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Kalman Filter-Based Maximum A Posteriori Probability Detection of Boiling

Water Reactor Stability
James A. Turso and Robert M. Edwards

Abstract—A diagnostic system has been developed to determine and suppression, requires the reactor instrumentation to detect
the global system stability characteristics of an operating boiling an impending unstable situation and suppress it via control rod
water reactor (BWR) using the average power range monitor insertion.
(APRM) signal as an input. A Kalman filter-based monitor is used
to identify the stability characteristics of a BWR using an “M-ary” From the standpoint of power plant availability, the first
hypothesis testing scheme. Each hypothesis, i.e., system model method may be preferred although restricting the reactor
with slightly different stability characteristics, is represented by operation in this manner could result in an overly conservative
one of several Kalman filters operating in parallel. In addition to approach, with a corresponding loss in performance and
calculating the current estimate of the system’s states, the monitor revenue. This is accepted for the sake of ensuring stable system
also produces the a posteriori probability that each filter calculates
an accurate state vector estimate given the measurements. The operation. Stability monitoring systems to date have focused
best estimate of the system stability corresponds to the Kalman on being able to give a more accurate picture of the state of
filter producing the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP). the reactor in order to reduce the perhaps overly conservative
Results suggest that a significant time savings, when compared to stability margin. The effectiveness of this approach ultimately
stability diagnoses performed via a more established technique lies with the ability of the stability monitor to assess the system
(autoregressive modeling) requiring 30 min to 1 h worth of data,
can be obtained using the MAP BWR stability monitor. MAP status as rapidly as possible. One of the standard techniques
monitor diagnoses are typically performed in 20 to 30 s. Thus, the used to date, autoregressive modeling, can require a significant
MAP monitor represents a novel approach for the detection of amount of data (up to 1 h worth for very stable reactors) to
BWR instabilities. accurately determine the index traditionally used by BWR
Index Terms—Dynamic response, fission reactors, Kalman fil- operators to assess system stability, the decay ratio (DR).
tering, nonlinear systems, nuclear power generation control, sta- A system which would provide a continuous indication of
bility. stability in real time, or as close as practicable, would be a
significant improvement over some of the systems available.
I. INTRODUCTION This paper presents the development and implementation of a
novel approach for the rapid detection of BWR instabilities.

T HE UNITED STATES Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s

general design criteria (GDC) 10 and 12 [1] require that
conditions that result in exceeding acceptable fuel design limits, II. BOILING WATER REACTOR STABILITY BACKGROUND
such as power oscillations, are not possible or readily detected
When viewing a typical time trace of a BWR power signal
and suppressed. As one might expect, the documented boiling
(Fig. 1) it is evident that, in addition to the high-frequency com-
water reactor (BWR) stability incidents have occurred as a re-
ponent typically seen in reactor signals, a low frequency or os-
sult of off-normal occurrences, such as equipment malfunction,
cillatory component exists as well. The measured power signal
or by maneuvering the plant into one of the so-called exclusion
is a combination of detector noise and the response of the reactor
regions. The 1988 LaSalle incident occurred during a natural
to deterministic inputs (e.g. control rod movement) as well as
circulation core flow condition that was prompted by a double
statistical parameter variations. The process noise experienced
recirculation pump trip and resulted in a reactor SCRAM (auto-
by the average power range monitor (APRM) is due to variations
matic reactor shutdown) on high power.
in the neutron concentration. This is particularly pronounced in
To implement the requirements of GDC 10 and 12, current
BWRs, where the boiling process has a significant affect on the
BWR operating philosophy follows two basic approaches [1],
neutron concentration, thus affecting the thermal power gener-
[2]. The first approach deals with complete prevention of power
ated by the core. Fig. 2 presents a “closed-loop” perspective of a
oscillations by restricting the reactor to certain operating re-
BWR, i.e., a block diagram showing the “forward” and inherent
gions, defined by a power-flow map, thereby totally avoiding
“feedback” processes of a typical BWR.
the limit cycle phenomenon. The second, known as detection
As with many inherently nonlinear systems, BWR may be
assumed to behave linearly for small deviations about an equi-
Manuscript received March 26, 2002; revised January 30, 2003. Manuscript librium point. The random process variations may be thought of
received in final form July 2, 2003. Recommended by Associate Editor I. Kol- as an input signal consisting of a linear combination of an infi-
J. A. Turso is with QSS Group Inc., NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, nite number of sinusoids, of equal amplitude, each with unique
OH 44135 USA (e-mail: frequencies (i.e., white noise). With this “rich” input, internal
R. M. Edwards is with the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear En- “modes” of the system may be excited depending on the process
gineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 USA
(e-mail: conditions. The process noise essentially provides the stimulus
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2004.825148 for the observed dynamic behavior.
1063-6536/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

time series data to provide a statistically valid stability assess-

ment. In the frequency domain, the auto power spectral density
(APSD) of the reactor noise is determined and fit to a model
of varying degree (e.g., second order) to determine the decay
ratio. Newer methods [5] monitor specific characteristics of the
power signal such as known limit cycle periods of oscillation
(e.g., 2 s corresponding to 0.5 Hz) and increases in amplitude
larger than the expected noise level. None of the above-men-
tioned methods employ a physics-based dynamic model of the
reactor under consideration. This lack of a priori information re-
sults in the need for substantial quantities of time-series data for
many of these methods.


Due to the stochastic nature of the process under considera-
tion, the well-known discrete-time Kalman filter algorithm [6]
was chosen to estimate the states of a BWR for the purpose of
stability monitoring. Successful identification of these states es-
sentially describes the stability of the system at a given point in
time. In short, the stability monitor analyzes the reactor power
signal via several discrete-time Kalman filters operating in par-
allel, each performing state estimation using their own version
of the system model (Fig. 3). The accuracy of the calculated
states depends on the fidelity of each model (or lack thereof)
and is used to decide which filter, via a probabilistic method,
represents the most appropriate model with the proper stability
characteristics. Thus, each model represents an hypothesis, or
“educated guess”, of the actual system dynamics.
This system essentially combines offline parameter estima-
tion in the frequency domain, to determine the coefficients of
the differential equations which depict the system’s possible dy-
Fig. 1. Typical BWR local power range monitor (LPRM) signal. namic behavior, and state estimation in the time domain.

The behavior of many oscillatory systems may be quantified IV. BWR STABILITY ANALYSIS VIA BAYES’ STRATEGY BASED
via analogy with a simple second-order system DECISION THEORY
The state transition matrix used in each of the parallel Kalman
(1) filters is derived from the minimum-order model developed by
Turso [7], i.e.,
The natural frequency and the damping ratio are typ-
ically used to describe the behavior of this system as well as (3)
higher order oscillatory systems [3]. The index used to describe
the linear stability characteristics of a BWR is the decay ratio (4)
(DR) [3], i.e.,

A value of 1.0 describes the boundary of linear stability.

Below this, the system is said to exhibit varying degrees of
stability. Above this value the system is considered to be
unstable. For higher order systems the decay ratio is calculated (6)
based on the damping ratio of least stable mode. The most
extensively used techniques for monitoring BWR stability
involve characterizing the fluctuations of a BWR power signal (7)
(i.e., noise) in terms of the DR.
Two common methods employed, auto regressive (AR) mod- Referring to Fig. 2, the “forward” portion of the “closed-
eling and calculation of the power signal autocorrelation [4], loop” model consists of the normalized neutron and one de-
make use of the reactor noise and require substantial amounts of layed group precursor point kinetics equations ((3) and (4)).

Fig. 2. Closed-loop representation showing the “forward” and inherent “feedback” processes of a typical BWR.


Fig. 3. Conceptual overview of the MAP BWR stability monitor.

The “feedback” portion of the model ((5) and (6)) consists of

the excess average fuel temperature and void reactivity
dynamics. The components of the state space represen-
tation (i.e., , ) of this system are:

The model parameters for the LaSalle BWR corresponding

to plant conditions just prior to the stability incident mentioned
previously are presented in Table I.
Equations (3)–(7) provide the lowest model order necessary
to describe the essential dynamics of the system. From the
standpoint of system identification the technique chosen, in
(8) this case the Kalman filter algorithm, usually requires the
with Bu and Cx being system states to be observable, i.e., capable of being estimated
via the available output measurement or measurements. The
minimum-order model satisfies this criterion and is used in the
MAP stability monitoring system.
As mentioned previously, the linear model used in a given
(9) Kalman filter determines the dynamics for the system, i.e., the
decay ratio DR. Equations (8)–(10), the continuous-time BWR
state space model, form the basis of the discrete-time state space

models used in the MAP stability monitor. Each model (or pa-
rameter set) is referred to as a class and denoted by (i.e.,
decay ratio for class i). A change in any or all of the model co-
efficients constitutes a different and unique class. If the occur-
rence of class is random, the have associated proba-
bilities with being the probability density func-
tion associated with a . The measurement vector Z is also a
discrete random variable with the conditional probability den-
sity that a measurement is due to the behavior of class
being . Given the a priori probability of occurrence
, the conditional density (which is calculated
from an appropriate distribution function), and z, the observed
measurement, Bayes’ formula [8], [9] may be used to determine
the posterior probability i.e., the probability that a
filter model is the best estimate of the system dynamics given
the measurements.
The assumptions used in the derivation of the Kalman filter
imply that the state estimates, as well as the estimate of the mea-
surements, are normally distributed. For a normally distributed
random variable z, the distribution function takes the following


where is the mean (or expected value) of the distribution and

is the variance.
The output of each filter is essentially the conditional expec- Fig. 4. Example of LAPUR generated frequency response diagrams and
tation of the states given the measurements [9]. The error co- corresponding curve fits used to develop LaSalle Unit 2 BWR MAP stability
monitor models.
variance associated with the Kalman filter would, of course, be
analogous to the variance in (11). The innovation function for
each filter is assumed to be Gaussian distributed, thus the mag- V. MAP STABILITY MONITOR ANALYSIS OF THE LASALLE
nitude of the innovation function may be mapped via this distri- UNIT 2 STABILITY INCIDENT [10]
bution into a corresponding conditional probability via Bayes’
law. The probability density function of the scalar innovation
process, given the parameter set which the state estimates The LaSalle Unit 2 stability incident occurred on March 9,
are based on, is thus 1988. Interest in the incident was primarily due to the resulting
reactor power oscillation being of magnitude not previously
encountered in these designs. Recorded power monitor traces
(12) showed oscillations of between 25% to 50% of full power with
a period of between 2 to 3 s. The MAP monitor will be used
to diagnose the state of the system during several stages (i.e.,
With the posterior probability for each filter being the correct decreasing flow conditions) of the event.
filter taking the following form [9]:
Several models (i.e., an “hypothesis” for each Kalman filter)
are developed for the LaSalle Unit 2 BWR for various operating
(13) conditions using the LAPUR [11] frequency domain computer
code used by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion to determine the stability characteristics of BWR. Models
The terms (current measurement), (measurement based on LAPUR generated frequency response diagrams pro-
vector, i.e., all measurements up to and including the present vide realistic estimates of the system dynamics. Frequency do-
measurement), (a priori error covariance), (state estimate main parameter estimation techniques [12] were employed to
vector) and R (measurement noise covariance) are from the curve fit the LAPUR frequency response diagrams and deter-
discrete-time implementation of the Kalman filter based state mine the coefficients ( ’s and K) of (3)through (6) for each of
estimation algorithm described in the literature [6]. The filter the parallel Kalman filters [7]. Two of the five LAPUR gener-
with the largest a posteriori probability thus provides the ated reactivity-to-power transfer functions used in the monitor,
best estimate of the system behavior. Being model-based, the along with the transfer functions corresponding to the curve (pa-
MAP stability monitor is necessarily oriented toward a specific rameter) fits with model orders corresponding to (5) and (6), are
stability scenario e.g., high-power–low-flow as was the case shown in Fig. 4. As anticipated, an increase in decay ratio oc-
during the LaSalle Unit 2 incident. curs for increasing power-flow ratios. Conversely, the damped

Fig. 5. LaSalle Unit 2 BWR MAP stability monitor.

natural frequency of the closed-loop system decreases with de- several Kalman filters operating in parallel, has been shown
creasing core stability. to successfully determine the decay ratios of several simulated
The LaSalle MAP monitor (Fig. 5) requires a zero-mean, nor- BWR power signals in less than 30 s. This is significantly faster
malized power signal. This was provided by a high-order non- than several other, more established techniques [3], [4]. For a
linear BWR simulation [7]. A sample of the signal (e.g., 30 s, reactor operator who prefers a “rough estimate” of the decay
sampled at 10 Hz) is simultaneously input to five parallel fil- ratio every minute or so over a more refined estimate (via AR
ters, each producing the states necessary to determine the prob- modeling) every hour, the MAP monitor provides superior per-
ability that a given filter has the correct version of the system formance. The AR method, necessitating large amounts of data,
model. Figs. 6 and 7 show the results of the MAP monitor di- provides an “exact” estimate of the DR for virtually any BWR.
agnosis during several stages of the simulated LaSalle transient. The MAP monitor, on the other hand, provides a significantly
Accurate decay ratio estimates require 30 s (or less) of data for faster estimate at a cost of generality, i.e., use of the LAPUR
each trial. This short time to identification represents a signif- based models result in plant (as well as operating condition)
icant improvement over more established techniques for rela- specific stability analyzers. Both methods could conceivably be
tively stable systems ( , , used to complement each other. The MAP monitor would take
and ). Autoregressive modeling of the power signal advantage of its strength, speed, to obtain coarse estimates of the
would typically require between 30 to 60 min of data for decay DR for relatively stable systems. The AR type monitor would
ratios less than 0.6 [4]. For this range of DR, changes in system provide an accurate estimate every 30 min to 1 h, essentially
stability are barely noticeable when viewing the time trace of verifying the result of the MAP monitor.
the power signal [Figs. 6(a) and 7(a)].
VI. CONCLUSION Normalized reactor power level deviation from
A maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) detection-based steady state.
algorithm, which bases its decision on the estimated states of Damping ratio

Fig. 6. MAP BWR stability monitor analyzes of 2 simulated average power range monitor (APRM) signals. Actual DR = 0:08 and 0.52.

Fig. 7. MAP BWR stability monitor analyzes of 2 simulated average power range monitor (APRM) signals. Actual DR = 0:31 and 0.20.

Natural frequency Delayed neutron decay constant.

Normalized neutron precursor level deviation from Reactivity, i.e., proximity to steady state in a nuclear
steady state. reactor.

Delayed neutron fraction [9] T. W. Hiland, “High order nonlinear estimation with signal processing
Prompt neutron lifetime applications,” Ph.D. dissertation, Penn State Univ., 1992.
[10] W. Wulff, H. S. Cheng, and A. N. Mallen, “Causes of instability at la
Void feedback reactivity deviation. salle and consequences from postulated scram failure,” Brookhaven Nat.
External reactivity input deviation. Lab., BNL-NUREG-45273, 1991.
Fuel temperature deviation from steady state [11] P. J. Otaduy, “Modeling the dynamic behavior of large boiling water
reactor cores,” Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Florida, 1979.
D Doppler temperature feedback coefficient [12] J. Schoukens and R. Pintelon, Identification of Linear Systems: A Prac-
tical Guide to Accurate Modeling. New York: Pergamon Press, 1991.
[1] “GE Nuclear Energy Licensing Topical Report,”, NEDO-31690, May
[2] “GE Nuclear Energy Licensing Topical Report,”, NEDO-32339, Mar.
[3] J. March-Leuba, “Dynamic behavior of boiling water reactors,” Ph.D.
dissertation, Univ. Tennessee, 1984.
[4] J. March-Leuba and C. M. Smith, “Development of an automated diag-
nostic system for boiling water reactor stability measurements,” Prog.
Nucl. Energy, vol. 15, pp. 27–35, 1985.
[5] I. Nir and C. M. Mowry, “High-performance BWR stability detection
system,” in Proc. Trans. American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, vol.
71, Nov. 1994, pp. 440–441.
[6] A. Gelb, Applied Optimal Estimation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
[7] J. A. Turso, “Reduced-order modeling, analysis and monitoring of
boiling water reactor dynamic behavior,” Ph.D. dissertation, Penn State
Univ., 1995.
[8] K. R. Koch, Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Linear
Models. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987.

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