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GiZ Ethiopia
RE: Capacity Building & Hass Avocado Seedling Distribution for the Smallholder Farmers
Dear Ms. ==============
Tamnasera Agricultural PLC is pleased to present this proposal for your review. We look forward to
partnering with you to provide a Capacity Building & Hass Avocado Seedling Distribution for the
smallholder farmers intervention program for our smallholder farmers with poor avocado production
skills to Succeed Capacity Building & Hass Avocado Seedling Distribution has over 5,000 of which 50% is
women and unemployed young women. The objective of the project is to help our farmers with poor
avocado production skills to cultivate and produce avocados and increase their productivity and income

During the last year, we have been piloting the distribution of Hass avocado seedlings with a small group
of farmers unable to access improved seedlings and have seen dramatic improvements with most of the
small group farmers increasing their avocado farm coverage ability. This pilot distribution provides
farmers with access to productive scion stock for further avocado gritting. We have seen measurable
success and we are now seeking to expand our Capacity Building & Hass Avocado Seedling Distribution
for the smallholder farmers Project to address the needs of all the selected avocado producers in Cheha
and adjacent woreda. Our proposal requests $ 292,182 in funding to obtain the software, hardware, and
training necessary to equip the Capacity Building & Hass Avocado Seedling Distribution resource room
with the assistive activities systems. We appreciate Giz Ethiopia taking an interest in helping our
avocado farmers develop their cultivation and production skills through our new project Please give me
a call at 09-11-30-06-50 if you require any further information or have any questions concerning this

Thank you

Mr.Tasena Habite

SNNP-Regional State,

Gurage Zone Administration,

Cheha werda
1. Project title Capacity Building & Hass Avocado Seedling
Distribution for the smallholder farmers
2. Requesting body Giz Ethiopia, Full address --------
3. Collaborating government(s)/agency Ministry of Agriculture & Women and Child Affairs
4. Project objectives Provide improved Hass avocado seedlings for the
smallholder avocado farms at Gurge zone (Cheha,
Ezha and Enomer woreda) and adjacent zone Hadiya
& Silte zone and Yem Special woreda in SNNPRs and
West Oromia area.
To support women's households and for the
unemployed young women.
5. Project activities Hass avocado seedling production & distribution
Capacity building on avocado cultivation, post-
harvesting, processing & market linkage
6. Private/public sector co-operation -
6. Partner institutions involved If … -
7. Project outputs:  520,000 Has avocado seedling Production
Specify outputs clearly and in detail and show and distribution to 5000 smallholder
the relationship to key ----objectives including producers (50% women and unemployed)
capacity enhancement, improved market access  Capacity building on avocado cultivation.
and trade opportunities, poverty reduction, Production, pot-harvest handling
linkages to country or regional program  Supply Farm & &Pot-harvest tools &
development priorities, public-private equipment
cooperation, innovativeness, demonstration
effects, etc.  Crated Market linkage for 5000 smallholder
avocado producers.

 Job opportunities for 200 casual laborers

during seed production

1. Project Outcome: Specify the expected impact  Increased productivity

the project will have on market access, the SPS  Good Agricultural Practices in avocado
situation, and poverty reduction. Identify how the production
project will fit with existing bilateral or  Increased income generation
multilateral donor projects and programs,
examine the sustainability of the proposed
action, and, where possible, suggest where the
project may be replicated
2. Project inputs: Specify total project cost. Attach Total Project Cost 292,182 USD
detailed breakdown of proposed uses of funds See attached budget
3. Timetable Show proposed commencement and See the attached work plan
conclusion dates (maximum project duration five
8. Benefits 5,000 smallholders avocado producers (50% women
and unemployed young women)

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