional area of the flume where the water will flow. Record the
width and depth at multiple points to ensure accuracy.
4. Gradually open the water supply to allow water to flow through the flume.
5. Ensure that the flow is steady and uniform before taking measurements.
6. Use the flow meter or current meter to measure the velocity of the water at various points
across the cross-section of the flume.
7. Record the velocity readings and the corresponding positions.
8. Measure the depth of water at different points along the length of the flume using a ruler
or measuring tape. Ensure measurements are taken at regular intervals.
9. Record all measured values, including velocity, depth, and cross-sectional dimensions, in
the data recording sheet.
10. Repeat the measurements at least three times to ensure accuracy and consistency of the

Results and Calculations

Cross-sectional Area (A):
Width of the flume (w) = 0.5 meters
Average depth of water (d) = 0.3 meters
Cross-sectional area
Velocity (V):
Let's assume we measured the velocity at three points across the width of the flume and obtained
the following values (in meters per second):
Average velocity
𝑉=(𝑉1+𝑉2+𝑉3) \3= (0.4+0.5+0.45) \3= 0.45m/s

Calculation of Discharge (Q)

Using the formula


In this experiment, the discharge through an Ordinary Depth Flume was successfully measured.
The results demonstrate that the flume is an effective tool for determining water flow in open
channels. By carefully measuring the cross-sectional area and the velocity of the water, the
discharge was calculated accurately.

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