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The Ultimate Easter Egg!

It’s Easter Sunday. You wake up, go downstairs, and on the kitchen table…
is the most unusual Easter egg you’ve ever seen!

1. What does the Easter egg look like?

Write a list of adjectives to help describe its appearance.

e.g. shiny, large, bright.

2. You go over to the egg.

Write a list of adverbs to describe how you approach it.
e.g. excitedly, carefully, quickly.

3. You pick up the egg.

How does it feel? Write a metaphor to describe it.
e.g. the foil is the egg’s armour, protecting the treasures inside.

4. Now, you start to unwrap the egg.

What does it feel like as you unwrap it? Use a simile to describe it.
e.g. my hands tremble like a leaf as I peel off the foil.

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The Ultimate Easter Egg!

5. Now you bite into the egg. How does it taste?

Use a superlative to describe the taste.
e.g. it is the bitterest chocolate ever made.

6. Finally, you look inside the egg. What’s hidden there?

Be as descriptive as you can!

7. Now you need to put all your ideas together to write an Easter poem.
The Ultimate Easter Egg
I see a large, shiny egg sitting on the table.
Excitedly, I walk towards it and carefully pick it up.
It is wrapped in bright foil. This is the egg’s armour, protecting the treasures inside.
My hands tremble like a leaf as I peel off the foil.
Eagerly, I take a bite. It is the bitterest chocolate ever made.
I look inside the shell. A large diamond glints in the chocolatey darkness.

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The Ultimate Easter Egg!

The Ultimate Easter Egg

Draw a picture of your egg to accompany your poem.

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