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Scale Diagrams

Scale Diagrams are diagrams drawn or constructed according to a given pre-proposed

proportionality[1]. These diagrams are often very useful in practical applications such as
mapping in cartography[2], modeling in design work and planning of architecture to
name a few. As such, we will learn about scale factor, bearings, devices used in drawing
scale diagrams and scale diagrams in a horizontal plane in this lesson.

Scale Factor

A scale factor is simply a number that is used to multiply the dimensions[3] of a diagram.
Keep in mind that a scale factor can be used to enlarge or reduce a shape, diagram or
figure, depending on whether it is greater than or less than one.

For example, a scale factor of 2 means that the actual shape is twice as large as the given,
while a scale factor of 0.5 means that the actual shape is half as large as the given.

Similarly, 1m of length can be attributed to 1cm of length in a map by introducing a scale

factor of 100.

Exercise 1

Draw scale diagrams of the following with the given scale factors.

1. Building that is 150m tall. (1cm : 10m)

2. A 120m long river (1cm : 10m)
3. A 75m swimming pool (1cm : 5m)
4. A 250m long bridge (1cm : 50m)
5. A 495m football field (2cm: 100m)


Bearings in scale diagrams are graphical[4] representations of the direction and distance
of a point from a certain point of reference. They are useful for navigation, surveying[5],
and mapping. To draw a bearing in a scale diagram, you need to know the scale factor of
the map, the angle of the bearing from a direction (typically, North is used), and the
distance of the point from the point of reference.

Keep in mind that bearings in scale diagrams usually consist of a line segment with an
arrowhead pointing to the direction of the bearing, a label indicating the angle in 360°
form from the clockwise direction and the distance of the point.

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Take a look at the following bearings in scaled diagrams and try to understand them.

Exercise 2

Draw the following scale diagrams with bearings from the given data.

1. The bearing of B from A is 160°

2. The bearing of D from C is 040°
3. The bearing of E from A is 090°
4. The bearing of X from Y is 330°
5. The bearing of Z from P is 360°

Devices and instruments used in constructing Scale Diagrams

1. Protractor

A protractor is a standard geometric tool that is used to measure and draw angles. It
usually has the shape of a semi-circle, with a scale marked in degrees along the edge.

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2. Compass

A compass is a device that can indicate the direction of the Earth’s magnetic north pole.
It consists of a magnetized needle that is free to rotate on a pivot, and a circular scale
that is marked with the cardinal[6] directions (north, south, east, and west).

3. Inclinometer

An inclinometer, also known as a clinometer, is an instrument that measures angles of

slope, elevation, or depression of an object with respect to gravity. It usually has a
rotatable disc, with a graduated slip ring and a scale of 360 degrees.

Exercise 3

Tick the boxes as true or false on the following.

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Statement True False

A standard ruler can be used to measure angles

A protractor is primarily used for drawing circles

A compass always points towards the true north of the


A inclinometer is used to find the angle of an inclined plane

A protractor can be used to measure angles between two

line segments

An inclinometer is a scientific device used to measure time

A compass can give the distance to the magnetic north of

the Earth

Scale Diagrams in a Horizontal Plane

To draw a scale diagram in a horizontal[7] plane, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a suitable scale and a reference direction for the horizontal plane.

For example, we can choose 1cm : 10m

Always keep in mind to choose a scale that is easy to work with and appropriate for
the problem.

Step 2: Calculate the length and draw a line segment with the length proportional to
the object and the direction parallel to the direction of the object.

Step 3: Use a ruler and a protractor to measure and mark the length and angle of the
line segment. Label the line segment with its value if given.

Step 4: Repeat the previous step for each object or line in the problem as required.

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Exercise 4

Draw the following scaled diagrams, indicating bearings and scale factors.

1. A jak tree is 35m away at a bearing of 060° from the coconut tree, which itself is
20m away at a bearing of 120° from the school.
2. A car is 40m away at a bearing of 135° from a traffic light, which is 30m away at a
bearing of 240° from a pedestrian crossing.
3. A plane is 200m away at a bearing of 090° from an airport, which is 120m away
at a bearing of 300° from a control tower.
4. A flagpole is 25m away at a bearing of 045° from a football goal post, which is
15m away at a bearing of 225° from a playground swing.
5. A lighthouse is 80m away at a bearing of 030° from a ship, which is 50m away at
a bearing of 300° from a rocky island.

Exercise 5

Analyze[8] and determine the scale required for these practical applications of scaled

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[1] Proportion - the relationship between two or more quantities or values, often
expressed as a fraction or ratio.
[2] Cartography -
[3] Dimension -
[4] Graphical -
[5] Survey
[6] Cardinal
[7] Horizontal
[8] Analyze

Made for JJ International by Uthsara Dahanaike

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