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Dear Parents, Students & Staff

Congratulations DPS Family Jammu!

We are thrilled to celebrate Delhi Public School Jammu's remarkable

achievement of being recognized as one of India’s Best Schools for the
year 2024 and being awarded the prestigious AAAA+ grade in the Day
School category by Careers 360. This accolade reflects the dedication,
hard work, and excellence of our students, staff, and parents.

“िवद्या ददाित िवनयं िवनयाद्याित पात्रताम्।

पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोित धनात्धमर्ं ततः सुखम्॥"
(Knowledge imparts humility, from humility one attains worthiness; from worthiness, one
acquires wealth, and from wealth, righteousness (good deeds) and then happiness.)

Your tireless efforts and commitment to providing top-notch

education and fostering a nurturing environment have brought us
this honor. Let this recognition inspire us to continue striving for
greater heights and achieving further success together.

Warmest congratulations and best wishes to all!

Sh. MK Ajatshatru Singh Dr. Kunwrani Ritu Singh Sh S.S. Sodhi Ms Ruchi Chabra
President, RCT Pro-Vice Chancellor Director Principal

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