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An introduction to

lesson objective
We will learn how print
advertisements are constructed
for particular purposes.
success criteria
I can...
List some places where advertising occurs.
Explain some of the benefits and problems
associated with advertising.
Identify three characteristics of a target
Identify and explain the six main parts of a print
Explain what each letter in the AIDA theory
stands for and list some ways that advertisers
achieve each.
Think, Pair, Share
In 2022, throughout the world, it
seems that advertising is ubiquitous.
(existing or being everywhere,
especially at the same time.)

Think about all the things you do and

places you go in a normal week.

Discuss with a partner then make a

list of all the places that you would
encounter advertising.
some places you may have noted...
Billboards, signs and
Social media Radio

Transport e.g. cars, Bus stops or train

Television / Cinema
buses, trains stations

Stadiums / sports Receipts Apps and gaming


TV shows, movies In cover pages of

Shopping Centres
and music videos books

Magazines and
Junk mail SMS or email
Who is involved in advertising?
There are many people involved in making decisions about what goes into the ads we
see. The main three groups of people who are involved are as follows:

The Seller The Advertising The Publisher or

Agency Producer
Pays for the ads that Creates the ads for the Selects and integrates ads
promote their product or seller to appeal to a into magazines, radio
service specific audience. programmes and TV
Discussion Questions:
Whether it is on TV, the radio, in magazines or online, we
know that we are exposed to a lot of advertising in our

Write down three benefits that come from

1 advertising.

Write down three problems that

2 advertising might create.

Why do you think we might need to study

3 the techniques of advertising in English
What is a Target
A specific group of people with shared
characteristics who are most likely to be
interested in certain products or services.

If adverts are targeted at an ideal customer

they are more likely to sell their product.
Identifying a Hobbies

Target Audience
male, female, all gardening, playing
genders basketball, craft

Age Geography
0-15 16-25 26-45 46-60
Consider some of the town, city, country,
60+ characteristics they might climate
share including:

Relationship Status
single, couples, married
tradesman, nurse

Wants and Needs

Income Level
be healthy, happy, loved,
low, medium, high
Examples of Target Audiences:

Insert Ad Insert Ad Insert Ad

Parents of toddlers, aged 20- Middle aged women who value Male surfers, aged 18-30 who
40 who value their child's being healthy and feeling good value belonging to the surfing
health, safety and happiness. about themselves. community.
Your Turn
Who do you think the target
audience might be for this ad?

Give at least three characteristics.

Insert Ad
parts of an
What is a print advertisement?

An advertisement is a text that promotes a product,

service or event.

Advertisements are all around us. They can be on

television, radio, social media, in apps and gaming,
on transport, at sports grounds, on billboards, in
shopping centres, on receipts, magazines,
newspapers and many more places.

A print advertisement refers to a still image - the

types of ads commonly found in magazines, or on
posters or billboards.
Become the King of the
Body Copy
Streets Headlines are usually
followed by body copy,
Headline which refers to the
main paragraph or line
of text in an ad.
A headline in
advertising grabs a It is a small story,
reader's attention separate from the
much like a slogan, logo and
newspaper’s headline. caption that gives
further detail about a
The all new Borcelle trainers are both comfortable
An advertising headline and stylish. With three flashy colour options and product.
great quality materials for ultimate comfort your
is designed to be the feet will never feel the same.
first thing the potential
customer reads so it Too fast.
should be bold and Too strong.

Become the King of the
A symbol or design Streets
used by a company.

Audiences can quickly

and easily recognise a
company they know by
its logo. Images can reveal
information visually
The logo can be without using words.
symbolic and present
an idea about the They are usually large
The all new Borcelle trainers are both comfortable
company. and eye-catching.
and stylish. With three flashy colour options and
great quality materials for ultimate comfort your
feet will never feel the same. The placement is
crucial as readers will
Too fast.
Too strong.
scan and digest an ad
within seconds.
Become the King of the
A signature is the name

slogan of the advertiser or

company which is
usually placed at the
bottom of an ad.
A slogan is a
memorable motto that These days web
is used in advertising so addresses are used
audiences can easily more and more as the
identify a company signature for an ad.
The all new Borcelle trainers are both comfortable
and stylish. With three flashy colour options and
The slogan should be great quality materials for ultimate comfort your
short, catchy and feet will never feel the same.

memorable. Positive
Too fast.
feelings can be created Too strong.
by using a slogan.
Your Turn
Label the following features on the

Body Copy
Insert Ad Logo
the aida
What is the AIDA Theory?
The AIDA theory considers the stages that an individual goes through during the process
of purchasing a product or service. An effective ad will do all four of the following:

Attract Maintain Create Take

Attention Interest Desire Action

What the ad does How the ad holds How the ad What specific
to grab the the audience’s appeals to what steps the audience
attention of the interest so they the audience is encouraged to
target audience. will remember the wants, needs or take.
product. values.
A print ad in a magazine
1 Surprise
Creating shock in advertisements through unusual,
must make readers stop unexpected or humorous images.
flicking through the pages
and take notice of the
product, brand or service 2 Something Sensory
A scratch-and-sniff, a ‘lift-the-flap’, a sample
being advertised. Some of attached, flip the magazine upside-down
the ways ads can do this
are as follows:
3 Colour
Certain colours and combinations of colours can
grab our attention.

4 Humour
Sometimes through surprising language or a pun in
the headline
Celebrity Endorsement Interest Rhetorical Questions
Using celebrities who Asking specific questions
appeal to the audience to that imply an answer.
endorse products.
A print ad in a magazine
must make readers stop
flicking through the
pages and take notice of
Direct Address Jargon
the product, brand or
Using the word 'you' to service being advertised. Using subject specific
create a personal language to seem like
Some of the ways ads can
connection. experts in their field.
do this are as follows:

Numbered Lists
'New' or 'Improved'
Makes the audience
Use these words to make
interested by listing the
your audience curious.
features of the product.
Advertising is most effective when it appeals to our desires or our fears.
What are some things that most humans value or desire?

Health Love Entertainment Life

Rest Friends Wealth Sustainability

Travel Family Beauty Good food

Comfort Talent Trends Excitement

Cleanliness Fun Technology Safety

Action Showing the product as it
would look on the shelf in the
The advertisement must
encourage the audience to
take some action as a result
of viewing the ad. The most
obvious action would be to
get them to purchase the
product or use the service. Including a website, phone
Ads can encourage direct number, QR code or street
action by: address.
Your Turn
Go through the list of features
under each part of AIDA and make
notes on the following:
How does the ad
attract attention?
Insert Ad
How does it hold
our interest?
What desires does
the ad appeal to?
How does it
encourage the
audience to take
elements used:

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