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8/24/22, 7:04 PM Agricultural Regionalisation Notes | Study UPSC Mains Optional: Geography (Notes) - UPSC

Agricultural Regionalisation
Agriculture Regionalisation
Region is one of the basic concepts of geography. It has been defined differently by different
geographers. A widely accepted definition of region is “an area that is different from other
areas according to the specific criteria”. For example if we take crop as differentiating criteria
then tea growing region will be different from wheat growing region.
Region has also been defined as a differentiated segment of the earth surface (Whittlesey,
Agricultural regionalization has attracted the attention of many scholars in the field of
agricultural geography. The concept of regionalization is the process of dividing an area into
territorial units of complexes of uniformities which is the result of a set of processes.
Regionalization in agricultural geography is not simply an operation of dividing the country
or a region into a number of territorial units but it is also method of understanding the
agricultural pattern.

Delimitation of Agricultural Regions (Techniques)

Since the boundaries of agricultural regions are transitional and not sharply dividing lines, their
precise delimitation is a difficult task. The main techniques used by geographers for the
delimitation of agricultural regions are.
1. Empirical technique.
2. Single element technique.
3. Multi-element (statistical) technique.
4. Quantitative-cum-qualitative technique and

1. Empirical Technique
Empirical technique is largely based on the experience of the farmers and the observed
facts. Baker was the first geographer who adopted the empirical technique and demarcated
the agricultural belts of USA.
The Cotton belt, the Corn Belt, and the Wheat Belt of USA were demarcated on the basis of
observed data. The areas in which corn was having the dominance were marked as Corn Belt. 1/9
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This technique gives a generalized picture of the cropping pattern and has the tendency of
The technique has, however, been criticized as it is less objective and relatively

2. Single Element Technique

This is an arbitrary technique in which the single element of agricultural landscape is taken
into consideration.
In this technique the relative position of different agricultural enterprises is taken into
consideration. The demarcation of rice, wheat and bajra regions of India on the basis of first
ranking crops (dominant crop) is an illustration of this technique.
The main weakness of this technique is that it conceals (ignores) the position and importance
of other crops grown in the region. In other words, it leads to overgeneralization. The
demarcation of Punjab as a wheat region and western Uttar Pradesh as sugarcane belt
conceals the importance of rice and other cash crops which are also grown in these areas.
Thus, this technique describes the agricultural situation inadequately as crops are generally
not grown in isolation. A combinational analysis of crops is more important than the single
crop/enterprise region.

3. Multi-Element Or Statistical Technique

The multi-element technique is an improvement over the empirical and single element
techniques of agricultural regionalization.
In this statistical technique, combination of the closely associated features is taken into
consideration. The crop combination and livestock regions as demarcated by Weaver, Doi
and Coppock are the example of this methodology.
The main advantage of multi-element technique is that it is free from biasness and does not
conceal the various agricultural phenomena which may be significant in the decision making
process of the farmers.
In the absence of reliable data this technique may not depict the ground reality of
agricultural landscape of a region.

4. Quantitative-Cum-Qualitative Technique
For the demarcation of agricultural regions, when the physical (terrain, slope, temperature,
rainfall, soil, etc.), social (land tenancy, size of holdings and fields, religion, customs, etc.) and 2/9
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economic factors (capital investment, marketing, storage, etc.) are taken into consideration,
such a technique is known as a quantitative-cum-qualitative technique of agricultural
regionalization. An agricultural region, generally, is an area having homogeneity of crops and
livestock. This technique has been applied by Baker (1926), Whittlesey (1936) and Carol
The 14 main factors which should be taken into consideration for the demarcation of
agricultural regions include six physical, viz.., relief, climate, water, soil, subsoil and natural
vegetation; two cultural, viz.., cultural vegetation and cultural structures; and six functional,
viz.., rural population, cultural and technological stage, farming operation, organization for
providing the rural population with economic and cultural goods, and commerce.
The non-availability of reliable data on the various facet of agriculture over the greater parts
of the earth is the major constraint in the application of multi-facet technique for agricultural
regionalization. Despite several limitations the qualitative-cum-qualitative technique has
been adopted by geographers for the delimitation of agricultural region at the macro, meso
and micro levels.
The agricultural geographers have, however, could not develop a agricultural regionalization
which may be universally accepted and which may help in understanding the agricultural at
the local, regional, national and international levels.
The major classification of Indian agricultural regions are based on topography, soil, climatic
conditions, land use pattern, water supply, farming practices, crop combination and
agricultural productivity. Agro-economic factors are also taken into consideration for
classification of agricultural regions.
In India, various attempts have been made from time to time for agricultural regionalization
of the country. 3/9
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Randhawa’s Agricultural Regions

Randhawa’s Agricultural Regions

The great and well-known agricultural scientist Dr. M.S. Randhawa has divided India into five
main agricultural regions on the basis of climate, crops and livestock animals etc. These regions
are –
1. The Temperate Himalayas Region.
2. The Dry Northern Wheat Region.
3. The Eastern rice Region.
4. The Malabar Coconut (Western West) Region. 4/9
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5. The Southern Millet (Medium Rainfall) Region.

1. The Temperate Himalayan Region

The Temperate Himalayan region includes the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal
Pradesh, and Uttarakhand in the West, and Arunachal Pradesh and Upper Assam in the east.
It has two sub-divisions:
The eastern part comprising of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Nagaland, Tripura and
Upper Assam records heavy rainfall and are covered with thick forests. Here rice and
tea are dominant crops.
The western temperate Himalayan region consists of Jammu Kashmir, Himanchal
Pradesh and Uttarakhand, this region is characterized by Horticulture (apple, cherries,
pears, peach, almond, apricot and walnut). Other crops grown are maize, rice, wheat and

2. The Northern Dry (Wheat) Region

This region stretches over Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, north-west Madhya
Pradesh, and irrigated part of Rajasthan.
Average annual rainfall in this area is less than 75 cm. Parts of it are adequately irrigated by
canals and tube wells.
The main crops of this region are wheat, maize, cotton, mustard, gram, rice sugarcane and

3. The Eastern Wet (Rice) Region

It includes the greater parts of the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, West
Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, eastern Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and coastal Andhra
This region records more than 150 cm rainfall. Rice, jute, pulses, oil seeds, tea, and sugar
cane are the main crops of this region.

4. The Western Wet (Malabar) Region

The region stretches over from Maharashtra to Kerala. The average annual rainfall in this
region is over 200 cm.
Rice is the main food crop although coconut and plantation crops (rubber, coffee, spices,
cashew nut etc) are also the main crops. 5/9
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5. The Southern Coarse( Cereals) Region

This agriculture region sprawls over Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Southern Uttar Pradesh
(Bundelkhand), eastern Maharashtra, western Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and western
Tamil Nadu. These are records rainfall between 50 to 100 cm.
Millets, Bajra, cotton, groundnut, oilseeds and pulses are the main crops.

P Sengupta Agricultural Regionalisation

In 1968 P Sengupta has outlined four agricultural zones or Macro-Agricultural regions, eleven
Meso-regions and sixty Micro-regions in Economic Regionalization of India. The Macro-regions
1. Himalaya’s Agricultural Zone
2. Dry Agricultural Zone
3. Sub Humid Agricultural Zone
4. Wet Agricultural Zone

The three zones are based on rainfall distribution except the Himalayan zone.
1. The Himalaya’s Agricultural Zone
In this zone, the annual rainfall varies from 120 cm to 250 cm. It covers Jammu and Kashmir,
Himachal Pradesh, Kumaon Himalaya, and its foothills, Darjeeling, Assam Himalayas, etc.
As the region is mountainous, the area is considered a negative area from point of view of
cultivation and settlement.

2. The Dry Agricultural Zone

Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan desert plain, western Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat are the areas which
are dry and where average rainfall is about 75 cm a year.
The area suffers from an acute shortage of water. Millets, wheat, oilseeds, cotton and
groundnut are the main crops that are grown with the help of good irrigation facilities.

3. The Sub Humid Agricultural Zone

This zone embraces a vast stretch of land in peninsular India from Bundelkhand plateau
through the heart of lava plateaus down to the eastern coastal region. The annual rainfall in
the region varies between 75 to 100 cm.
The proportion of cultivated region reaches a high figure whenever water is available for
irrigation. 6/9
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The most intensively cultivated areas are the Ganga plains and the eastern coast delta,
where proportion of cultivated land to the areas comes to about 70 percent.
Wheat, sugarcane, rice, gram, maize, millets, cotton, groundnut, oilseeds and tobacco are
the main crops.

4. The Wet Agricultural Zone

The zone comprises of north-eastern plateaus viz. Chotanagpur, Orissa, Bastar Plateau,
central parts of Madhya Pradesh, Upper Mahanadi basin and Kaimur hills, and the eastern
hills and plateaus.
The annual rainfall varies from 100 to 125 cm.
The important crops grown are rice, tea, jute oilseed, gram, millets, wheat, sugarcane,
banana, coconut, etc.

Icar’s Classification of Agricultural Regionalization

The scheme suggested by Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) is simple and
It is based on the predominance of crops and crop associations. Accordingly, India can be divided
into the following agricultural regions:
1. Rice-Jute-Tea Region
This vast region includes lowlands, valleys and river deltas in state of Assam, Arunachal
Pradesh, Tripura, Meghalaya, West Bengal and Orissa, northern and eastern Bihar, parts of
Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh and Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh.
The rainfall varies from 180 to 250 cm.
Rice is the predominant crop due to fertile alluvial soil, abundant rainfall, and high summer
Jute is mainly grown in the Hugli basin of West Bengal but some areas have been brought
under jute cultivation in the Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Orissa, and Tarai region of U.P. Tea is
mainly grown in Assam, Darjeeling, and Jalpaiguri areas of West Bengal, and Tripura.
Sugarcane and tobacco are grown in Bihar.
Coconut is grown in coastal areas. Mango, pineapple, betel leaves, bananas, jack fruits, and
oranges are also the main horticulture crops.

2. Wheat And Sugarcane Region 7/9
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This region comprises of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, western Madhya
Pradesh, and northeastern Rajasthan.
Most of the areas have rich fertile alluvial soil with some parts having black and red soil.
Rainfall is moderate, a large part of which is caused by the south-west monsoon in summer.
Winter rainfall is caused by western disturbances in winter. Irrigation is a vital input in drier
areas. As the name indicates the region is dominated by wheat and sugarcane cultivation.
The main wheat belt of India extends over Punjab, Haryana, Ganga Yamuna doab of
Uttar Pradesh, and north-eastern Rajasthan. Sugar cane is mainly grown in Uttar
Pradesh and contiguous parts of Bihar.
Rice, pulse, and maize are other important crops.

3. Cotton Region
It spread over the Regur or Black cotton soil area of the Deccan plateau, where the rainfall
varies from 75 to 100 cm.
Cotton is the main crop but Jowar, Bajra, Gram, Sugarcane, Wheat, etc are also grown.

4. Maize And Coarse Crops Region

Western Rajasthan and northern Gujarat are included in this region. The rainfall is scanty
and normally below 50 cm.
Agriculture is possible only with the help of irrigation. Maize is mainly frowned in the Mewar
plateau where wheat and ragi are also produced.
In the southern part rice, cotton and sugarcane are grown. Bajra and pulses are grown
throughout the region.

5. Millet And Oilseeds Region

This area includes the area of poor soils and broken topography in the Karnataka plateau,
parts of Tamil Nadu, southern Andhra Pradesh, and eastern Kerala. The rainfall varies from
75 to 125 cm.
The millets include Bajra, jowar and ragi while oilseeds grown are groundnut and caster.
Pulses are also grown. Mangoes and bananas are important fruit crops.

6. Fruits And Vegetable Regions

This region extends from Kashmir Valley in west to Assam in the east. The rainfall varies
from 50 cm in west to 200 cm in east. 8/9
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Apple, peach, cherries, plum, apricot are grown in the west while oranges are important in
the east. Besides rice, maize, ragi, potatoes, chillies and vegetables are also grown. 9/9

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