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Talking about Egypt

Egypt is a wonderful place to go on a trip. Even though the trip is long, you can enjoy getting
to know El Cairo, watching The Pyramids, the Nilo river, many places with history, getting to
know new people and eating a lot of traditional and delicious dishes!

But, what do we know about Egypt?

It's a conversation between two friends who visited Egypt.

Hey Dieter, can you tell us how we were able to communicate in Egypt?

Communication Style

Hello Henry!, yes of course!

The official language of Egypt is Modern Standard Arabic, which is used in most written
documents, schools, television, official government speeches, newspapers, etc. This is an
impossible language to learn, so I used the translator on my iphone. It was a great help
because it saved me from several times.Also, I used body language sometimes but most of
the Egyptians were considerate. For example: During a conversation, eye contact is important
because it is synonymous with honesty and sincerity.

Clothing Customs.

Yes, that 's true!

Another thing to know is how to dress in Egypt

Egypt is a Islamic country and very convervative about the dress, so if you are going to visit
for the first time, you shouldn't wear clothes that leave too much of the body exposed
especially in some places like religious buildings like Mezquitas because it can be
disrespectful for them and you could even go to jail. Can you believe it? Men must wear a
long sleeved shirt with buttons.
About the women, it’s important to take care with the dress and avoid wearing miniskirts. Being
honest,I disagree with this. How about you, Dieter?

I disagree too, also I want to talk about the gifts...

Gift Giving

Then if you are invited to eat in a house, some cakes or some chocolates, they are a good
choice. Then you should know that we should give thanks before and after for the food in the
name of Allah. Then, You should not start eating until the host invites you to do it. It is rude,
and even almost an offense, eating without being given permission to start.
Wow, it is very important to know about it and not be impolite

Equality (between men and women)

Did you know Women don't have as many rights as men in Egypt? For example, women don’t
wear short dresses because it's considered a temptation for men. So, if you are a woman and
you are going to travel to Egypt, don't use short clothes. Also, there are some jobs that women
are prohibited from developing.
But in ancient Egypt men and women had the same rights. For example, don't forget about
Cleopatra, a famous woman of Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt was governed by her.

Driving Habits

Yes, she was really beautiful.

Oh, Dieter, what do you think about the traffic in Lima?
I think it is terrible!
Hahaha. Well, You should know that the traffic in El Cairo is worse than in Lima. It is like an
orchestra of horns, thousands of cars every day, stuck in traffic, cars, motorcycles, bicycles
and nobody respects the traffic lights.
Although El Cairo has underground passages, people don't use it, they usually prefer to jump
between cars and cross the avenue when the traffic light is red. They are crazy!

Eating Habits

And did you remember the food? jaja

In my opinion The gastronomy of Egypt is known for its taste and its use of fresh ingredients,
so sometimes we ate healthy food. At mealtime remember to take food from the side of the
closest dish to you. To eat, drink or take any type of cutlery or utensil, you should always use
your right hand. For them the hand left is considered "impure".

Hey, wait a moment, I am left handed! It's terrible for me. Hahaha

It is not correct to complain about the food, or to reject a dish.

It is also not considered to make reproaches or comments negatives about food.

I will never learn to cook because it is very difficult in this country.

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