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FCE Preparation Course T2

Lesson Plan – Tue. June 25

-ing and to-infinitives

Lesson plan to review and consolidate the use of zero, first, second, and third conditionals, and to
introduce and practice –ing and to- infinitives in both spoken and written contexts.

1. Warm-Up and Review of Conditionals

 Review of Conditionals

o Go over the hand out on Conditionals.

o Elicit the form and use of each type from the students.

2. Practice Conditionals (30 minutes)

 Activity 1: Conditional Chain Game
o Students sit in a circle. The first student says a conditional sentence ("If I win the lottery, I
will travel the world").
o The next student continues with the result clause as their condition ( "If I travel the world, I
will visit Japan").
o Continue around the circle, ensuring the use of different types of conditionals.
 Activity 2: Conditional
o Use the projector to show some exercises with conditionals.
o Have students copy and complete the exercises on their notebooks.
o Check by having students come up to the board to complete the exercises.

Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences

1 If Sally opens that door, ____ A if she wasn´t such a jealous type.
2 If Mike had listened to his father, ____
B I´d probably have lots of boyfriends.
3 I would quite like Jenny ____
C they usually wait until their parents go out.
4 If Dave didn´t work so much, ____
D and you´ll never forget his face.
5 We would have arrive early ____
E he wouldn´t have got into trouble.
6 If I was as lovely as Nancy, ____
F I still wouldn´t love you!
7 If teenagers want to have a party, ____
G she´ll get a nasty surprise.
8 The house wouldn´t have been such a mess ____
H if the roads had been less busy.
9 Take one look at Alan ____
I he wouldn´t get so tired.
10 If you were as handsome as a film star, ____
J if the guests hadn´t been careless.

3. Introduction to -ing Forms and To-Infinitives
 Explanation and Examples

o Introduce the use of -ing forms and to-infinitives.

 -ing forms: as subjects, after prepositions, after certain verbs (e.g., enjoy, avoid).
 to-infinitives: to express purpose, after certain verbs (e.g., want, need, would like).
o Write examples on the board and explain the rules.

 Quick Practice:
o Show different exercises with sentences where students need to choose between the -ing
form or the to-infinitive.
o Students complete the exercise individually and then check answers in pairs.

4. Practice -ing Forms and To-Infinitives

 Activity 1: Sentence Transformation:

o Provide sentences that use -ing forms or to-infinitives incorrectly.

o Students work in pairs to correct the sentences and explain their choices.

 Activity 2: Short Paragraph Writing:

o Students write a short paragraph about their hobbies or future plans, using both -ing forms
and to-infinitives.
o Encourage creativity and ensure they use the structures correctly.
o Volunteers read their paragraphs aloud for peer review.

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