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October 2016


Issy Yuliasri
Universitas Negeri Semarang

Translating is a complicated task as it involves two different languages with two different systems.
To produce a good translation product a translator should have good translation competence.
Translation competence consists of several sub-competencies, among which is the linguistic
mastery of the two languages. The more a translator is linguistically qualified, the better the
translation is expected. So, it is assumed that in the case of students of a foreign language, some
linguistic errors would normally be found in their translation from the mother tongue as the source
language to the foreign language as the target language, which may affect the quality of their
translation. This paper presents the common linguistic errors EFL students make in translating
from their mother tongue to a foreign language, in this case from Indonesian to English. The data
were taken from the Indonesian-English Translation course at the English Department of
Universitas Negeri Semarang. The data show that none of the students‘ translation works are
linguistically error free. The paper will describe the common linguistic errors the students make,
which can serve as feedback for better teaching of Translation.

Keywords - Translation competence, common linguistic errors, Indonesian-English translation

Introduction grammar. Based on past experience in

Translating is not an easy task; it requires a teaching translation in an EFL context, it is
complex set of competence. As PACTE generally assumed that Indonesian-English
suggests, a translator should have translation translation is more difficult than English-
competence (TC) to successfully accomplish Indonesian translation. Which such an
his/her translating task. TC is referred to as assumption this research was therefore
―the underlying knowledge system needed to conducted to find out students common
translate‖ which consists of 5 sub- errors in translating from Indonesian to
competencies and psycho-physiological English, focusing on linguistic errors.
components (PACTE 2003). Among the sub-
competencies is the bilingual sub- Some underlying theories of translation are
competence which is made up of pragmatic, considered. As has been widely known, the
socio-linguistic, textual and lexical- linguistic approaches of translation see
grammatical knowledge in each language. translation as ―the replacement of textbook
This means that a translator must have good material in one language (SL) by equivalent
mastery the two languages involved. Thus, in material in another language (TL)‖ (Catford
translating from English to Indonesian and in Nord 2001: 7) and that it ―consists in
vice versa a translator must master both reproducing in the receptor language the
English and Indonesian. closest natural equivalent of the sourced-
language message (Nida and Taber in Nord
In the case of translating from Indonesian to 2001: 7). Such approaches suggest that
English, which is a foreign language in equivalence is a key in translating activity.
Indonesia, students of English as a foreign
language usually find difficulties because Gaining equivalence in translation, however,
they have to produce English writing which is not an easy task because it involves two
requires good mastery of English, including languages each of which ―articulates or

ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9 325

October 2016

organizes the world differently‖ (Culler in Pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) adalah
Baker, 1992: 10). There are cases of lexical, jenjang pendidikan sebelum jenjang
grammatical, and pragmatic non-equivalent pendidikan dasar yang merupakan suatu
(Baker, 1992) that cause problems in upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan bagi anak
translation. Baker (1992: 87-118) identifies sejak lahir sampai dengan usia enam tahun
that problems of lexical non-equivalence yang dilakukan melalui pemberian
occur at word level and above word level, rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu
while grammatical problems include number, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani
gender, person, tense and aspect, and voice. dan rohani agar anak memiliki kesiapan
In dealing with these problems, strategies are dalam memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut,
used by translators to achieve good quality yang diselenggarakan pada jalur formal,
translation. In the case of student translator, nonformal, dn informal.
however, such strategies are not usually
explored not only due to their lack of Pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan salah
experience in translating but also due to their satu penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang
insufficient mastery of the (foreign) menitikberatkan pada peletaakan dasar kea
language. rah pertumbuhan dan 5 perkembangan,
yaitu: perkembangan moral dan agama,
Toury as cited in Hatim and Munday (2004: perkembangan fissik (koordinasi motoric
7) proposes that there are two general ―laws‖ halus dan kasar), kecerdasan/kognitif (daya
of translation: (1) the law of growing pikir, daya cipta), sosio emosional (ssikap
standardization – that target texts (TTs) dan emosi) bahasa dan komunikasi, sesuai
generally display less linguistic variations dengan keunikan dan tahap-tahap
than source texts (STs), and (2) the law of perkembangan sesuai kelompok usia yang
interference – that common ST lexical and dilalui oleh anak usia dini seperti yang
syntactic patterns tend to be copied, creating tercantum dalam Permendiknas no 58 tahun
unusual patterns in the TT. The ―laws‖ 2009.
suggest that translated language has specific
characteristic that are different from non- Ada dua tujuan diselenggarakannya
translated language. Such characteristics are pendidikan anak usia dini yaitu:
known as universals of translation. 1. Tujuan utama: untuk membentuk anak
Indonesia ang berkualitas, yaitu anak
Research Methodology yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai
This small-scale research used descriptive dengan tingkat perkembangannya
approach, using content analysis technique. sehingga memiliki kesiapan yang optimal
The research was done using the Indonesian- di dalam memasuki pendidikan dasar
English Translation Course at the English serta mengarungi kehidupan di masa
Department of Unnes (State University of dewasa.
Semarang). Twenty-six fifth semester 2. Tujuan penyerta: untuk membantu
students participated in the research. They menyiapkan anak mencpaai kesiapan
were asked to translate an Indonesian text belajar (akademik) di sekolah, sehingga
about early childhood education. Student‘s dapat mengurangi usia putus sekolah
translated texts were then compared with the dan mampu bersaing secara sehat di
original text to analyze the linguistic errors jenjang pendidikan berikutnya.
lexically and grammatically. The errors were
then categorized into several lexical and Rentang anak usia dini menurut Pasal 28
grammatical items. Below is the text used in UU Sisdiknas NO.20/2003 ayat 1 adalah 0-6
the research: tahun. sementara menurut kajian rumpun

326 ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9

October 2016

keilmuan PAUD dan penyelenggaraannya di motoric, coordination of smooth motoric

beberapa negara, PAUD dilaksanakan sejak and rude motoric, soft skill and hard skill
usia 0-8 tahun (masa emas). coordination, synchronizing soft and
(Source: coarse skills, subtle and rough motor coordination and coordination of delicate
k_usia_dini) and crude motor.

Findings and Discussion Another specific term used in the text is

The research findings reveal that students Permendiknas (National Education
had problems with vocabulary as well as Ministerial Regulation). Most students
grammar. None of the students‘ translated 73% used borrowing technique, using the
texts were error-free. The common errors word as it is (Permendiknas). Others used
they made in their translated texts include: the term ministerial regulation (19%),
diction, including technical terms, noun and the rest used Ministrial Regulation,
phrase, word class, gerund after preposition, which is a misspelled term. The choice of
number (singular/plural), collocation, borrowing technique in this context,
parallelism, subject-verb agreement, wh- without any additional note or
clause, double predicate (run-on), voice description, will affect the readability of
(active/passive), and fragment (no predicate). the translation if the text is to be read by
non-Indonesian readers.
Examples of the errors are given below:
1) Technical Terms 2) Noun Phrase
There are some technical terms used in Compared to English, Indonesian has
the text. One of them, which is the key different construction of noun phrase.
term in the text, is Pendidikan Anak Usia While English has Modifier-Head or
Dini (Early Childhood Education). Only Head-of-Modifier construction,
around 38% of the students translated the Indonesian has the Head-Modifier
term correctly. Others used the following pattern. It is not surprising that among the
terms instead: primary education, pre- common errors students made was the
school, pre-school education, pre-primary noun phrase. For example, the phrase
education, and education for early age pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani
child. Although the used terms are dan rohani (physical and spiritual growth
comprehensible, such terms are not the and development) were correctly
commonly used term. translated into ‗physical and spiritual
Another technical term that was growth and development‘ by only 2
commonly mistranslated is koordinasi students (7.6%). Other translations are:
motorik halus dan kasar (fine and gross the growth and development of (the)
motor coordination). Only 34% of the physical and spiritual (38.4%), the
students translated the phrase correctly. growth and expansion of physical and
Mistranslations are: soft motoric and spiritual (7.6%), physical and spiritual
rough coordination, coordination of growth and development (7.6%), growth
delicate and coarse motor, the and development physical and spiritual
coordination between smooth motoric (7.6%), growing and developing the
and rough motoric, soft and coarse motor children‘s physical and spiritual aspect
coordination, sensitive and rough motoric (7.6%), the growing and the development
coordination, fine and hard motor of physical and spiritual, the development
coordination, soft and hard skill, of physical and spiritual, grow and
coordination and smooth and hard developing physical and spiritual, growth

ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9 327

October 2016

and physical and spiritual development, growing and developing the children‘s
growth and develop their physical and physical and spiritual aspect (the word
spiritual, the physical and spiritual ‗aspect‘ should be in plural form), grow
development and growth. and developing physical and spiritual
(parallelism problem with the words
The Indonesian phrase pertumbuhan dan ‗grow‘ and ‗developing‘).
perkembangan jasmani dan rohani Interference of the source language form
consists of pertumbuhan dan occurs in the phrase ‗growth and
perkembangan (growth and development) development physical and spiritual‘
as the head and jasmani dan rohani which uses the Indonesian Head-Modifier
(physical and spiritual) as the modifier. pattern with ‗growth and development‘
From all the translations it can be seen being the head and ‗physical and
that students were aware of the fact that spiritual‘ being the modifier. This
jasmani dan rohani (physical and transferred Indonesian structure of noun
spiritual) modify both pertumbuhan dan phrase causes unreadable and
perkembangan (growth and meaningless English phrase.
development). However, when
expressing in English most students took 3) Other Grammatical Errors
the Head-of-Modifier English pattern but Other grammatical errors students
with incorrect word class of the modifiers commonly made include word class,
such as in ‗the growth and development gerund after preposition, collocation,
of (the) physical and spiritual‘, ‗the subject-verb agreement, wh-clause,
growth and expansion of physical and double predicate (run-on), voice
spiritual‘, ‗the growing and the (active/passive), and fragment (no
development of physical and spiritual‘. predicate).
This is because in Indonesian the words
jasmani (physical or physical being) and An example of error in word class is
rohani (spiritual or spiritual being) can given in the phrase ‗to help the children
serve as noun and adjective without any preparation‘ instead of ‗to help the
change of forms, and students used the children prepare‘.
direct translation of these words in
adjective forms ‗physical‘ and ‗spiritual‘, Students also frequently failed to use
which should not be put in the Head-of- gerund after preposition such as in
Modifier pattern. ‗through give the education‘, ‗the power
of create…‘, ‗in achieve learning‘, etc.
Some students also made wrong choice
of word (diction), for example when Collocation also seems to be a problem,
translating the word perkembangan such as in ‗same with‘, which is the direct
(development) they chose the word transfer or word for word translation of
‗expansion‘; they also chose ‗growing‘ ‗sama dengan‘, instead of the natural
instead of ‗growth‘ for the word ‗same as‘.
pertumbuhan (growth).
It is interesting to see that some students Subject-verb agreement is among the
transposed the phrase, which shows their common errors, such as in ‗the delivery
exploration of varied translation of education which focus on …‘, ‗one
technique, although with occurring kind of education implementation which
problem of number (plurality) and emphasize…‘, ‗primary education which
parallelism. The transposed phrases are: constitute…‘, ‗education that

328 ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9

October 2016

emphasize…‘, ‗education system that pre-requisite of the translation course and

give…‘, etc. strengthened in the translation practice itself.

Students also frequently used incorrect Biodata of Author:

wh-word in their wh-clause, such as in Issy Yuliasri has been a lecturer at
‗the children which grow and develop‘, Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes) since
‗children which are newborn until six 1990. Her research interests cover
years old‘, etc. Translation and ELT. She has contributed in
the writing of ―Alice in a World of
Run-ons with double predicates also Wonderlands: the Translations of Lewis
occur, such as in ‗early childhood Carroll‘s Masterpiece‖ published by Oak
education is addressed for children starts Knoll Press in cooperation with The Lewis
from the newly born to six years old‘. Carroll Society of North America, New
On the other hand, students also made Castle (2015).
fragments or incomplete ‗sentences‘
without predicate such as in ‗expansion References
stages that appropriate with the group age Albir, A.H. 2005. ―Investigating Translation
as included in the ministerial regulation‘. Competence: Conceptual and
Methodological Issues‖ in Meta:
Lastly, error in voice (active-passive journal des traducteurs/ Meta:
form) is also commonly shared such as in Translators' Journal Volume 50,
‗further education which held in formal number 2, April 2005, p. 609-619.
sector‘, ‗primary education which held
before elementary education‘, ‗in some 05/v50/n2/011004ar.html
countries early childhood education Baker, M. 1992. In other Words: A course
implemented since 0-8 years old‘, etc. book in Translation. London and
New York: Routledge Publisher
Conclusion Hatim, B and Jeremy Munday. 2006.
Common linguistic errors in students‘ Translation: An Advanced Resource
Indonesian-English translations have been Book. London and New York:
found and discussed, which include diction, Routledge Publisher
including technical terms, noun phrase, word Nord, C. 2001. Translating as a Purposeful
class, gerund after preposition, number Activity: Functionalist approaches
(singular/plural), collocation, parallelism, explained. Manchester UK and
subject-verb agreement, wh-clause, double Northampton MA: St. Jerome
predicate (run-on), voice (active/passive), Publishing
and fragment (no predicate). It is therefore Pendidikan anak usia dini
recommended that such linguistic items are
highlighted in the teaching of grammar as the an _anak_usia_dini

ISBN 978-602-73769-3-9 329

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