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Title: Community Outreach Planning Meeting for King's College Students

MELFA: Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us today. I'm [MELFA MABLE], and I'm excited to work together on our
outreach program. This is [MS. MAURA BALUNGGAY], who will be taking notes to keep track of our ideas.

MAURA: Hi, everyone. Let's make sure we capture all our discussions today so we can remember them later.

MELFA:Today, we're here to plan our outreach program for King's College students, focusing on alcoholism and sleep
deprivation. Our goal is to support our students and make a positive difference in their lives.

MELFA: Before we begin, let's review the agenda for today's meeting so we stay on track and cover all the important

MELFA: Our outreach program aims to tackle some big issues facing our students, particularly alcoholism and sleep
deprivation. These things can make it hard for students to focus on their studies and feel their best.

MELFA: We've heard from [MS. DAGSON] from the guidance office about some important insights gathered from their
conversations with students. [MS. DAGSON], would you like to share more about what you've learned?

KAREN: Thank you Madam Chair. Based on our conversations with students, we've learned that many of them are
struggling with stress and pressure, which leads to unhealthy coping behaviors like drinking too much or staying up
late. It's important for our program to address these underlying issues and provide practical support and resources.

MELFA: Thank you for sharing that, MS DAGSON. It's crucial to understand the challenges our students are facing so
we can tailor our program to meet their needs effectively. Now, let's open the floor for any suggestions or ideas you
may have for our program.

ANGELO: Madam Chair, I think we should include our students in planning and implementing the program. Maybe, we
could create a student advisory committee to gather feedback and ideas directly from their peers.

SHIMN: I agree with MR. MALINIAS, Madam Chair. Involving the students in the process ensures that our program
truly reflects their needs and preferences.

MELFA: That’s a fantastic suggestion. Let’s explore the possibility of forming a student advisory committee. So that
task, would be up to both of you.

CLAUDITH: Madam Chair, to add to that I think we should include some fun activities or games in our program to keep
students engaged and interested?

MELFA: Absolutely! We want our program to be engaging and enjoyable for everyone and I believe you’re best
suitable for the task MS. SAGANTIYOC.

MELFA: To continue, our program will cover important topics like the effects of alcoholism and sleep deprivation, as
well as practical tips for staying healthy and focused. We'll also include interactive workshops and activities to make
learning fun.

LYZEL: Excuse me for interrupting but how can we make sure all students feel included and represented in our
program, especially those from different cultural backgrounds or language preferences?

MELFA: Great question. We'll work on translating materials into different languages and incorporating diverse
perspectives to ensure everyone feels welcome and understood. I’ll leave the task to you MS. DEGYAN.

MELFA: As we move forward, we'll need to find a suitable venue, gather necessary resources, and manage our budget
carefully to make sure everything runs smoothly.

XYLE: Excuse me Madam Chair, what can we do to keep our program going even after today, especially if we face
challenges with funding or resources?

MELFA: Great question. It's important to think about sustainability. We'll explore partnerships with local organizations
and look for funding opportunities to support our program in the long term. That task would be up to both of us.

MELFA: Okay, before we wrap up, we should have everything completed in two weeks so we can discuss the results
by May 16.

MELFA: Thank you all for your enthusiasm and dedication. We've had a productive discussion today, covering
important aspects of our outreach program. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of our students. Let's
stay connected and continue working towards our shared goals. If you have further questions or want to discuss any of
it in more detail, we can meet privately or send me an email. Meeting adjourned.

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