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Botany Reproduction in Organisms [Topic Name Sub-Topics _|Qns.| LOD [Qns.|LOD| ns_|LOD| | Asexual Reproduction _| Vegetative Propagation 1/e& 1/e Pre-Fertilization, Sexual Reproduction Fertilization, 1 A T}AJI1/E 1} E;1sA Post-Fertilization No, of Questions (©) Conidia Penicillium Topic-1: Asexual Reproduction ) (d)_ Offset ‘Water hyacinth | 5. Which one ofthe following is correctly matched? |. Match List-1 with List-II: _NCER| Page] bt 202% (a) Onion - Bulb NCBRT | Page-7| 2012 List —1 List - 1 (b) Ginger - Sucker (A) Chlamydomonas (i) Conidia (c)_ Chlamydomonas - Conidia (B) Penicillium (ii) Zoospores (d) Yeast - Zoospores (©) Hydra (ii) Gemmules 6. The “Eyes” of the potato tuber are 2011 (D) Sponge (iv) Buds (@) root buds (b) flower buds Choose the correct answer from the options (c)_ shoot buds (@)_ axillary buds _ given below : 71. What is common between vegetative reproduction and apomixis? 2081 (a) (A)- Gv), ®) (b) (A)-@), B)- () (B) (a) Both are applicable to only dicot plants (b) Both bypass the flowering phase (8) (a) Ai B) C40) OO (8) Both oceur round the year “GB, -0),©)-O, a a 2. Offsets are produced by NOERIURAGeS y identical to the parent Of the following pairs is wrongly @ (a) Meiotic divisions (b) Mitotic divisions 8. Which one (c) Parthenogenesis (d) Parthenocarpy matched while the remaining three are correct? 3. Inginger vegetative propagation occurs throu: (a) Penicillium - Conidia)NCERTIR 27/2014 NGERD |Page-7 12015 (b) Water hyacinth - Runner (a) Offsets (b) Bulbils (©) Bryophyllum - Leaf buds . (©) Runners (d) Rhizome (d) Agave - Bulbils ; 4. Geiger rottowing pairs is not correctly 9, Vegetative propagation mint occurs by:2008 matched? NCERD[Page-7 12015 @ off ® eaooe Mode of reproduction Example (c)_sucker (@) Rhizome Banana 10. In which one pairboth he plants can be veges (b) Binary fission Sargassum propagated by leaf pieces? NCERT | Page-71 . 12. 15. (a) Agave and Kalanchoe (0) Bryophylium and Kalanchoe (©) Asparagus and Bryophyllum (@) Chrysanthemum and Agave What is true for cleavage? (a) Size of embryo increases (b) Size of cells decrease (©). Size of cells increase (d) Size of embryo decreases During regeneration, modification of an organ to other organ is known as 2081 (a) Morphogenesis (6) Epimorphosis (©) Morphallaxis (d)_Aceretionary growth, ‘A population of genetically identical individuals, obtained from asexual reproduction is NCERT | page-s1993 (a) Callus (b) Clone (c) Deme (d) Aggregate Vegetative reproduction of Agave occurs through RE | page-7| 1991 (a) thizome (6) stolon (c)_ bulbils (@)_ sucker ‘New Banana plants develop from (@) root (6) sucker ‘c) _stolon (d) seed Topic-2: Sexual Reproduction 16. Which of the following statements are correct regarding female reproductive cycle? NCERD Page (2023 (In non-primate mammals cyclical changes during reproduction are called oestrus cycle. (ii) First menstrual cycle begins at puberty and is called menopause. (iii) Lack of menstruation may be indicative of pregnancy. (iv) Cyclic menstruation extends between menarche and menopause. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. (a) (i) and (iv) only (b) (i) and Gii) only (©) @,Gi) and (ii) only (d) (i, (ii) and @v) only. Read the following statements and identify the characters related to the to the alga shown in the diagram NCERT jPage-12 |PH-IT 2022 18. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24, 25. Botany ()__ Itisa member of Chlorophyceae (ii) Food is stored in the from of starch Gii) It is a monoecious plant showing oogonium and antheridium (iv) Food is stored in the form of laminarin or mannitol (v) It shows dominance of pigments Chlorophyll a, c and Fucoxanthin Choose the correct answer from the options given below : (@) (ii), (iv) and (v) only(b) (i) and (i) only (©) @, (i) and Giii) only (@) _(i),(ii)and Gv) only Which of the following plants is monoecious? (a) Cycas circinalis ‘NCERT} (b) Carica papaya (c) Chara (a) Marchantia polymorpha In some plants, the female gamete develops into embryo without fertilisation. This phenomenon is known as : NCERT | pago-t4 2019 (a) Autogamy (>) Parthenocarpy (c)_ Syngamy (d)_ Parthenogenesis Which of the following flowers only once in its life-time? Py paged (a) Bamboo species (b) Jackfruit (c) Papaya (d) Mango Monoecious plant of Chara shows occurrence of: ao (a) stamen and carpel of the same plant (b) upper antheridium and lower oogonium on the same plant (©) upper oogonium and lower antheridium on the same plant antheridiophore and archegoniophor® ° @ the same plant Meiosis takes place in : (NOERMjpageis™ (b) Gemmule (@) Conidia (c) Megaspore (@) Meiocyte Syngamy can occur outside the body om organism in (@) Fungi (b) Mosses (c) Algae (2) Fems yp Geocarpic fruits are produced by (a) onion (b) watermelon (c) ground nut (d)_ carrot é Which of the following processes is a880¢' fy with a change in the cellular DNA amount? (a) Spore germination (b) Cytokinesis (©) Fertilisation (@)_ Blastulation In an egg, the type of cleavage is determin (a) shape and size of the sperm (b) size and location of the nucleus class-XI1/Chapter-1/Reproduction in Organisms (0) amount and distribution of yolk (@) number of egg membranes ‘A perennial plant differs from biennial in di INCERT| Page? | 1993 (@) having underground perennating structure (>) having asexual reproductive structures Reece (©) being tree species i (@)_not dying after seasonal production of flowers 28, Cells become variable in morphology and function in different regions of the embryo. The process is NewRel Pagets | 1999 (a) differentiation (6) metamorphosis rearrangement (©) organisation @) To [Te 0 af © pa Chlamydomonas asexually reproduces by zoospores. Penicillium asexually reproduces by conidia formation * Hydra reproduces by budding. * Sponges produce gemmules for asexual reproduction, (b) Offset is part of branch or stem by which & plant can reproduce asexually and a new daughter plant is formed. Offset are the means of vegetative reproduction in plants. These are the clones and genetically identical to the plants. These are produced by the mitotic division of the main stem of the plant. 3 @ Vegetative Propagation takes place through izome in ginger. Adventitious Root fies Rhizome of ginger which is wolved in-vegetative reproducti Binary fission is the Process of division of daughter cells of equal size and is 5 Seen in Amoeba, Paramecium, () Onion - Bulb - Underground stem Ginger - Rhizome Chlamydomonas - Zoospore Yeast - Ascospores Fiints & Solutions (d)_ The axillary buds of the potato tuber are called “eyes” in common language. They are found at the nodes of the stem tuber. 7. (a) Vegetative reproduction and apomixis both are asexual methods of reproduction, which gives the progeny genetically similar to parent. 8. (b) Water hyacinth is a free floating perennial Plant, which can grow to a height of 3 feet. Conidium a type of asexual Teproductive spore of fangi usually produced at the tip or side of hyphae. 9. (@) Vegetative propagation in mint occurs ‘ough sucker. 10. (b) Leaves of a number of Plants develop ©F possess adventitious buds for vegetative Propagation, eg, Bryophyllum, Kalanchoe, Adiantum caudatum, UL. (b) During cleavage, the zygote divides Tepeatedly to convert’ the large cytoplasmic mass into a large number of small blastomeres, It involves cell division without growth in size because cells continue to be retained within the zona pellucida. However, cell size decreases during cleavage, So, the correct answer is ‘Size of cells decrease’. 1n placental mammals (including humans) where nourishment is provided by the mother’s body, the eggs have a very small amount of yolk aj BaderEO holoblastie cleavage. Other species, such as birds, wit yolk in the egg to nourish the embryo during development, meroblastic cleavage. 12. 9 Morphallaxis — The Teconstruction of an entire animal from a st small fragment PY reorganizing the existing cells, is called Morphallaxis, > a eer (b) A population of genetically identical individuals, obtained from asexual reproduction is a clone because fusion of gametes does not take place in vegetative propagation so there is no chance of recombination and variation. The parent cell divides to form daughter cell by mitosis due to which the offspring are genetically identical to the parent. The offspring produced are clones of their parent and have the same number of chromosomes. (©) Vegetative reproduction occurs in Agave through bulbils. Bulbils are the specialised bud vegetative or floral that modify into a swollen structure. It separates from the parent plant and on approach of favourable condition gives rise to new plant, 2/00. .2n0)}dO) ye Fig.: Bulbil of Agave (b) Suckers are the sub-aerial notification of stem. They grow obliquely upward from the main stem producing roots from the underground notes. ‘Comms are perennial, with a productive lifespan of 15 years or more . Cultivated bananas are parthenocarpic, which makes them sterile and tunable to produce viable seeds. Lacking seeds, another form of propagation is required. This involves removing and transplanting part of the underground stem (called a corm), Usually this is done by carefully removing a sucker with some roots intact.'\! (a) The incorrect answer is option (d) as incorrect statement is: First menstrual cycle that begins at puberty is called menarche. Rest other statements are incorrect. (©) The alga shown in the diagram is chara that is monoecious plant. It is a member of Chlorophyceae and the food is stored in the form of starch. (©) Monoecious feature can be found in Chara. yeas circinalis, carica papaya and marchantia polymorpha are dioecious. (a) The phenomenon in which female gamete develops into embryo without getting fused with male gamete (fertilisation) is called parthenogenesis . 20. 21. 22. 25. 26. 27. 28. Botany Autogamy is a form of self-fertilisation in which fission of the cell nucleus occurs without division of the cell, the two pronuclei so formed reuniting to form the synkaryon. Parthenocarpy is the production of fruit without fertilisation of an egg in the ovary, Synkaryon is a nucleus formed by the fusion of two pre-existing nuclei. (a) Amonocarpic plant flowers and produces seeds only once before dying, e.g. bamboo. A polycarpic plant reproduces sexually more than once in its lifetime, e.g. jackfruit, papaya, mango, etc. (© Male sex organ is called antheridium or globule while female sex organ is called oogonium. They develop on the same branchlet in the same plant in Chara. (@) Meiosis takes place in meiocyte while conidia and gemmule are asexual structures and megaspore is female gametophyte ie, embryosic. (© In most aquatic organisms, such a majority of algae and fishes as well 3 amphibiens, syngamy occurs in the extemal medium (water), i.e, outside the body of the organism, This type of gametic fusion is called external ‘ertilisation. (©) Geocarpic fruits are those which develop underground. Groundnut is the fruit which develops underground, onion and carrot also ‘occur within the soil but onion is a modified stem while carrot is a modified root. (©) Fertilisation involves the fusion of two haploid gametes. Cytokinesis involves division of the cytoplasm of the parent cell into its daughter cells. Blastulation refers to the process of cleavage in the zygote to form a blastula. (© The amount of yolk and its distribution determines the type and depth of cleavage: Cleavage is effected due to yolk resulting in different types of segmentation or cleavage. (@)_ Perennials survive for more than two years and produce flowers and fruits during specific seasons. They are usually herbs, shrubs of trees whereas biennials are those plants which complete their life cycle in two years. Thes¢ plants are usually herbs. (a) Cells become variable in shape, size & getting their specialisation for the formation 0 particular tissue or organ in future foetus. TheY place themselves at some specific regions = ‘embryo for further organogeny. _____— Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants | Topie-t; Flower Fascinating Organ of > Angiosperms, Pre-fertilisation: }— ee Beco and vente 2 1. Large, colourful, fragrant flowers with nectar ‘are seen in NCERT |/Page30/.N-14 2023 (@) Insect pollinated plants (>) Bird pollinated plants (©) Bat pollinated plants (@ Wind pollinated plants is the function of tassels in the com cob? NCERT |Page29/N-13 i2023 (@) To attract insects () To trap pollen grains (©) To disperse pollen grains " (@)_ To protect seeds Tdentify the incorrect statement related to Pollination NCERT |Page30/.N-14 022 (@) Pollination by wind is more common amongst abiotic pollination (©) Flowers produce foul odours to attract flies and beetles to get pollinated Topic Name Sub-Topies _|Qns.[LOD |Qns.|LoD|ans/LoD|ans|Lop|ans|Lop Flower-A Fascinating Orgat Pollination : z D/A| 2 E 21 A ijlal2 z of Angiosperms, _| Female Reproductive ada a|a|2 lea Pre-ertilisation: Parts ‘Structures and Events Male Reproductive 1 A Parts Double Fertilisation | Double Fertilisation | 1 ala ile Post-Fertilisation: Structures and Events Enbrye, seed a E : : a : Avomixis and Polyembryony| Characteristics afa ae LOD - Level of Difficulty (c) Moths and butterflies are the most dominant pollinating agents among insects (@ Pollination by water is quite rare in flowering plants Given below are two statements: NCERT I Page-27;28/.NA1} 12 jp922 Statement I; Cleistogamous flowers are invariably autogamous Statement II: Cleistogamy is disadvantageous as there is no chance for cross pollination. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: (@) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect (b) Statement! is comect but Statement I is incorrect (©) Statement | is incorrect but Statement IT is correct (@ Both Statement I and Statement II are correct To ensure that only the desired pollens fall on the stigma in artifical hybridization process Pages33..N-17 leh-ti 2 (the female ower budsot plant producing unisexual flowers need not be bagged. (ii) there is no need to emasculate unisexual flowers of selected female parent (iii) emasculated flowers are to be bagged immediately after cross pollination (iv) emasculated flowers are to be bagged after removal of anthers (v) bisexual flowers, showing protogyny are never selected for cross Choose the correct answer from the options given below : (@) (i), (iv) and (v) only (b) Gi), (ii) and (iii) only (©) Gi), Gii) and (iv) only @ Gi), (iii) and (v) only In general the egg apparatus of embryo sac in angiosperm consists of NCERT| ) One egg cell, two synergids, two antipodal cells, two Polar nuclei One egg cell, two synergids, three antipodal cells, two Polar nuclei (©) One egg cell, two synergids, two antipodal cells, three Polar nuclei (@) One egg cell, three synergids, two antipodal cells, two Polar nuclei The term used for transfer of pollen grains from anthers of one plantto stigma of different plant which, during pollination, brings genetically different types of pollen grains to stigma, is INCERT)Page28/NA23021 (a) Cleistogamy © (b) Xenogamy (©) Geitonogamy — (d) Chasmogamy In some members of which of the following pairs of families, pollen grains retain their viability for months after release? INCERT|Page24/.N-8)2021 (a) Rosaceae; Leguminosae (b) Poaceae; Rosaceae (c) Poaceae; Leguminosae (d) Poaceae; Solanaceae The body of the ovule is fused within the funicle at INCERTIPSGE25/.N29|'2020 (a) Micropyle (b) Nucellus (c) Chalaza @) Hilum The plant parts which consist of two generations- one within the other (CERT) Page-22 & 25/.N-6;9 | 20; (i) Pollen grains inside the anther (ii) Germinated pollen grain with two male gametes (iii) Seed inside the fruit (iv) Embryo sac inside the ovule @ ) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Botany (@) (i), (ii) and (iii) (&) iii) and (iv) (©) (i)and (iv) d)_ @ only In water hyacinth and water lily, pollination takes place by: (NCERT|Fage29/.N-13} 334 (a) Water currents only (b) Wind and water (©) Insects and water (d) Insects or wind Which of the following is incorrect for wind- pollinated plants? INCERT|Pige29/.N-13 (a) Pollen grains are light and non-st (b) Well exposed stamens and stigma (c) Many ovules in each ovary @)_ Flowers are small and not brightly coloured What type of pollination takes place in Vallisneria? INCERT|Page297N-13 (2019 (a) Male flowers are carried by water currents to female flowers at surface of water. () Pollination occurs in submerged condition by water, (©) Flowers emerge above surface of water and pollination occurs by insects. (@ Flowers emerge above water surface and pollen is carried by wind. In which one of the following, both autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented? (NCEREPages17NA5 [2015 (@) Maize (b) Wheat (©) Papaya (@ Castor ‘What is the fate of the male gametes discharged in the synergid? INGER |Rages4/(N-18/2019 (a) One fuses with the egg, other(s) degenerate(s) in the synergid. Alll fuse with the egg. (©) One fuses with the egg, other(s) fusels) with synergid nucleus, (d) One fuses with the egg and other fuses with central cell nuclei, Pollen grains can be stored for several years it liquid nitrogen having a temperature of b) INCERT|Page-24/N-8| 2014 (a) -120°C (b) 80°C (c) - 160°C (d) - 196°C Which of the following has proved helpful in preserving pollen as fossils? INGER Page-23 (25-7 2018 (@) Pollenkitt (b) Cellulosic intine (©) Sporopollenin — (d)_ Oil content Winged pollen grains are present in (a) Mustard (b) Cycas (c) Pinus (d) Mango lass-XIL/Chapter-2/Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 19. n. 2B. ". © Ch Attractants and rewards are required for: (a) Entomophily (b) Hydrophily (©) Cleistogamy — (d)_ Anemophily 2007 Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated by: (NGERT|Page=291/'N=13 2017 @ Bee (b) Wind (© Bat (@) Water A dioecious flowering plant prevents both : INCERT| Page30N-15 2017 (® Autogamy and geitonogamy (b) Geitonogamy and xenogamy (©) Cleistogamy and xenogamy (@)_Autogamy and xenogamy Which one of the following statements is not true? (NCERTIPAZE2U/N-5'[/2016 (2) Tapetum helps in the dehiscence of anther (b) Exine of pollen grains is made up of sporopollenin (©) Pollen grains of many species cause severe allergies (@) Stored pollen in liquid nitrogen can be used in the crop breeding programmes Which of the following statements is not comrect? (@ Pollen grains of many 32/N16)°2016 species can Berminate on the stigma of a flower, but only one pollen tube of the same species grows into the style. Insects that consume pollen or nectar without bringing about pollination are called pollen/nectar robbers. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth are regulated by chemical components of. Pollen interacting with those of the pistil. (4) Some reptiles have also been reported as _ pollinators in some plant species, ich one of the following may require pollinators, ‘tis genetically similar to autogamy? @ x, SSGERT|Page-28/.N-12)|-2015RS ‘enogamy (b) Apogamy leistogamy (@) Geitonogamy inti One of the following statements is not ®) Pollen grains NGERT Psg624/1N-8\/'2015RS of some plants (by ‘ews and bronchial affictionsin some people 8 pollinated by flies and bats Secrete foul odour to attract them Honey is made by bees by digesting pollen collected from flowers len grains are rich in nutrients, and they “te used in the form of tablets and syrups (b) © iG (d) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. The hilum isa scar on the: NOERT|Page-25/N-9| 2015 RS (a) Fruit, where it was attached to pedicel () Fruit, where style was present (c) Seed, where micropyle was present (a) Seed, where funicle was attached Which of the following are the important floral rewards to the animal pollinators? (NCERT|Page-30/N-14)/2015 Rs (a) Nectar and pollen grains (b) Floral fragrance and calcium crystals (c) Protein pellicle and stigmatic exudates (a) Colour and large size flower Filiform apparatus is characteristic feature of: INERT! Page-33/(.N-17 | 2015 RS (a) Nucellar embryo (b) Aleurone cell (©) Synergids (@)_ Generative cell Geitonogamy involves: s\CERT|Page28/N-12| 2014 (a) fertilization of a flower by the pollen from another flower of the same plant, (b) fertilization of a flower by the pollen from the same flower. (©) fertilization of a flower by the pollen froma flower of another plant in the same population. (@) fertilization of a flower by the pollen fram a flower of another plant belonging to a distant population. Male gametopyte with least number of cell is Present in: 2014 (a) Pteris (c) Lilium @ Pinus Function of filiform apparatus is to: (NGERT| Rage-33/N-17| 2014 (a) Recognize the suitable pollen at stigma (b) Stimulate division of generative cell (c) Produce nectar (d) Guide the entry of pollen tube Pollen tablets are available in the market for: (b) Funaria NCERT| Page-24 /1N-8 [2014 (a) In vitro fertilization i (b) Breeding programmes (c) Supplementing food (@)_Ex situ conservation Megasporangium is equivalent to: 7 NCERT| Page-24/N-8 | 2013 (a) Fruit (>) Nucellus (©) Ovule (@)_ Embryo sac Advantage of cleistogamy is: NCERT| Page-28 / N-12 201: (@) More vigorous offspring ian (b) No dependence (©) Vivipary (d) Higher genetic variability ¢ of pollinators a 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Product of sexual reproduction generally generates: (a) Prolonged dormancy 2013 (b) New genetic combination leading to variation (©) Large biomass (@)_ Longer viability of seeds Which one of the following statements is correct? NCERT| Page 20 /1N-S [2013 (a) Sporogenous tissue is haploid (b) Endothecium produces the microspores (©) Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen (@_ Hard outer layer of pollen is called intine Which one of the following statements is correct ? NCERT | Page-28/'N-12 |Kar2013 (a) Geitonogamy involves the pollen and stigma of flowers of different plants (b) Cleistogamous flowers are always autogamous (c) Xenogamy occurs only by wind pollination (d) Chasmogamous flowers do not open at all Megaspores are produced from the megaspore mother cells after NCERT | Page-26/ N-10 [2013 (a) Meiotic division (b) Mitotic division (c) Formation of a thick wall (@) Differentiation Animal vectors are required for pollination in NCERT | Page-31/N-AS|Kar2013 (@) Maize (b) Vallisneria (c) Mulberry (@ Cucumber Which of the following statements iscorrect? NCERT | Page23/N-7|Kai2013, (a) Sporopollenin can withstand high temperatures but not strong acids (b) Sporopollenin can be degraded by enzymes (©) Sporopollenin is made up of inorganic materials (@) Sporopollenin can withstand high ‘temperatures as well as strong acids and alkalis Both, autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented in- NCERM: | Page:st//NA5 [2012 (a) Papaya (b) Cucumber (c) Castor (@ Maize An organic substance that can withstand environmental extremes and cannot be degraded by any enzyme is: NCERT | Page-23/1N-7 [2012 (a) Cuticle (b) Sporopollenin (c) Lignin (d) Cellulose Even in absence of pollinating agents seed setting is assured inNCERT | Page-28 / N-12 [2012 (a) Commelina (b) Zostera (©) Salvia (d@) Fig 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49, 50. 51. Botany What is the function of germ pore? NCERT | Page-25/N-9 2012 (a) Emergence of radicle (b) Absorption of water for seed germination (c) Initiation of pollen tube (d)_ Release of male gametes Which one of the following statements is wrong? NCERT | Page-23/N-7 012M (a) When pollen is shed at two-celled stage, double fertilization does not take place. (b) Vegetative cell is larger than generative cll (c) Pollen grains in some plants remain vieble for months. (d) _Intine is made up of cellulose and - pectin. Plants with ovaries having only one or a few ovules, are generally pollinated by NCERT | Page-29/N-13 [2012 (a) bees (b) butterflies (©). birds @_ wind Filiform apparatus is a characteristic feature of NCERT!| Page33 /N-17 ptt (a) suspensor (b) egg (©) synergid (d) zygote In which one of the following pollination is autogamous? ——-NCERT | Page-28 /N-12 2011 (a) Geitonogamy —(b)_Xenogamy (©) Chasmogamy (4) _Cleistogamy Wind pollination is common in NCERT |’ Page-29 /N-13 p01! (a) legumes (b) lilies (©) grasses (@) orchids ‘Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant is called NCERT | Page-29/N-13 2010 (a) Xenogamy (b) Geitonogamy (c) Karyogamy (d) Autogamy Wind poilinated flowers are NCERT | Page-297/N-13 2010! (a) small, brightly coloured, producing larg* number of pollen grains ; (b) _ small, producing lange number of dry pollen grains (c) large producing abundant nectar and pollet (d)_ small, producing nectar and dry pollen Unisexuality of flowers prevents NCERT | Page-31 / N-15 p04 (a) autogamy, but not geitonogamy (b) both geitonogamy and xenogamy (©) geitonogamy, but not xenogamy (@)_autogamy and geitonogamy What does the filiform apparatus do at the entrance into ovule?NCERT | Page-33 /N-17 008 at use XI/Chapter-2/Sexual Reproduction n Flowering Plants 51. a, {@) Ithelps in the entry of pollen tube into a synergid (0) It prevents entry of more than one pollen tube into the embryo sac (@) Itbrings about opening of the pollen tube (@ It guides pollen tube from a synergid to egg Which one of the following is surrounded by a callose wall? 2007 (@ male gamete (b) egg . (©) pollen grain (@ microspore mother cell Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by thedivision of |_| NCERTI|Page237N27[2007 (@) generative cell (b) vegetative cell (©) microspore mother cell (@_ microspore 5. Which one of the following pairs of plant structures, has haploid number of chromosomes? {2007 (2) Megaspore mother cell and antipodal cells (0) Egg cell and antipodal cells (©) Nucellus and antipodal cells (@) Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus ‘The arrangement of the nuclei in a normal embryo sac in the dicot plants is (@) 34243 (b) 24+3+3 (c) 3+34+2 (d) 24442 ‘What would be the number of chromosomes in the cells of the aleuron layer in a plant species With 8 chromosomes in its synergids? 2006 (a) 24 (b) 32 © 8 (d) 16 Through which cell of the embryo sac, does the Pollen tube enter the embryo sac? "2008 (a) Egg cell (b) Persistent synergid (©) Degenerated synergid @) Central cell ich one of the following represents an ovule, where the embryo sae becomes horse- shoe shaped and the funiculus and micropyle are close to each other? (2008 (@) Amphitropous —(b)_Circinotropous (©) Atropous (d) Antropous An ovule which becomes curved so that the Nucellus and embryo sac lie at right angles to the funicle is 2004 (@ Hemitropous _(b) Campylotropous e Anatropous (d)_ Orthotropous 'N Oogamy, fertilization involves 2004 63. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. ae (a) small non-motile female gamete and a large motile male gamete (b) a large non-motile female gamete and a small motile male gamete (© a large non-motile female gamete and a small non motile male gamete (@ a large motile female gamete and a small nonmotile male gamete Ina flowering plant, archesporium gives rise to (a) only tapetum and sporogenous cells 2003 (b) only the wall of the sporangium (c)_ both wall and the sporogenous cells (@)_ wall and the tapetum In angiosperms pollen tubes liberate their male gametes into the NCERT!|Page-33/'N-17 [2002 (a) central cell (b) antipodal cell (c) egg cell (@)_synergids Whatis the direction of micropyle in anatropous ovule ? 2002 (a) upward (b) downward (©) right (@ left In angiosperms all the four microspores of tetrad are covered by a layer which is formed by NCERT || Page-23 /N-7 [2002 (a) pectocellulose (b)_callose (©) cellulose @. sporopollenin Anemophily type of pollination is found in 2001 (a) Salvia (b) Bottle brush (©) Vallisneria @) Coconut Eight nucleate embryo sacs are (a) always tetrasporic always monosporic (0) always bisporic sometime — monosporic, sometimes bisporic and sometimes tetrasporic The endosperm of gymnosperm is (a) triploid (b) haploid (©) diploid (@)_ polyploid Flowers showing omithophily show few characteristic like 1999 (@)_ blue flower with nectaries at base of corolla (b) red sweet scented flower with nectaries (©)_ bright red flower into thick inflorescence (d)_ white flowers with fragrance How many pollen grains will be formed after meiotic division in ten microspore mother cells? (a) 10 (b) 20 1996 (©) 40 (@ 80 In an angiosperm, how many microspore mother cells are required to produce 100 pollen grains (a) 25 (b) a 1998 1 2000 1999 (c) 75 @ 74, 75. 76. 77. 78. 19. 80. 82. 83. 84, Chief pollinators of agricultural crops are (i994 (a) butterflies (b)_ bees (c) moths (d)_ beetles Transfer of pollen to the stigma of another flower of the same plant is {p99 (a) Autogamy (b) Allogamy (c) Xenogamy (@) Geitonogamy Fertilization involving carrying of male gametes by pollen tube is (1994 (a) Porogamy (b) Siphonogamy (c) Chalazogamy (d) Syngonogamy One of the most resistant biological material is . (NCERT| Page:23/.N77 [1994 (a) lignin (b) hemicellulose (©) lignocellulose (4) _sporopollenin Ovule is straight with funiculus, embryo sac, chalaza and micropyle lying on one straight line. It is (1993 (a) Orthotropous (b) Anatropous (©) Campylotropous (d) Amphitropous Number of meiotic divisions required to produce 200/400 seeds of Pea would be {1993 (a) 200/400 (b) 400/800 (©) 300/600 (@)_ 250/500 Meiosis is best observed in dividing (a) cells of apical meristem (b) cells of lateral meristem (©) microspores and anther wall (d)_ microsporocytes Pollination occurs in (a) Bryophytes and angiosperms (b) Pteridophytes and angiosperms (c) Angiosperms and gymnosperms (d)_ Angiosperms and fungi Embryo sac occurs in (a) Embryo (b) Axis part ofembryo (c) Ovule (4) Endosperm Which of the following pair has haploid structures? 1991 (a) Nucellus and antipodal cells (b) Antipodal cells and egg cell (c)_ Antipodal cells and megaspore mother cell (d)Nucellus and primary endosperm nucleus Point out the odd one? NCERT| Bage-24 & 25/8, 9 [1991 (b) Embryo sac (d) Pollen grain 1994 ‘igor (a) Nucellus (©) Micropyle Syngamy means NCERT| Page-34/N-18 | 1990 (a) fusion of gametes (b) fusion of cytoplasms (c)_ fusion of two similar spores (d)_ fusion of two dissimilar spores ee Botany Which ones produces androgenic haploids in anther cultures? 94 (a) Anther wall ‘ (b) Tapetal layer of anther wall (c) Connective tissue (a) Young pollen grains Male gametophyte of angiosperms/monocots 1s ic Page-217.N5| 190 (@) Microsporangium (b) Nucellus (©) Microspore (d)_ Stamen Female gametophyte of angiosperms is represented by [NCBRT|PHEE24& 25/N-%)9/ 198 (a) Ovule (b) Megaspore mother cell (c) Embryo sac (d@) Nucellus Entry of pollen tube through micropyle is 199 (a) Chalazogamy (b) Mesogamy (©) Porogamy (d) Pseudogamy Generative cell was destroyed by laser but normal pollen tube was still formed because vegetative cell is not damaged contents of killed generative cell stimula pollen growth (c)_laser beam stimulates growth of pollen tube (d)_ the region of emergence of pollen tube is not harmed Which is correct? we (a) Gametes are invariably haploid (b) Spores are invariably haploid (c) Gametes are generally haploid Both spores and gametes are invariably hapoit Male gametophyte of angiosperms is shed ®s INCERT/Page-23/-71 four celled pollen grain three celled pollen grain microspore mother cell (4) anther 7 Total number of meiotic division required Te (a) (b) 92. forming 100 zygotes/100 grains of wheat is (a) 100 (b) 75 ()_125 (@)_ 50 ‘Topic-2: Double Fertilisation 93, In angiosperm, the haploid, dip! id i triploid structures of a fertilized embO® yy sequentially are: NCERT)Page-34/ NAS a (a) Synergids, Primary endosperm nue! and zygote e . cuss ¥l/Chapter-2/Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 10 . Double fertilization isNCERTI| Pat (b) Antipodals, synergids, and primary endosperm nucleus (0 Synergids, Zygote and Primary endosperm nucleus : (®) Synergids, antipodals and Polar nuclei Atypical angiosperm embryo sac at maturity is: NCERT | Page-34 / N-18 [2021 (@ nucleate and 8-celled (0) nucleate and 7-celled (¢) T-nucleate and 8-celled (@) 7-nucleate and 7-celled_ | Page-34/.N-18 (2018 Fusion of two male gametes of a pollen tube with two different eges Fusion of one male gamete with two polar nuclei Syngamy and triple fusion Fusion of two male gametes with one egg A diploid female plant and a tetraploid male Plant are crossed. The ploidy of endosperm 2004 @ shall be (2) tetraploid (b) triploid (©) diploid (@)_ pentaploid Double fertilisation leading to initiation of endosperm in Angiosperms require @ (b) C @ |2000 fusion of one polar nucleus and the second male gamete only fusion of two polar nuclei and the second male gamete fusion of four or more polar nuclei and the second male gamete only all the above kinds of fusion in different angiosperms If an angiospermic male plant is diploid and female Plant tetraploid, the ploidy level of endosperm will be rt (@) haploid (©) tetraploid angiosperms, triple formation of @) embryo (b) endosperm (©) seed coat 0 (a) fruit wall Double fertilization is characteristic of (b) triploid (@)_pentaploid fusion is required for the [1993 (2) Angiosperms (b) Pteridophytes . ymnosperms — (d)_ Bryophytes fable _ertlization and triple fusion were vered by 98898 @ Hofmeister 7 (Q, Nawaschin and Guignard ©) Leeuwenhoek ( Strasburger 102. Double fertilization is fusion of (@ (b) © dd) two eggs NCERT | Page-34 / N-18 [1991 two eggs and polar nuclei with pollen nuclei one male gamete with egg and other with synergid one male gamete with egg and other with secondary nucleus 103. Micropyle of seed is involved in the passage of NCERT:|Page-26 /N-10 |1988 (b) pollen tube (@)_gases (a) male gamete (©)_water Topic-3: Post-fertilisation: Structures and Events| 104. Which part of the fruit, labelled in the given 105. 106. 107. 108, 109. figure makes it a false fruit? NCERT [Page-36/&/37/N-20, 21 [2022 A (a) B->Endocarp (b) C— Thalamus (c) D> Seed (@) A Mesocarp The residual persistent part which forms the perisperm in the seeds of beet is : NCERT | Page3671N-20 [Ph-112022 (a) Integument (b) Calyx (c) Endosperm (@) Nucellus In some plants thalamus contributes to fruit formation. Such fruits are termed SRE Rage-36/N-20 |PheI1 2020 (@) Parthenocarpic fruit (b) False fruits (c) Aggregate fruits @)_ Truc fruits ‘Which one of the following statements regarding Post-fertilisation development in flowering plants is incorrect? INGERTI|Pages6 /N-20 |2019 (a) Ovary develops into fruit. (b) Zygote develops into embryo. (©) Central cell develo) ps into endosperm. (d) Ovules develop into embryo sac. Persistent nucellus in the seed is known as: NCERT | Page-36/ 201 (a) Chalaza (b) Perispen a (©) Hilum (ad) Tegmen Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops into? NCERT | Page27/N-11|2017 (a) Endosperm (b) Embryo sac (c) Embryo (d) Ovule i. 112, 110, . The viability of seeds is tested by Non-albuminous seed is produced i NCERT| Page36//N-20) "2014 (@) Maize () Castor (©) Wheat (@) Pea Perisperm differs from endosperm in; NCERT| Page-36, (a) having no reserve food (b) being a diploid tissue (©) its formatting by fusion of secondary nucleus with several sperms (@)_being a haploid tissue Seed coat is not thin, membranous in : (a) Coconut (6) Groundnut (©) Gram (4) Maize 0 | 2013 2013 aKar2013 (a) Safranine (b) 2,6 dichlorophenol indophenols (©) 2,3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (@) DMSO . Albuminous seeds store their reserve food mainly in ‘NCBRT| Pages) I (a) Perisperm (b) _Endosperm (©) Cotyledons (d) Hypocotyl '. Which of the following statements is not true . A drupe develops in about somatic embryogenesis? a0 (a) Asomatic embryo develops from a somatic cell (6) The pattern of development of a somatic embryo is comparable to that of a zygotic embryo Somatic embryos can develop from microspores Somatic embryo is induced usually by an auxin such as 2, 4-D © @ 2014 (b)_ wheat (d)_ tomato (a) mango (©) pea . Apomictic embryos in citrus arise from {2010 (a) Synergids (b) Maternal sporophytic tissue in ovule () Antipodal cells (d) Diploid egg }. The scutellum observed in a grain of wheat or 119, maize is comparable to which part of the seed in other monocotyledons? oro (a) Cotyledon (6) Endosperm (c) Aleurone layer (d) Plumule A fruit developed from hypanthodium inflorescence is called 2009 (a) Sorosis (6) Syconus (d) Hasperidium (©) Caryopsis 120. 121. 122, 123. 124, 125. 126. 127. 128. 129, 130. Botany Cotyledons and testa respectively are edie parts in 203 (@)_ walnut and tamarind (b) french bean and coconut (©) cashew nut and litchi (@ groundnut and pomegranate ‘An example ofa seed with endosperm, perisperm, and caruncle is (@) coffee (b) lily (©) castor (d) cotton Endosperm is consumed by developing embryo in the seed of NCERT/Page36/N-20) 2008 (a) coconut (b) castor © pea (d) maize Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed from bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is (a) Caryopsis (b) Cypsela 08 (©) Berry (@ Cremocarp The fleshy receptacle of syconus of fig encloses a number of: a (a) Achenes (>) Samaras (©) Berries (@)_ Mericarps The fruit is chambered, developed from inferior ovary and has seeds with succulent testa in 2008 (a) pomegranate (b) orange (ce) guava (4) cucumber ‘Top-shaped multiciliate male gametes, and the mature seed which bears only one embryo with two cotyledons, are characteristic features of (a) Cycads ims (b) Conifers (c) Polypetalous angiosperms (4) Gamopetalous angiosperms Why is vivipary an undesirable character for annual crop plants? (2008 (a) Itreduces the vigour of the plant. (b) It adversely affects the fertility of the plant. (c) The seeds exhibit long dormancy. (@ The seeds cannot be stored under norms! conditions for the next season. Adventive y in citrus is due to 200i (a) nucellus (b) integuments (©) zygotic embryo (4) fertilised eg Study of formation, growth and developmest of new individual from an egg is oe (a) Apomixis (b) Embryology (©) Embryogeny (4) Cytology Tegmen develops from 9) (a) funiculus (b) chalaza (©) inner integument (4) outer integume”" _—— ggs-KIl/Chapter-2/Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 131 Parthenogenesis is NCERT| Page-37/N-21 | 1988 (a) Sporulation — NCERT| Page-38/N-22| 2016 (@)_ development of embryo without fertilization (b) Budding = (b) development of fruit without fertilization (c) Somatic hybridisation (@) development of fruit without hormones (@) Apomixis . . 5 (@ development of embryo from egg without 135. Nucellar polyembryony is reported in species fertilization of 7 aliens, ee (a) Citrus (b) Gossypium ‘Topic-4:Apomixis and Polyembryony (©) Triticum (@) Brassica WS 136, Which plant will lose its economic value if its fruits |3L.Which of the following can be expected if scientists are produced by induced parthenocarpy? 1997 succeed in introducing apomictic gene varieties of (a) brape (b) pomegranate __ NCERT|Page-38,39/N-23 | Ph 2022 (c) banana (a) orange (2) There will be segregation of the desired 137. The polyembryony commonly occurs in 1995 characters only in the progeny (a) citrus (b) turmeric (0) Polyembryony will be seen and each seed (©) tomato (@)_potato will produce many plantlets 138. Development of an organism from female gamete/ (©) Seeds of hybrid plants will show longer egg without involving fertilization is 1989 dormancy | (a) Adventitive embryony (@) Farmers ‘can keep on using the seeds 1 (b) Polyembryony produced by the hybrids to raise new crop (©) Parthenocarpy 13, wie, after year (a) Parthenogenesis * Mhich is the most common type of embryo sac 139. Nucellar embryo is 1989 ‘Dangiosperms? 2019, Odisha (a) Amphimictic haploid (2) Bisporic with two sequential mitotic divisions, ithistie ditcd (©) Tetrasporic wit i < (b) Amphimictic diploid © Mone ith one mitotic stage of sions. (©) Apomictic haploid MongePorie Wit three sequential mitotic aa @ Apomiai diploid ) Me a / eel ). Formation: ‘directly from sporophyte division” with two sequential mitotic without meiosis is 1988 134, Seed formation wi Parner : (a) Apospory (©) Apoganm mation without fertilization in flowerin, i hi Plants involves the process of: ’ (©) Parthenogenesis @) Amphimixis ESS cone (b) (a) |86 |(c) 100 |(a) [aia | c (b) | 87 |(©) [101 |(b) [415 |(c) ja29 32 \(c) |46 |(d) | 60 |(a) | 74 |(a) | 88 [(c) [02 |(a) [ate (a) [130 (b) | 89 (a) [103 |e) [147 | (by (a) [90 |(a) [104 |(b) [118 | (a) (a) | 94 {(b) [105 [(a) [19°] (b) (a) | 92 |(c) |106 |(b) [120 |(d)_ (d) | 93 |e) [107 | (a) [121 |(cy I(c) | 94 |(b) [108 |(b) |122 |(c) (c) | 98 |¢c) [109 [(b) |123 |(o) b) | 96 |(a) [110 |(4) [124 | (a) (A) | 97 {(b) [111 |b) [128 | (a) (a) [98 |(@) [a2 [(ay [126 | (a) | Ko 8 2 2; = a E ml ere See @ S je S Botany Fiints € Solutions (a) Majority of insect pollinated flowers are large-sized. These flowers are colorfiul and possess fragrance to attract the insects. (®) Tassels in the com cob represents stigma and style which wave in the wind to trap pollen grains. (©) Bees are the most common pollinating agents. 4 Bees make excellent pollinators because most of their life is spent collecting pollen, a source of protein that they feed to their developing offspring . When a bee lands on a flower, the hairs all over the bees” body attract pollen grains through electrostatic forces, (@) Cleistogamy is the phenomenon, where flowers never open and in such flowers, only self-pollination occurs within the bud (unopened flower). Bisexual flowers which do not open at all are called cleistogamous. In such flowers, anthers and stigma lie close to each other. When the anthers dehisce in the flower buds, pollen grains come in contact with the stigma and pollination occurs. So, there is no chance of cross-pollination in this type of flower. Therefore, both statements are true, (©) In the given statement only statements ii), (ii) and (iv) are comect. In artificial cross hybridisation when female parent is bisexual then emasculation is done that is removal of anthers, before it dehisce. If female parent is unisexual, there is no need of emasculation. After emasculation, flowers are bagged to prevent contamination of stigma, Desired pollen grains are dusted on stigma and it is rebagged after cross pollination. Bisexual flowers which show protogynous condition can also be used for artificial hybridisation, () In general the egg apparatus of embryo sac in angiosperm consists of one egg cell, two synergids, three antipodal cells, two polar nuclei, (0) Xenogamy refers to the transfer to pollen grains fiom anthers of one plant to stigma of a different plant which during pollination brigs genetically different types of pollen grains to stigma, (a) In members of some plant families like Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Leguminosae the pollen ‘grains retain their viability for several months. * In cereals (Poaceae) pollen grains retain viability for around 30 minutes. (4) The attachment point of funicle and body of ovule is known ashilum. Hilum permits water to enter the embryo before active germination. 10. (©) The plant parts which consist of two generations one within the other are pollen grains inside the anther and embryo sac inside the ovule, Poller grain is haploid inside the diploid anther, Embryo sac is haploid inside the diploid ovule. 1. (@) In majority of aquatic plants, the flowers emerge above the level of water. These may be pollinated by insects or wind eg.: Water hyacinth water lily. ‘Wind pollinator flowers may be small, no petals, and no special colors, odors, or nectar, These Plants produce enormous numbers of small pollen grains. For this reason, wind-pollinated plants may be allergens, but seldom are animals pollinated plants allergenic, 12 (© Option (c)is incorrect because wind pollinated ants have single ovule in each Wind pollinator flowers may he small, no petals, and no special colors, odors, or nectar. These plants produce enormous numbers of small pollen grains. For this reason, wind-pollinated plants may be allergens, but seldom are animals Polliaated plants allergenic. 13. (@) Vallisneria shows epihydrophily Epihydrophily involves transfer of pollen at the water surface. In Vallisneria male flowers after breakage float on the surface of water and reach 1¢ female flowers. Characteristics of hydrophilous flowers: Flowers are small and inconspicuous, Perianth and other floral parts are unwettable, Nectar and odour are absert, Pollen grains are light and unwettable due to presence of mucilage cover, and Stigm® is long, sticky but unwettable, Epihydrophily can be seen in plants that are grown above the surface of water whereas the hypohydrophily can be seen in submerged plants, 14, (©) Papaya is a dioecious plant in which male and female flowers are produced on two separate plants. Hence it prevents both autogamy as well as geitonogamy, Castor andMaize are monoecious and unisexuel- Wheat is monoecious and bisexual. lass-XII/Chapter-2/Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Papayas can be dioecious (male and female flowers on different plants), monoecious (Geparate male and female flowers on the same plant) or exhibit both male and female flower parts on the same flower, é 18 @)_ In flowering plants, out of the two male gametes discharged in synergids, one fuses with the egg and other fuses with the secondary or definitive nucleus present in central cell. Egg (n) + 1" male gamete (n) > Zygote (2n) Secondary nucleus (2n) + 2" male gamete (1) > Endosperm Nucleus (3n) (central cell nuclei) ‘The synergid cells produce an attractant that guides ‘the pollen tube to the female gametophyte and likely contain factors that control arrest of pollen tube ‘growth, pollen tube discharge, and gamete fusion. 16 @ Pollen grains can be stored for several years in liquid nitrogen at -196°C (cryopreservation). Cryopreservation is the process of cooling and storing cells, tissues, or organs at very low tures; most common -196°C/-321°F in 17,_ [iguidnitrogen (N2) to maintain their viability, ' (© Sporopolienin cannot be degraded by ftzyme; strong acids and alkali, therefore it is rn" helpful in preserving pollen as fossil, © Winged pollen grains are present in Pinus. Fach pollen given has two wing-like structures Which enables it to float in air, as an adaptation ty, or dispersal by the wind. * @) Insect pollinated plants provide rewards as {tlible pollen grain and nectar as usual rewards. 'norder to materialize and maximize pollination, flowers have developed a set of attributes which a aimed at attracting the pollinators called attractants, 7 amit ©) Wind polination or anemophily occurs a flowers which are having a single ovule in Sch ovary, and numerous flowers packed in an 2, (reseence, Itis a non-directional pollination, sig lulogamy occurs in bisexual flowers. in ‘tonogamous flowers are unisexual but present Whey Same Plant. Dioecious condition is observed Presen ZiSeXual male and female flowers are autog O” different plants and it prevents both a @) ‘gamy and geitonogamy. Te is important for the nutrition and . lopment of pollen grains, as well as a source "cursors for the pollen coat, deve| of 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3a 32. (@) Pollen grains of different species are incompatible, so they fail to germinate. If the pollen-stigma interaction is compatible, the pollen grain hydrates and germinates shortly following landing on the stigma. ; (@)_ Geitonogamy, genetically, shows similarity with autogamy because the pollen grains are bome on the same plant. © Honey is produced by worker bees using nectar (fructose) of flowering plants. (@) The hilum is a scar found on the seed coat through which the developing seeds are attached to the fruit. (@) Nectar and pollen grains are the usual floral rewards which the animal pollinators get. (© Synergids have filiform apparatus. (@) _ Geitonogamy is the transfer of pollen grains in different flowers of same plant. (© Male gametophyte is highly reduced in angiosperm and is known as pollen grain. It is 2 or 3-celled. @) _Filiform apparatus helps in the entry of pollen tube into a synergid in ovule. Filiform apparatus is in form of finger like projection comprising a core of micro fibrils enclosed in a sheath. It zsembles ‘transfer cells meant for short distance movement of metabolites. It is responsible for the absorption of food from the nucleus, © Pollen grains are rich in nutrients therefore used as food supplements. Athletes and race jorses use these tablets to enhance performance. Pollen contains22,7%4 ofprotein on average, inchuding 33. 34, 35. 36. 10.4% of essential amino acids such as methionine, Iyaine,thyeoninn asi ine, isoleicine valine Phenylalanine, and tryptophan, Along with this it also contains sugars, lipids and sterols, (©) Ovule is also called _integumented megasporangium. It develops into seed after fertilisation in spermatophytes. It occurs singly or ina cluster inside ovary with parenchymatous cushions called placenta, () Cleistogamy favours no dependence on pollinator because flowers never open. ) Sexual reproduction leads to formation of new progeny with appearance of variations by Genetic recombination, of two different organisms interaction etc, (© Sporogenous tissue is always diploid, endothecium is second-layer of anther wall and Perform the function of protection and help in dehiscence of anther to release the Pollen, Hard outer layer of pollen is called exine but tapetum always nourishes the developing pollen. nearer ere ts Cells of the tapetum possess dense cytoplasm and generally have more than one nucleus (polypoid). (b) Cleistogamous flowers do not expose their reproductive parts. Anthers and stigma lie close to each other. Pure autogamy occurs since there is no chance of cross-pollination. Cleistogamy is the most efficient floral adaptation for promoting self-pollination. E.g., Viola mirabilis and Oxalis autosella. (a). Single Megaspore Mother Cell (MMC) with dense cytoplasm and a prominent nucleus gets differentiated from nucellus near the micropylar region. This Megaspore Mother Cell (MMC) undergoes meiosis to form ‘4’ haploid cells called megaspores and the process of formation is known as megasporogenesis. (d) There are different types of vectors involved in pollination. For example, maize, mulberry — pollination by wind. Vallisneria —> pollination through water (hydrophily). Cucumber > Bees are brought for the commercial plantings of cucumber. (@) Pollen grains are generally spherical and a prominent two-layered wall. The hard outer layer called the exine is made up of sporopollenin which is one of the most resistant organic material known. It can withstand high temperatures and strong acids and alkali. (a) Papaya is dioecious ie. male and female flowers occurs in separate plants so that it prevents both aytogamy & geitonogamy (method of self pollination). (b) Sporopollenin is fatty substance present in pollen wall and provides resistance against extremes conditions like high temperature, acid, bases. (a) Cleistogamous flower produce assured seed set even in the absence of pollinations. Plants such as Viola, Oxalis and Commelina. (©) The germ pores are apertures in the exine layer of the pollen grain where the sporopollenin is absent. The germ pore helps in the formation of the germ tube or pollen tube and which makes its exit on germination, (a)_In over 60 per cent of angiosperms, pollen grains are shed at cell 2-cclled stage In the remaining species the generative cell divides mitotically to give rise to the two male gametes before pollen grains are shed (3-celled stage.) (a) Wind pollinated flowers have generally single ovule in each ovary. (@) A synergid cell wall forms a highly thickened structure called the filiform apparatus 40. 41 42, 43. 45. 46. 47. Botany at the micropylar end consisting of numerous finger like projections into synergid cytoplasm, These synergid cells are necessary for pollen tube guidance in ovule. (@_ Cleistogamy is autogamous pollination, When pollination and fertilization occur in unopened flower bud, it is known as cleistogamy. It ensues self-pollination and prevents cross-pollination, The German physician and botanist Rudolf & Jakob Camerarius (1665-1721) is credited with the first empirical demonstration that planis 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 55. 56. 57. 58, eT reproduce sexually. Camerarius discovered the roles of the different parts of a flower in seed production. (©) Wind pollination is common in grasses. Grasses produce large amount of pollen which by the help of wind reach to opposite sex for reproduction. (6) Geitonogamy is the process of transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant. Example, maize. (b) Pollination by wind is called anemophily. Wind pollinated flowers are small in siz, producing large number of dry pollen grains Pollens are small, dry and light in weight. Grasses are anemophilous plants. (@)_ Unisexuality of flowers prevents autogam: but not geitonogamy. (a) Filiform apparatus helps in the entry of pollen tube into a synergid in ovule. (a) MMC microspore mother cell is surounded by acallose wall inner to the cell wall. (a) Generative cell which is a cell of the male gametophyte or pollen grain in seed plants divides to give rise directly or indirectly wo sperms. (b) Egg cell and antipodal cells have haploid number of chromosomes. (a) Ina dicot plant general arrangement. of nucle in the embryosac is that 3 nuclei in 3 cells of apparatus (one egg cell & 2 synergids) at microP) qi ced and 2 polar nuclei in almost middle region 2 nuclei in the form of antipodals at the distal end fo" micropyle, towards nucellus. So total nuclei 3" 2 (a) Aleurone layer is the layer formed wy endospermic tissue in the members of fam), graminae e.g. wheat, rice, maize etc. ObVN it will be a triploid tissue. So if s ids ‘hat 8 no, of chromosomes which are haploid aleurone- layer must have 24 chromosomes —— clus XIl/Chapter-2/Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 9 (0 After entering the ovule, the pollen tube * jg attracted towards the micropylar end of the embryosac. The attractants are secreted by synergids. The pollen tube pierces one of the two synergids and bursts it. The synergid is simultaneously destroyed. Lil @. (@) Circinotropous : The funicle is large and " coiled around the ovule eg. Opuntia. Amphitropous : Both body of ovule and embryo suc are curved, The embryo sac assumes horse- shoe shape. e.g. Papaveraceae. |. (#) In campylotropous ovule, the body is curved but the embryosac is straight eg. Capsella. In Anatropous, the body of ovule is inverted and gets fused with funiculus along its whole length on one side (most of the angiosperms). In orthotropous condition the body of ovule les stright and upright over the funicle. eg. Piperaceae, Polygonaceae. % (0) In oogamy, male and female gametes are morphologically as well as physiologically different. Female gametes are large and non- 4. itll: Male gametes are small but motile, (9, In flowering plants, archespori um cells undergo Peridlral (transverse) division to form outer primary vereul layer and inner sporogenous cells Primary Farell wall affer few more periclinal divisions fom anther wall and sporogenous cells Rive rise 10 S (®) Antipodal cells occur at the chalazal end of are Synergids are the helping cells. ) In ovule gets “inverted and ape enti lower sie. isthemostcommon of ovule, In ovule micropyle is “ (0 ta tisisthe presentive type of ovale, ismade cutest covering of the pollen grain €- of sporopollenin, Bw Spotopoltenin is highly cross-linked polymer thepho8ed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen is inarily stable and has been found ically intact in sedimentary rocks some ‘million years old, fallisneria exhib inated by hon, &, (orton is car , Monosporie sie 80tUM type. In chemi 500 6, hl ts hydrophily and Salvia ey bee, In bottle brush ied out by birds. type - eight nucleated this types only one megapore at chalazal end. takes parts aeopment of embryosac, 'SPoric be 7 ight nucleated Allium type. Tettaen® {YPE “poric ~ eight nucleated Adoxa type, 69, 70. 7. 72. 74. mB. 6. Cee Us (b) In gymnosperms, the female gametophyte forming archegonia provides nourishment to the developing embryo. It later gets transformed into food-laden endosperm inside the seed. Endosperm provides nourishment for growth of seed at the time of seed germination. Triploid ‘endosperm occurs in angiosperms. (b) Transfer of pollen grains by birds is known as ornithophily. They usually have bright coloured flowers, tubular or cup shaped and having a large quantity of nectar. (© _Each microspore mother cell gives rise to 4 microspores which develop into pollen grains, (a) Each microspore mother cells undergoes meiosis to produce four pollen grains. Thus, 25 microspore mother cells are required to produce 100 pollen grains. (b) Pollination by insect is known as Entomophily. Among insects bees are the most common pollinators which pollinate about 80% of the total insect pollinated flowers. @)_Autogamy = Self Pollination Geitonogamy - (geiton = neighbour, gamos = marriage.) i.e. when pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of other tlower of the same plant (i.e. neighbouring flower), Allogamy = Xenogamy — Cross pollination, (b) "In angiosperms the male gametes are carried by the pollen tube was discovered by Strasburger in 1884. The process is called Siphonogamy, (@) Each pollen has two layered wall. The outer layeris thick, tough, cutichlittised. ‘exine Which is composed of a material called "sporopollenin". It is highly resistant to biological and physical decomposition, due to which pollens are preserved for a long time in fossils, (@) _Itisa Polygonum ‘ype ovule in which the body of ovule is straight i¢. funiculus, chalaza, embryo Sac and micropyle lie in the same vertical axis, (4) 200 seeds of pea would be produced from 200 pollen grains and 200 embryo sae. 200 Pollen grains will be fokmed by 50 microspore 200 éthbryo sac will be formed by 200 megaspore mother cell (because 3 will degenerate) so 250/500, @)_ Microsporocytes or microspore mother cell after meiosis give rise to microspore, Ne any other cell (in given options) divide by meiosis, (© Pollen “grains are found only in Gymnosperms and Angiosperms,

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