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Grammar Quiz | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option.

0 My brothers and I could / had to stay in bed until
11:00 a.m. on Sundays.
1 When I was a kid I could / had to tidy up my
room once a week.
2 We couldn’t / didn’t have to be noisy because
there was an exam in the next room.
3 The students couldn’t / didn’t have to make their
own accommodation plans for the walking trip
because everything was already organised.
4 I couldn’t / didn’t have to wear make-up until
I was 16 and my younger sister couldn’t /
didn’t have to wait that long. That’s not fair!
___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with could, couldn’t,

had to or didn’t have to.
0 Unfortunately, we had to finish our holiday early
because grandma was ill.
1 I _________________ go to Mike’s party
because Mum said it was my turn to cook for the
2 We _________________ iron our school clothes
because our dad did it.
3 Harold _________________ walk to university
because public transport was too expensive.
4 My older brother _________________ come
home after 9:00 p.m. For me it was always 8:00
5 In high school we _________________ wear
what we wanted because the school didn’t have
any rules about clothes.
6 My family _________________ take the dog to
the park because we had a very large garden.
7 Stacy and her friends _________________
listen to loud music at home so they often went
to live concerts.
8 Mum _________________ drive me to school
today because the buses weren’t running in my
9 Oliver _________________ drive me to the train
station because he wasn’t feeling very well.
10 Dad _________________ clean the cooker.
After all his cooking it was so dirty.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 15

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