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Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Egyptian Slaves from the Eighteenth Century B.

Author(s): W. F. Albright
Source: Journal of the American Oriental Society , Oct. - Dec., 1954, Vol. 74, No. 4 (Oct.
- Dec., 1954), pp. 222-233
Published by: American Oriental Society

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SMALLEY Sre Phonemes and Syllables

tively because there is parallel to them in /2y/,

in this
in case
in as in
the case
criteria call call and the charting of phonemes is thus considerably
for the
vowelsvowels into one simplified. However, pattern pressure is not as
into one
phonemewhich which
of a of
a consonant
in in strong here as in the cases above because other-
the pattern.
wise only nasals precede stops in consonant clus-
Cw and Cy are interpreted as consisting of two ters. The construction of consonant clusters is
phonemes each (CC) rather than as of single com- thus slightly more complicated for this decision.
plex phonemes *Cw and *CY because they parallel An analysis as unit phonemes would be equally
satisfactory to us.
C1 and Cr very closely in the syllable structure:
/pwal/ 4 support,' Xmiwpyar; ' hail,' /byaplan/ [ph, th, ch, kh] are considered CC rather than
' a wild edible plant,' /nhaypra77/ ' dry season.' single-unit aspirated stops because of parallels in
Nasals plus homorganic 21 stops are analyzed as /mh, nh, nh, lh, rh/: /mharg ' quickly,' /nhap/
consisting of CC rather than single complex pho- ' coveredj' /lnhat/ ' drop (n),' Xlha tX ' asleep,'
nemes because they parallel such combinations as /rhya/ ' one hundred.' With this interpretation,
/ns, nh, nr, nw, ny/ and contrast with /nk/: /nti7?/ these phonemes enter perfectly into canonical CCC
'bone,' /nsehpisX 'knife sheath,' /nha/ 'leaf of combinations.
tree,' /nravko/ 'rack for holding jars upright in Syllable-initial glottal stop is represented in the
the house,' /nwat/ ' be cold,' XnyamZ ' good, well,' transcription (in spite of the fact that its occur-
/nkarkoy/ ' hull of the rice.' rence is predictable before any vowel or between
[ vb b ] and [ vd d ] are interpreted as a se- any vowels 22) because I) there are contrasts such
quence of two phonemes /9b/ and /9d/ respec- as the following: /ya?/ ' kind of low jar ' vs.
/ vya7?/ ' happy '; 2 ) no medial syllable begins
20 Cf. some American Indian languages where such with a vowel; 3) the canonical pattern of syllable-
voiceless vowels are phonemic and contrast with /h/.
Venda Riggs, " Alternate Phonemic Analyses of Co- initial consonant is thereby not broken; and 4) all
manche," IJAL 15 (1949), 229-231; and Henry Osborn other consonants occur in initial position.
and William A. Smalley " Formulae for Comanche Stem
and Word Formation,' IJAL 15 (1949), 93-99. 22 The same statement could be made about any con-
21 I. e., voiced stop made at the same point of articula- sonant (but of only one) !
tion as the nasal in question: /mb nd/.



the Twelfth and Thirteenth Dynasties (cir. 1991-

SURPRISINGLY FEW Semitic personal names1685 B. C.), aside from the Execration Texts list-
have hitherto been found in Egyptian records of
Research; Burchardt = Die altkanaanarschen Freqnd-
1 Note the following abbreviations: Aechtung = iEZurttoorte 56nd Eigennaqnen imz Sgyptischen (Leipzig, 1909-
Sethe, Die Johtt6ng feindlicher Fisrsten, Volker undlo); GPL = Z. Harris, A Graqnqnar of the Phoenwian
Dinge auf altagyptischen Tongefassscherben des qnitt- Language (New Haven, 1936); JAOS = Journal of the
leren Rewhes (Berlin, 1926); AePN = EI. Ranke, Die Aqnerican Orrental Society; JBL = Journal of Btblical
agyptischen Personennaqnen (Hamburg, 1935); AJSL =Ltterature; JES = Journal of Clbnerforqn Studies;
Aqnerican Journal of Setnitic Languages; ANG = J. J.JNIfS = Journal of Near lfastern Studres; JPOS =
Stamm, Die akkadische Natnengebung (lJ{itt. d. Vorderas.-
Journal of the Palesttne Oriental Society; JS = Jaussen
aeg. Ges., 1939); ARI = W. F. Albright, Archaeology and Savignac, Mrssron archeologrque en Arabre (Paris,
and the Religion of Israel ( Baltimore, 1942-1953 );1909 ff.); NPSS = G. Ryckmans, Les noqns propres sud-
ARM = Archives royales de Mari (Paris, 1950-); ATseqntttqt4es (Louvain, 1934-35); OK = Theo Bauer, Dre
= D. J. Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets (London, 1953);Ostkanaanaer (Leipzig, 1926); OS = Orrentalia Sue-
BASOR = Bulletin of the Atnericon Schools of Oriental

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ALBRIGHT: Northwest-Semitic l7Vames in a List of Egyptian Slaves 223

ing potebntial rebels in the external provinces of and these are all cases where we are dealing with
the Egyptian Empire.2 We now possess a notable hieratic signs closely resembling one another.4
exception to this rule, thanks to the discovery by The papyrus in question is nearly contemporary
Dr. William C. IIayes of the Metropolitan Mu- with Papyrus Bulaq, No. 18; its verso contains a
seum in New York, of a Thirteenth Dynasty long list of slaves with statements that they are
papyrus in the Brooklyn Museum containing a to become the property of their new owner's wife,
list of slaves, among which are many Semitic in the same hand as the names themselves. These
names.3 Owing to the generous collaboration of statements are dated in the first and second regnal
Dr. Hayes, it has been possible for me to study years of Sekhemre' Sewadjtawi Sebekhatpe III,
these names well in advance of publication. His about 1740 B. C:.5 There are 95 slave names, 37
admirable transcription from hieratic into hiero of which are labeled as Semitic (though a few of
glyphic, given herewith, has been checked with the these are really Egyptian, as we shall see). In
original or with photographs by both of us re- each case the names are preceded by the Egyptian
peatedly. Needless to say, extremely few modifica- "m . w, " male Asiatic," or "m . t, " female Asiatic,"
tions have emerged in the course of our study, and they are always followed in a second column
by an Egyptian name (e. g., ddw n. f Rs-snb,
cana; PPAN = G. Posener, Princes et pays d'Asie et
" who is called Res-seneb " ) . Over half of these
de Nubie ( Brussels, 1 940 ); RA = Revue d'Assyriolopie ;
SI= E. Littmann, Safaitic Inscripttons (Leyden, 1943); names are ordinary Egyptian names of the period,
SM = Studta Mariana, ed. A. Parrot (Leyden, 1950); and where children of the Asiatic slaves are men-
TRSU = R. de Langhe, Les tesstes de Ras Shaqnra- tioned, most of them bear Egyptian names.
Ugarit et leurs rapports avec le qnilieu biblique de l'An-
Since at least twenty-eight of the names on this
cien Testaqnent (Gembloux, 1945); UE= C. E. Gordon,
Ugaritic Eandbook (Rome, 1947); VIfSO = W. F. A1-
list are female and since women's names are quite
bright, The Vocalization of the lSgyptian Syllabic Or- rare in any period of Northwest-Semitic history,
thography (New Eaven, 1934). the task of interpreting these names has been more
2 On the Exeeration Texts published by Sethe and difficult than anticipated. On the other hand, the
Posener see my artieles in JPOS 8 (1928), 223-256,
precision with which we can date them and the
BASOR 81 (1941), 16-21, and 83, 30-36. The dates
whieh I now favor (the Sethe texts between e. 1925 and clarity of the script (which contrasts so strikingly
e. 1875, and the Posener texts in the seeond half of the with the uncertainty of many names in the Exe-
19th eentury B.C.) are substantially the same as those cration Lists) make the list exceptionally impor-
adopted in 1941. Posener has urged that the Sethe
tant. The new phonetic information helps mate-
texts be lowered to a generation before the statuettes
whieh he published ( PPAN 34 ); this is possible, but
rially to clear up hitherto insoluble problems in
very unlikely in view of the tremendous difference be- our onomasticon. Since the Egyptian consonantal
tween the stage of settlement refleeted by the Palestinian structure enables us to distinguish between the
data in the two series ( cf. my Peliean Archaeology of laryngal and guttural sounds 'aleph, 'aytn, gain
Palestine [19493, 80ff.; A. Alt, Zeits. Deutsch. Palas-
(written as g or q in hieroglyphic), he, heth, and
tina-Vereins, 64 [1941], 21-39, and Palastina jahrbuch,
37 [1941], 34 ff.) . Moreover, the argument based on ha, which are not distinguished in cuneiform (ex-
the possible identity of the fathers of two Nubian
prinees in the Posener texts with ehieftains of the 4 In eases where two or more transeriptions are the-
same lands mentioned in the Sethe texts, is far from oretieally possible we have adopted the one whieh fits
being eonelusive, sinee rather foreed assumptions must be in best with Semitie parallels, but attention is always
made in both cases. The distance between Sethe's 'w'w called to the fact that such uncertainty exists.

and Posener's 'w,' is really considerable when one bears s See Hayes, JNEJS 12 ( 1953), 38 f., and W. K. Simp-
in mind that ' probably represents R or L, as in Asi- son, JAOS 73 ( 1953 ), 87, for some details. For the
atic names. Moreover, B. van de Walle's suggestion date cf. my discussion of the ehronology of the Thir-
that Sethe's Stqtnkh (whieh the latter regarded as teenth Dynasty in BASOR 99 (1945), 13ff.; I followed
" sicher ") should be read St'kh in the light of hieratic Edgerton for the relative date of the end of the Twelfth
writings of this group listed by Moller, is more than Dynasty (based on a beginning in 1991 B.C.), but it is
problematical, since the supposed t' ( my ti ) does not not likely that acceptance of Parker's date for the end
really look like any of the forms given by Moller, and of the dynasty (1786 instead of 1778 B.C.) requires us
the occurrence of the group in the Sethe texts is im- to push back the date of Sebekhatpe III, since the new
probable a priori (see below). regnal year (sixth) for an immediate predecessor of his
3 Pap. Brooklyn 35. 1446. M. G. Posener called my is higher than anything we should have inferred on the
attention to the fact that Hayes was preparing this basis of previous data (in other words, my estimate for
papyrus for publication, and the latter then placed the the length of time covered by the first 19 kings of the
material at my disposal for study (letter of February Thirteenth Dynasty was several years too low in any
28th, 1953) . ease ) .

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224 ALBRIGHT: Northwest-Sernitic Narnes in a List of EgyptwFn Slaves

cept for ha part of the time, Egyptian transcrip- none of the later syllabic groups, but using liv
tions are of great value in interpreting the mass of regularly to write the vowel ql, both separately and
cuneiform spellings now available. On the other in the biliteral signs 'w, mw, nw, sw, dw. The
hand, cuneiform transcription is better in most Posener texts employ both W by itself and the
other respects than Egyptian, since it distin- biliteral signs containing W (particularly those
guishes more clearly between Semitic stops and already mentioned and rmv, sw) more than we find
indicates double consonants (as a rule) and es- true of the Sethe te2rts; the syllabic groups tz
pecially vowels. When we are able to combine (loaf of bread), 'a, and ra (mouth) begin to ap-
Egyptian and cuneiform transcriptions of the pear. In the Hayes list we find W still used by
same name or word, we can generally reconstruct itself to indicate the vowel ql, but of the biliteral
it correctly.
signs containing W we find only rw, sw (and per-
Particularly interesting results may be obtained haps nw) in use; it can scarcely be accidental
from systematic comparison of the orthography of that these are the only such signs that continued
the Sethe and Posener tests with that of the to form a regular part of the syllabic group list of
Hayes material, since the three lots of material the New li:ingdom. Moreover, we find the later
may be dated about 50-100 years apart in estab- groups a, ta, ti, ra also in use, whereas in the
lished chronological order. We turn first to the Sethe series they do not appear at all and in the
most interesting item, the Semitic sound R(L), Posener tests we have very rarely 'a, ra, and ti.
which was regularly transcribed into Egyptian in In addition to these two sets of syllabic groups
the Old and early Middle li:ingdom as ', but in the we have at least three alphabetic sequences (PW
New :liingdom was normally represented by Eg. pu, TW- tqz, and DW du) which survive
.6 In the Sethe texts (between cir. 1925 and as normal syllabic groups in later times.7 Since
1875 B. a. ) R (L) appears in just 10So of legible the maximal number of syllabic groups employed
Semitic personal names and in the same propor- in the New lE:ingdom was about si2rty,- most of
tion of place-names. In the Posener te2rts (between which would probably not be used in writing a
cir. 1850 and 1800 B. a.) R(L) appears in about list of only thirty-seven names (several of which
31So of all legible Semitic personal names, though are fragmentary), it is evident that Egyptian was
in only about 10% of the place names; the ap- already well on the way toward developing an
parent discrepancy may easily be explained by the adequate system of indicating vowels in foreign
fact that Semitic personal names were very nu- names. Our present evidence suggests that the
merous and seldom achieved fi2red orthographic
status in Egyptian, whereas place-names were re- 7 Elmer Edel haa preaented a view of the ayllabic
orthography (eapecially in JNBS 8 [1949], 44-47)
latively few and must have been spelled rather which ia very close to mine (VEJSO, 1934). Hia chief
consistently in the royal archives, which repro- divergence, that he regarda groupa auch aa my PW=
duced the approved historical orthography. In the pqz, TW= tqx, etc., aa alphabetic (p-qz, t-q$) rather than
Hayes list (about 1740 B. a.) R(L) appears in aa ayllabic, ia quite correct inaofar aa origin ia con-
cerned. However, the syllabic orthography of the New
some 44So of the Semitic personal names. In Ringdom ia too obvioualy patterned in important re-
fact there are probably only two cases of B(L) in apects on cuneiform spelling (aa Mas Miiller recognized
these names which are reproduced by ', and both long ago ) to be analyzed into ita formative elementa;
reflect the element ba'al, "lord," ba'alot, "lady," it haa become a definite ayatem, however diverae ita
which was presumably common enough to have aourcea may have been. I have not yet had opportunity
to publiah my projected aupplementary paper ( in col-
achieved a fixed spelling in earlier centuries. laboration with Dr. T. O. Lambdin) containing acorea
Turning to Y, we note that the Sethe texts of new or corrected equationa, but the publication last
write it regularly (always, in my opinion) with aummer by Donald Wiaeman of a large number of North-
three reed leaves, whereas both the Posener and Syrian place-namea in cuneiform tableta from Alalakh
haa confirmed my equationa moat atrikingly. Over
Hayes te2rts agree in writing only two reed-leaves,
thirty new equationa of Egyptian and cuneiform apell-
just as in Hyksos and New Wingdom names. The inga of the aame non-Semitic namea in the aame ( fif-
same chronological relationship holds in compar- teenth) century yield reaulta that are juat aa concluaive
ing the use of syllabic groups formed of consonant in their way aa the parallela between cuneiform and
plus vowel; we find the Sethe texts employing Egyptian apellinga of Anatolian place-namea in the
thirteenth century should have been. Certain minor
modificationa of my ayatem emerge from Edel'a and my
° See VESO 8, with the referencea to other acholara new material.
inn. l9.

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ALBRIGHT: Worthwest-Semitic Names in a list of Egyptian Slaves 225

system in question was worked out in the chancel- feed, to foster, nourish>'=Arab. 'fr;ll in Acca-
leries of the Hyksos empire of the Fifteenth dian we have parallel names in considerable num-
Dynasty.8 bers (e.g., Stn-eptrt, "Sin Fosters Me," Samas-
In the following transcription of these names epirt, lklarduk-epirt, etc.).l2 Good parallels in
into roman characters, we follow the numeration meaning are also GFreek names such as lliotrephes,
of the attached plate: " Nurtured by Zeus," Trophtmos, " Fosterling."
Turning to parallel names, we have from the New
T. Ba-hury(pronouncedRah.we^). (Fem.) This
Kingdom'Apr(a)'el, "Fosterling of E1"; Apr-
name is not Semitic at all, but is Eg. R&wy
(a) ba'al, " Fosterling of Baal "; Apr (a) d (a) gal,
(Ranke, AePN 225: 18), a masculine and femi-
" Fosterling of Dagal (= Dagan)." 13 The Sethe
nine hypocoristicon ( abbreviated name ) of Middle
texts yield tAprqb-hq,l4 while the Posener texts give
Kingdom times, shortened from a whole series of
us Apru- anu,l5 Aprql- as apa ls and three incom-
male and female names of almost exclusively Mid-
plete names.
dle-:Singdom date (Ranke, op. Cit., 225: 19 226:
10. HD m (fem.) must be studied together
3). This has already been suggested by Hayes.
with No. 62, Ely'b'rw (fem.). At first sight these
There is, of course, no reason why the Asiatic
two names seem quite ine2rplicable, but we have a
slave in question should not have borne an Egyp-
good many parallels, complete or partial. In
tian name even before she received her new Egyp-
Syr?a 28 (1951), p. 32, Virolleaud has published
tian name, just as in the case of No. 61, below.
the similar name ,ffy'abn, with which we may
9. 'p-ra-Rspw ('Apra-Rclspqb).9 (Mas.) Any pos- further compare the "AmoritenJ personal names
sible doubt about Hayes' reading of this name is Ha-ia-ab-il1b (once), Efa-ia-ab-ni-ilqb (four times),
dispelled by the fact that he later found the name Ha-ic^-ab-ni-nqb (or -ilu? once), Efa-ia-bu-um
in anothertext; under date of October lSth, 1953, (twice).l7 Among the Northwest-Semitic names
he wrote: "I have just this minute run across
11 Cf. already JPoS 8, 242, where I have alao men-
another example of the name 'pr-F{spw on a lime-
tioned the cognate Egyptian 'pr, "to provide."
stone ostrakon from our 1926-27 excavations at 12 For a convenient collection and diacusaion of theae
Deir el-Bahri . . . it dates from the reign of namea aee ANG 54, 213, 222, etc.
Thutmose III . . . it is complete and clearly 13 For these namea aee Burchardt, Noa. 254-257, for
written in a good mid-XVIIIth Dynasty 'busi- the last name aee alao JPOS 8, 242.
14 The aecond element has hitherto remained obacure,
ness ' hand." This is a very valuable addition to
aince no Semitic deity with a comparable name ia known.
our stock of some half dozen certain names be- However, aince Eg. Q often tranacribea Semitic G in the
ginning with 'pr.9^ Any lingering doubt as to the New Kingdom (cf. Burchardt, §§113-117, whose ex-
character of the first element as a construct noun amplea are by no meana complete), it may be Hebrew
hepe, hag?st, hfig4, etc., with meaninga auch aa "voice,
before the name of a god or land is now settled;
sound, meditation, atudy," Ugaritic hg, " number," Syr.
it has nothing to do with the name of the people hegyan4, etc., "reading," etc. The variety of posaible
'Apiru unless the latter is itself derived from an meaninga ia ao great that it ia idle to apeculate on the
apecific aenae underlying thia particular divine appella-
abbreviated name of this type, as is not impos-
tion if it ia that.
sible.10 We have a perfectly satisfactory etymology 16 The divine name 'An? haa been diacussed by myself,
of the word, which I should derive from the AJSL 41, 86 f., and R. Dusaaud, Syrra, 8, 225, but
Northwest-Semitic cognate of Accadian eperu, "to neither of ua aucceeded in proving that there actually
waa such a god. Now Ugaritic 'bd'n, " Servant of Anu,"
and Bqw-'n = Amarna Btn-Atwa, " Son of 'Anu," have
8 Cf. VXSO 12, where it is pointed out that the sylla- furniahed the required proof; cf. T2SU II, 306. The
bic spelling is already fully developed by the third name perhapa originated in an imitation of Sumero-
quarter of the 16th century B. a. It appears sporadically Accadian An-Anu, following the identification of his
in scarabs of the Hyksos Age. Accad ian con aort Antu with the Wea t- Semiti c godde as
9 For this name and its significance, see especially 'Anat ( 'Antu ) .
W. K. Simpson, JAOS 73 (1953), 86ff. 16 The aecond element ia naturally identical with the
9a On these names cf. JPOS 8, 242, and PPAX 68 ff.- name of the Semitic tribe, spelled the aame way; Ox1 the
there is no object in citing a number of discussions name cf. JPOS 8, 249, and PPAN 71, which pointa out
which erroneously derive the element from the ethnic that namea of tribea or landa and goda were often the
'Aptr?ffi. aame. It ia not necesaary to inaiat on the theophoroua
10On the name 'Aptr?s cf. especially my discussion character of the aecond element, however, aince the name
BASOR, 125 (1952), 31 f., and T. Save-Soderbergh, OS may mean aimply " Foaterling of (the Tribe) 'Aa'apa'."
I (1952), 5-14. 17 OK 18. In Old Babylonian acript ha, hs, b?s may

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226 ALBRIGHT: Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Egyptian Slaves

in the Mati documents we also find Ha-a-ia-a-bu- 'abu(m) meant "Where Is (My) Father?" and
um twice (once probably as king of the Damas- the form 'Ayyvbum, whence IIebrez lyyob,
cene ) .18 Among the 18th-century names in the " Job," is simply the dissimilated and contracted
Alalakh tablets we find A-ia-bi, A-qycl-bi-sar-ri, and form of the name. Among other names of the
A-ia-sarri, while among ISth-century names from same formation are A-a-ha-am-mq (lengthened
the same place we have A-ia-bu and A-qa-hu.l9 form of Aya-hammu, " Where Is the Paternal
This A-ia-bqb is evidently the Amarna A-ia-ab Clan ? ") and A-ia-ha-lu, " Where Is the Maternal
(Ayab ), name of the prince of Ashtaroth in Clan?" 26 There is no reason to doubt that the
Bashan (IIauran) in the early fourteenth cen- Northwest-Semitic names of this type were just
tury,20 and it is also the 'ybm('Ayyabum) of the as diversified as contemporary Accadian names
Sethe Execration Texts, as I pointed out in 1928, such as Ali-abt, Ali-aSq, Ali-ummt, etc.27
when I identified the name with biblical " Job." 21 We may now turn confidently to the names
The solution of the problem was brought indi- which appear as Nos. 10 and 62 in the IIayes List.
rectly by A. Goetze, who explained the name In the light of the Ugaritic Hy'abn cited above,
A-ia-a-hu-i in a seal of the 18th century B. a. re- and of the overwhelming tendency to write the
published by Van Buren.22 C. II. Gordon had names containing words beginning with 'aleph as
pointed out that the name appeared as 'Ay'ah, the second element ('Ayya-'abu, etc.) with initial
i. e., 'Ayya'aSqb in a Ugaritic list; it also appears as h in Accadian transcription, we can say that they
TUR-A-ya-ah-hi in an Accadian list of the 14th reflect dissimilation without contraction. The first
century from Ugarit.23 As Goetze pointed out, the of two 'alephs in the same name has been changed
name must mean " Where Is My Brother ? " like to h, just as we find, e. g., in modern Palestinian
Accadian Ali-ahz.24 The latter is one example of Arabic, where the imperative of classical qa'ada,
a large group of Accadian names beginning with "to sit," is changed from 'u''ud to hq4''ud. The
ali, " where," which were first explained by B. second name, Xy'b'rw (Hy'b'tw is just as good
Landsberger.25 Similarly, we may add, 'Ayya- paleographically, but difficult to explain), would
be vocalized Hay'abi-ilu, " Where Is My Father, O
God ? ", like cuneiform Amorite Hayabilu and
stand for 'a, 's, '?s, just as azh, sh, ?sh also represent
at', i', 4'; cf. W. von Soden, Das akkadische Syllabar Hayabni-ilu, the latter meaning "Where Is Our
(1948), p. 88, No. 317. Landsberger's assertion to the Father, O God^" Ugaritic Hy'abn then reflects
contrary (JaS 8, 60, n. 126) is extreme. However, the an abbreviated *Hay'abni. Similarly, in Alalakh
Ugaritic parallel Hy'abn supports him in this instance, Ayabi-sarri> means " Where Is My Father, O
but also shows that his doubt about the connection of
the cuneiform names beginning with gaya- with those King^" IIayes, No. 2, II,'m', probably stands for
beginning with Aya- was not necessary. Our Egyptian *Hy'm',28 Hay'qmmq, " Where Is My Mother ? ",
names now confirm the Ugaritic evidence and show that like Accadian Alq-ummq. These names seem to be
we may be dealing throughout with dissimilated forms reflected indirectly by a group of names found in
( though I still insist that Accadian ha may be used
much later Northwest Semitic, such as f-kabod,28^
occasionally in foreign names for 'a; the strong West-
Semitic 'aleph did not occur at all in Accadian, so f-zebel, and Aya-ram (A-a-ram-mu of Edom);
ordinary Accadian transcriptional habits do not neces-
sarily apply).
26 lWy latest discussion of the meaning of hamm?s =
18 Dossin, Syria, 1939, 109; Jean, AR71{ II, 135: 23. 'amm?s in these names appeared in JBL 64, 291 f. I have
19 AT 126 b. The name A-ia-m?s given in AT should since gone a step farther and render 'amm?s as {' pa-
be corrected to A-ia-b?s (Wiseman, JaS VIII, 4a). ternal clan " ( not simply paternal uncle or clan in
20BASOR 89, 11, n. 18; the name should be normal- general) and the parallel halX as " maternal clan " (not
ized as Ayyab.
simply "maternal uncle," as in Arabic).
al JPOS 8, 239 and n. 2. Though Sethe transcribed 27 See the list of such names given by Stamm, ANG
327 b.
this name correctly as "'Ij-bm," he also erroneously
transcribed the triple reed-leaf ( which stands exclu- 28 Between Old and New Egyptian ' often shifted to
sively in these texts for the consonant Y) as 'ij = our Y in phonetic value; cf. Sethe, Das aegyptische Verb?sm,
'y. This has confused scholars, but there is absolutely I, 48 ff. Note that the verb h' became hy in New Egyp-
no reason for further misunderstanding. tian ( Sethe, op. cit., p. 50, § 83 ) .
22 Jas 5, 133 f.; cf. Weidner, Jahrbuch fur Kleinasia- 28a We should then probably vocalize these contracted
tische Forschung, 2 (1951), 138 f.
elements in Hebrew names as 'e ( for earlier 'ayy ), ex-
23 Thureau-Dangin, Syria, 15, 138 ff., line 24. actly like the same elements in 'e-po, etc. The second
2 See Van Buren, loc. cit. element in these names means " honor, prince ( ? ),
2S See the detailed treatment of these names by exalted one," and presumably referred to religious con-
Stamm, ANG 90 f., 284 f., after Landsberger. cepts or ent,ities of some kind.

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'ts sdkar, Man of the Corve ," is linguistical y im-
ALBRIGHT: Northwest-Sernitic Narnes in a Lqst of Egyptian Slaves 227

cf. cuneiform Ali-tukultt, Ali-waqrt4m, ;' Where Is mans' valuable handbook of South-Arabic and
(My) IIelp ? ", ';Where Is the IIonorable (One) ?'", Proto-Arabic personal names,33 but several of
etc. them also appear in subsequently published collec-
tions; Skr and Skr'l are particularly well attested.
11. MnSm' (fem.) is an abbreviated (hypoco-
The stem SXR is generally rendered "to reward "
ristic) MunaShtma'. " (Such and Such a God)
where it appears in South-Arabian names but,
Shows Mercy." The name appears commonly in
while this meaning is well attested in Arabic of
Hebrew as MenaShem, "Menahem," and in the
God's relation to man, it is more likely that its
early 14th century B. a. it was pronounced Mqznah-
ancient meaning was like that of Latin gratus,
(h)imqz at IJgarit,29 as we know from two occur-
gratta, and derivatives, " favorable, favor," and
rences of the name in an Accadian list published
related senses.34 The causative, Yagaskir, "Issa-
by Virolleaud in 1951.29a Hypocoristica ending in
char," would mean approximately "May (God)
'al eph were particularly common in the second
Grant Favor," and Sakar'il (or Wakir+l) would
mean " God has favored (favors)." The feminine
13. Sk-ra-tw must be studied together with Skrt, pronounced Sakratu or Sukratu, which ap-
Nos. 14 ('mskrw), 16 (also Sk-ra-tw), 22 (Sk- pears both in the Hayes List and in Lihyanite,
ra-'pt),3l 67 (Sk-ra). All these names are femi- may mean something like " favorable, charming,"
nine and cannot be separated from the biblical No. 14, perhaps to be pronounced Immtsukru,
Hebrew names *Yasaskir,32 " Issachar " (appear- must be explained somewhat differently, to judge
ing as the name of one of the twelve tribes of from Accadian and especially from Northwest-
Israel and as a later person) and Sakar (which Semitic parallels of the 18th and lSth centuries
also appears as the name of two persons). In from Alalakh. From the earlier period we have
South Arabian and Proto-Arabic we find deriva- TJmmu-Hepa, " the Gkoddess Khepa is Mother,"
tives of the stem SK#, which corresponds etymo- and Ummi-nams, for Urnm-natmi>, "My Mother
logically to Heb. SBSR and early Northwest-Se- Is My Favorite," or the like.35 From the later
mitic SX2, in all the dialects: e. g., Yskr'l (Yast- period we have Umm-Batla(t), " The Goddess
kur'il) in Sabaean, Minaean, and Hadraml, other Batlat Is My Mother,'> and Umm-I§hara, ';The
theophorous names Salarn>-sakar and Sakartil Goddess Ishkhara Is My Mother." All these
( Greek Sachrelos) in Thamudic and Safaitic, names belong to women, as do also such Accadian
J§akar-wadd in Sabaean. We also find, both in the names as Umm-I§tar, Umm-Samst, Umm-tdbat,
south and in the north, the hypocoristica Skr, TJmmt-waqrat, Istar-ummi>, Anunttum-ummt, Sar-
Y§kr, and M§kr, as well as the feminine Skrt, panttum-qzmmt, Nikkal-ummi, etc. Since nearly
which appears in a Ijihyanite inscription (JS 345) all of these names contain the name of a deity
which I should date in the fifth or fourth century (generally a goddess) and since the second ele-
B. a. The preceding names all appear in G. Ryck- ment of our name can scarcely be verb or adjective
because of the nominative masculine ending, we
29 It follows that the Ugaritic participle of the de-
probably have a goddess Sukru, like Qudshu,
rived verbal conjugations was vocalized mu- as in the
other Semitic languages and that its first vowel thus
" Holiness " Asherah.36 In this case our name
differed from the first vowel in the corresponding finite lmmtstlkru would mean " Sukru Is My Mother." 37
forms, just as in the case of Arabic yataqattalu, etc.,
but mutaqattilun. 33 XpSS I, 250 f., etc.
29^Syrta, 28, 49f., No. XXVIII: 3, 17. 34 Heb. sakar then means " gratuity," whence ' wage,"
30 Cf. BASOR 110, 21, n. 77, and Lidzbarski, Epheme- and saktr is ' one who is hired for a gratuity, wage
ris, II, 7 ff. for long lists of later examples. earner."
31 The end of the name is uncertain, and I have not 36 We have the excellent parallel A-bi-na-ah-mi (Wise-
been able to explain the second element. We may per- man, JCS 8, 2f.) in 18th-century Alalakh, correspond-
haps read W instead of the two strokes (y or i). ing exactly to Hebrew Abtnotam (cf. the feminine name
32 The traditional consonantal form YSSXR and the A.hNnotam). Incidentally, the cuneiform writings make
pronunciation Yissd ker both point to this original, a it highly probable that we should follow Heb. EJlna'am
shin causative of the stem SKR; the usual explanation = EX^aay and vocalize Abina'am, Ahina'am.
36 For Qudsu, "Holiness," as name of Asherah see
possible. The vocalization of the first and last syllables now BASOR 134, 26; previous data are mentioned in
follows Philippi's Law and its corollary, whereas the ARI2, 75, 78, and the notes.
two medial sibilants have been reduced to one by 37 It might be tempting to identify our Sukru with
assimilation. the first element in the name Sukur-ilf (son of Ashu-%b)

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228 ALBRIGET: Northwest-Sensitic Nalmes in a Llst of Egyptian Slaves

I have maintained for years that the words in

The name Sukru would presumably mean '; Favor,
question had an original short u in the second syl-
Favorite," and would be an appellation of some
goddess, just as Arabic Ruda, literally " Most lable and have nothing to do with IJgaritic 'adn
Pleasing," was the appellation of the Planet Venus 'ad, " father," which appears in the Amarna
Tablets from Jerusalem as addanq4.40 The name
in the Evening, Canaanite Astarte. In any event,
we know that the stem occurred in Northwest- may be either a hypocoristic or an appellative; the
Semitic personal names in the early centuries corresponding
of masculine 'Adon (for 'Adunq4)
seems, however, to be always hypocoristic.
the second millennium, since we have at least two
occurrences of the Amorite name Yaws-kql-ur-il,38 16 see No. 13.
with the correct sibilant. It must again be em-
phasized that the sibilants are etymologically cor- 17. 'h-ts-rn-ra (
rect in all the names which I have been discussing ment also appea
in connection with the stem SXB (Hebrew form). That it i
lows from my iden
15. 'dwfw, can scarcely be anything but 'Adqlffu,
in the Sethe an
" Lady." If the alternative reading '-r?X-w-{w
muti.41 The latte
should be correct the name becomes quite inex-
'Apum named 'Ah
plicable. 'Adot, "lady,'' is the later feminine of
appears in hiera
'adon, " lord," and appears both in Ugaritic texts
identifications are
of the fourteenth century and in Phoenician in-
laryngal. The seq
scriptions from the tenth and seventh century.39
ble in Semitic, bu
was much weaker
on a Syrian seal from our general age found in Egypt
scriptions and pe
and published by Sidney Smith, JEA 8, 208 ( written
D SU-EUR-XI-NI) but the sibilant is opposed. The quent. The word
divine name may be feminine, just as in the name Istar-
ili, and it is possible that the sibilant was babylon-reference to the No
ianized, but the equation is very hazardous unless more
father bore the go
evidence turns up. The Amorite divine name Askzur (Dossin,
in RA 27, 85f
M1st-Askzur is probably of Sumerian origin. about the 15th-14t
38 OK 30. Bauer's transcription has been corrected Egyptianizing
by char
Landsberger, Jas 8, 33, n. 16, and the early Amorite statue and from th
royal name in the Khorsabad List must also be readreflect "Amorite "
Ia-as-kqmr-il1s with the variant in the Horn tablet, thus
zation, so the X is
giving us at least three occurrences of this Amorite of the Mari name
(where & was not c
39 For the occurrence of the word in Ugaritic see South Canaanite, an
Gordon UH 207, No. 52, in Phoenician see Harris, GIPLform transcription)
74. There is some question about the vocalization of Semitic names men
the second syllable. In favor of vocalization with a is Virolleaud in RA 3
perhaps the Ugaritic name Abdq-Adatr or Abdzu-Ada- nastic spelling is no
tzu(m ) ( Syria, 18, 247, 252, lines 13 and 16 ), which spelling adqb for ad
might be rendered " Servant of the Lady," in which and Ugarit. Since H
case the second element would stand for *adattzu < reflect older 'adqxn
*adantzu. This can scarcely be right, however, since weto prefer adt4ttqb t
have the Mari name ( 18th century ! ) A-dzu-na-Add1s,of the word. The n
" Adad is Lord " ( Syria, 19, 109 ) and an even earlier as Aramaic Martd
North-Syrian cylinder seal with the inscription read Adatt4, on the oth
dA-d zu-ni-A 71f mar Ri-is-ilim warad dAd ad dRamas by *Eadadtt4, feminin
:Dossin (RA 27, 91 f.; cf. Langdon, RA 27, 23 ff.). [Un-'Antt4, 'Eltqb and o
fortunately, I am harassed by the feeling that we shouldof divine names);
read Ilzu-ni-Rtm-a-d1s rrLar dJamsi-dAddi ?earad Ri-is-ilim, ( Gadd, Iraq, 7, 35 )
in strict accordance with the sequence of signs; note 40 For addUnqb (w
that the name Rtm-Add1s (R;im-Adad ), " Wild-bull of with a-bi-ia and in
Adad," is well attested, and that the defective spellingAmarna Letters 28
is also common in Amorite territory, also that the 41 JPOS 8, 248 f.; see PPAN 81 f.
formation is like Ilzuni-sarrum, " Our God Is the Eing." 42 See Posener, PPAX 82, and my remarks, B
Rlm-Addu would then be a precursor of Ris-ilum in 83, 35f.
reigning over some unidentified Mesopotamian state.] 43 See my discussion, JAOS 66 ( 1946), 319 b.
However this may be, no such difficulty arises with

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ALBRIGHT: Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Egyptian Slaves

tian; it was borrowed as *'ah in Eebrew, a fact (1Ieb. Dotan, Dotoyim), and perhaps Tq-ft4s
that illustrates the reciprocal phonetic situation. Dt/dt/.49 Our *Dodz-ht/'at, and the related *Do'da-
Feminine names beginning with 'ahatu, " sister," ht/'at are preserved in biblical Hebrew onomastics
are common both in Accadian 44 and in Northwest- as Dodthu (MT Dodawhq/, LXX Odia for *Dodia)
Semitic. Best known is the name Ahat-milkq/, and Dodo (for *Dodahq/). The former appears II
which first appears as the name of a Ugaritic Chron. 20: 37 as the father of a ninth-century
queen of the fourteenth century in alphabetic and prophet, whereas the latter is the name of three
Accadian tablets (to be published by Nougayrol). men living in or about the eleventh century is. a.
In Phoenician this name appears on a seal as 21. I§p-ra (fem.) is an obvious hypocoristicon
'Ahtmlk and in seventh-century Assyrian tran- from a name beginning with the element spr (vo-
scription as Ahut-milki 'A&ot-milk, which was calization unknown) from the familiar lIebrew
shortened to the normal Phoenician form Zot- and Aramaic stem SPR meaning " to be fair,
milk. We also have Zotelat for 'A&ot-'elat, Hot- beautiful," Arab. SWR, " to shine." The treat-
milkot for 'A&ot-milkot, and Zot-melqart for ment of the sibilant is absolutely correct, since
'A&ot-melqart.45 The hypocoristicon 'ahty is also the sibilant which appears in Arabic as s, in IIe-
found in Ugaritic. It is uncertain whether several brew and Aramaic as s, is always found in Ca-
names containing the initial element ahat found naanite words transcribed into Egyptian as s; in
in the 18th-century tablets from Chagar Bazar 46 the Hayes list we have examples in Nos. 9, 23,
in northern Mesopotamia are Accadian or " Amo- and especially 26. Our name is related to per-
rite," but the name Ahat-abi (cf. Ah-abi - 'A&ab) haps even ultimately the same as Aramaic Sap-
looks western, as against the well-known Accadian ptrah, " Sapphira," and certainly the same (with
Ahat-abisa and Ahat-abist/. The meaning of our slight morphological adaptation) as " Shiphrah,"
No. 17 is obscure unless it is an abbreviated name of one of the two Hebrew midwives of Exo-
form of 'A&atz-mil(kattz) 5 Phoenician Zot-mil- dus 1 :15. The second midwife, Pu ah, bears a
kot, " My Sister Is Queen.'> This would not be a Canaanite name meaning " lass, girl," Ugaritic
hypocoristic formation, but an Egyptian shorten- Pvghttu 50
ing o-f a refractory Semitic name.47
22. See No. 13, above.
18. Tw-ti-w't (mas.) is *Dodz-hq/'at(t/) " My
23. 's-ra (fem.) is evidently a feminine hypo-
Beloved Is IIe." For the use of the emphatic pro-
noun of the third person in these names cf. No. coristic of the same type as the masculine 'Aser,
name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel and their
29, [ ]h'tw= [ ]hi'att/ (fem.). For the mascu-
line ht/'at in tenth-century Phoenician see my dis- ancestor. This occurrence of the corresponding
feminine is important for the interpretation of
cussion in JAOS 67 (1947), p. 156, n. 31, since
when the same forms have been found to survive the biblical name, whose sibilant has been ety-
in Classical IIebrew as demonstrated by the Dead mologically obscure.51 It is now certain that both
Sea Scroll Isaiah, which writes HW' and HY'G,
1; BASOR 62, 30. In my opinion this etymology is
i. e., hq/'ah and hi'ah for older *hq/'at and *hi'at. certain, though I have not presented my data in the
The fact that the correct genders are used, is de- detailed form which they merit.
cisive for the correctness of this obvious interpre- 49 JNES 5, 22, No. 62 ( this equation may, however,
belong in a somewhat different category).
tation. The spelling Tw-ti for Dodz is like tu-
6°Ugar, pgt is also a common noun meaning "girl,"
hi-ra, Egyptian transcription of Can. doher(a), as is certain from the text published by Virolleaud in
" chariot-driver," 48 Tt/-ta-y-na for Can. Dotayna Syria 21, 267-271. The vocalization pagttu is not cer-
tain; the analogy of Ugar. hamstu ( for *hamiyatu),
44 See Stamm, ANG 326 b, for illustrations. " wall "-Heb. h8mah ( also for *hamtyatu ) suggests
46 See Harris, GIPL 76, top of page. this vocalization, since Heb. PXutah may easily stand for
46 Iraq, 7, 35 f. older *PI'ah ( 8 before an accented syllable sometimes
47 Or should we vocalize Ahdtimrd, " Behold Ye the becomes u ), which is supported by Arabic tagiyatun,
Sister! "? It should be noted that the original meaning " fragrant blossom ( S ) ( of certain trees ) ." The ety-
of Hebrew '1UR, " to say," was " to see," as in Accadian mology is clear: Arab. FGW = PXWG, "diifuse fra-
and probably in Ugaritic (UH 212, No. 183). The shift grance," and fragrant blossoms suggest marriageable
in meaning came through the factitive sense " to show," girls, virgins. It is well known also that words for
hence " to speak." Cf. Accadian Ahata-lam?hr, " Let Me " boy " and " girl " tend to be derived from words for
See the Sister! " (ANG5 326b). " shoot, blossom."
48 Cf. provisionally VE7SO 33, III. A. 1, and 52, XI. B. 61 It was until now possible to derive 'Aser from the

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X L LP<p.n.S////mx
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230 ALBRIGHT: Northwest-Semitic Names in a Ltst of Egyptian Slaves

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ALBRIGHT: Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Egyptian Slaves 231

names are derived from the stem which appears cal spelling. Names formed with the elements
in IIebrew 'oser, " good fortune," 'xre . ... ba'(a)l(X), " lord," and ba'altqb or Ba'alat (Ba'alt),
" happy, blessed," Arab. 'aysara, " be prosperous," " lady, (My) Lady " were rare in this period. At
yassar, " propitious, left hand (euphemistic)," etc. Mari we have so far at least two: Bali-Erawh (ARM
II, 114: 12-16), probably " The Moon-God Is
25. 'n[ ]' (fem.). This name and No. 59, 'n-ti,
(My) Lord," and Bawhllb-gaylbm (AR:M V, 87: 5),
are both feminine and are thus undoubtedly
probably " The Nation Is Lord " (cf. ARZA¢ XV,
formed with the name of the goddess Anat, like
p. 200), but in neither has the appellative become
fA-na-ti-lbm-me (Virolleaud, Syria 28 [1951], p.
a divine name as yet. At Alalakh we have among
177), literally, " Axlath Is My Mother."
the earlier names Ba-li-e-pa ( cf. Niqmi-epa
26. iGms-tw (fem.) is again probably hypoco- Niqmi-Eplbwh for *Niqm-Yaplb'), " The God Yapu
ristic, derived from some such a name as the femi- Is (My) Lord." To the kindness of M. G. Pose-
nine Sapsi-abi (The Sun-god Is My Father), an ner (letter of 3 Sept., 1954) I owe knowledge of
18th century name from Alalakh.52 Whether the an unpublished name of an Asiatic prince on a
name was pranounced Samclstqx, Samsatqx, or
statuette of the esecratory type from Brussels
Samsttlb, remains obseure; hypocoristica formed (No. 10, verso, line 14): [ ]wb"w [ ]X-batlqs,
with the name Samas or J§apas are common " X Is Lord." E[e has also reminded me of a
enough: cf. biblical *Samson (Simson), Ugaritic " magic wand " from Megiddo (Loud, Megiddo II,
Spsyn, and Sapsi or Sapse at Alalakh. plate 203), mentioning the lady (nb . t pr)
27. ' 'sbtw (mas. ) is almost certainly 'zsibtlb, B"twmw. Turning to my copy of the book I
the nomen lbnitatis of the collective noun *'tsblb, found that I had proposed the same reading on
" herbage,'> which appears in E[ebrew as 'eseb, in the margin, with the proviso that the object
Aramaic as 'isha, in Arabic as 'lbsb; the sibilant is dated from the Twelfth and not from the
correct and the transposed form I'sibtqs is per- Eighteenth Dynasty (Wilson had prudently left
fectly normal in Egyptian, where pretonic short the two alternatives open). Now, however, we
vowels are often syncopated and replaced by a can without further hesitation date the wand in
prothetic vowel before the initial consonant. Femi- the Twelfth or Thirteenth Dynasty and identify
nine nouns are frequently employed as names of the name with Ba'(a)lat-lbmmlb, like Umm-Ba-a-
men in Semitic. la(-at) of fifteenth-century Alalakh (AT lSOb).
Names of this type, " Ba alat Is My Mother," were
29. See No. 18. The first element iIl our name
extremely common both in Northwest Semitic and
is not legible.
Accadian; cf. above, No. 14, for examples. Inci-
32. See No. 17, above. dentally, it follows from our present material that
33. This name is uncertain, sislce the B might the feminine Ba'alat achieved independent status
also be read D or T. 'A-r-(d,t)n' looks like a as a divine name before the masculine Ba'al.
hypocoristicon with the ending 'aleph. Etymologi-
37. 'qb' 'Aqba' (fem.) and No. 87, 'qbtw
cal possibilities are numerous but all unconvincing.
'Aqabtqs or 'Aqbatqs (fem. ) are typical hypoco-
35. B"twy (fem.) is almost certainly Ba'alt7iya, ristica of names derived from the stem QB, "to
corresponding to the masculine hypocoristicon watch, guard, protect" (as we know from Ethi-
Ba'alqiya.53 Together with the other feminine opic and South Arabic). Such names were es-
name No. 64, [ ] b" [ ]-ba'al, it seems to be tremely common in early Northwest Semitic; cf.
the only example of Semitic R (L) transcribed by Jean, SM 81b; Finet, AP{M XV, 141f., 145;
' in the IIayes list. As observed above, in our intro- Goetze, BASOR 9S, 19. The best known early
ductory remarks, these cases may preserve histori- name of this type is, of course, Ya'qqsb-'el, biblical
" Jacob," which also appears at Chagar Bazar in
atem 'TR, with a T-which would appear in Middle and the 18th century B. a. (Gadd, Iraq, 7, 38), as well
Late Egyptian transcription as S; cf. the convenient
as in Palestine as a place-name in the ISth cen-
table and the references given BASOR 110, 15, n. 42.
52 AT 145 b. This name proves that Sapgu was not tury B. a.; cf. also the lIyksos royal name Y'qb-hr,
feminine but masculine in Alalakh, and seems to fur- Ya'qub-Bar (not Ya'qub-'El).54
nish clinching evidence for the etymological identity of
Sapag and Sama§. 64 For these names see JBL 54, 191, n. 51 (on Ya'qmbb-
53Amarna 170: 2, where it is written dIM-lqb-ra. Har) and BASOR 88, 36, n. 39.

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232 ALBRIGHr: NorfAwes{-Semific Names in a Lisf of Egypfian Slaves

51. "mw (mas. ) is probably Egyptian like ize Bayyu-ur, "The Living One (appellation of
Hadad-Ba al ?) Shines." 57
Nos. 7 and 61, meaning " The Asiatic." It mighZ
pos6ibly reflect a Semitic hypocoristicon 'Ammu. 8S, 8T, 88.-See Nos. 63, 3T, and 69, respec-
59. See No. 2S, above. tively.

61. Ra-'ntf ] (fem.) is again (like Nos. 7 and

51 ) Egyptian (Ranke, AePN,
Nearly thirty of thep. 216,
preceding namesNo.
are defi- 16 ),
attested for the Oldnitely
and New and
Northwest-Semitic liingdoms.
are sufficiently well The
preserved to make
meanlNg 1S a satisfactory
O analysis practi-
* i

62. See No. 10, above. cable. iFrom this analysis we have deduced many
interesting points which fit exceedingly well into
63. 'b'[ ]m (mas.) is the name of the son of the patterns now known to be characteristic of
No. 62; his name begins with the common SemiticNorthwest-Semitic personal names belonging to
element 'abu, "father." No. 8S, [ ]'b' is perhapsthe period between about 1900 and about 1300
to be pronounced [ ]- abt, since a composite nameB. a. Since these dates cover the beginnings of
can scarcely be hypocoristic and end with 'aleph. Israel as well as the period of the Sojourn in
The sex is doubtful, but was presumably mascu-Egypt, we should expect significant points of con-
tact with Israelite tradition. Nor are we dis-
64. See No. 35. appointed. Following are the most striking new
data bearing on biblical personal names:
67. See No. 13.
1. Theprobably
69. Tn'(?)t'sa is explanation of the original form toand be
meaning of the
gether with No. 88, Tn'( ?)fr( name " Job " (cf. No. 10) as
fectly *'Ayya'abum,
preserved, 'Ayyabum, "the
but Where Is the third
Father 9 " h
name does not This look
name was very common
quite in the Middlelike
Bronze t
Age and had
and may be something else. already modified its form by dis- No
similation and contraction. As becomes
served and uncertainty might be supposed, c
we attempt to explaina story
Job was the central figure of it. going If
back th
into the first
reflect the name of half of
thethe second Accadian
millennium B. a.;
we should expect to find Noah
Ezekiel mentions him twice between and
have no clear Daniel, the latter of whom was also
evidence a hero of the th
shiped underMiddle
thisBronze Age.58 name anyw
Northwestern 2.Semites,
New light on the etymology and
and meaning I do
hybrid names offormed
the names "Issachar" andwith
"Asher," belong-Stn
ever, (if correct), impossible
ing to two of the northern tribes descended from in
cadian names. Leah and her maid, Zilpah (cf. Nos. 13 and 23).
80. Bywr (fem.) looks like a composite name. Previous explanations of the names and inferences
from these explanations have been invariably
If it is complete it would seem to reflect the two
stems HWY, "to live," and 'T#, "to be light, wrong58^ (except for the meaning attributed to
bright.'> Among Israelite names from the time of
the Exodus (and hence belonging presumably sibilant
to ), see provisionally my remarks in L. Finkel-
stein, The Jews: Their History, Culture and Religion
the late 14th century B. a.) we have Sede'gr(1949), pp. 7 and 56, n. 20.
(Masoretic vocalization) for *Sadday-'or or the
6q Baal ( Hadad ) is spoken of as " living " ( hayya )
like, " Shaddai shines." 56 We may perhaps vocal-
in the Canaanite epic of Ugarit, and " living " is a com-
mon appellation of Yahweh. If the explanation of the
second element of the name is right, we have a pro-
66 On the name of this god in Semitic see most re-
visional demonstration that this particular stative
cently BASOR 128, 41, n. 8 (there is a misprint: SYN
(later '6r) goes back to 'ur, just as vadOI i8 derived
in line 6 of the note should be SYN; we do not yet
from gadi>l. This does not necessarily apply to the
fully understand the etymological relationships between
statives tob and bos.
S and S in South Arabic.
68 Cf. BASOR 130, 26 f., for a recent statement, clear-
66 On this name and its congeners see JBL 54, 188,
ing up the geographical home of Dan(i)el.
n. 55, and for the 14th-century Hebrew name in Egypt,
68a E. g., the well-known geographical name 'A-sa-ru of
transcribed Sa-dr-'-ms ( Sadde-'Ammt, with the correct

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ALBRIGET: Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Egyption Slaves 233

{ Asher " in GEen. 30: 13). Virtually all the tribal plained satisfactorily is " Dodavah," properly
names of the House of Jacob go back to early *Dodthx'ah (cf. No. 18) and the parallel " Dodo.s
times, and the tribes had already had a long his- This name is not theophorous as formerly believed,
tory at the beginning of the Mosaic Age. Nor is and the speculations connected with it are entirely
it accidental that there are two names from the baseless.
stem QB (No. 37), which is also the source of
the hypocoristic " Jacob," already well attested for5. It is quite possible that the name " Epher '
this period. is to be explained diiferently from my proposals
three years ago,6° and that it is actually hypoco-
3. The name of one of the iEl:ebrew midwives,
risticon of a theophorous name beginning with
" Shiphrah" (Ex. 1: 15) appears here in nearly
'apru or 'ipru, " fosterling." In any case, the new
the same form (No. 21), and the other name has
light compels us to approach the problem of these
already been duplicated through Ugaritic finds,
names in a way quite opposed to recent proposals
though not hitherto recognized. cv Shiphrah " and
from various directions.
c; Puah " are thus perfectly good Northwest-Se-
mitic names of women from the first half of the Of less direct significance for historical studies,
second millennium, and there is no reason to con- but of even greater indirect value is the evidence
sider them as not authentic in their appearance which makes it possible to fill in an important gap
about the end of the 14th century B. C. in iEl:ebrew in the development of Egyptian syllabic orthog-
tradition.59 raphy (group writing) from the Sethe Esecration
Texts between cir. 1925 and 1875 B. C., through
4. Among later names which can now be e2r-
the Posener texts from the second half of the 19th
hieratic texts has nothing to do with " Asher " in either century B. C. and the Hayes list from cir. 1740
consonantal or vocalic structure. B. C. down to the fifteenth century, when we find
69 Contrast M. Noth, who wrote rather hastily in his the system fully developed. There are enough
valuable work, Dre wraelsttscheql, Persoql,enql,atneql, (1928),scattered data from the lFth and 16th centuries to
p. 10: " Aunstlich sind wohl auch die Namen der beiden
Hebammen in Ex. 1, 15." On the next page he went on indicate that the system was put into approsi-
to write: " Auch den Namen m 5 5 " der Angefeindete mately its later form during the iElyksos period.
halte ich fur ad hoc gebildet und kunstlich." We have My views have been repeatedly attacked, but they
seen above that there is now a mass of material to
illustrate the authenticity and antiquity of " Job." It
are more firmly established today than ever, as
must be remembered, however, that Noth was the first will appear when the unpublished material now
who effectively disproved the views of G. B. Gray and available is published.
others that the early names in the Priestly Gode were
artificial constructions of late date. 6° BASOR 125, 31.



§ 1. INTRODUCTION. standing
standing problems
the legalthe
theterms, th
language and linguistic background of the Ara-
ARAMAIC STUDIES are still in a position where
maic Papyri and Of sc Reichsaramaisch " in general
a scholar may further elucidate any newly edited
and the problems of the development (and inter-
test, even if it is as conscientiously edited as the
relation) of law in the Near East during that
new Eraeling volume.l Furthermore, these tests
time. Ijast but not least, they are essential for a
provide the opportunity to reconsider some out-
re-survey of the problem of Biblical Aramaic,
i. e., its origin in time and place.
1 Emil G. Eraeling, The Brooklyn Mt4seum Araqnaic In the following four sections the first four
Papyrs, published for the Brooklyn Museum by the Yale
University Press, New CEIaven, 1953. A short review will points will be dealt with, i. e., comments on the
appear in JBL. The abbreviations used are those of the tests (limited only to essentials), legal terms, in-
editor; E = Eraeling. terrelations of languages, and the problem of law.

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